“ | How many lives is the knowledge I possess worth to you? One? Ten? How about a hundred? The lives of these citizens mean nothing to me. Now because of you, these people will suffer. | „ |
~ Morgan Elsbeth threatening Ahsoka Tano. |
“ | Installation of the final hyperdrive has begun. Soon the Eye of Sion will be complete and we shall deliver Grand Admiral Thrawn from his exile in the far galaxy. | „ |
~ Morgan Elsbeth to her enforcers. |
“ | Thrawn: For the Empire. Morgan: For Dathomir. |
„ |
~ Morgan revealing her true allegiance. |
Morgan Elsbeth is the main antagonist of The Mandalorian Season 2 episode The Jedi and Season 1 of the 2023 Disney+ series Ahsoka, and one of the two main protagonists (alongside Barriss Offee) of the 2024 Disney+ series Tales of the Empire.
She is a survivor of General Grievous’ massacre of the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars, which radicalized her into a tyrant who provided equipment for the Galactic Empire's naval forces, working directly under Grand Admiral Thrawn. After the fall of the Empire, she forcibly took over the planet Corvus, hoping to locate the exiled Thrawn and bring him back to reunite the Empire. This led her to become the archenemy of Ahsoka Tano, who sought to find and kill Thrawn to prevent him from starting another war.
She was portrayed by Diana Lee Inosanto and Cathy Ang when she was young.
During her time with the Empire, Thrawn became her master and Morgan became one of his most loyal fanatical followers.
From the beginning, Morgan dabbles in dark magick. She uses this ability in her quest to find Thrawn. Using this skill, Morgan animates a former Inquisitor named Marrok, giving herself another soldier.
After Thrawn disappeared following the liberation of Lothal, Elsbeth somehow became aware of Thrawn's survival and the location of a map that would lead to him. In the years following the defeat of the Galactic Empire at Endor, she went into hiding and became the magistrate of the walled-city of Calodan. She was a cruel magistrate who would imprison and execute locals on a whim.
Tales of the Empire[]
Morgan was present on Dathomir when General Grievous massacred most of the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars. She fought with her mother, Selena who lead a group of Nightsisters against the droid invaders. The forest burned as Nightsisters flee for their lives from the wave of droids from Grievous sweeping through their home.
Morgan takes down several advancing super battle droids with her energy bow and her mother saved her from being killed by one, slicing it in half with her sickles. The Nightsisters prepare to make a last stand in a clearing but were ambushed by Grievous, who impales a Nightsister from behind with one of his lightsabers.
Selena tells her daughter to stay back while she fights Grievous, whispering an incantation to make her blades burn in fiery green magick. It was a quick, flurried, brutal brawl. Despite her Force powers, the energy of the lightsabers heat the magic sickles too much, decimating its magic.
Selena is unable to beat Grievous, who gained the upper hand and damages her sickles. Morgan has her own battle, facing off one-on-one against a commando droid. The droid breaks her bow, leaving her weaponless and she was forced to retreat into the woods more. While fighting, Selena is kicked to the ground and her weapons weakened. Despite her Force powers, Selena screamed a battle cry and blocked Grievous’ attack.
During her last stand, she engages in a blade-lock with Grievous, and as Morgan comes around to help her mother, Selena is stabbed in the torso by a third blade from Grievous’s left arm. A laughing Grievous then cuts down Selena with his three blades. In her final moments and last breath, Selena tells Elsbeth to run. Morgan flees into the woods while Grievous mockingly yells, “Run!” and gives the order to his droid army to wipe out the rest of the Nightsisters.
Elsbeth flees into the forest, pursued by three droid commandos. She eludes her pursuers by hiding on top of a tree. An assassin droid scans the trees and finds Elsbeth, shoots around her to get her to drop to the ground. She evades the droid's blaster bolts and kicks the blaster out of its grip.
The droid then attacks her with its vibrosword, which she dodges and stabbed it with a dagger. The droid commando grabbed her by the neck but Elsbeth retrieves her dagger and stabs the droid through its head, taking it offline. An exhausted Elsbeth collapses to the ground and falls unconscious, while Grievous' army completes their massacre and wiped out the Nightsisters.
Morgan was sadly being one of a few survivors. She survived and the following day, an unconscious Elsbeth is rescued by members of another group of witches, the Mountain Clan who briefly took her in.
She awakes in their cave dwelling and is greeted by the Mountain Clan Matron and an adolescent girl named Nali, who tells her she is under the protection of their clan. Morgan’s facial tattoos then fade from her skin, due to the waning Magick as they were created by the Nightsisters. Without the magick, there were no more tattoos.
As the Matron leads her outside the cave where she sees the Mountain Clan members and their cave dwellings. Gazing at the horizon, Elsbeth sees smoke rising from the burning ruins of the Nightsiser village. The Matron says she is welcome to stay for as long as she wants.
When the Matron touches her shoulder, Elsbeth brushes it away. Overcome by grief, she dropped to her knees and peers over the cliff, with a tear flowing down her left cheek. Later, Elsbeth watches a burning log but is haunted by memories of Grievous's massacre.
While the other Mountain witches feared that Grievous will attack them as well, the matron tells them not to give into fear. She invites Elsbeth to join a mountain witch named Nali for their hunt. While navigating over the rocky terrain, they crouch when several Separatist droid gunships fly by.
Though Nali believes they are safe in the mountains, Elsbeth was skeptical and says that the Mountain Tribe's way of life will not be enough to protect her people. Elsbeth offered to help. Nali was reluctant but Elsbeth asks if she was prepared to let her mother die while knowing she could have done more to prevent it.
After leaving the meeting, Nali finds Elsbeth walking with two other witches. They tell her that Elsbeth has found some weapons and convince her to come along. Elsbeth leads them into a munitions depot where they retrieve several weapons including tomahawks and scimitars, unaware that they were being watched by a probe droid.
After hearing movement from above, Elsbeth and the Mountain witches rushed to the surface only to encounter a droid gunship and several B1 battle droids. The gunship deployed several super battle droids. Elsbeth and the younger witches fight back but found themselves outnumbered and outgunned and Morgan is shot in the shoulder.
The Mountain matron arrives and summons a powerful sphere made of white light energy, which disables the battle droids. Elsbeth helped the elderly matron to her feet. The matron tells Elsbeth not to assume that not wanting to fight means one is not capable of fighting.
The matron attends to her wounded daughter Nali, who apologizes and says that their way is true. The other Mountain witch carries her wounded comrade away. The matron says that Elsbeth has chosen her path and pities her for what is to come. They then walk away, leaving Elsbeth behind alone in the burning woods.
The grief drove her to become bitter, vindictive and ruthless, giving her a desire to make other civilizations suffer like hers had. Growing up in the Era of the Empire, she became an industrialist and was instrumental in providing natural resources equipment needed for the construction of the Imperial Navy which Morgan plundered from various worlds.
Elsbeth later visited the forest planet Corvus and promised the people of Calodan wealth and progress and they elected her their magistrate. She helped the people create factories and constructed a wall around the city and the citizens worked day and night for profits and a better future.
Among others, Elsbeth drafted the designs of the TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter, which she brought to the Empire's attention in a presentation hosted on Coruscant. Morgan promotes the new starfighters to several Imperial Navy officers, telling them that they are more maneuverable, have better fuel consumption and better deflector shields. Moff Isdain opines that the costs are astronomical and asked about the feasibility of their production.
Elsbeth replies that her factory base is on Corvus, a planet rich in raw goods and materials. She says that the Corvus system is rich in resources. Isdain declines her proposal, explaining that the Empire was more interested in exploiting these systems' resources and that they were never interested in her starfighter proposal. Isdain suggested she return to Corvus and prepare for the Galactic Empire's revival. Elsbeth was disappointed but maintains her resolve. Although Captain Pellaeon showed interest in the starfighter and praised her for her work.
Elsbeth explained that the interior twin ion engines are inefficient for the amount of power that the TIE Defender needs, saying it is simple logic. Morgan is concerned that the Empire is going to steal her designs and resources.
Pellaeon responded that he was interested in her knowledge and creativity. Pellaeon explains that his superior sent him to these meetings to search for talent. He then asked why Elsbeth wants to land her talents and vision to the Empire. She replies it is for the glory of the Empire. Pellaeon thanked the Magistrate before leaving.
When Morgan returned to Calodan, she was met by several villagers including Wing, who asked about the success of her mission. Elsbeth explains that the meeting did not succeed because the Empire was only interested in their resources rather than bringing them work and prosperity.
Wing confronted Elsbeth about her promise that the Empire would make things better for them. She countered that when she found their village they were nothing but a rotting backwater world. She reminded them that she built their fortifications and strengthened them to run their systems.
An Aqualish grumbles that they let Elsbeth run their lives. He says that they worked for that success. A woman says that she promised them wealth and they sacrificed much for her. When the Aqualish accuses Elsbeth of lying, she counters that everything comes with a cost. HK-87 assassin droids escort Elsbeth to her compound as the villagers respond with anger and denounce her as a witch.
Later that night, Elsbeth says to her HK guard she is hurt that the people have turned on her after what she has done for them. She renounces them as her people, regarding them as ungrateful. Shortly later, Elsbeth and her HK-87 guard were attacked by the Noghri assassin Rukh, who cuts down the droid with his electrostaff. Elsbeth then fights back with her beskar spear. The two battle on top of the battlements but neither side were able to gain the upper hand.
Below, the villagers watch. A woman suggested calling the guards but Wing overrules her. Following a prolonged fight, Rukh knocked the spear out of Elsbeth's hands. But before he can deliver a killing blow, she dodges him and pushes his weapon away. Retrieving her spear, she fights Rukh in a second round and knocked his electrostaff out of her hand. Elsbeth demanded to know who sent him at spear point. But Rukh maintains a defiant silence.
Pelleaon arrives and compliments Elsbeth for her combat skills. He apologizes for the theatrics, saying that the Empire wanted to be sure she could handle herself. Pellaeon dismisses Rukh, who departs with a grunt. Elsbeth asked if she was testing him. Pellaeon then leaves but not before ushering his superior Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn says that Elsbeth is one of the last Nightsisters and was curious about her skills.
Elsbeth offered to display her combat skills. Thrawn says that his interest is based on admiration and ambition. When Elsbeth asked who she is, he introduces himself as Admiral Thrawn. He explains that Pellaeon had informed him about her presentation and how she was upended by Moff Isdain.
Elsbeth and Isdain agreed that Isdain is short-sighted. Thrawn describes the Empire as a magnificent construct with vulnerabilities. While many of his colleagues think on a grand scale, they overlook small problems which fester into big ones. Thrawn seeked Elsbeth's help in combating the growing Rebellion.
When Elsbeth complained the Empire was only interested in exploiting Corvus's resources, Thrawn agrees this is short-sighted. While her designs are brilliant, he says they are not cost-effective. Thrawn says that the Empire trades lives for profits, which he predicts will create a weak and disillusioned military.
Thrawn says this will lead to decline. Elsbeth asked why should they care about Imperial decline. Thrawn responds that Elsbeth lied about being motivated by Imperial glory. He says some like Isdain are motivated by greed, others by power, and all by ambitions of power.
Thrawn asked Elsbeth why she seeks Imperial favor. Hearing the angry roar of the crowd, Elsbeth says that she is motivated by revenge. She explained that her people experienced genocide years ago, causing their culture and beliefs to fade. Elsbeth says that she seeks power to destroy their enemies, adding that her anger gives her strength. She offers this strength to the Empire and Thrawn accepts the offer.
Gazing at the three Star Destroyers hovering above, Elsbeth asked if this is Isdain's fleet. Thrawn replies this was a portion of her fleet. Wing and the other villagers regard the arrival of the Imperial fleet as a sign of Elsbeth's victory. Elsbeth smiles as she gazes into the night sky.
After the fall of the Empire, Nadura, now an ambassador of the New Republic, returned to her homeworld accompanied by several soldiers to bring Elsbeth to trial for her crimes. By that time, her army had grown including scout guards, HK-87 assassin droids of the Empire, and the magistrate was rarely leaving her palace, instead having her troopers torture any dissident villagers in shock cages outside her walls.
Despite the grueling conditions Nadura was determined to bring change to Corvus and demanded a meeting with Elsbeth. When Nadura asks what Magistrate Elsbeth has done, Wing says she has not been seen for a long time but her guards keep them working night and day. Nadura says she would like to speak with Magistrate Elsbeth but Wing is pessimistic. Nadura insists on speaking with Elsbeth, and enters her gated residence. Magistrate Elsbeth and one of her droids approach the newcomers.
When Elsbeth asks about their business, Nadura explained that she has come on behalf of the New Republic to bring a petition to the New Republic Senate for the planet Corvus to become a member world. As Elsbeth gazes down at the fish in the pool, Nadura explains that the New Republic is willing to accept in return for Elsbeth resigning and relinquishing her control over the local systems.
Nadura warns that if she doesn't comply, they will have to arrest her. She asks Elsbeth to leave peacefully. Elsbeth responds by asking Nadura about how she knows what the people want. Elsbeth was familiar with Nadura, recalling that she left several years ago because she did not like working in their factories.
Nadura responded that she had no intention of laboring for Elsbeth and her so-called "fair" wages. Nadura criticizes Elsbeth for enslaving the people of Corvus. Elsbeth responds that she cannot stop what has begun, adding that she had a vision and she will fulfill her destiny.
Nadura is unwilling to allow that to happen. Elsbeth asks Nadura if she is willing to back up that statement but Wing pleads for peace. Nadura implores Elsbeth to step down willingly and turn herself in. Nadura offers to help Elsbeth get a fair trial and pleads with her not to set the world on fire. Elsbeth counters that her world has been burning since she was a child. She then asks why this world should be any different.
Following a tense moment, Elsbeth orders her guards to kill Nadura and her delegation. Scout guards shoot two of the New Republic soldiers stationed outside the compound. One of Nadura's guards stays behind to hold Elsbeth back so that Nadura and the surviving soldiers can escape the compound before the gates close. Elsbeth spares Wing since he serves as a liaison with his people. Nadura tells R8 via comlink to send a distress signal. Elsbeth and her guards exited the compound in pursuit of Nadura, who is fleeing through the streets, having lost her guards.
Nadura reaches the gate and runs towards her starship. However, the scout guards fire timed explosives onto the ship's hull, destroying the vessel. As a display of power, Elsbeth's scout guards use flamethrowers to destroy the surrounding forest, much to the dismay of the people of Calodan. Addressing the population, Elsbeth claims that she is protecting them. She tells them that they will work night and day as part of an effort to save the galaxy from ruin.
Wing approaches the dying Nadura, who tells him to be brave no matter how dark things can be. As the comlink beeps, Nadura reassures Wing that help will come and tells him to do his part, even no matter how small. Wing hears Bo-Katan Kryze's voice on the comlink. Before he can answer, Elsbeth destroys the comlink with her beskar spear. Elsbeth tells Wing that nobody will be coming as two scout guards haul him back to the village.
The Mandalorian[]
She hired the ex-military mercenary Lang to be her Captain of the Guard. She held many resources, including a shipyard, which aids in her work against the fledgling New Republic.
Learning that Elsbeth knew of Grand Admiral Thrawn's location, the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano came to Calodan to obtain Thrawn's location. As Thrawn was bent on not being found, Elsbeth sent her troops to kill Ahsoka.
She defeated them and demanded to know where Thrawn was hiding. Elsbeth refused stating she will get nothing from her and began imprisoning and killing locals in retaliation. When the Mandalorian Din Djarin came searching for Ahsoka, Elsbeth tried to persuade him to kill Ahsoka in exchange for a Beskar spear.
“ | Now tell me...where is your master? Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn? | „ |
~ Ahsoka to Elsbeth. |
When Ahsoka and Djarin returned to the city to confront Elsbeth, she ordered her troopers to kill all the citizens before engaging Ahsoka in combat with the Beskar spear, which Ahsoka was unable to fend off through with her lightsabers. Elsbeth lunged at Tano who quickly blocked her spear with one of her lightsabers before blocking a second strike with the same blade. Having not moved any closer to one another, Tano and Elsbeth began to pace perpendicular to one another, looking for an opening in each other's defenses.
With Elsbeth lunging at her, Tano blocked another one of Elsbeth's strikes, now with both lightsabers as the two exchanged several more blows as the fight intensified. Starting to go on the offensive, Tano executed several strikes against Elsbeth's beskar spear before having to dodge two of Elsbeth's oncoming strikes. Switching positions, Tano went back on the offensive as Elsbeth blocked a strike from both of her lightsabers and entering into a saber lock that resulted in Elsbeth being pushed back by Tano's brute strength.
With Elsbeth having launched a strike at her throat, Tano was forced to dodge as Elsbeth quickly began aiming for her legs causing Tano to slowly walk backwards, blocking each one of her strikes before Elsbeth swept for her legs, forcing Tano to perform a front flip. Going back on the offensive, Elsbeth and Tano entered into a brief saber-lock before Tano executed a strike at Elsbeth, leading her to duck below Tano's oncoming strike. Staggered for a brief moment, Elsbeth managed to knock one of Tano's blades out of her hand and into a small body of water nearby.
Now armed with only her shoto lightsaber, Tano slowly backed up before putting her single remaining blade into a reverse grip and attempted to regain her breath as she slowly pushed Elsbeth back. As Tano launched several heavy strikes, Elsbeth continued to parry them before unsuccessfully attempting to sweep Tano's leg, giving Tano the upper hand and allowing her to grab Elsbeth's weapon with her free hand and throw it to the ground. Putting her saber up to Elsbeth's throat, Tano asked her one last time where her master, Grand Admiral Thrawn, was located.
After a dangerous duel, Ahsoka defeated the magistrate and forced her to give up the location of her master Thrawn, while the Mandalorian easily shot down Elsbeth’s mercenary Lang after a long Mexican standoff. Although she didn't know exactly where Thrawn was, Morgan told Ahsoka of a star map on the planet Arcana.
After Ahsoka defeated Elsbeth, she was removed from power and the previous magistrate Wing (who had helped Djarin and Ahsoka overthrow her) was reinstated. Afterwards, Elsbeth was arrested for being an Imperial sympathizer, but her shadowed forces were at work to release her.
Morgan was transferred to a New Republic transport on route to Coruscant to face trial for her war crimes. However, Morgan had hired mercenaries and fallen Jedi Baylan Skoll and his dark apprentice Shin Hati to free her and attacked the ship while killing all on board.
Skoll used the Force to open Morgan's prison cell and free her from her binds. She explained that Ahsoka had knowledge that would lead to Thrawn's location. Elsbeth then went to the planet Arcana with Skoll, Hati, and a former Inquisitor named Marrok where they saw the smoky ruins of a former stronghold recently destroyed because of Ahsoka's actions. Shin asked what the stronghold was originally, with Morgan saying it was constructed by her ancestors; revealing that she was a Nightsister of Dathomir.
Disturbed, Shin questioned if she was a witch, with Morgan stating she was a survivor. After searching the ruins, Skoll and Marrok came back and said that Ahsoka must have the Starmap. Morgan ordered Shin to go to Lothal to find Ahsoka's former apprentice Sabine Wren who sensed that she had the map. Hati was hesitant to follow her orders until Skoll told her to do as Elsbeth said. After giving her orders, Morgan then began walking in the direction of the destroyed stronghold.
After Hati retrieved the Starmap from Lothal, she and Baylan traveled to a sacred ruin site on the planet Seatos. Skoll placed the star map on a pedestal in the center of the site and instructed Hati to contact Morgan that they had the orb. Morgan arrived on the planet escorted by HK guards. Skoll remarked that the ruins were not built by the Jedi and questioned who built them.
Elsbeth explained that an ancient people (Dathomiri) from a distant galaxy built them and asked if the two would like to see it. She then walked to the central pedestal and manipulated the sphere containing the map without touching it by using Magick. A green flame elevated the sphere, and it opened projecting an image of their galaxy as a holographic round dome emerged from the perimeter of the dais and surrounded the site.
The star map then projected a golden beam of light between a crescent shape carved into the top of one of the stone slabs. Pointing to another galaxy at the top of the sphere, Elsbeth said that was where Grand Admiral Thrawn was banished.
Skoll noted the map led to the Pathway to Peridea, which he thought was a Jedi fairy tale. Elsbeth confirmed that the stories contained some truths. She then heard a strange voice calling out to her from across time and space, believing it to be Thrawn. Though whether her powers were growing or are simply being revealed for the first time remained a mystery.
She then deactivated the map and commanded Skoll and Hati to ensure that everything was ready for the arrival of the Eye of Sion, a massive circular hyperspace transport ring, powerful enough to carry personnel on extragalactic journeys. She also jammed all communications in the Denab system. Her former shipyards on Corellia had stripped Super Star Destroyers of their hyperdrive cores for use in the Eye of Sion and she sent her mercenaries to retrieve them.
Aboard the command bridge of the Eye, Elsbeth spoke to her three mercenaries through hologram that the hyperdrives were being installed as they spoke and they would be able to deliver Thrawn from his exile in the far off galaxy. She questioned if Ahsoka had caused them trouble on Corellia.
Hati thought that they had made a clean escape and that Tano would not be able to track them here. Elsbeth then asked Skoll what he saw and the mercenary meditated in the Force and said that Ahsoka's presence in the Force was elusive but that she was coming. Morgan says nothing can prevent their journey from reaching Thrawn. Skoll lamented that he would have to kill one of the last remaining Jedi, before ending the hologram transmission.
Without knowing they had been tracked, Ahsoka, Sabine and their droid Huyang entered the Denab system in their Jedi shuttle. As they approached the planet Seatos, Shin and Marrok led a starfighter squadron against Tano and Wren, and attempted to destroy their shuttle at Morgan's command.
After dealing with several ships, the three were finally made aware of the Eye of Sion 's existence as they flew towards it. Hati contacted Morgan who was on the bridge and warned the Jedi were approaching fast. Elsbeth was disappointed with Hati for letting the intruders get this far but vows to deal with them. She tells Hati and her starfighters to steer clear and ordered the navigator droids to prepare the Turbolasers.
Morgan successfully disabled the Jedi ship just as Huyang completed his scan of the vessel, but failed to destroy it. She received a report that the shuttle was off the hyperspace ring's scope. Hati then mocked Elsbeth by sarcastically congratulating her for almost getting them.
Morgan then went to the planet with Skoll and received conformation from the two mercenaries that they found Ahsoka and Sabine. Elsbeth then activated the map by touching it, with hyperspace coordinates beginning calculation, and boarded the Eye of Sion. As she left, Baylan muttered ro himself that this is "witchcraft."
After landing on Seatos to locate the map’s reflux point, Ahsoka and Sabine were ambushed by Shin and Marrok. The former was pursued by Sabine, while the latter fought and was killed by Ahsoka. As Marrok died, he was revealed to be nothing more than an undead product of Morgan’s Magicks.
Ahsoka then dueled Baylan at the reflux point as the coordinates to Peridea were transmitted to Morgan aboard the Eye of Sion. Baylan pushed Ahsoka off the cliff to her apparent death, forcing Sabine to surrender to the two Dark Jedi. Baylan offered Sabine the chance to come with them to Peridea so she could see Ezra Bridger again, which she reluctantly accepted.
Hera Syndulla and a squadron of X-Wings then arrived to intercept the Eye of Sion, but Morgan ordered her crew to simply ignore them and proceed with the jump. The jump created a massive shockwave that destroyed all of the Republic ships except the Ghost and one of the X-Wings. The Eye 's jump left a rip in subspace visible in the Denab system.
While the Eye traveled through the Path to Peridea, Morgan questioned Baylan if he intended to keep his promise to Sabine about seeing Ezra Bridger again. Skoll responded that she was impatient but could still be of use to them. Arriving in orbit above Peridea, Morgan explained to Baylan and Shin that it was the Dathomiri’s original homeworld, with Baylan adding that it was a purrgil graveyard.
As they make their way through the rings around the planet, they are surrounded by bones. Moments later, one of the navigator droids informed Elsbeth that they were receiving a beacon from the surface of the planet, leading Elsbeth to suggest that they should not keep the witches waiting.
Landing on the surface, Morgan and her party met the Great Mothers of Peridea, three Nightsister clan mothers atop their fortress. The Dathomiri witches praised Elsbeth calling her a child of Dathomir and that she did their ancestors credit. Morgan stated their visions had guided them across the stars to Peridea. She then asked where Thrawn was and one of the witches responded he would arrive soon and she would wait. They sensed Sabine as a Jedi and immediately ordered her imprisoned. Morgan then saw the fortresses' catacombs before summoning Thrawn, who docked the Chimaera above their fortress.
Thrawn descended from the ship, flanked by Captain Enoch of his assembled Night Trooper legion. Thrawn congratulated Elsbeth, promising soon that his forces and the coven would all escape their exile thanks to her efforts. Morgan proclaimed that she would always be Thrawn's servant.
Thrawn then introduced Enoch and stated that he would begin a cargo transfer onto the Chimera as part of his agreement with the Dathomiri coven. Elsbeth tells Thrawn that she has seen the catacombs and that it will take at least three rotations and Thrawn said this is an acceptable time frame.
When Klothow said Morgan had brought a prisoner with them, Thrawn questioned why the witches had not foreseen it, but Baylan interjected his belief that Wren could be of some use to them. She then introduced Baylan and Shin to Thrawn who recognized the former Jedi. Inside the Nightsister Fortress, Morgan stood watch as Thrawn met with Sabine Wren.
Thrawn ultimately honored Baylan’s agreement and freed Sabine of her restraints. As Wren rode away on a Howler, Skoll, Hati, Elsbeth, and Thrawn watched her departure from a balcony. Thrawn then revealed that the only reason he let Sabine go was so that she could lead him to Ezra so that Baylan and Shin could kill them both simultaneously.
Back inside, Elsbeth and Thrawn looked at a holographic map of their galaxy. Enoch arrived shortly afterwards and notified Thrawn that mercenaries had went after Sabine. Thrawn ordered two squads to support the dark mercenaries at his signal. Elsbeth suggests sending more troops, but Thrawn refuses, citing his force's dwindling numbers in the past years. As Enoch leaves, Thrawn tells Elsbeth that it did not ultimately matter whether Wren and Bridger were left stranded on Peridea or died, and that the same was true for Skoll and Hati.
The Great Mothers later announce to Thrawn that a Jedi is coming to Peridea. Thrawn asks Elsbeth if the Jedi could be Tano, who was regarded as deceased after her duel with Skoll. Though Elsbeth regards this as impossible as Skoll assured her of Tano's death, Thrawn maintains that Elsbeth should not have underestimated a Jedi and that death was a common deception among both them and Nightsisters. Thrawn asserts that they should regard Skoll's judgement as flawed, as he was once a Jedi, and that they would consider Tano alive until they knew otherwise. Thrawn requests to know everything about Tano, including her history, homeworld and master.
In the Nightsister fortress, Thrawn was informed that a T-6 class Jedi shuttle was among the pod of arriving Purrgils, confirming that Ahsoka was alive after all. Elsbeth then hands Thrawn a datapad with all the information the Inquisitorial database has on Tano. Thrawn then asks Enoch whether he was sure there is only one starship with Enoch answering there is only one and that their fighters have pursued it into the debris field. Thrawn tells Enoch to withdraw the starfighters and have them stand by.
Elsbeth questions why not allow the fighters to follow but Thrawn said there is no need to waste their resources. However, Elsbeth says they will lose them in the debris field without pursuit. Thrawn said she is right, and Jedi are very good at hiding, for they have been practicing for years. Thrawn then tells Elsbeth they are getting to know their adversary, and Tano will be unpredictable and dangerous if she resembles her Master. Thrawn said they will be one step ahead of Tano no matter which direction she takes.
Later in the chamber, Elsbeth stood as the Great Mothers appeared and used their Magicks to locate Tano by using a tracking spell while Morgan chants an incantation. Their combined magicks managed to find Ahsoka and Thrawn ordered Enoch to bombard the Jedi's shuttle. Elsbeth stood by Thrawn as he compliments Captain Enoch on a job well done.
Baylan and Shin managed to find Ezra and Sabine's location and sent the information back to Enoch. The Captain informs Thrawn and Elsbeth about the Jedi's location. The Grand Admiral dispatches two gunships to assist the mercenaries. Unaware of Skoll's true intentions, Thrawn tells Elsbeth that if Lord Baylan proves capable, they may yet win the day and battle.
Back at the fortress, Thrawn orders the two teams to use counter-encirclement tandem after Ahsoka joined the battle. Though Elsbeth is confident of victory, Thrawn notices that Skoll is missing from the battle. Watching the battle grid, Thrawn speaks favorably for the combat skills of his Jedi opponents. He orders that the gunships be recalled and terminates the aerial pursuit. Elsbeth is surprised but Thrawn explains that these are unfortunate but acceptable losses in the absence of Lord Baylan.
Thrawn thought that in the grand scheme of things, this fight with Tano was a success. Elsbeth disagrees, saying that she only sees their enemies reunited. Thrawn reveals that the skirmish was a distraction from his plan to transfer the cargo from the Nightsister catacombs aboard the Chimaera. Thrawn said that they will soon be able to leave the forsaken world once the cargo transfer is completed. He surmises to Morgan that Tano has lost time and that time is on their side now and that he will keep it that way.
The cargo transfer was eventually complete and Elsbeth reported it to Thrawn. The Grand Admiral ordered the captain to bring the Eye of Sion down from high orbit so that it could interlock with the Chimaera. In the interests of stalling the enemy, the Great Mothers decide to reward Morgan for her devotion to the cause, imbuing her with a wellspring of Nightsister Magick.
Morgan’s face was altered during the ceremony, with her eyes becoming all black and receives shadowy facial markings, which seem to signify increased abilities. The Mothers rewarded Morgan for her help and loyalty. By doing so, she honored her Dathomirian heritage in an immeasurable fashion. Elsbeth’s transformation makes her not only look more like other Nightsisters, but also infuses her with a similar kind of communal magick she couldn’t access beforehand.
For her actions, and likely her belief, the Great Mothers also gifted Morgan the Blade of Talzin after Morgan pledged her life to the Sisterhood and its old ways. The three Mothers then use their powers to forge a sword called the Blade of Talzin. They gift the sword to Elsbeth, who clutches it, causing the blade to burn green with flames.
Later at the Chimera, Elsbeth and the Great Mothers bless several Night Troopers before the impending ground assault. The troopers had been made aware that they would serve Thrawn — and the Empire — even in death due to Nightsister Magicks. Thrawn says that this is for the Galactic Empire and for the security of their galaxy.
As Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra neared the Dathomiri fortress, a navigator droid informs Thrawn, Elsbeth, and Enoch that com-scan is tracking two targets coming from the north. Thrawn orders his forces to bombard the Jedi and Wren, saying that there will be no reasoning with Skywalker's apprentice. Morgan tells Thrawn the ship is ready to leave as the battle rages on. Thrawn, Morgan, the Great Mothers, and their forces begin boarding the Eye of Sion while the Jedi begin making their way to Thrawn.
Upon determining that the Jedi would reach the ship before lift-off, Thrawn reluctantly asks Morgan to remain and delay the Jedi while he and the Great Mothers make their escape. Elsbeth says she understands and bows silently. While Thrawn declared such an action would be in the name of the Empire, she whispered to herself it was for Dathomir. The Grand Admiral then took his leave followed by Enoch then the Great Mothers who bowed as they passed by her. Morgan then exited the Star Destroyer's hangar and returned inside the fortress.
When the Jedi finally reached the top, they ran into Morgan inside a large chamber. The Great Mothers had made her like them and she now wielded the Sword of Talzin. She pulls out her sword igniting the Blade of Talzin with green flames. While her troops fought Wren and Bridger, Elsbeth personally fought Tano for her revenge. With the sword being a relic of the Nightsisters, she was able to quickly master the weapon.
Ahsoka faced Morgan alone, instructing Sabine and Ezra to stop Thrawn. Wren protested, but Ahsoka remained firm. After Sabine and Bridger circumnavigate Elsbeth, she and Tano engage in a duel. Tano fights with both her lightsabers while Elsbeth fights with her magical sword who puts up a fierce fight. Lady Morgan had a chance to wield the deadly Blade of Talzin while Ahsoka threw everything she had at her opponent. During their duel, Elsbeth advances on Tano. The undead Night Troopers then joined Elsbeth in her battle against the Jedi. Their battle naturally carries over across multiple locations in the tower.
Tano fights with Elsbeth at the peak of the fortress. She manages to damage one of her white lightsabers while the Night Troopers converge around them. Elsbeth gains the upper hand and taunts Tano that her friends are dead and that she will die on Peridea alone. Wren disagrees and attacked the Night Troopers with her lightsaber with Morgan yelling at her troops to kill her. This causes a reinvigorated Tano to resume the duel.
After parrying, Ahsoka is able to knock the breath out of Morgan and took the blade of Talzin from her grasp. Ahsoka then uses both of her own lightsaber and the blade of Talzin to slice open the Nightsister in the waist, killing her. Even though she died, Elsbeth's hopes to support Dathomir were fulfilled when Thrawn delivered the Great Mothers to Dathomir with their caskets in order to revive the Dathomiri people.
- For her reprisal of Morgan Elsbeth in Ahsoka, Diana Lee Inosanto found inspiration on Julius Caesar and Catherine the Great for Elsbeth's imposing stature and mannerisms.
- Morgan is the first known human member of the Nightsisters in Star Wars.
- Morgan serves a similar role to Arihnda Pryce, being a high-ranking female Imperial serving Thrawn who is noticeably more sadistic than him and dies after being left behind by him. A major difference is that Morgan had the power of the Force while Arihnda did not; another divergence is that Elsbeth died in combat, whereas Pryce refused to be rescued as she opted to die for the Empire, even if needlessly.
- Morgan Elsbeth's first name may be a reference to Morgan le Fay, King Arthur's sorceress sister from the Arthurian legend, who interestingly taught the wife of the Knight Marrok (who shares the same name with one of Elsbeth's servants) how to transform her husband into a wolf.
External Links[]
- Morgan Elsbeth on the Star Wars Wiki