List of staff members of Royal Woods Elementary School. Members[]Principal Huggins[]
Cheryl Farrell[]
Mrs. Johnson[]
Coach Pacowski[]
Nurse Patti[]
Miss Allegra[]
Miss Allegra is a minor character in The Loud House. She is a first-grade teacher in Royal Woods Elementary School, the former teacher of Lana and Lola Loud, and the current teacher of Lisa Loud. Appearance[]Miss Allegra is a tall woman with fair skin, long light brown hair and long nose. She wears red lipstick, big golden earrings, a cyan scarf (dark blue in live-action), cream short-sleeved shirt, black belt, wide orange trousers, and white slip-on shoes with thick soles. Biography[]Miss Allegra is first heard in "Community Disservice". When Lola brings Ramos over to the first-grade classroom, she makes a dramatic entrance as Miss Allegra is doing roll-call. Later, Miss Allegra chaperones a field trip to Dairyland and sends photos to Rita Loud. She makes her first appearance in "Sister Act", where she is doing a math lesson and calls on Lana to solve a math problem. The twins disguise themselves as each other, and Lola solves the math problem. However, when Lola accidentally curtseys, Miss Allegra makes a remark that causes the twins to panic about their ruse being exposed, but Lola saves face by making armpit farts. In "School of Shock", Miss Allegra has Lisa and her former kindergarten classmates as students, but is so annoyed at Lisa's know-it-all attitude that she surrenders her position as first-grade teacher to Lisa and rants about how the Louds, especially Lola, have been annoyances. She eventually returns upon seeing her students endangered by a dinosaur Lisa had made, and tames Dolly the dinosaur, making Lisa realize the importance of connecting with one's students. Personality[]Miss Allegra is normally a kind-hearted woman who wants her students to succeed. She seeks to connect with her students, often by playing ukulele and giving her students juice boxes to cheer them up. However, she has been emotionally drained at having to teach the Louds, especially Lola, whom she used to consider as the worst Loud she had to teach before she met Lisa. Gallery[]Sister Act[]School of Shock[]
Love Stinks[]Sales Forced[]Ms. DiMartino[]
Ms. DiMartino is a minor character of The Loud House. She first appeared in the episode "Study Muffin". ​Biography[]Ms. DiMartino is a substitute teacher who was hired by Mrs. Johnson, after she broke her leg riding a mechanical bull. Her attractive looks proved to be a major obstacle to all of the male students, including Lincoln and Clyde. Ms. DiMartino is so attractive, that all the boys would lose focus and immediately swoon over her. These distractions caused Lincoln to fail his last test. Lincoln learns from Lisa that if he wants to succeed, all he has to do is simply NOT look at her. Ms. DiMartino allows Lincoln to retake the test, but he takes it in his locker to avoid her being in his field of vision. Lincoln finally aces his test, and discovers that Ms. DiMartino is no longer substituting, as Mrs. Johnson is back. When Lincoln claims that he won't get to see Ms. DiMartino in his classroom again, he discovers that she is now Lincoln's gym teacher, due to Coach Pacowski getting his leg broken after Mrs. Johnson ran over it with her wheelchair. ​Appearance[]Ms. DiMartino has a slender figure body, with tan skin and has long dark brown hair that goes all the way down to her waist. She wears hooped earrings, similar to Leni's, only golden, a pink buttoned shirt with a white collar with the sleeves rolled up, a red skirt, and black high heel shoes. She also wears red lipstick. ​Trivia[]
Gallery[]Study Muffin[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Norm[]
Norm is a minor character in The Loud House. He is the janitor at Royal Woods Elementary School. Biography[]Not much is known about him before "Teachers' Union". Near the end, he comes to Lincoln's 5th grade classroom to clean up before catching his eyes on Mrs. Johnson. In "Absent Minded", he appears as the boys are trying to clean the bathroom in order to stay quiet about Clyde's attendance. It was also revealed that back in April 2012 that a toilet exploded and flooded the school causing the school to be closed and Norm to take a leave of absence. Appearance[]He is a tall and slim man. He has light brunette hair, thick black eyebrows, and heavy bags under his eyes. He wears a navy blue janitor uniform, with rolled up sleeves, a blue cap, black belt, and white shoes. Gallery[]Teachers' Union[]Absent Minded[]Tails of Woe[]Sand Hassles[]Panoramas[]Mr. Pulitzer[]
Mr. Pulitzer is a minor unseen character in The Loud House. He is a teacher in Royal Woods Elementary School. He awarded Kristen a slide whistle for winning recess bingo. Ms. Shrinivas[]
Ms. Shrinivas is a minor character in The Loud House. She is a kindergarten teacher at Royal Woods Elementary School, and is the former teacher of Lisa, Darcy, and their peers. Biography[]Ms. Shrinivas is the teacher of Lisa whose first appearance was in "Making the Grade". Since she teaches kindergarten, she's shown to be a kind woman who speaks in a soft and simple tone so her students can understand. After her students catch strep throat, she asks Lisa for her antidote. After Lisa refuses because of Lincoln, Ms. Shrinivas scolds Lincoln for it, showing that she's very concerned for her students. Ms. Shrinivas reappears in "Friend or Faux?", where she gives Lisa an A in everything except for social skills. However, this changes when Lisa befriends Darcy. Appearance[]She has a slender figure body, with dark tan skin, and short black shoulder length hair. She has three pairs of eyelashes and red lipstick. She wears a cream-colored shirt, a light green sweater, a dark reddish skirt, small white pearl earrings, and black slip-on shoes. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Making the Grade[]Friend or Faux?[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Superintendent Chen[]
Superintendent Chen is an minor character in The Loud House. She works as the school superintendent of Royal Woods' schools. Biography[]Superintendent Chen first appeared in "The Write Stuff", dealing with Principal Huggins trying to make the elementary school rating perfect. She considers his latest one mediocre and leaves to "destroy" more principals that work for her. When Principal Huggins catches up to Rita and the rest of the writing club, both Rita and Principal Huggins were surprised when Superintendent Chen was a patron. She then claims that she was impressed with the writing done by the writing club, and improves the rating of the school. In "Cooked!," Superintendent Chen appears as a patron at the grand opening of Lynn's Table when Lana started her pet menu promotion. She and two other people she was sitting with were seen with some cats. She returns in "Tough Cookies", impressed by Lincoln and Clyde's cookies. As Superintendent Chen has a sweet tooth, it was mentioned by Principal Huggins that she hates store bought cookies. Appearance[]She is a tall and slim Asian woman with black hair. She has black hair that she wears in a bub, two pairs of eyelashes, and wears red lipstick. She wears gold earrings, a white formal shirt, blue-gray jeans, and black slip-on shoes. In The Burnt Bean coffee shop, she wears an orange shirt which says "Burnt Bean". Trivia[]
Gallery[]The Write Stuff[]
Cooked![]Tough Cookies[]GIF[]Panoramas[]Mr. Sayers[]
Mr. Sayers is a minor character in The Loud House. He is a second-grade teacher in Royal Woods Elementary School, and one of Lana and Lola Loud's teachers. Gallery[]Love Stinks[]Former members[]Rita Loud[]
In "The Write Stuff", Rita enlists herself as the head of the Writing Club after hearing about Principal Huggins's actions. She ends up defying his rules for the club, inspiring the students with fun, though Superintendent Chen suggests that she and Huggins run the club together. It is unknown if Rita has ever resumed this position. Live-Action Exclusive[]
Royal Woods Elementary School/Staff