The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

This page shows all of Nacho's different attires he has worn throughout the series.

Various Seasons

Image Episode(s) Description
Nacho wearing a aviator's hat and flying goggles
"One in a Million" and "Weather or Not" He wears a aviator's hat and flying goggles.

Season 4

Nacho Lincoln Shirt
"Room and Hoard" Nacho wears one of Lincoln's smaller orange polos.
Nacho Bike Gear
He wears a purple helmet and a pair of sunglasses in addition to the shirt.

Season 6

Nacho Hazmat Suit
"Hiccups and Downs" He wears a hazmat suit.

Season 7

Nacho Lola's Dress
"Fluff and Foiled" He wears Lola's usual attire.
Nacho Underwear
"Leave No Van Behind" He wears white underwear with red bands.
Nacho wearing a blue bike helmet
"Dread of the Class" He wears a blue bike helmet.

Season 8

Nacho wearing a burnt coffee brown suit
"Weather or Not" He wears a burnt coffee brown with a red it and white undershirt.
Nacho wearing a I Love NJ hat
He wears a white I Love NJ hat.
Nacho wearing a brown hat
He wears a brown hat with his suit.
Nacho wearing a hotdog costume
"Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind" He wears a hotdog suit.
v - e - d Character Costumes