The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

This page shows all of Leni Loud's different attires she has worn throughout the series, excluding her normal outfit.

Various Seasons

Image Episode(s) Description
Various episodes Leni's sleep attire simply consists of a nightgown, which resembles her regular outfit, only longer and sleeveless with white trimming on the collar. She also wears a magenta sleep mask with a picture of closed eyes on it.
Leni wears a pink coat, a green beanie, dark pink gloves, a white and red scarf, dark pink tights and green winter boots.
"One of the Boys", "A Tattler's Tale", "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck" Sometimes, she wears the same sleepwear except with her sleep mask colored periwinkle.
"The Green House", "Chore and Peace", "One of the Boys" and "Schooled!" She wears a green and white bathrobe with white slippers.
"Linc or Swim", "Raw Deal", "No Such Luck" and "Summer Special" Her swim attire is a two-piece green tube top with a skirt and a swim cap with a white bow on it.
"Ruthless People", "How Double Dare You!", "Doom Service", The Loud House Movie, Guessing Games, "Summer Special" and The Missing Linc In these episodes, her swim attire is different. Her skirt was swapped for a bikini bottom with white puffs near her legs, she has her sunglasses, and also lacks the swim cap and sandals.
"Pulp Friction", "Kings of the Con" and "Deuces Wild" (comic and short) She cosplays as "The 11 of Hearts" during Lincoln and Clyde's superhero fantasy. Her outfit is based on the playing card of hearts.
"Along Came a Sister" and The Many Faces of Lincoln Loud During Clyde's flashback, Leni appears wearing a flamingo costume for Halloween.
"Garage Banned", "Predict Ability" and "Schooled!" She wears her night attire without her sleeping mask.


Image Episode(s) Description
"The Maltese Bear" and "A Crime to Dye For" Leni wears a fedora, trenchcoat & black high heels.
"Put a Sock in It" Leni's sock puppet is white, green and pink with florals, 2 sky blue buttons, yellow hair and sunglasses.
"King of the Chair" While taking a selfie and ruining the Chair, Leni wears black high-heeled tap shoes.

Season One

Image Episode(s) Description
"Heavy Meddle" In a flashback, she wears a pair of teal oven mitts when giving Lincoln some soup.
When Leni believes Lincoln lie about trash can lids being "all the rage", she wears one as a hat.
"Driving Miss Hazy" Her "special driving outfit" consists of a turquoise dress, skirt, gloves, tights and white boots, which she wears when learning to drive.
The outfit later includes a turquoise helmet with white goggles.
"Driving Miss Hazy", "The Sweet Spot" and "Cover Girls" Leni wears a magenta sleep mask without the closed eyes with her night attire.
"No Guts, No Glori" When Leni tries to sneak out of her and Lori's room, she wears a pink scarf over most of her face.
"A Tale of Two Tables" In Lincoln's fantasy about being at the grownup table, Leni, like everyone else, dresses in formal attire. She wears a fancier version of her turquoise dress.
"In Tents Debate" She wears Hawaiian themed attire, it consists of a coconut bra, green grass skirt, red fluffy bracelets and white sandals with red flowers.
"Picture Perfect" Lincoln gets Leni to wear Lisa's glasses for his "perfect" picture.
Later, she is still wearing Lisa's glasses with a red Christmas sweater.
"Overnight Success" She wears her night attire with her sandals.
"Ties That Bind" She first appears wearing Lori's blue tanktop and denim shorts.
She is later seen wearing Lori's purple sweater.
"Hand-Me-Downer" During a flashback, a younger version of Leni wears an outfit similar to her normal outfit, except that her sleeves are more puffy than frilly.
"Butterfly Effect" Leni wears a bandage on her head after getting bonked on the head by a shelf and pairs of shoes.
"The Green House" Like the rest of her sisters, she ends up wearing a potato sack due to the house's lack of power. Even her sunglasses have a missing lens.
"Along Came a Sister" Leni wears a yellow hazmat suit to save Frances from the toxic gases of the exterminator.
"Cover Girls" She dresses up like Lana to cover for her.
"A Novel Idea" She wears a green helmet.
"Roughin' It" In one of Lincoln's flashbacks, Leni wears a poncho with a faux fur lining.
"The Loudest Yard" She wears a team jersey.
"Raw Deal" Leni was wearing khaki trousers while fishing.
"Funny Business" When working for Luan, Leni wears a headset and a black shirt.
"The Price of Admission" She wears a nightgown similar to her night attire but without the white frills around her shoulders and neck.
"Study Muffin" Leni wears a purple sweater with little hearts everywhere, and has Hugh's face in the center just like the other sisters.
"Homespun" In a flashback to when possums chewed up the house's wiring, she has her hair in an updo with a pink feather, and wears a green 19th-century dress, white opera gloves, a choker and different red earrings, after reading a series of books about pioneers with her siblings.

Season Two

Image Episode(s) Description
"11 Louds a Leapin'" Leni's first Christmas outfit is a turquoise dress with an elevated skirt and a white waistband. She adds fringes near her chest and stripes on her skirt with material from Rita's Christmas tablecloth. She also wears red spherical ornaments as earrings.
In a flashback, Leni wears a swimsuit bearing a resemblance to her usual swimsuit, albeit without buttons or a swim cap.
Leni's second Christmas outfit is a dress made out of white tinsel. She wears a red bow around at the waist area and wears red Christmas light bulbs as earrings.
Leni's third Christmas outfit is made from the family's stockings.
On Christmas morning, Leni wears a pair of white high heels that she got as a Christmas present.
"Brawl in the Family" She wears a blue dress that she bought at the mall, (unaware that Lori also bought the same dress) and has blue bows on her sandals.
"Suite and Sour" While putting on a play to persuade their parents to take them to the resort, Leni dresses in a pink cat costume with triangular sunglasses on her head, which are used as ears.
"Cheater by the Dozen" Leni wears a cooking apron with oven mitts.
"Lock 'n' Loud" Leni wears a white karate gi.
"Fed Up" She wears a red dress that looks like Rita's during dinner time. She describes it as the perfect outfit for Lynn Sr.'s new dish, Casa Loud Casserole.
"Potty Mouth" To get Lily not to say the "D" word, Lori and Leni wear a stretched out sky blue sweater with a yellow star on it.
"L is for Love" When Chaz discovers Leni's love letter, she’s dressed as one of the store mannequins. This outfit consists of a dark blue dress, slip on shoes, a light blue sun hat and a light purple feather boa.
"Fool's Paradise" Leni wears a magenta sleep mask without the closed eyes.
"Job Insecurity" While working as a waitress at the Aloha Comrade, Leni wears white slip-on shoes, a black skirt, a red shirt with yellow hibiscus all over it, crimson red earrings and a red bowtie.
"Change of Heart" Leni wears Lori's usual outfit, along with a large unkempt wig which resembles Lori's usual hairstyle.
"Future Tense" Leni is wearing a yellow traffic vest while she and her family clean the interstate.
"Yes Man" Leni wears a SMOOCH outfit.
"No Spoilers" Leni wears a party hat with light and dark pink stripes.
"Tricked!" Leni is dressed as Marie Antoinette for Halloween.

Season Three

Image Episode(s) Description
"Tripped!" During the family's song, Leni wears another pair of sunglasses.
Leni wears a purple helmet while riding horses.
"Insta-gran" Leni wears a pink sweater that says "Life is sweeter with a Gran-Gran".
"Selfie Improvement" During a flashback, there was a younger Leni wearing a seafoam green shirt, her white sunglasses, brown cargo shorts, white socks and seafoam green shoes.
In a flashback, Leni wears a fancy green dress and white slip-on shoes.
Leni wears a pink beret while posing for Lori's selfie.
"Fool Me Twice" In order to avoid getting pranked by Luan, Leni, along with Lily, only wears a big trench coat on the bottom.
"Fandom Pains" She wears rubber gloves when doing the dishes.
Leni wears white makeup and vampire fangs.
Leni later wears the same vampire makeup, albeit with a pink T-shirt that says "Team Tristan" on it.
"Head Poet's Anxiety" While in the Royal Woods Theater, Leni wears white pearl earrings and a necklace.
"The Mad Scientist" In Lisa's flashback, Leni wears a onesie with a back zipper and a nightcap.
"Shop Girl" In her siblings' fantasy of her as a successful businesswoman, Leni is dressed in formal executive attire.
"Crimes of Fashion" Leni wears Lincoln's Ace Savvy cape as a scarf.
She turns the cape into a beach cover up.
"Sitting Bull" Leni wears a colander as a helmet, brown overalls, a white shirt, dark gray boots, and teal oven mitts.
"Really Loud Music" Leni wears a white buttoned down button shirt.
"House of Lies" Leni has her blonde hair dyed red.
Leni wears a pink hat with an L.
"Everybody Loves Leni" Leni wears a pink hoodie.
"Jeers for Fears" She and Lincoln's other sisters (except Lori) wear a hooded cloak.
"Cooked!" Leni wears a hardhat during construction of Lynn's Table.

Season Four

Image Episode(s) Description
"Washed Up" Leni wears a life jacket.
"Write and Wrong" While helping Rita by acting 'perfect', Leni wears a light blue shirt with puffy sleeves and white collar, a blue pleated skirt, white knee-high socks and black Mary Jane shoes. Her normal sunglasses are replaced by a blue hairband.
"Don't You Fore-get About Me" Leni disguises herself as Lori to stop Lori from attending Fairway University. She wears a light blue collar shirt and khaki shorts, and her hair is styled to look similar to Lori's. Leni also retains her red hoop earrings and her white sandals with light green bows on them.
"Room and Hoard" She wears several pairs of sunglasses at once.
She wears scrubs and a white nurse's cap while playing her "fashion emergency" game.
"How Double Dare You!" Leni is wearing a light blue t-shirt with the "Double Dare" logo. She also wears blue pants, elbow pads, knee pads, and white sneakers.
She later wears the same shirt, pants, pads, and sneakers, but also wears a blue helmet and green goggles with pink frames.
"Snoop's On" She wears a black ninja outfit.
She wears a light pink bike helmet with her ninja outfit.

Season Five

Image Episode(s) Description
"Schooled!" Leni wears her teal dress but with a black and white striped top, a pink short sleeve hoodie jacket, a blue dress, a dark pink fingerless glove on her right hand, a couple of bracelets on her left arm, a white boot on her right foot and a pink spotted high heel with a light pink sock on her left foot. She also has her hair in a ponytail.
"The Boss Maybe" Leni dresses up as a firefighter.
"Electshunned" She wears a purple helmet.
In a photo Vic shows to citizens of a caricature of Leni as a baby, she's wearing her sunglasses, a dark blue t-shirt, and a white diaper.
In a photo Lola shows to Leni, she wears a denim shirt with pants, white boots and a pink shirt.
"Much Ado About Noshing" She wears a black bowtie, a white shirt, a black sleeveless dress, and black high heels.
"Camped!" She wears her swim attire with her sunglasses and without her sandals.
She wears a brown necklace with a gold decoration attached.
"Dream a Lily Dream" She wears a lavender purple headband.
"Lori Days" She wears an udder hat.
"In the Mick of Time" She wears a white shirt with a seafoam green tie and a bow headband, a forest green dress, white socks and gray shoes.

Season Six

Image Episode(s) Description
"Present Danger" Leni wears a red and orange party hat.
"Save Royal Woods!" She wears a white hard hat reading infac-struc-ture.
She wears a seafoam Victorian gown with pink flowers and a white bonnet with a pink ribbon.
"Bummer Camp" She wears an orange life vest.
"Crashed Course" In a flashback, Leni wears a blue and yellow party hat.
"Food Courting" She wears a green headset.
"The Loud Cloud" She wears a seaform green crop top, a pink scarf, blue jeans and white slides.
She wears a white tank top and gray jeans.
She wears a pink hooddie with a pink and white hat.
"Great Lakes Freakout!" She wears a light pink dress and dark pink shoes.
"Snow Escape" She wears a pot on her head.
She is dressed up as a reindeer.
She wears her winter attire but without the hat.
"Fashion No Show" Leni wears a pair of white roller skates.
She wears only one roller skate, further revealing a pink sock.

Season Seven

Image Episode(s) Description
"Force of Habits" She wears a purple skate helmet with white roller skates.
"Road Trip: From Brad to Worse" She wears a pink cowboy hat.
"Bye, Tanya" She wears a white hat with a bland band.
She wears a blue cap with pink polka dots frills.
She wears a pink shirt, light pink leggings and white shoes.

Season Eight

Image Episode(s) Description
"Dollars and Scents" She wears green safety goggles.
She wears a purple beret with the safety goggles.
She wears a white shirt, seafoam green shorts with a white stripe, white socks and green shoes.
She wears a pink bike helmet.
She wears a puffy coat, a blue sweatband and earmuffs.
"Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind" She dresses up as a black cat.
"The Cling and I" She wears a pink bucket hat.
She wears a bucket.

Other media

Image Episode(s) Description
"Live Life Loud!" In "Private Eyes", she is seen in a 1920's-style setting. Here, she is shown only in a black-and-white newspaper photo, dressed like a flapper.
In "It's Just a Phase", she is seen as a one-year-old wearing an outfit very similar to her usual one, except with no shoes or earrings.
In "Mom's Night In", she wears a seafoam green ballgown and a necklace with a white pendant.
"Livin' La Casa Loud!" In flashback in "Fashion Victim", Leni as a young kid wore a mint-green dress.
Ugly Sweater Guide She wears a sweater made out of red and green socks, with white tinsel for trim and a large red bow at the front.
The Pug House Leni is shown as a dog, wearing pink circles to hold her sunglasses in place, and a sky blue sleeveless dress with a white lace pattern on it. She also wears a white tag shaped like a house, with her name in blue letters.
"The Struggle is Real" In a drawing of herself, she wears a black jacket, a white shirt, grey pants, and black boots. She also doesn't wear her sunglasses.
In another drawing of herself, she wears large golden earrings instead of her usual ones, a necklace, an orange shirt, baggy blue pants with several slits in them, and white flats.
"After Dark" She wears a seafoam green sleeping mask instead of her usual one.
"Who's the Loudest?" She wears a red cap that looks just like Lana's.
"Lucy Rolls the Dice" She wears a monkey costume.
"Ultimate Hangout" She wears a red, curly wig, a green dress with yellow trim, and purple sunglasses.
ceneter She wears a lampshade on her head.
"The Many Faces of Lincoln Loud" She wears a white hair bow, a seafoam green mask with white lace, a seafoam green dress with white trim and a large collar, white pants, and seafoam green fingerless gloves with white sleeves attached.
"Sibling Rivalry" Leni wears a purple coat, red and pants and blue boots.
She wears a brown hat, red shirt, overalls and cowboy boots.
She wears a red sparkly dress, white high heels, and a beige stole.
She wears a brown hat with a black ribbon, a brown trench coat, black leggings, and black flats.
She wears blue sunglasses with pink lenses, a rainbow tank top, matching pants, and purple boots.
She wears a pink pantsuit, a lighter pink shirt, light pink shoes, and pink sunglasses.
She wears the same outfit to bed with her sleep mask instead of the sunglasses.
The Loud House Movie In a flashback to when she was a baby, she wears her sunglasses and a diaper.
In flashbacks showing her at ages three through five, she wears a seafoam green shirt, brown pants, white socks, and blue shoes. She also wears her usual sunglasses with red lipstick.
In a photo of her sewing, she wears the same outfit, but with purple shorts instead of brown.
She wears a pink tartan sash.
"No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie" She wears a green and white dress with green earrings.
She wears a lavender dress.
She wears a brown sun hat.
"Summer Special" She wears a long-sleeved, old-fashioned, black dress.
She wears the same dress, along with black cat ears, a pink fluffy earring, two gold rings, a diamond ring, a blue ring, a yellow bracelet, and a pink bracelet.
"Winter Special" She wears her normal winter hat, a seafoam green sweater, a blue scarf, and grey pants.
"Back to School Special" She wears a grey sweater with the Fairway logo on it.
"Super Special" Leni dresses up as a super hero named It Girl.
She wears a pink blanket draped around her shoulders and many white and seafoam bracelets.
"Loud Spies" She wears several friendship bracelets.
She wears friendship bracelets on her whole body.
She wears pink slippers with her sleepwear.
"Sister Resister" She wears blue and yellow safety goggles.
"Spooky Special" She wears white makeup, fake vampire teeth, a black dress, a vampire cape with a black choker featuring a red diamond, with cranberry jam disguised as blood around her mouth.

v - e - d Character Costumes