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Icon-turboranger This article is about a monster in Kousoku Sentai Turboranger.

"Grim Reaper Bohma!"
―Reaper Bohma's first words[src]

Reaper Bohma (シニガミボーマ Shinigami Bōma) is a Bohma Beast of the Hundred Bohma Tribes under Wandering Bohma Kirika .



Reaper Bohma's revived Boma Beasts.

Kirika summons Reaper Bohma to help her find get back a gem stolen from her by a female thief in order to use it to find the Majin Sword, an extremely powerful sword which can cut through anything. Using its revival of dead Bohma Beasts, the Turboranger have a hard time with it, made more so when Riki realizes how to stop the dead Bohma Beasts but can't do anything about it due to their weapons not being strong enough. Ultimately after a female thief partnered with Daichi pulling the sword and using it on Yamimaru, Black Turbo uses the Majin Sword to slice off the Bohma-revivng horns and to kill Reaper Bohma. After Kirika revives him, the Turboranger finish it off with Super Turbo Robo's Super Miracle Beam.


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Powers and Abilities[]


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It uses a scythe and beam attacks to fight; however its greatest ability is to use its two powerful horns on its back to summon back dead Bohma Beasts to fight alongside it.

Revived Bohma Beasts[]

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • Reaper Boma's design is based on a Grim Reaper.

Concept Art[]


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Icon-turboranger Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
Riki Honoo - Daichi Yamagata - Youhei Hama - Shunsuke Hino - Haruna Morikawa
Temporary Turborangers: Kenichi Yamada
Turbo Brace - Turbo Laser - GT Sword - T Hammer - J Gun - B Bowgun - W Stick - V Turbo Bazooka - Mach Turbos - Turbo Attacker
Dr. Dazai - Fairy Seelon - Saint Beast Lakia - Misa Yamaguchi - Battle Fever - Denzimen - Sun Vulcan - Goggle-V - Dynamen - Bioman - Changemen - Flashmen - Maskmen - Livemen - Gokaigers
Mecha and Robos
Turbo GT - Turbo Truck - Turbo Jeep - Turbo Buggy - Turbo Wagon - Rugger Fighter - Turbo Builder
Turbo Robo - Turbo Rugger - Super Turbo Robo - Super Turbobuilder
Hundred Bohma Tribes
Great Bohma Emperor Lagorn - Bohma Doctor Lehda - Dark Bohma Zimba - Princess Bohma Jarmin - Rage Flying Bohma Zulten - Ular Soldiers (Ular Captain Wu - Ular Captain Lar)
Wandering Bohma: Wandering Bohma Yamimaru - Wandering Bohma Kirika - Bohma Bat Dragras
Bohma Beasts
Stone Bohma - Twisted Bohma - Dango Bohma - Evil God Bohma - Evil God Bohma Junior - Minokasa Bohma - Licking Bohma - Great Jaw Bohma - Mansion Bohma - Possession Bohma - Oni Bohma - Ular Bohma - Ruffian Bohma - Sigh Bohma - Dogu Bohma - Darumaotoshi Bohma - Lump Bohma - Muddled Bohma - Fossil Bohma - Heinous Bohma (Hyōma & Enma) - Poison Bohma - Sumo Bohma - Racer Bohma - Ghost Bohma - Palm Tree Bohma - Inugami Bohma - Immortality Bohma - Bell Chime Bohma - Kuroko Bohma - Super-Majin Bohma - Amulet Bohma - Mirror Bohma - Noppera Bohma - Grueling Bohma - Reaper Bohma - Memory Bohma - Zulten Metal Type - Hell Painting Bohma - Picture Book Bohma - Actor Bohma - Devil Bohma - Gunman Bohma - Armor Bohma - Seal Bohma - One-Eyed Bohma - Dragra Bohma - Masked Devil Bohma - Gum-Gum Bohma - Dark Spider Boma - Sealing Bohma