Icon-gekirangerThis article is about a mecha in Juken Sentai Gekiranger.

"Gekiwaza: Come-Come Beast! GekiBat!"
"Gekiwaza: Great Brave-Brave Beasts! GekiBat!"

GekiBat (ゲキバット GekiBatto) is GekiBlue's Legendary GekiBeast that he obtains from mastering the Bat-Fist Style. 


In addition to missiles of geki energy fired from its shoulders; it can combine with Beast-Fist Giant GekiTouja to become GekiBatTouja (ゲキバットージャ GekiBattōja), Herculean Giant GekiFire to form GekiBatFire (ゲキバットファイヤー GekiBattōFaiyā), or GekiTouja Wolf to become GekiBatTouja Wolf (ゲキバットージャウルフ GekiBattōja Urufu). GekiBat's wings become blades that all three formations can use for flight and slash-based attacks. 

Appearances: Gekiranger Episodes 14-15, 19, 24, 32, Gekiranger vs. Boukenger, 38, 46


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Juken Busou GekiBatTouja[]

"Gekiwaza: Beast-Fist Armament! GekiBatTouja, burning up!"

GekiBat combines with the GekiTouja to provide wings that allow it to fly as well as perform attacks similar to the GekiFan.  By spinning its torso, GekiBatTouja can generate a tornado that immobilizes the opponent before finishing it off with a double-wing slash.

Appearances: Gekiranger Episodes 14-15, 19

Juken Busou GekiBatFire[]

"Gekiwaza: Beast-Fist Armament! GekiBatFire, burning up!"

By combining with GekiFire, GekiBat grants GekiFire the ability to fly as well as perform a flying punch finisher.

Appearances: Gekiranger Episodes 24, 32, Gekiranger vs. Boukenger

Behind the Scenes[]


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Lupin Collection

The Lupin Collection.


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See Also[]



Icon-gekiranger Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Jan Kandou - Ran Uzaki - Retsu Fukami - Gou Fukami - Ken Hisatsu
GekiChangers - GongChanger - SaiBlade - GekiNunchaku - GekiTonfa - GekiHammer - GekiFan - GekiSaber - GekiBazooka - Super GekiClaw - Virtuous Beast Sword - Super SaiBlade
Hong Kong Interpol Officer Lao Fan
Miki Masaki - Beast-Fist Trainer Robo Tough - Natsume Masaki - Fierce Beast Fly-Fist Bae - Kentaro Hisatsu - Sachiko Hisatsu - Bruce Ee - Dan Kandou
The Fist Sages
Master Sha-Fu - Master Bat Li - Master Sharkie Chan - Master Elehung Kam Po - Master Gorrie Yen - Master Michelle Peng - Master Pyon Biao
Super Sentai Teams: Boukengers - Go-Ongers - Gokaigers
DenLiner/Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki: MomotarosIcon-crosswiki - UratarosIcon-crosswiki - KintarosIcon-crosswiki - RyutarosIcon-crosswiki
Mecha and Robos
GekiTiger - GekiJaguar - GekiCheetah - GekiElephant - GekiBat - GekiShark - GekiGorilla - GekiGazelle - GekiPenguin - GekiWolf - SaiDain - RinLion - RinChameleon
GekiTouja - GekiFire - GekiTouja Wolf - SaiDaiOh - SaiDaiGekiFire - SaiDaiGekiTouja - SaiDaiGekiRinTouja
Rinjuken Akugata
Rio - Mele - Sky Fist Demon Kata - Sea Fist Demon Rageku - Land Fist Demon Maku - Rinshi
Beast-Men: Makirika - Gyuuya - Muzankose - Nagiu - Rasuka - Rutsu - Dokariya - Eruka - Confrontation Machine Soldiers (Wagataku - Butoka) - Tabu - Marashiya - Hihi - Pououte - Niwa - Chouda - Tsuneki - Mukoua - Baka - Meka
Five Venom Fists: Kademu - Moriya - Sorisa - Maga - Braco
Long - Sanyo - Suugu
Twin Phantoms: Shiyuu - Gouyu - Haku - Hiso - Dorou - Sojo - Shuen - Kou
Other Villains
Mechung Fu: Hong Kong Media King Yang - Yang's Secretary Miranda - Machine-Men - Mechan'non
Cosmic Kenpo: Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII