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Popora is a unique creature created by Sealed with an Orb. When Sealed refused to turn Popora into a weapon for defending his home island, however, the islanders created the Evil Guardian instead, only for the entity to turn on them. Left with no other choice, Sealed sacrificed his life to seal away the Evil Guardian, although not before leaving Popora with the duty of guarding his island and its seals that kept the Evil Guardian contained until someone could come along to free him from this duty. Popora would thus spent the next thousand years upholding his duty, which would leave him trapped in self-imposed loneliness.[1]

In the present day, when the Straw Hat Pirates arrived on his island, Popora initially tried to drive the crew off the island and reclaim Sealed's Orb from Monkey D. Luffy as they began breaking the Evil Guardian's seals. However, after the crew became aware of Popora's rough past and extended their assistance to him, Popora would end up turning to the crew for help in vanquishing the Evil Guardian forever. He would then work with the Straw Hat Pirates in releasing the Evil Guardian, whom they would confront in a massive battle that ended in the Evil Guardian's destruction. After that, Popora was given friends and the permission to live for himself by Sealed's spirit.[1]

Initially an antagonist in One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, he eventually becomes an ally to the Straw Hat Pirates.[1]


Popora is a small creature, about the size of Chopper in Brain Point form, with features similar to a rabbit and wolf. He has bluish-gray fur and ears that resemble wings in appearance, with white feathers extending from the gray stalks. He also has a tuft of white fur on his head, swirling and fuzzy eyebrows, and a canine muzzle. His eyes are as well a very dark blue. He also has a white underbelly, thin arms with white paws, short canine legs, and a thin tail, much like that of a mouse.

For attire, he wears golden cufflinks with yellow borders, and the central sections are imbued with ancient characters. He also wears a jacket and a bell around his neck with similar designs, though the central section of the bell is orange rather than golden.[1]


Popora Portrait
A close-up of Popora's face.
Popora Made of Clay
Popora when Sealed first molded him out of clay.
Popora Render
A render of Popora.


Popora Guards Seal

Popora aggressively guards one of the seals.

When Sealed first created him, Popora was a kind, innocent creature who revered his creator and shared his dream of making their island a paradise. Once gentle and childlike, after Sealed sacrificed himself to imprison the Evil Guardian, Popora was consumed with loneliness and anguish. These feelings eventually turned into anger, and he developed a hardened personality over the years while trying to defend his island against invading pirates, eventually to the point that he would reject all outsiders in spite of Sealed's hopes that someone would come along and free him from his heavy duty. This, coupled with his denial that there were eventually no one left on the island to protect, would leave Popora trapped in self-imposed, perpetual loneliness. Even so, he never forgot his love for Sealed and he would remain vulnerable in the face of his memories of him for years to come.[1]

When the Straw Hat Pirates met him, Popora was guarded and aggressive, focused wholly on stopping and driving away any intruders on his island in order to keep the Evil Guardian from being freed. However, his dedication would make him rather reckless, as he often threw himself at his opponents, even if they were stronger them him, which would lead to self-injuries.[1]

Popora is shown to possess a remarkable resolve and dedication, having stood by his duty as his island's guardian for over a thousand years and risking his own well-being to ensure it. He likewise stubbornly fought to keep the Evil Guardian locked away, but after softening his stance and accepting help from the Straw Hat Pirates, he became calmer and more playful. He would even frolick around the crew's camp with Luffy and Usopp. While he maintained his determination to protect the island, it was now directed toward releasing and defeating the Evil Guardian. With his anger properly directed, Popora would also act more out of bravery instead of fear, like when he attacked the Evil Guardian without hesitation when the latter was freed. He was later finally at peace when he was given friends by Sealed's spirit.[1]

Popora himself speaks in an unidentified language that is completely foreign to both humans and animals.[1]



Sealed Creates Popora

Sealed uses his Orb to bring Popora to life.

Sealed created Popora out of clay with his Orb without the desire for him to be a weapon, and served as his father figure. He even affectionally gave him his name when he thought how inconvenient it was for him to not have one. Popora himself admired and looked up to Sealed. The old man likewise shared his dream with Popora of making their island a paradise, and he protected him from the island's other residents when they wanted him to turn him into a weapon. After the Evil Guardian wiped out the islanders, Sealed imprisoned the hatred-filled monster at the cost of his own life. Ridden with guilt, he apologized to Popora for failing to make the island a paradise and put the duty of protecting the island on his shoulders in his final moments. Popora himself was deeply affected by his creator's passing, crying and screaming in anguish upon his death.[1]

Despite Sealed's hope someone would one day come along to free Popora from his burden, Popora's dedication to the duty Sealed handed over to him ultimately made him reject any outsider, and thus any hope of fulfilling Sealed's last wish. As such, without realizing it himself, Popora's devotion to Sealed's request of him forced him to live in loneliness for centuries.[1]

After the Evil Guardian was destroyed, Popora was overjoyed to see his creator one last time after the Orb broke and freed Sealed's sprit, but was sad that he could not stay. Nonetheless, Sealed used his final act to give Popora the greatest gift he could—friends—so that he would never be alone again, as well as the freedom to live for himself.[1]

Island's Residents[]

The residents of Popora's island did not have the best opinion on Popora, whom they wanted to use to protect the island. They looked down on him as weak and incapable, and demanded that Sealed turn him into a weapon for the creature to be worth anything. Even so, after they were killed by the Evil Guardian, Popora would visit their grave with Sealed.[1]

Evil Guardian[]

The Evil Guardian cost Popora everything dear to him. Recognizing the fearsome power of the monster, Popora vowed to keep him locked away by warding off any visitors to his island. Popora did this out of fear for the harm it could cause, but after meeting and putting his trust in the Straw Hat Pirates, Popora redirected his anger at the Evil Guardian.[1]

In spite of knowing his weakness, Popora attacked at the monster when they finally met, and while he was no match, Popora proudly worked with the pirate crew to defeat the Evil Guardian once and for all.[1]

Straw Hat Pirates[]

Popora and the Straw Hat Pirates

A memory of Popora and the Straw Hat Pirates' adventure together.

When the Straw Hat Pirates first arrived on his island, Popora treated them like all other visitors, lashing out at them in hopes that they would leave. Luffy in particular was a stubborn case and became annoyed with Popora, questioning why the creature put himself through so much pain just to be alone. After enough interactions, Luffy recognized Popora's behavior as self-fulfilling isolation and offered to help him. Upon that, Popora realized that Luffy and his friends were a lot like him and genuinely wanted to help, and he accepted their help. He eventually opened himself up to them after spending some time together with the crew, and they inspired new confidence in the creature to face the Evil Guardian. When the crew left, Popora was deeply appreciative of their help.

Despite Popora's weakness, Zoro respected his strong will. Nami was equally annoyed as Luffy at Popora's recklessness that led to self-harm, as she acted the same way under Arlong. Usopp recognized the creature's bravery, and Sanji related to Popora's relationship to Sealed through his past with Zeff. Chopper felt the same about his relationship with Hiriluk, and while he could not understand Popora's language, he empathized with the creature's struggle. Robin understood Popora's pain and years of isolation better than anyone else, and she affirmed to the creature that her crew would genuinely do everything in their power to help him. Franky also often cried after witnessing Popora's tragic memories, and he admired the creature's strength.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

Popora was not created for the purpose of fighting or protecting his island. As such, he lacks the strength to do so adequately, as seen when he was hurt by invading pirates. His attempts to drive away the Straw Hat Pirates were equally unsuccessful, and his attacks were too weak to notably harm any of the crew. He primarily fights with hammer swings and headbutts, the latter of which had enough force to knock a Sword Soldier into a cave wall. However, he was overwhelmed and captured by the same Sword Soldier prior.[1]

Popora's strength lies in his perseverance and resolve. He endured over one thousand years of protecting the island by himself, and while his physical abilities did not improve, he developed a fighting spirit and learned to attack stronger opponents in surprise from behind or by using his small size to slip through the attacks of bigger opponents.[1]


Popora wields a decorated hammer, similar in design to a croquet mallet. It consists of a base with two blue jewels separated by a thin yellow band, a long orange rod for the center section, and a golden, double-sided head of the same design as his clothes and bell. It originally belonged to Sealed, but Popora began using it after his creator's passing.[1]


  • Hammer Strike (叩きつけハンマー, Tatakitsuke hanmā?): Popora quickly slams his hammer down on his opponents.
  • Giant Hammer Slalom (ハンマー大回転, Hanmā daikaiten?): Popora spins around six times while holding out his hammer. Popora can hit an opponent consecutively but falls over onto his back from getting dizzy.
  • Charge! Popora Cheering Squad (突撃!ポポラ応援隊, Totsugeki! Popora ōen-tai?): Popora summons his companions to fly at an opponent, hitting them multiple times in the air.



Sealed created Popora out of clay and brought him to life with his Orb. He also gave the creature his name. When their island's residents confronted Sealed about wanting protection from invaders and demanded that he turn Popora into something that could fight however, he refused. As such, they stole Sealed's Orb and created the Evil Guardian. Sealed subsequntly ordered Popora to flee to the hills of their island, promising that the next time they met, the island would be a paradise. Popora later returned to Sealed's side as the Evil Guardian wreaked havoc on their island, and together, they visited a grave for those killed in the catastrophe. As Sealed decided to seal the Evil Guardian away, he apologized to Popora for failing to keep his promise. Popora was then given the heavy duty of guarding their island by Sealed.[1]

When the duo confronted the Evil Guardian, Popora stood at Sealed's side while he attempted to seal the Evil Guardian. However, Sealed was unable to do so without sacrificing himself, although not before expressing hope that someone would come along to free Popora from his duty. As the Evil Guardian was sealed away, Popora cried out in heartbreak, having been left alone with only Sealed's Orb and a handful of his possessions.[1]

Popora Visits Sealed's Grave

Popora visits a grave he made for Sealed.

Popora subsequently took over the role of protecting his island, fighting against pirates who tried invading it over the years. He also created a grave for Sealed, where he would cry out in pain over his loss, and would visit it often.[1]

Unlimited Adventure[]

Chapter 1: Finding lost friends, memories of the past.[]

Popora Attacks Luffy

Popora hits Luffy over the head.

One thousand years later, after Popora's island was summoned from the sea by Monkey D. Luffy with Sealed's Orb, Popora was present when Luffy made landfall in the Plain Zone. He scurried behind Luffy after he landed, observing him from behind. After seeing Luffy use the Orb to unseal the passage to the Seaside Zone, Popora ran up to him and whacked him with his maul. As he did, the Orb showed their respective memories of Sealed and Shanks. While Luffy was confused, Popora ran off toward the Seaside Zone without giving any answers, knowing that the seals keeping the Evil Guardian contained were in danger.

Popora Warns Straw Hats

Popora warns the Straw Hat Pirates not to break the seals.

When Luffy and some of his crew came upon the first seal in the Seaside Zone, Popora would block their path. In response, the Orb projected their respective memories of a wounded Sealed and Luffy's meeting with Smoker in Loguetown. The seal then produced an apparition of Smoker. Popora subsequently retreated while the crew fought and defeated the apparition of the broken seal. After the Straw Hats crew had reunited and were about to break the second seal in the Seaside Zone, Popora charged toward them. He screamed, getting Zoro's attention, but it was too late. The Orb then projected Popora's memory of his failed stand against the Evil Guardian, followed by Zoro's memory of the aftermath of his first duel with Dracule Mihawk. As the crew defeated the broken seal's apparition of Mihawk, Popora ran off to protect the remaining ten seals.[1]

Chapter 2: A dangerous enemy! A dangerous treasure hunt![]

Popora Headbutts Chopper

Popora headbutts Chopper.

After the crew entered the Jungle Zone, Popora appeared to block their path. As he attempted to tackle Luffy though, Luffy dodged, leaving Popora to headbutt Chopper instead. This made the Orb convey a memory to the reindeer of Sealed showing him affection, followed by Chopper's memory of Hiriluk giving him his name. As Chopper was left stunned by the vision, Popora ran off again. At the third seal, Popora aggressively stood before the Straw Hats again. Exasperated by Popora's stubbornness, Nami tried getting Chopper to convey their feelings. With Chopper unable to understand Popora’s language and Sanji proceeding to threaten Popora though, the Orb showcased Popora's memory of him and Sealed confronting the Evil Guardian together and the crew's memory of Krieg. The crew subsequently fought and defeated an apparition of Krieg produced by the broken seal, during which Popora fled the site.[1]

Popora later appeared before the crew again as they reached the fourth seal. As the crew discussed Popora among themselves, Popora himself charged at Luffy again to hit him with his hammer, but Luffy easily stepped back and broke the seal. The Orb then showed them memories of Sealed's Orb being stolen by the islanders and of Kaku in Iceburg's room. Once again, Popora retreated while the crew fought an apparition of Kaku produced by the broken seal.[1]

Chapter 3: The Shining Orb, and the Island’s Secret![]

Popora Clashes with Zoro

Popora clashes with Zoro after jumping at him from above.

Charging ahead of the crew to the Ruins Zone on a more dangerous route than they took, Popora intercepted them on the first bridge there. Despite being exhausted, Popora jumped off the bridge to attack them. As Zoro blocked Popora with his sword, the Orb showed a tender memory between Popora and Sealed, as well as Zoro's memory of his promise to Kuina. When the memories faded, Zoro's counterstrike knocked Popora back. Exhausted and defeated, Popora was left to watch the crew as they proceeded.[1]

As Luffy was about to break the fifth seal, Popora appeared to charged at Nami, only for Nami to barely managed to duck in time, which provoked Sanji's anger. As Popora stood strong, it made the Orb show a memory of Popora facing pirates, which was followed by Franky's memory of his stand against the Puffing Tom. This was then followed by the crew's memory of Spandam. As the broken seal produced an apparition of Spandam and his backups, Popora would disappear from the scene while they crew defeated Spandam. Popora soon after returned at the sixth seal though, striking Usopp from behind and knocking him flat on his face right after Robin deciphered some ancient markings about the Evil Guardian, explaining why Popora was guarding the seals. The Orb then projected a memory of the bruised Popora watching powerlessly as the Evil Guardian wreaked havoc, which was followed by a vision of Enel's enactment of Deathpiea.[1]

Popora Gets Kidnapped

A Sword Soldier kidnaps Popora.

After defeating the broken seal's apparition of Enel, Robin acknowledged Popora’s motivation. As the Straw Hat Pirates argued about what to do next and learned that Popora had been guarding the seals for a thousand years though, a Sword Soldier appeared from a black vortex and charged Usopp. However, Popora jumped in the way to attack it. He swung at the Sword Soldier again, but it countered with a sword slash and grabbed Popora, pulling him into its black vortex where they both disappeared.[1]

Chapter 4: A Secret Wish![]

Popora Defeats Sword Soldier

Popora defeats the Sword Soldier.

In the Cave Zone, the Straw Hats found an exhausted Popora and the Sword Soldier next to the seventh seal. After the Sword Soldier dodged Franky's attack, Popora used the last of his strength to knock it into a wall, where rocks collapsed on top of it and crushed it. Popora passed out from the effort and Chopper began treating him. When he woke up, Popora ignored Chopper's complaint about not being finished and began stumbling away. Nami then berated him for staying alone on the island and guarding it for a thousand years, calling it ridiculous. This made the Orb project a memory of Popora fighting pirates and visiting Sealed's grave, which was followed by memories of Nami begging for Luffy's help in Cocoyasi Village and Arlong. The broken seal then produced an apparition of Arlong that the crew defeated. Upon the apparition's defeat, the Orb called up the memory of Luffy announcing his intention to destroy Nami's map room, followed by the collapse of Arlong Park. Nami told Popora that if he wanted to be saved, he should say so, adding that the Straw Hats would never abandon him. Giving no acknowledgement to the crew, Popora struggled away.[1]

Luffy Grabs Popora

Luffy grabs Popora and confronts him about protecting nothing.

When the Straw Hats reached the eighth seal, Popora approached behind them, reinvigorated. Luffy heard his bell signal his approach and expressed his exasperation as he prepared to attack. Fending off Popora's attacks, Luffy asked what his deal was; with nobody else on the island, what he wanted to protect was no longer there. Grabbing Popora and holding him at arm's length, Luffy demanded to know what he was afraid of, then asked if it was that the Straw Hats would be killed just like the others that Popora could not protect. This struck a nerve, and Popora flew free of Luffy's grasp before headbutting him. Luffy told Popora not to worry, breaking through his anger, then Luffy proclaimed that he was the one who would be the Pirate King before headbutting Popora back. As the Orb then showed a memory of Luffy fighting Crocodile underneath the Alabasta royal palace, the broken seal produced an apparition of Crocodile himself.[1]

After defeating the apparition, Luffy saw Popora sprawled on the ground nearby, and Robin took over trying to persuade Popora, telling of the Straw Hats' strength and the lengths that they would go to for one of their friends. As Popora struggled to his feet, she asked him if he really wanted to be there alone forever. As Luffy demanded an answer, Popora got the Orb to project the memory of Robin screaming on the Tower of Justice, saying that she wanted to live. With Popora's answer conveyed, the crew asked Luffy what to do. Popora's eyes then opened, alight with shock, hope, and gratefulness as Luffy declared that they would free the Evil Guardian and defeat him. With that, the crew, now accompanied by Popora, returned to their camp.[1]

Chapter 5: Visions! Resolve Renewed![]

After the crew entered the Mountain Zone, Chopper asked Popora if he had a name, prompting the Orb to show them Popora's memory of being created and named. Chopper complimented his name before Sanji complimented Popora's master. Popora responded with the Orb's projection of a memory of Sealed's rejection of islanders' demand to make Popora a proper guardian. As Popora wept for his master in the present, Sanji remarked on how Popora must feel after 1000 years, but drew a parallel to Zeff, saying parents always look forward to the day their kids leave home. Popora then shared Sanji's memory of his departure from the Baratie and Zeff before they moved on.[1]

Finding the ninth seal, Robin asked if it was okay to break the seal, which Popora affirmed. After the Orb had then shown memories of the theft of Sealed's Orb and Ace, the broken seal produced an apparition of Ace. After defeating it, Popora and the crew continued their search for the tenth seal. Upon finding it and releasing it, the Orb showed memories of the Evil Guardian wreaking havoc and Sealed swearing to seal the evil monster away, followed by Luffy's memory of Shanks giving Luffy his straw hat. After the group then defeated the broken seal's apparition of Shanks, the group returned to camp.[1]

Chapter 6: Decisive Battle! To the Final Seal![]

Upon arriving in the Dimension Zone, Popora became worried over the region's warped space, which was a sign of the Evil Guardian's power. Usopp encouraged Popora to declare if he did not want to follow his master's orders, and the Orb showed them memories of Usopp disbanding his crew. Reaffirmed in his own resolve, Usopp urged them forward. Deeper in the zone, the group came upon the eleventh seal and released it. After the orb showed them memories of the Evil Guardian wreaking havoc on the island and Rob Lucci in Iceberg's room, an apparition of Lucci appeared from the broken seal. After the crew defeated the Lucci apparition, Popora proceed to the final seal with them. Upon finding the seal and breaking it, the Orb showed them the crew's memory of their first meeting with Aokiji. An apparition of the Marine admiral then appeared, which the crew fought and defeated. Popora and the crew were then overcome with an eerie feeling that the Evil Guardian was now freed, and they returned to camp to prepare for the final battle.[1]

Chapter 7: The Beast is Revived! End the Thousand-Year Curse![]

Popora Fights Evil Guardian

Popora musters up the courage to attack the Evil Guardian.

When Popora and the Straw Hat Pirates came upon the Abyss Zone to fight the Evil Guardian, the Orb showed them a memory of Sealed sealing away the Evil Guardian and leaving Popora behind. Inside the Abyss Zone, they walked up to the central platform, and above them, the Evil Guardian broke free from his chains and dropped down below to face them. Popora jumped to attack him, hitting him on the head with his hammer. Unfazed, the Evil Guardian knocked him away, but Luffy caught Popora. The crew then promised to vanquish the evil entity after Popora spent so long protecting his island.[1]

The group defeated the Evil Guardian, though it soon transformed into the Evil Master Beast. Still, they managed to defeat it again, which resulted in its destruction. As the Orb then showed a memory of Sealed hoping that someone would someday free Popora, Popora cried out in victory. However, the cave then began to collapse, and they all escaped to the Cave Zone, which was also collapsing, but when they were unable to leave safely, Luffy used his Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol to break through the cave ceiling, allowing them to escape into the Plain Zone above.[1]

Sealed Says Goodbye to Popora

Sealed gives Popora the gift of friends as his final parting act.

In the aftermath, Sealed's Orb shattered in front of the crew. From it, however, rose Sealed's spirit, who only Popora and Luffy could see. After Sealed thanked Luffy, the crew left Popora to sail off from the island. Before Sealed ascended into the afterlife though, he left Popora with other creatures just like him to keep him company and the permission to live his life for himself. Soon after, Popora arrived at the coast with his new friends to watch the Straw Hat Pirates sail off in the Thousand Sunny. Popora and his friends then completely transformed their island into a paradise for themselves.[1]

Major Battles[]


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