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Captain Seamars[2] is the captain of the Space Pirates who appears in Enel's cover story.


Seamars Digital Colored Manga

Seamars' color scheme in the digital colored manga.

Seamars is a fox-like alien that has a long white beard and wears a top hat. He wears a body suit that has what they seem to be three manometers on it: one on the left sleeve, another on the right, and the last on the chest area. His suit also has boots.


Seamars is quite vicious, since he attacked Spacey and Enel without reason or warning. He is unfamiliar to the facts of Logia type Devil Fruits.[3]

Abilities and Powers[]

He carries a spear,[1] which he is presumably proficient in using.


After Enel landed on the moon, Seamars found and attacked Enel and First Lieutenant Spacey in a crater. Seamars attacked Spacey first and skewered him with an electrical spear nearly killing him. The Space Pirate then tried to skewer Enel, but Enel did not even react at first. Enel then attacked and defeated Seamars.[3]

Major Battles[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One Piece Manga — Vol. 45 Chapter 440, cover story: Enel's Great Space Operations Vol. 10.
  2. 2.0 2.1 One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 214), His name is revealed.
  3. 3.0 3.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 45Vol. 46 Chapters 440442, cover story: Enel's Great Space Operations Vol. 10-12.

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