One Piece Wiki
For the character from Movie 14 and the live attraction at Tokyo Tower, see Ann.

Ann is the deuteragonist of Romance Dawn, Version 2. She is friends with the Roc Balloon, and was kidnapped by Shupeal in an attempt to capture him.[1]


Ann is a young girl with short light blue hair topped by a pink clip and light blue eyes. She wears a white shirt with short sleeves and aqua green stripes and a light blue skirt with white lines.[1]


Ann as a child
Ann as a child
Ann Manga Color Scheme
Ann's color scheme.
Ann (Romance Dawn) Portrait
A close up of Ann's face.
Ann (Romance Dawn) Anime Concept Art
Anime concept art of Ann.


Ann has a short temper, and gets annoyed easily when Luffy does stupid things.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

Ann is strong enough to survive the trials of the sailing and was able to escape with Balloon's help from Shupeal's rampage.[1] She's also sufficiently skilled at wielding a sword.



At some point, Ann met Balloon, and they have been close friends ever since. However, Shupeal learned of Balloon's existence and attacked the town they resided in, destroying it in the process. He then kidnapped Ann, using her as bait to lure Balloon.[1]

Romance Dawn, Version 2[]

After Balloon escaped Shupeal, the pirate went out to sea, and brought Ann to the deck. They caught up to the Roc and Ann warned him to run away, but Luffy brought him aboard, to Ann's annoyance. She told Luffy about their history with Shupeal and warned him that the pirate would kill anyone who defies him; however, when Shupeal greeted Luffy, he ignored Ann's warning and called his head weird. Ann was thrown into the brig with Luffy as punishment for his comment.

In their cell, Ann told Luffy about her relationship with Balloon, and how they've been friends since she was young. However, she lied when Luffy asked why she was kidnapped by Shupeal, stating it was because she was pretty. She asked Luffy why he was out alone on a rowboat, and listened as he explained his goal of becoming a pirate and finding peace mains; when he completed his story and classified his straw hat as his treasure, she did the same for Balloon.


Ann fights against one of Shupeal's crew members.

Some time later, Luffy got bored of staying in the cell, and used his abilities to reach the key outside, opening the door. Ann asked for his help to save Balloon, but since he declined, she went to the deck herself. There, she found most of the pirates asleep for a midday nap. After being spotted by Shupeal, she fought one of the pirates, defeating him and demanding that they free Balloon. Shupeal begrudgingly accepted, throwing her a key. However, when she went to unlock Balloon's cage, Shupeal shot her in the back, and the crew laughed at her naïveté for believing they would let her leave.

As she lay on the ground in tears, Ann was approached by Luffy, who asked why she was bleeding. She responded that she had been shot as Shupeal shot Luffy too, and Ann watched in shock as the bullets simply shot back out of Luffy. Luffy quickly defeated Shupeal, and explained to Ann that he was a Rubber Human due to his Gomu Gomu no Mi abilities. However, during his explanation, Shupeal recovered from his fight and took Balloon, flying high above them on a broomstick. He destroyed the ship as he left, leaving everyone on it to drown.

As they fell into the water, Ann grabbed Luffy and swam to a part of the deck that had remained intact. Desperate after having lost Balloon, she explained the truth about her kidnapping to Luffy, and told him how they knew Balloon would return if they took her. Luffy reassured her that it would be alright, and tied his arm around the ship's mast, flinging himself into the air after Shupeal.

After rescuing Balloon, Luffy returned to the ship's wreckage, and Ann reunited with her friend. She wished Luffy luck on becoming a peace main as she flew away with Balloon.[1]

Development Towards Nami[]

Ann was Eiichiro Oda's second attempt at a Nami-like character and, unlike Silk, there were no signs that Oda had any intention to make Ann join in Luffy's adventures. Her background was less like Nami's than Silk's was, with no mention of parentage at all. Once again, Ann's hometown was the target of pirates—however, unlike Silk and Nami, she was the only person left alive.

Personality wise, she has Nami's hot temper and impatience for Luffy and was constantly complaining about his actions. This was brought out further by Luffy displaying more stupidity in Romance Dawn, Version 2 than in the final version.[1]

When the anime adapted Romance Dawn, Version 2 in Episode 907, Ann had the same voice actors (in both Japanese and English) as Nami.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

In the manga, Ann's battle with Shupeal's isn't fully shown, skipping from her being spotted by Shupeal to having already defeated the crew member. The anime expands this to provide clarification on why they fought, showing Shupeal waking up his soldiers after spotting Ann and challenging her to beat his subordinate one-on-one, promising Balloon's freedom if she wins.


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