My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Rainbow Rocks animated shorts

Directed by Ishi Rudell
Jayson Thiessen (co-director)
Produced by Devon Cody[1]
Written by Amy Keating Rogers[2] (#2, #5, #7-8)
Cindy Morrow (#1)
Natasha Levinger (#6)
Josh Haber (#3-4)
Jayson Thiessen, Katrina Hadley, Brian Lenard, Daniel Ingram & Michael Vogel[3] (#9-11)
Music by Daniel Ingram (#1, #7-11)
William Anderson (#2-6)
Release date(s) May 30, 2015 (Discovery Family, (#1-8))
Individual releases:
March 27, 2014 (Music to My Ears)
April 4, 2014 (Guitar Centered)
April 11, 2014 (Hamstocalypse Now)
April 25, 2014 (Pinkie on the One)
May 10, 2014 (Player Piano)[4]
May 24, 2014 (A Case for the Bass)[5]
June 6, 2014 (Shake your Tail!)[6]
June 19, 2014 (Perfect Day for Fun)
April 1, 2015 (My Past is Not Today)[7]
April 1, 2015 (Friendship Through the Ages)[8]
April 1, 2015 (Life is a Runway)[9]
See also
animation errorsstatisticsspeculation
My Little Pony Equestria Girls
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

Coinciding with the release of My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Hasbro also released eleven animated shorts, eight before the film and three after the film. They are not part of the film,[10][11] but the earlier eight shorts are "tied in to it" and the later three shorts are "related to" it, according to crew;[12][13] each of the later three shorts appears to correspond to a different element featured by the doll line.[note 1] The shorts have been released through multiple outlets online, including the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, Hasbro's My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, Hasbro's My Little Pony Facebook page, a German Equestria Girls YouTube channel, and a Latin American Spanish Equestria Girls YouTube channel. According to Ishi Rudell, at least some of the shorts are "not being released in the order they were made."[14] The first eight of these shorts are found in the special features section of the Rainbow Rocks DVDs and Blu-rays[15] and in Ruckus app(s), while the three encore shorts appeared as the first three audio tracks on the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.

The first eight shorts premiered on Discovery Family on May 30, 2015 in the following order: Perfect Day for Fun, A Case for the Bass, Pinkie on the One, Music to My Ears, Guitar Centered, Hamstocalypse Now, Player Piano, Shake Your Tail!

Prequel Shorts[]

Music to My Ears[]

Music to My Ears
Character(s) DJ Pon-3
Staff Cindy Morrow (writer)[2]
Carrie Mombourquette (storyboard)[16][17]
John Affolter (layout supervisor)
John Cantile (animation supervisor)[1]
Music by Daniel Ingram[18]
Length 2:26

Music to My Ears is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the first to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on March 27, 2014, the first to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on March 31, 2014,[19] the first to be published by the My Little Pony Facebook page, in English on April 4, 2014,[20] and the first to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterpart of DJ Pon-3.

Development and production[]

According to director Ishi Rudell, the original ending of this short involved Principal Celestia putting on the headphones and rocking out to the music.[21]

This short was adapted into chapters 4, 7, and 15 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

The music from this short is briefly heard playing in DJ Pon-3's headphones in the film My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It also serves as a bonus track on the soundtrack album "My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack".


As DJ Pon-3 is crossing the street, she puts her headphones on and turns on some dubstep music. She starts walking to the music's rhythm, and everything around her moves and is synchronized with the beat, from a crossing guard to the chirping of baby birds to the barking of a dog. During her walk, she passes by the Cutie Mark Crusaders and other Canterlot High School students. As DJ Pon-3 enters Sugarcube Corner, everything briefly slows down, and she passes by Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. At the counter, she buys a cupcake from Mrs. Cake before heading out.

Upon reaching Canterlot High, DJ Pon-3 struts through the hallway. A pair of students joins her, but Cranky Doodle motions for them to enter his classroom. The school bell rings, and every student except DJ Pon-3 is in class. She's stopped by Principal Celestia, who confiscates her headphones and gestures for her to get to class. As the principal walks away, DJ Pon-3 puts on a spare pair of earbuds, and the music resumes.

Guitar Centered[]

Guitar Centered
Character(s) Rainbow Dash
Trixie Lulamoon
Staff Amy Keating Rogers (writer)[22]
Mike Alcock (storyboard)[23]
John Affolter (layout supervisor)
John Cantile (animation supervisor)
Music by William Anderson[24]
Length 2:17

Guitar Centered is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the second to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on April 4, 2014, the second to be published by the My Little Pony Facebook page, in English on April 14, 2014,[25] the second to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on April 23, 2014,[26] and the second to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterparts of Rainbow Dash and Trixie.


This short was adapted into chapters 2 and 3 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

A snippet of an altered version of the short is played on Rainbow Dash's cellphone in the film My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.


Rainbow Dash visits a music shop with her friends to replace her broken electric guitar with one that "looks as awesome as [she's] gonna make it sound." A double-necked guitar catches her eye, but Trixie grabs it at the same time she does, and the two begin to fight over it. At Applejack's suggestion, Rainbow Dash challenges Trixie to a "shred-off" to determine who will keep the guitar.

The two girls fight to outperform each other with their solo guitar riffs. As Trixie begins to gain the upper hand, Rainbow Dash's entire body levitates into the air and surges with an electrical aura, transforming her into her pony-like form and changing her guitar's appearance. Rainbow Dash hits the ground and creates a sonic rainboom-like shockwave that blows Trixie aside.

The other girls applaud Rainbow Dash's performance, but as DJ Pon-3 hands her the double-necked guitar, Rainbow Dash decides to let Trixie have it, saying her transformed guitar is the one that "really speaks to [her]." Trixie gloats over her self-supposed victory as Rainbow Dash leaves with her new guitar, only to read its price tag and realize her prize costs $12,000, and swears revenge on Rainbow Dash.


Rarity: Rainbow Dash, I simply don't understand why you can't just play the guitar you have.
Rarity: [gasps] Now I understand.
Rainbow Dash: That's the problem! I need something that looks as awesome as I'm gonna make it sound.
Trixie Lulamoon: The Great and Powerful Trixie always wins in the end! [laughs]
Rainbow Dash: I doubt it.
Trixie Lulamoon: Twelve-thousand dollars?! You'll pay for this, Rainbow Dash!
Pinkie Pie: No, silly! If you want it, you have to pay for it.

Hamstocalypse Now[]

Hamstocalypse Now
Character(s) Fluttershy
Staff Josh Haber (writer)
Dan Houghs (1st draft storyboard)
Kanako Iwata (storyboard revisionist)[27]
John Affolter (layout supervisor)
John Cantile (animation supervisor)
Music by William Anderson[28]
Length 2:19

Hamstocalypse Now is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the third to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on April 11, 2014, the third to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on April 23, 2014,[29] the third to be published by the My Little Pony Facebook page, in English on April 27, 2014,[30] and the third to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterpart of Fluttershy. The title is a play on the title of the 1979 movie Apocalypse Now.


This short was adapted into chapters 8 and 9 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, which was released days earlier than the short itself.


Rarity helps Fluttershy volunteer at the animal rescue center to clean the hamster habitat. Fluttershy lets all the hamsters out with Rarity so she can clean out the tubes. When Fluttershy finishes, she finds that the hamsters have gone out of control during Rarity's attempts to accessorize them. Unable to calm the hamsters down, the girls reach for their backpacks to catch them. A tambourine drops out of Fluttershy's bag, hypnotizing the hamsters with its sound. Fluttershy shakes her tambourine to lure the hamsters back into the habitat, gaining her pony ears, wings, and tail in the process.


Fluttershy: Rarity, what happened?!
Rarity: Oh! Aah! Well, uh, Carl Pettington's coat just begged to be accessorized, but Emilia Furhart refused to be left out and got Curtis Pawpower to chew right through Carl's little scarf, and before I knew it, I had a habitat-wide feud on my hands! [beat] Also, I named them.
Rarity: Huh! I never would have guessed hamsters could be so touchy about fashion!

Pinkie on the One[]

Pinkie on the One
Character(s) Pinkie Pie
Staff Josh Haber (writer)[31]
Mike Alcock (storyboard)[32]
John Affolter (layout supervisor)
John Cantile (animation supervisor)
Music by William Anderson
Length 2:15

Pinkie on the One is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the fourth to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on April 25, 2014, the fourth to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on May 6, 2014,[33] the fourth to be published by the My Little Pony Facebook page, in English on May 11, 2014,[34] and the fifth to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterpart of Pinkie Pie.


This short was adapted into chapters 10, 11, and 12 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, which was released weeks earlier than the short itself.


Pinkie Pie is being instructed by Granny Smith in making cookies in a home economics classroom. Rainbow Dash reminds her that she's supposed to help find a drummer for Rainbow's band. Rainbow states that it's difficult to find someone who can use both hands like drummers do. Pinkie decides to make the cookies faster by folding another bowl of cookie batter with her free hand, but she folds the batter too fast, splattering the two bowls all over herself and Rainbow.

Later, Pinkie helps Rainbow make a banner by the soccer pitch, and is told to use as much glitter as she likes. Rainbow comments that a drummer needs the right instincts, which can't be just anyone. As a result of her rhythmic tapping on the giant glitter jar Pinkie sprinkles too much glitter and gets it all over Rainbow.

At lunchtime, Pinkie does some wild rhythms on the glasses, bowls, lunch trays and heads of her and her friends with her silverware and slamming her fists on the table. During all this, Rainbow says that the person must have a lot of energy, enthusiasm and be able to carry the whole band on their shoulders, while getting annoyed with Pinkie's antics. Rarity suggests finding an outlet for her energy, which gives Rainbow Dash an idea.

Pinkie is then seen behind a drum set doing a wild solo in the band room, and she transforms into her half-pony form. Rarity asks Rainbow Dash what gave her the idea of putting Pinkie on the drums, and Rainbow guesses that she just has "a sense for these things", and Pinkie Pie closes the short by doing a rimshot.


Rainbow Dash: Come on, Pinkie. You're s'posed to help me find a drummer for my band.
Pinkie Pie: I guess I could fold a little faster.
Rainbow Dash: Most people don't know how hard it is to find someone who could use both hands the way a drummer does.
Pinkie Pie: I'll bet!
Rainbow Dash: Now, it's important that our banner look awesome! So feel free to use as much glitter as you want. A drummer can't just be anybody.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, of course not.
Rainbow Dash: They need to have the right instincts, you know?
Pinkie Pie: Totally!
Rainbow Dash: It's gotta be someone with a lot of... energy.
Pinkie Pie: Absolutely!
Rainbow Dash: I mean, a lot! Energy, enthusiasm...
Rainbow Dash: They have to be able to carry the whole band on their shoulders!
Rarity: We've got to find an outlet for all that energy!
Rarity: Whatever made you think of Pinkie for the drums?
Rainbow Dash: I dunno. Guess I just have a sense for these things.

Player Piano[]

Player Piano
Character(s) Rarity
Staff Amy Keating Rogers (writer)[35]
Dan Hughes (storyboard)[36]
Kanako Iwata (storyboard revisionist)
Music by William Anderson
Length 2:21

Player Piano is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the fifth to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on May 10, 2014,[4] the fifth to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on May 23, 2014,[37] the fifth to be published by the My Little Pony Facebook page, in English on May 25, 2014,[38] and the sixth to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterpart of Rarity.

Development and production[]

Ishi Rudell wrote on Twitter "Ronald Jenkees - Throwing Fire This guy was one of our inspirations for Rarity's key-tar sound in 'Player Piano'".[39]

This short was adapted into chapters 13 and 14 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, which was released more than a month earlier than the short itself.


Rarity struggles to push a weighty grand piano across campus in time for band practice with her friends, filthying her hair and clothes. She spots three human counterparts of the Diamond Dog boys digging near the school building, and attracts their attention with her dazzling allure. The boys are then shown carrying the piano through the school halls with Rarity riding on top, barging through a crowd of students blocking their path.

In the band room, Rarity's friends are impatiently waiting for her, with Applejack figuring she's planning to make a "grand entrance". Rarity finally arrives atop her piano, and is questioned by Rainbow Dash about her cumbersome choice of instrument, to which she argues the piano's elegance befitting of her "full musicality". Before she can begin playing, the band's reserved time in the room runs out, and they must relocate their rehearsal to the gym. Rarity moans over her ill fortune of having to move the piano again when Pinkie Pie suggests she use the more portable keytar—an instrument that's part-guitar, part-keyboard.

Rarity is taken by the instrument after playing a few notes and transforms into her half-pony form before her amazed friends. She is convinced to bring the keytar to their next rehearsal space, and asks the Diamond Dog boys to carry her there on the grand piano, to which they eagerly oblige.


Rarity: I simply cannot thank you enough. And while I am a bit repulsed by your musky smell, I can appreciate that you are diamonds in the rough.
Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Where is Rarity?!
Applejack: That gal probably just wants to make some sort of grand entrance.
Rarity: Ta-daaaaah!
Applejack: Told ya.
Pinkie Pie: Or you could play this! It's part-guitar, part-keyboard; it's a guitar-key!
Rainbow Dash: You mean, "a keytar".
Pinkie Pie: Po-tay-to, to-mah-to.

A Case for the Bass[]

A Case for the Bass
Character(s) Applejack
Flim and Flam
Staff Natasha Levinger (writer)[40]
Rob Sales (storyboard)[41]
Music by William Anderson
Length 2:18

A Case for the Bass is one of the first eight animated prequel shorts released as a tie-in to My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. It is the sixth to be published by the Hasbro Studios Shorts YouTube channel, in English on May 24, 2014,[5] the sixth to be published by the My Little Pony Equestria Girls YouTube channel, in English on May 28, 2014,[42] and the seventh to be published overall. The animation primarily focuses on the human counterparts of Applejack and the Flim Flam brothers.

Development and production[]

According to Ishi Rudell, "nearly 20 seconds of Granny Smith hilarity" had to be cut "due to time constraints."[43]

This short was adapted into chapters 5 and 6 of the screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, which was released more than a month earlier than the short itself.


At a garage sale in front of Applejack's house, Applejack asks Granny Smith to whom she accidentally sold her bass guitar. Granny Smith replies that she sold it to the owners of a new pawn shop.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash enter the pawn shop, the Flim Flam Brothers' Everything-Under-the-Sun Emporium, and meet its fast-talking owners: the human counterparts of Flim and Flam. Before the two can talk the five friends into a sale, Applejack inquires about the bass guitar in the far corner. Flim and Flam agree to sell the bass to Applejack for the "non-negotiable" price of $1,000. Rarity points out that the two bought it from Granny Smith for only two dollars, but Flim explains that they need to cover "overhead and transportation costs".

Applejack offers to pay back the two dollars they initially paid for the guitar, but the brothers are skeptical that it even belongs to Applejack; not even Applejack's monogrammed initials on the guitar strap are enough to convince them. When they go so far as to question Applejack's playing ability, Applejack takes the guitar and plays a skillful bass solo, causing her to transform into her half-pony form.

Flim and Flam are convinced of Applejack's rightful ownership but remind her of the costs of overhead and transportation, as well as stocking fees. Applejack's friends grow weary of the brothers' swindling, pressuring the brothers to agree to a trade. As part of the arrangement, Applejack promotes Flim and Flam's pawn shop on the sidewalk while dressed in a banana suit. Granny Smith walks by, commenting that she didn't know Applejack played the bass, and Applejack becomes annoyed.


Flim: Welcome to the grand opening of the Flim Flam Brothers' Everything-Under-the-Sun Emporium!
Flam: If you want it...
Flim and Flam: ...We've got it!
Flim: Need a pogo stick?
Flam: A bowling ball?
Flim: A stuffed clown?
Flam: Whatever this is?
Applejack: Listen, Granny never should've sold my bass. I'll give ya the two dollars back and we'll call it even.
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity: [agreeing]
Flim and Flam: Likely story!
Applejack: It is. That's my bass.
Flim: And can you prove that this is, in fact, your bass?
Rarity: Her initials are monogrammed right on the strap.
Flam: That could mean anything. It could stand for...
Flim: "Aardvark Junior"...
Flam: "Anvil Jokers"...
Flim: Or "Animal Jane".
Flam: I'll bet you don't even play the bass, Applejack... if that is your real name!
Rainbow Dash: Of course that's her real name!
Pinkie Pie: And she does play the bass!
Granny Smith: Since when do you play the bass?

Shake your Tail![]

Main article: Shake your Tail!

Perfect Day for Fun[]

Main article: Perfect Day for Fun

Encore Shorts[]

My Past is Not Today[]

Main article: My Past is Not Today

Friendship Through the Ages[]

Main article: Friendship Through the Ages

Life is a Runway[]

Main article: Life is a Runway


My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks/Animated shorts image gallery



  1. 1.0 1.1 File:'Music to My Ears' credits.png
  2. 2.0 2.1 Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-03). We each wrote.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 3.
  3. Ishi Rudell (2015-04-01). Ishi Rudell on Twitter: "“@Chevistian1: @ishiH3Art Who Wrotte The 3 Shorts” collaboration... @goldenrusset @isitlunchyet_t @WheelOfCheese @dannyimusic @mktoon". Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 April 1.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Retrieved on 2014 May 10.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Retrieved on 2014 May 24.
  6. Equestria Girls. Google+ (2014-04-16). Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
  7. Retrieved on 2015 April 1.
  8. Retrieved on 2015 April 1.
  9. Retrieved on 2015 April 1.
  10. Meghan McCarthy (2014-06-19). MMeghanMcCarthy: @HTFflakycute @WheelOfCheese .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 June 20.
  11. Ishi Rudell (2014-04-17). Like the.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
  12. Jim Miller (2014-03-27). Keep an eye out. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 March 27.
  13. Ishi Rudell (2015-04-01). Ishi Rudell on Twitter: "@InmanAlex they are related to the rainbow rocks movie... Encore Shorts! Staying with the musical theme.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 April 1.
  14. Ishi Rudell (2014-04-11). ishiH3Art: @SweetieBotatDD @Chevistian1 .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 11.
  15. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks DVD Factsheet. Phase 4 Films (2014-07-01). Retrieved on 2014 August 11.
  16. Jim Miller (2014-03-27). Check out this.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 March 27.
  17. Jayson Thiessen (2014-03-27). The first official.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 March 27.
  18. Jayson Thiessen (2014-03-27). Of course I gotta credit .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 March 27.
  19. Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks: Music To My Ears. YouTube (2014-03-31). Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
  20. My Little Pony. Facebook (2014-04-04). Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
  21. Ishi Rudell (2014-03-30). Tweeting out my.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 9.
  22. Meghan McCarthy (2014-04-04). New #EquestriaGirls #RainbowRocks .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 4.
  23. Ishi Rudell (2014-04-05). @jordanolling: @ishiH3Art.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 5.
  24. Ishi Rudell (2014-04-04). Most of the names are the same for this new short .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 4.
  25. My Little Pony. Facebook (2014-04-14). Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
  26. MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - "Guitar Centered". YouTube (2014-04-23). Retrieved on 2014 April 29.
  27. File:Hamster credits.png
  28. File:Will scored hamster short.png
  29. MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - "Hamstocalypse Now". YouTube (2014-04-23). Retrieved on 2014 April 29.
  30. My Little Pony. Facebook (2014-04-27). Retrieved on 2014 April 29.
  31. File:Josh Haber PotO.png
  32. Ishi Rudell (2014-04-25). @jordanolling I don't.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 25.
  33. MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks - "Pinkie on the One". YouTube (2014-05-06). Retrieved on 2014 May 9.
  34. My Little Pony. Facebook (2014-05-11). Retrieved on 2014 May 12.
  35. Ishi Rudell (2014-05-10). ishiH3Art: “@Chevistian1: @ishiH3Art .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 10.
  36. File:Player Piano board credit.png
  37. MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - "Player Piano". YouTube (2014-05-23). Retrieved on 2014 May 26.
  38. My Little Pony. Facebook (2014-05-25). Retrieved on 2014 May 26.
  39. Ishi Rudell (2014-05-17). ishiH3Art: Ronald Jenkees - Throwing Fire .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 17.
  40. Natasha Levinger (2014-05-26). @jordanolling @orangemeerkat .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 27. “Yes, I did.” Archived locally.
  41. File:Rob Sales.png
  42. MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - "A Case for the Bass". YouTube (2014-05-28). Retrieved on 2014 May 29.
  43. Ishi Rudell (2014-05-24). ishiH3Art: @ilikesunbutt it's unfortunate .... Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 May 24.
Episodes, films, and animated shorts
Friendship is Magic
Season one
Episode 1
Friendship is Magic, part 1
Episode 2
Friendship is Magic, part 2
Episode 3
The Ticket Master
Episode 4
Applebuck Season
Episode 5
Griffon the Brush Off
Episode 6
Boast Busters
Episode 7
Episode 8
Look Before You Sleep
Episode 9
Bridle Gossip
Episode 10
Swarm of the Century
Episode 11
Winter Wrap Up
Episode 12
Call of the Cutie
Episode 13
Fall Weather Friends
Episode 14
Suited For Success
Episode 15
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Episode 16
Sonic Rainboom
Episode 17
Stare Master
Episode 18
The Show Stoppers
Episode 19
A Dog and Pony Show
Episode 20
Green Isn't Your Color
Episode 21
Over a Barrel
Episode 22
A Bird in the Hoof
Episode 23
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Episode 24
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Episode 25
Party of One
Episode 26
The Best Night Ever
Season two
Episode 1
The Return of Harmony Part 1
Episode 2
The Return of Harmony Part 2
Episode 3
Lesson Zero
Episode 4
Luna Eclipsed
Episode 5
Sisterhooves Social
Episode 6
The Cutie Pox
Episode 7
May the Best Pet Win!
Episode 8
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Episode 9
Sweet and Elite
Episode 10
Secret of My Excess
Episode 11
Hearth's Warming Eve
Episode 12
Family Appreciation Day
Episode 13
Baby Cakes
Episode 14
The Last Roundup
Episode 15
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Episode 16
Read It and Weep
Episode 17
Hearts and Hooves Day
Episode 18
A Friend in Deed
Episode 19
Putting Your Hoof Down
Episode 20
It's About Time
Episode 21
Dragon Quest
Episode 22
Hurricane Fluttershy
Episode 23
Ponyville Confidential
Episode 24
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
Episode 25
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1
Episode 26
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2
Season three
Episode 1
The Crystal Empire - Part 1
Episode 2
The Crystal Empire - Part 2
Episode 3
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Episode 4
One Bad Apple
Episode 5
Magic Duel
Episode 6
Sleepless in Ponyville
Episode 7
Wonderbolts Academy
Episode 8
Apple Family Reunion
Episode 9
Spike at Your Service
Episode 10
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Episode 11
Just for Sidekicks
Episode 12
Games Ponies Play
Episode 13
Magical Mystery Cure
Season four
Episode 1
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1
Episode 2
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2
Episode 3
Castle Mane-ia
Episode 4
Daring Don't
Episode 5
Flight to the Finish
Episode 6
Power Ponies
Episode 7
Episode 8
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Episode 9
Pinkie Apple Pie
Episode 10
Rainbow Falls
Episode 11
Three's A Crowd
Episode 12
Pinkie Pride
Episode 13
Simple Ways
Episode 14
Filli Vanilli
Episode 15
Twilight Time
Episode 16
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Episode 17
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Episode 18
Maud Pie
Episode 19
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Episode 20
Leap of Faith
Episode 21
Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
Episode 22
Trade Ya!
Episode 23
Inspiration Manifestation
Episode 24
Equestria Games
Episode 25
Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1
Episode 26
Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2
Season five
Episode 1
The Cutie Map - Part 1
Episode 2
The Cutie Map - Part 2
Episode 3
Castle Sweet Castle
Episode 4
Bloom & Gloom
Episode 5
Tanks for the Memories
Episode 6
Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Episode 7
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Episode 8
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Episode 9
Slice of Life
Episode 10
Princess Spike
Episode 11
Party Pooped
Episode 12
Amending Fences
Episode 13
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Episode 14
Canterlot Boutique
Episode 15
Rarity Investigates!
Episode 16
Made in Manehattan
Episode 17
Brotherhooves Social
Episode 18
Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Episode 19
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Episode 20
Episode 21
Scare Master
Episode 22
What About Discord?
Episode 23
The Hooffields and McColts
Episode 24
The Mane Attraction
Episode 25
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1
Episode 26
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2
Season six
Episode 1
The Crystalling - Part 1
Episode 2
The Crystalling - Part 2
Episode 3
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Episode 4
On Your Marks
Episode 5
Gauntlet of Fire
Episode 6
No Second Prances
Episode 7
Newbie Dash
Episode 8
A Hearth's Warming Tail
Episode 9
The Saddle Row Review
Episode 10
Applejack's "Day" Off
Episode 11
Flutter Brutter
Episode 12
Spice Up Your Life
Episode 13
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Episode 14
The Cart Before the Ponies
Episode 15
28 Pranks Later
Episode 16
The Times They Are A Changeling
Episode 17
Dungeons & Discords
Episode 18
Buckball Season
Episode 19
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Episode 20
Viva Las Pegasus
Episode 21
Every Little Thing She Does
Episode 22
P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
Episode 23
Where the Apple Lies
Episode 24
Top Bolt
Episode 25
To Where and Back Again - Part 1
Episode 26
To Where and Back Again - Part 2
Season seven
Episode 1
Celestial Advice
Episode 2
All Bottled Up
Episode 3
A Flurry of Emotions
Episode 4
Rock Solid Friendship
Episode 5
Fluttershy Leans In
Episode 6
Forever Filly
Episode 7
Parental Glideance
Episode 8
Hard to Say Anything
Episode 9
Honest Apple
Episode 10
A Royal Problem
Episode 11
Not Asking for Trouble
Episode 12
Discordant Harmony
Episode 13
The Perfect Pear
Episode 14
Fame and Misfortune
Episode 15
Triple Threat
Episode 16
Campfire Tales
Episode 17
To Change a Changeling
Episode 18
Daring Done?
Episode 19
It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
Episode 20
A Health of Information
Episode 21
Marks and Recreation
Episode 22
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Episode 23
Secrets and Pies
Episode 24
Uncommon Bond
Episode 25
Shadow Play - Part 1
Episode 26
Shadow Play - Part 2
Season eight
Episode 1
School Daze - Part 1
Episode 2
School Daze - Part 2
Episode 3
The Maud Couple
Episode 4
Fake It 'Til You Make It
Episode 5
Grannies Gone Wild
Episode 6
Surf and/or Turf
Episode 7
Horse Play
Episode 8
The Parent Map
Episode 9
Non-Compete Clause
Episode 10
The Break Up Break Down
Episode 11
Molt Down
Episode 12
Marks for Effort
Episode 13
The Mean 6
Episode 14
A Matter of Principals
Episode 15
The Hearth's Warming Club
Episode 16
Friendship University
Episode 17
The End in Friend
Episode 18
Episode 19
Road to Friendship
Episode 20
The Washouts
Episode 21
A Rockhoof and a Hard Place
Episode 22
What Lies Beneath
Episode 23
Sounds of Silence
Episode 24
Father Knows Beast
Episode 25
School Raze - Part 1
Episode 26
School Raze - Part 2
Season nine
Episode 1
The Beginning of the End - Part 1
Episode 2
The Beginning of the End - Part 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Sparkle's Seven
Episode 5
The Point of No Return
Episode 6
Common Ground
Episode 7
She's All Yak
Episode 8
Episode 9
Sweet and Smoky
Episode 10
Going to Seed
Episode 11
Student Counsel
Episode 12
The Last Crusade
Episode 13
Between Dark and Dawn
Episode 14
The Last Laugh
Episode 15
2, 4, 6, Greaaat
Episode 16
A Trivial Pursuit
Episode 17
The Summer Sun Setback
Episode 18
She Talks to Angel
Episode 19
Dragon Dropped
Episode 20
A Horse Shoe-In
Episode 21
Daring Doubt
Episode 22
Growing Up is Hard to Do
Episode 23
The Big Mac Question
Episode 24
The Ending of the End - Part 1
Episode 25
The Ending of the End - Part 2
Episode 26
The Last Problem
Clip shows
Episode 1
A-Dressing Memories
Episode 2
Cakes for the Memories
Episode 3
Episode 4
Deep Tissue Memories
Episode 5
Harvesting Memories
Episode 6
Memories and More
Pony Life
Season one
Episode 1
Princess Probz
Episode 2
The Best of the Worst
Episode 3
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
Episode 4
Cute-pocalypse Meow
Episode 5
Bad Thing No. 3
Episode 6
Pinkie Pie: Hyper-Helper
Episode 7
The Trail Less Trotten
Death of a Sales-Pony
Episode 8
Bighoof Walking
The Fluttershy Effect
Episode 9
The Fast and the Furriest
Disappearing Act
Episode 10
Badge of Shame
Discord's Peak
Episode 11
A Camping We Will Go
Campfire Stories
Episode 12
Friendship Gems
Episode 13
Potion Mystery
Sick Day
Episode 14
Meet Potion Nova!
Pony Surfin' Safari
Episode 15
All Bottled Up
All That Jitters
Episode 16
I, Cookie
Keynote Pie
Episode 17
Ponies of the Moment
One Click Wonder
Episode 18
Zound Off
Unboxing Day
Episode 19
Don't Look a GIF Horse in the Mouth
The Root of It
Episode 20
The Mysterious Voice
The 5 Habits of Highly Effective Ponies
Episode 21
Game Knight
Director Spike's Mockumentary
Episode 22
Dear Tabby
Episode 23
Pie vs. Pie
Superb Six
Episode 24
The Debut Taunt
Episode 25
The Rarity Report
The Great Divide
Episode 26
The Great Collide
Sportacular Spectacular Musical Musak-ular
Season two
Episode 1
Cute Impact
The Crystal Capturing Contraption
Episode 2
The Comet Section
Cotton Candy-Colored Glasses
Episode 3
Close Encounters of the Balloon Kind
The Tiara of Truth
Episode 4
Bubble Trouble
Episode 5
Time After Time Capsule
The Great Cowgirl Hat Robbery
Episode 6
Planet of the Apps
Back to the Present
Episode 7
Magical Mare-story Tour
Life of Pie
Episode 8
The Rarest of Occasions
Portal Combat
Episode 9
What Goes Updo
Communication Shakedown
Episode 10
Little Miss Fortune
Episode 11
Playwright or Wrong
The Shows Must Go On
Episode 12
The De-Stress Ball
Mad Props
Episode 13
Magic is Ahoof
Journey to the Center of the 'Cord
Episode 14
One Last Wish
Wild Heart Beats
Make Your Mark
Episode 1
Izzy Does It
Episode 2
Growing Pains
Episode 3
Portrait of a Princess
Episode 4
Episode 5
The Cutie Mark Mix-Up
Episode 6
The Traditional Unicorn Sleep-Over
Episode 7
Hoof Done It?
Episode 8
Have You Seen This Dragon?
Episode 9
Top Remodel
Episode 10
The Jinxie Games
Episode 11
Sunny Side Up
Episode 12
The Manesquerade Ball
Episode 13
A Little Horse
Episode 14
Missing the Mark
Episode 15
Cutie Blossom Bash
Episode 16
Family Trees Pt. 1
Episode 17
Family Trees Pt. 2
Episode 18
Father of the Bridlewood
Episode 19
Mane Smelody
Episode 20
Nightmare on Mane Street
Episode 21
The Isle of Scaly‎‎
Episode 22
Roots of All Evil Pt. 1‎
Episode 23
Roots of All Evil Pt. 2
Feature films
Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks Friendship Games Legend of Everfree
My Little Pony The Movie A New Generation
Dance Magic Movie Magic Mirror Magic Forgotten Friendship
Spring Breakdown
Rollercoaster of Friendship Best Gift Ever Spring Breakdown Rainbow Roadtrip
Sunset's Backstage Pass Holidays Unwrapped Make Your Mark Winter Wishday
Bridlewoodstock Secrets of Starlight
Animated shorts
Rainbow Rocks shorts Friendship Games shorts Summertime Shorts Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 1)
Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 2) Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 1) Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 2) Equestria Girls Minis
Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook Rarity's Peek Behind the Boutique Fundamentals of Magic My Little Pony Established 1983
Friendship is Magic shorts Hello Pinkie Pie Stop Motion Shorts Tell Your Tale (season 1)
Tell Your Tale (season 2)