My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Amethyst Star

Amethyst Star in The Cutie Map - Part 1

Amethyst Star as a filly in Amending Fences

Amethyst Star as an Earth pony in The Best Night Ever

Amethyst Star as a unicorn Crystal Pony in Flight to the Finish

Amethyst Star in a strawberry costume in One Bad Apple

Amethyst Star's human counterpart in Life is a Runway

Kind Unicorn
Human (EG)
Sex Female
Occupation Leader of Ponyville animal team
Cashier (seasonal)
Other links
More info
Eyes Moderate purple
Mane ¤ Moderate violet with light purple highlights
Coat Pale, light grayish magenta
Magic aura Brilliant raspberry (S2E8 and S5E24)
Light mulberry (S2E26)
Grayish opal (S4E22 and S6E4)
Moderate magenta (S4E22)
Grayish mulberry (S5E5)
Cutie mark
Three diamonds
(most appearances)
Purple clover (S2E15)
Two pairs of two beamed quavers
(some S4E13 appearances)
Two dolphins
(one S4E13 appearance)
Magic wand and crescent moon
(some S4E16 appearances)
(one S4E16 appearance)
(some S4E20 appearances)
Two diamonds
(one S4E22 appearance)
(one S6E12 appearance)
(at least some The Movie appearance)
Voice Cathy Weseluck (English, S2E8)[1]
Brenda Crichlow (English, S5E9)
Marielle Ostrowski (French, S2E8)
Beatrice Wegnez (French, S5E9)
Lena Rettinghaus (German)
Asami Yoshida (Japanese)
Agata Gawrońska-Bauman (Polish, S2E8)
Daria Morawiec (Polish, S5E9)[2]
Daria Frolova (Russian, S2E8)
Olga Shorokhova (Russian, S5E9)
Gloria Obregón (Latin America Spanish, S2E8)
Olena Yabluchna (Ukrainian, S5E9)

Amethyst Star is a female unicorn with a pink coat, a violet mane and tail with a floral lavender streak, amethyst eyes, and a cutie mark of three brilliant-cut diamonds. She shares her design with Lyra Heartstrings, Diamond Mint, and Lemony Gem, shares her mane and tail style with Rose and Silverspeed, and shares her tail style with Royal Ribbon. She has speaking roles in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Slice of Life, and the German version of The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.

Depiction in the series[]

Amethyst Star dressed up crop S1E22

Dressed up in A Bird in the Hoof.

Amethyst Star is commonly featured in the series as a background pony. During party scenes and running sequences, she usually wears a yellow-orange saddle with a yellow skirt underneath, and sometimes a yellow flower is tucked into her mane next to her ear.

Season one[]

Amethyst Star first appears as a passerby in Canterlot in Friendship is Magic, part 1, holding a shopping bag in her mouth while Twilight Sparkle runs past her. She next appears in the party that Pinkie Pie throws for Twilight in the library at Ponyville, and since then has remained a consistent sight in the town.

In the episode Winter Wrap Up, Amethyst Star is the leader of the animal team, but she also partakes in the ice-carving scene as part of the weather team. In Over a Barrel, she is seen in Appleloosa, wearing the same yellow-orange saddle along with a straw-colored, dome-crowned cowboy hat. She appears often at the Grand Galloping Gala in The Best Night Ever. While marching on her way to the gala, she appears hornless when viewed from the front.

Season two[]

Aren't you milking this S2E08

At the picnic.

Amethyst Star competes in Sisterhooves Social alongside "Dinky Doo", and she holds a picnic with Liza Doolots in The Mysterious Mare Do Well. In the latter episode, Rainbow Dash tries to open her jar of peanut butter in an attempt at heroism, whereupon Amethyst Star responds with her first spoken lines.

In A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, Amethyst Star is one of twelve horn-blowing unicorns at the wedding during This Day Aria, Part 1.

Season four[]

Amethyst Star appears in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2, Flight to the Finish, Power Ponies, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, and Three's A Crowd. In Simple Ways, she gives Rarity a bouquet of roses when she's chosen as the pony of ceremonies for the Ponyville Days Festival. Amethyst Star also appears in Filli Vanilli, It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Leap of Faith, Trade Ya!, Inspiration Manifestation, Equestria Games, Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2.

Season five[]

Amethyst Star appears in The Cutie Map - Part 1 outside of the Castle of Friendship, in Bloom & Gloom running from the twittermite swarm, and in Tanks for the Memories.

In Slice of Life, Amethyst Star appears in her second speaking role as Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's replacement wedding organizer. She agrees to help Matilda and mentions that she used to be the "best organizer in all of Ponyville" before Twilight moved to Ponyville. Amethyst later appears at the wedding as a guest. The credits name her as in previous materials.

Amethyst Star appears at a cafe with Noteworthy in Princess Spike, at the friendship party at the end of Party Pooped, as a filly in Twilight's flashback in Amending Fences, in Ponyville's shared dream in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, at Canterlot Carousel in Canterlot Boutique, at the Sisterhooves Social in Brotherhooves Social, and in Ponyville in Scare Master. In The Mane Attraction, she helps organize the charity event with Applejack. She also appears, somewhat obscured, in the final group shot during Friends Are Always There For You in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2.

Best Gift Ever[]

In My Little Pony Best Gift Ever Amethyst appears as a cashier in a department store for the Hearth's Warming shopping season. She also does gift wrapping.

Differently-colored versions[]

Ten differently-colored versions of Amethyst Star appear in the show, some wearing a saddle and skirt combination similar to hers, either with the same triple diamond cutie mark or with their cutie mark obscured by the skirt.


Times stated below are approximate and taken from videos available online.

Season one
1 2:43 – watches Twilight Sparkle while carrying a shopping bag, 16:41 ~ 17:29 – at the party, 18:46 ~ 19:18 – on both the left and right balcony in the town hall as well as in the crowd, 19:35 – smiles in anticipation of Princess Celestia’s appearance, 19:59 – gasps at Celestia’s disappearance, 20:17 – in the crowd surveyed by Nightmare Moon, 21:09 – seen from behind.

Duplicates: 18:46, 19:03 – duplicate at the front of the audience, 19:59, 20:17 – numerous duplicates in the audience.

2 1:27 – flees from Nightmare Moon, 20:50 – standing in the crowd.
3 3:34 ~ 4:10 – in the audience for the Wonderbolts in Rainbow Dash’s fantasy, 8:01 – on the dance floor in Canterlot Castle in Rarity's fantasy, 16:49 – tossing Twilight up and down in reality, 16:59 – backs off from Twilight, 17:11, 17:16 – part of the crowd asking favors of Twilight, 17:36 ~ 18:01 – chasing Twilight.

Duplicates: 4:09 – two duplicates in the audience, 17:45 ~ 18:01 – entire pony posse intermittently duplicated for effect.

4 2:19 – running from the cow stampede with a yellow flower and orange saddle, 4:44 ~ 6:47 – in the audience at the party for Applejack, 14:49 ~ 14:58 – getting free muffin samples.

Duplicates: 5:55 – one duplicate in the audience.

5 12:36 – looking at a frightened Granny Smith, 13:23 – looking startled at Gilda, 18:22 – watches Gilda slip and slide at the party, 18:34 – witnessing Gilda’s breakdown.
6 2:18 ~ 10:00 – standing in the crowd for Trixie’s show, 15:46 – running from the Ursa while wearing a flower and saddle, 16:23 – gasping, 16:36 – staring at Twilight as she faces the Ursa, 18:35 ~ 20:30 – in the crowd congratulating Twilight.

Duplicates: 2:18 – two duplicates in the audience, 2:29 – one duplicate, 2:42, 3:27, 6:13, 6:38, 7:19, 9:23, 9:42, 9:58, 18:35, 20:05, 20:29.

7 1:50 – walks past Fluttershy in the park with Gala Appleby.
8 None.
9 None.
10 3:03 – standing in front of some tents and watching Twilight walk to Sugarcube Corner.
11 1:45 – in the crowd to hear Mayor Mare’s speech (with an animal team vest), 1:54 – warming up with Lemon Hearts, 2:19 ~ 2:33 – back in the crowd, 2:37 – among the team leaders, 2:45 – standing in the animal team, 4:08 – singing while attached to a cart of supplies, 4:34 – singing with a hedgehog on her back, 16:31 – scoring the ice too widely, 18:12 – placing a bow on a hoof-crafted nest, 18:19 – with the ice-carving team (without a vest), 18:29 – with a weather team vest and a yellow flower in her mane.

Duplicates: 1:45 – three duplicates in the crowd, 2:19 – two duplicates, 18:19 – one duplicate.

12 15:22 – at Diamond Tiara’s cute-ceañera with her orange saddle and yellow skirt, 15:32 – without her saddle and skirt, 15:34 – looking at Diamond Tiara (with an orange flower beside her ear), 17:10 – tail visible, 18:06 ~ 18:21 – looking at Apple Bloom (with her saddle and skirt but no flower), 18:21 ~ 19:00 – without her saddle.
13 6:40 ~ 7:25 – in the audience of the Iron Pony competition, 7:17 – looking up at Applejack, 9:11 ~ 11:19 – watching the Running of the Leaves, 16:41 – racing (with a yellow flower in her hair), 18:51 – standing near the finish line (no flower), 19:30 ~ 19:35 – in the foreground watching Applejack and Rainbow Dash fight.

Duplicates: 6:59 – one duplicate in the background, 7:11, 7:24, 9:11 – two duplicates in the audience, 11:18 – one duplicate, 19:31 – one Amethyst Star in the background and one in the foreground.

14 13:05 – walking up to Rarity's fashion show, 13:12 – looking at Hoity Toity as he walks up, 13:51 – in the crowd as the show starts, 14:07 ~ 14:16 – viewing the stage, 14:49 – listening to Hoity Toity, 14:59.

Duplicates: 13:55 – four duplicates in the crowd, 15:10 – one duplicate behind Lyra Heartstrings.

15 None.
16 None.
17 None.
18 14:43 – standing in the crowd for the talent show, 16:36 – staring at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, 16:40, 18:40 – starts laughing, 19:51 – awaiting the last award of the night, 20:02 – applauding.

Duplicates: 14:45 – five duplicates in the crowd, 16:38 – three duplicates, 18:40 – two duplicates, 20:02 – many duplicates.

19 None.
20 10:06 – standing in Fluttershy’s first fashion show with her orange saddle and yellow skirt, 10:09 – smiling (without her saddle and skirt), 16:43 ~ 18:39 – in the audience for Fluttershy’s latest fashion show, 17:19 – sees Fluttershy trip, 17:22 – watching Fluttershy act weird, 17:30 – watching Fluttershy skid across the stage, 17:33 – and float upside down, 17:41 – and act like a dog, 17:42 – shrieking, 17:53 – gasping at Fluttershy’s donkey noises.

Duplicate: 10:11 – one duplicate behind Count Caesar, 17:19 – one duplicate in the crowd, 17:22, 17:30, 17:33, 17:41.

21 16:00 – running through Appleloosa with a straw-colored cowpony hat and a rope in her mouth (also wearing her orange saddle and yellow skirt).
22 3:22 – at the party for Princess Celestia (wearing her yellow flower), 4:40 – (with her orange saddle and yellow skirt added), 4:46 – talking with “Drizzle”, 6:53 – bows as Celestia leaves (without her flower, saddle and skirt).
23 11:18 ~ 11:29 – standing in the audience for the performance in Rarity's flashback, 11:20 – awed at the display, 12:04 ~ 12:26 – in the crowd for the sun-raising ceremony in Canterlot in Twilight Sparkle’s flashback, 12:25 – cheering.

Duplicates: 12:04 – one duplicate in the crowd, 12:07, 12:19.

24 None.
25 0:01 – looking up at the sky.
26 3:48 – standing outside of Canterlot with Golden Harvest (wearing her orange saddle and yellow flower), 5:25 – singing after Rarity's part, 6:14 – smiles at Pinkie Pie in her fantasy, 6:45 – singing after Twilight Sparkle’s part, 6:47 – singing and marching (hornless and without her saddle and flower), 6:56, 7:11 – singing the finale, 7:38 – talking with Golden Harvest inside Canterlot Castle (with her horn, saddle, skirt and flower back), 9:31 – sees Rainbow Dash catch Soarin’s pie, 10:27 – looking at Pinkie Pie oddly as she dances, 10:39 – staring wide-eyed at Pinkie (without her saddle, skirt and flower), 10:44 – looking surprised at Pinkie’s sudden loss of enthusiasm, 11:44 – talking with Twinkleshine, 15:16 – gaping at Pinkie’s announcement (with her saddle and skirt), 19:20 – looking at Rainbow Dash (without her saddle and skirt).

Duplicates: 6:45 – one duplicate singing without the saddle and flower, 6:47 – at least one Earth pony duplicate in the crowd, 7:11.

Season two
1 None
2 20:43 ~ 21:16 - in Canterlot Castle

Duplicates: 20:51 - three in the crowd

3 6:03 - standing in Ponyville as Twilight Sparkle walks by; 16:39 ~ 16:50 - fighting other ponies over Smarty Pants
4 None
5 16:08 - in the pie eating contest; 16:23 - in the pig pen with "Dinky Doo"; 17:00 - approaching Granny Smith; 17:15, 17:22 - listening to Granny Smith; 17:26 - walking to the starting line; 17:30, 17:43 - at the starting line; 17:48, 17:50 - running in the race; 18:03 - watching from the stands; 18:07 - jumping over crates; 18:16 - eating pie with "Dinky Doo"; 18:25 - in the crowd; 18:26 - tossing grapes; 18:29, 18:54 - in the crowd; 19:21 - cheering for Berryshine and "Piña Colada"

Duplicates: 17:00, 17:24, 17:26, 18:25, 18:54 - one in the crowd

6 16:43 - "Cutie pox?!"
7 None
8 3:15 - in the crowd praising Rainbow Dash; 4:32, 4:52 - cheering for Rainbow Dash; 15:08 ~ 15:57 - having a picnic with Liza Doolots (speaking role); 16:18 - disapproving of Rainbow Dash; 17:43, 17:58 - in the crowd at Mare Do Well's thank-you parade
9 5:46 ~ 7:36 - in the crowd at the Wonderbolts Derby (several duplicates present); 10:06 - in a checkboard shot of ponies during Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know); 10:18 - watching the Lavender Spirit Airship's maiden voyage
10 16:29 - running through Ponyville; 16:45 - running away from rushing water
11 1:51, 3:32, 3:52, 4:20, 4:35, 7:23, 12:19, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - in the pageant audience; 5:16 - acting in the pageant; 20:24 - singing The Heart Carol

Duplicates: 1:51, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - multiple; 12:19 - two in the audience; 20:24 - several in the sweeping crowd shot

12 None
13 None
14 None
15 3:40 - looking mad when the cider runs out; 3:47 - in the crowd complaing; 4:58 ~ 8:46 - in the crowd during The Flim Flam Brothers; 10:32 - in line for apple cider; 10:57 - trampling Twilight, Applejack, and Spike; 10:59 ~ 12:53 - in the crowd when Flim and Flam challenge the Apples; 17:12, 17:45, 18:41 - in the crowd at the cider-making competition; 19:49, 19:54 - watching the Apples leave; 20:44 - watching Flim and Flam leave; 20:55 - looking at barrels of cider; 21:03 - cheering for Apple family
16 None
17 0:02, 3:30, 4:11 - in Ponyville Town Square
18 5:04 ~ 6:14 - appears during Smile Song
19 7:06 ~ 10:17 - at Iron Will's seminar (with multiple duplicates)
20 None
21 None.
22 None
23 0:02, 9:01 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville; 0:31 - on front cover of Foal Free Press
24 None
25 None 
26 5:53 - as a horn blower during This Day Aria, Part 1; 9:27 - at the first wedding ceremony; 17:28 - at the second wedding; 20:35 - in a photo of Rarity and Fancy Pants
Season three
1 None
2 None
3 13:27, 14:17, 14:42 - in the crowd complaining about Pinkie Pie

Duplicates: 13:27, 14:42 - one in the crowd

4 10:33,13:06 - polishing a tomato float; 12:51 ~ 16:40 - at the Summer Harvest Parade (with several duplicates); 16:38 - riding a cucumber float, dressed as a strawberrry
5 3:03 - near Town Hall when Trixie appears (no cutie mark); 3:05 - in the crowd of ponies; 20:32 - watching Twilight perform for the Saddle Arabians

Duplicates: 3:03 - one in the crowd

6 0:11 - watching Scootaloo race by
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 16:28 - on the train to the Crystal Empire; 20:08 - on the train to Ponyville
12 None
13 15:40 - in flashback of Boast Busters; 18:24, 20:22 - at Twilight's princess coronation (with multiple duplicates); 20:53, 21:03 - in the crowd during Life in Equestria
Season four
1 None
2 20:27 - in the crowd at the Summer Sun Celebration
3 None
4 None
5 20:27 - in the sweeping crowd shot

Duplicates: 20:27 ~ 20:31 - five in the crowd

6 5:55 - running away from Mane-iac
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 4:49 - on the training field next to Star Hunter, 7:48 - watching Soarin fall, 20:26 - applauding

Duplicates: 20:26 - one: in the audience cheering, 20:39 - at least two: in the audience cheering as well

11 9:46, 10:09 - dressed in a Star Swirl the Bearded costume at the Traveling Museum.
12 2:01, 3:09 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 5:35, 5:52 - seen during The Super Duper Party Pony; 13:02, 14:01 ~ 16:32 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off; 19:39 - riding a cheese wheel; 19:47, 19:48 - at the birth-iversary party; 20:09 - seen during Make a Wish

Duplicates: one at 19:47

13 0:10 ~ 1:08 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement; 1:00 - giving Rarity a bouquet of roses; 5:05 - at the train station; 21:20 - watching the Ponyville Days fashion show
14 10:05 - at the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser; 12:16 - cheering for the Pony Tones; 12:24 - galloping past a pen of animals; 16:26 - watching the Pony Tones perform

Duplicates: one at 12:16

15 None
16 2:14 ~ 3:28 - in a crowd of ponies; 3:42 - next to Dr. Hooves; 4:18, 4:26 - watching the Breezies fly through Ponyville; 4:48 - blocks Spike's view of the Breezies; 5:21 - gasping in horror; 5:58 - watching Fluttershy save the Breezies; 6:17 - cheering for Fluttershy

Duplicates: one at 2:15, one at 4:18, one at 5:21

17 None
18 None
19 5:07, 5:40 - in the auditorium lobby
20 2:58 ~ 3:27 - walking toward Flim and Flam's tent; 3:35 ~ 4:06 - inside the tent; 4:42 ~ 6:59 - seen during Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic; 14:46 ~ 16:19 - in a Ponyville Swim Meet crowd; 17:26 - listening to Apple Bloom; 20:22, 21:02 - in the crowd of ponies

Duplicates: one at 3:27 and 6:42; two at 4:06, 4:42, and 5:10

21 None
22 0:36 - welcoming Princess Twilight to the Traders Exchange; 2:12 - trading items with Sassaflash; 10:53 - walking through the Traders Exchange; 13:28, 13:58, 14:05 - in line for oat burgers; 14:26, 14:32 - in the background behind the oat burger stand; 16:06, 16:31 ~ 17:40 - near a trading stall (different aura color at 16:31); 19:17 ~ 19:59 - at the Traders Exchange trial (different cutie mark at 19:17); 20:10 - leaving the Traders Exchange
23 0:22 - standing next to "Dinky Doo"
24 4:33, 5:44, 6:44, 7:21 - in the Equestria Games crowd; 16:39 - watching the ice archery event; 16:48, 16:58, 18:14 - watching the ice archery event; 18:30, 18:32 - watching the ice cloud fall; 20:41, 20:50 - watching the closing ceremonies
25 20:00, 20:05 - in an auditorium crowd
26 20:19 - walking up to the Castle of Friendship; 20:30, 20:38, 20:57 - seen during Let the Rainbow Remind You
Season five
1 0:01 - standing outside the Castle of Friendship
2 None
3 None
4 8:14 - fleeing from the twittermite swarm
5 8:12 - hanging icicles in Ponyville; 19:32 - skating on the frozen lake
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 6:53 ~ 7:17 - giving directions to ponies and helping Matilda (speaking role); 17:44, 19:01 ~ 20:55 - at Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding
10 0:01 - entering Canterlot Castle; 11:45 ~ 12:24 - at a Canterlot cafe with Noteworthy; 17:46 - in Fancy Pants' angry mob
11 19:59, 20:09, 20:51 - at the friendship party in Ponyville
12 3:31 - walking through Canterlot with Sea Swirl; 6:54 - as a filly in Twilight Sparkle's flashback
13 14:02 ~ 14:24, 17:05 - in Ponyville's shared dream
14 6:43 - in the audience for Rarity's fashion display; 11:59, 12:01 - in Rarity's fantasy during Rules of Rarity; 19:46 - looking at an outfit on a rack behind Rarity
15 None
16 None
17 6:33 - paired with "Dinky Doo" at the Sisterhooves Social; 11:59 - reacting to "Orchard Blossom"'s deep voice; 15:50 - sitting in the stands; 17:07 - staring at "Orchard Blossom"; 17:42 - standing with "Dinky Doo" among the wrecked course; 18:02 - cheering for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 1:43, 1:52 - enjoying the Nightmare Night decorations with Twinkleshine
22 None
23 None
24 0:13 - checking in with Applejack; 1:20 - gasping; 5:08 - seeing Coloratura's arrival; 9:23 - cheering at the end of Countess Coloratura's number; 10:05 - conversing with Golden Harvest; 15:37 - watching Svengallop get busted; 19:14 - watching Coloratura perform The Magic Inside
25 2:59 - attending Twilight's lecture
26 3:25 - talking to Sunshower Raindrops and Sprinkle Medley; 21:07 - as part of "group A" for the finale, standing next to Octavia Melody and DJ Pon-3; 21:25 - appears in the final group shot (obscured)
Season six
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 4:14 - assisting Mayor Mare while she writes a bill; 11:14 ~ 11:35 - goes white water rafting with Apple Bloom, Golden Harvest, Noteworthy and Shoeshine; 19:40 ~ 20:25 - watching the dance recital
5 None
6 2:15 - walking with Minuette and holding an ice cream cone; 16:16 - in the crowd for Trixie's show
7 0:01 -walking toward the Castle of Friendship
8 21:23 - singing the final lines (seen from back)
9 None
10 None
11 5:11 - walking in Ponyville
12 2:03 - talking to Twinkleshine; 2:48 - walking in Restaurant Row (scroll cutie mark); 4:24 - talking to "Star Bright"; 9:41 - walking in Restaurant Row; 9:53 - talking to Minuette; 10:55 - watching Pinkie Pie and Saffron Masala's ad campaign with "Dinky Doo"; 11:35 - turning down the ad campaign; 11:38 - walking with "Written Script"
13 None
14 16:17 - watching the Applewood Derby from a window; 17:43 - cheering on the Applewood Derby; 20:57 - watching the do-over of the Derby
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 6:14 - one of the exhausted unicorns
19 12:46 - in the stands of the baseball game; 20:52 - attending Gabby's cute-ceñeara
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season seven
1 2:40 - watching the medal ceremony; 3:52 - dancing at the party; 4:15 - drinking tea with Berryshine; 5:38 - talking to Berryshine
2 None
3 7:11 - throwing an apple core in a trash can
4 2:07 - covering her ears
5 None
6 None
7 10:50 - in the stands of the Wonderbolts arena; 13:41 - waiting in line for the Wonderbolts' autographs
8 None
9 19:16 - in the crowd for the Couture du Future Fashion Contest
10 10:20 - watching Princess Luna at a ribbon-cutting ceremony
11 0:01 - perusing Cherry Fizzy's carrot stand
12 None
13 None
14 0:51 - walking with Golden Harvest and "Princess Erroria" outside Twilight's castle; 14:25 - attempting to mob the Mane Six
15 9:24 - talking to Shoeshine and Junebug; 21:23 - looking frightened
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 0:07 - waiting in line at the flower stand
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 16:08 ~ 17:16 - at Pinkie Pie's pie party
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season eight
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 16:19 - in the audience for the fashion show (shot reused from Green Isn't Your Color)
5 None
6 1:19 - getting off the Friendship Express with "Dinky Doo"
7 None
8 2:06 - talking to "Rainbow Stars"
9 None
10 10:59 - receiving a heart-shaped balloon from Royal Riff; 20:29 - still talking to Royal Riff
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 Yes
19 None
20 Yes
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season nine
1 None
2 Yes
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 Yes
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 Yes
14 None
15 None
16 Yes
17 None
18 Yes
19 Yes
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 Yes
24 None
25 Yes
26 Yes

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

My Little Pony Equestria Girls[]

Amethyst Star at train station cropped EG

Amethyst Star, with a darker color scheme similar to in certain background appearances in some episodes, makes a brief appearance at the very beginning of My Little Pony Equestria Girls, listening to unicorn Goldengrape at the Crystal Empire train station.

Rainbow Rocks animated shorts[]

Amethyst Star's human counterpart appears in the Rainbow Rocks encore short Life is a Runway, once during the runway sequence and again at Carousel Boutique at the very end of the short.

Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship[]

Amethyst appears briefly carrying a book inside the Canterlot library.

Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown[]

Amethyst appears in Ponyville, watering some flowers.

Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie[]

Amethyst Star appears in My Little Pony The Movie with a G-clefS05E13 Unnamed Earth Mare #1—cutie mark during We Got This Together attending the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot.

Other depictions[]

Friendship is Magic shorts[]

In Sundae, Sundae, Sundae, Amethyst Star makes a background appearance attending the unveiling of the Sugarcube Corner Ice Cream Museum.

Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook[]

Amethyst Star appears in episode 4 of Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook, "Cutie Mark Magic".


My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Amethyst Star is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of her states, "'The Best Organizer in all Ponyville' ...'til Twilight moved in. Since then, she's had to chill."


Mystery pack 4 Amethyst Star

A glitter mini-figure toy of Amethyst Star was released in May 2012 as part of the fourth wave of mystery packs. The toy uses the Rarity mold, but closely resembles Amethyst Star in body color, eye color, and cutie mark. Her name first comes from the mystery pack packaging and collector card. According to the European version of the card, Amethyst Star "loves to dance". The U.S. version of the card lists the name with a trademark symbol and states that Amethyst Star "loves to dance when she hears music!"[3]

A second Amethyst Star mini-figure toy and collector card pair was released in November 2012 as part of the sixth wave of mystery packs. The U.S. version of this card uses the same description and trademark symbol as the U.S. version of the first card.[4]

A third Amethyst Star mini-figure toy and collector card pair was released in November 2013 as part of the ninth wave of mystery packs.[5][6]

Pop includes Amethyst Star, with her name listed with a trademark symbol.

Amethyst Star also appears with her name listed with a trademark symbol in Enterplay's collectible card game, which is the first time that she is simultaneously referred to by name and depicted with the same design as in the show. Her Gen Con Indy 2013 demo card attributes to her the quote "The secret to being Animal Team captain? Critters LOVE peanut butter."[7] Her card α #80 C lists the quote "The secret to running the Animal Team? Critters LOVE peanut butter." α #134 U, Critter Cuisine, attributes to her and Twinkleshine the respective quotes "But ferrets are carnivorous!" and "Shhh, maybe they don't know that yet!" Her The Crystal Games expansion set card #77 C gives her the description "Amethyst Star's leadership of the Winter Wrap Up animal team has given her plenty of experience defusing tense situations."

Amethyst Star is shown on Acidfree's first art print.[8]

A Rainbow Rocks doll of Amethyst Star is listed on Hasbro's website.[9]


The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Rainbow Dash: You'd better let me handle this, ma'am! For your own safety, I must ask you to stand back!
Amethyst Star: Oh brother...
Rainbow Dash: Ta-dah!
Amethyst Star: Uh... Thanks.
Rainbow Dash: How would you describe what I just did? Would you say I was amazing?
Amethyst Star: Aren't you milking this a bit?
Rainbow Dash: Please, just answer the question! Was I, or was I not, amazing?
Amethyst Star: Oh, you're amazing all right. An amazingly--
Rainbow Dash: Oh, look!
"I used to be the best organizer in all of Ponyville!"
Slice of Life
"The secret to being Animal Team captain? Critters LOVE peanut butter."
— Enterplay collectible card game Gen Con Indy 2013 demo card of Amethyst Star
"The secret to running the Animal Team? Critters LOVE peanut butter."
— Enterplay collectible card game α #80 C card of Amethyst Star
"But ferrets are carnivorous!"
— Enterplay collectible card game α #134 U card Critter Cuisine


Amethyst Star image gallery

See also[]


  1. Cathy Weseluck on Twitter (2012-06-06). Accessed on 2012-06-06.
  2. Dubbingpedia's publication of credits from SDI's e-mail (Polish). Retrieved on 2015 August 3.
  3. Amethyst Star's U.S. Mystery Pack Card (Wave 4). Retrieved on 2012 October 6.
  4. Complete Set of Wave 6 Blindbags Revealed. Equestria Daily (2012-10-10). Retrieved on 2012 December 22.
  5. Hot Topic. Retrieved on 2013 December 7.
  6. T2UjddXp4aXXXXXXXX_!!52061440.jpg. Retrieved on 2013 September 12.
  7. fbbr.jpg. Retrieved on 2013 August 20.
  8. My Little Pony by Amy Mebberson. Acidfree Gallery (2014-07-03). Archived from the original on 2015-11-04. Retrieved on 2014 July 6.
  9. Rainbow Rocks Encore - Amethyst Star. Hasbro. Retrieved on 2015 February 20.