My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
For the mare and filly whose names include "Caramel", see Caramel Apple and List of ponies#Candy Caramel Tooth.

A younger Caramel seen on Cover A of "Neigh Anything".

Caramel as a Pegasus in the episode Sonic Rainboom

Caramel as an Earth Crystal Pony in the episode Flight to the Finish

Caramel as Dancing Clownspony in Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Kind Earth
Human (Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror)
Sex Male
Residence Neighboring Carousel Boutique, Ponyville
Occupation Rodeo clown (S2E14, S5E6, and mobile game)
Other links
More info
Eyes Moderate cerulean
Mane Grayish tangelo
Coat Light amber
Cutie mark
Three blue horseshoes
Voice Brian Drummond (English, S1E26)[1]
Peter New (English, S2E15 and S7E14)[2][3][4]
Jason Simpson (English, S6E10)
Yoshiyuki Shimozuma (Japanese)
Janusz Wituch (Polish, S1E26)
Adam Pluciński (Polish, S2E15)
Nikita Prozorovskiy (Russian, S1E26)
Evgeniy Waltz (Russian, S2E15)
Oleg Virozub (Russian, S6E10)
Anton Savenkov (Russian, S7E14)

Caramel is a background male Earth pony in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He has a light brown coat with a darker brown mane. He shares his mane and tail style and his color scheme with Doctor Horse, and shares his design with Cherry Fizzy, Royal Riff, and S01E02 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Depiction in the series[]

Caramel sad 2 S1E11

Caramel being sad after losing the seeds in Winter Wrap Up.

Caramel is a forgetful pony, managing to lose his grass seeds for Winter Wrap Up more than once according to Big McIntosh. His goof frustrates Applejack and only adds to the backlog of work to get through during the Wrap Up. For a few seconds during this appearance he has caramel apples as his cutie mark, but for the rest of the scene and for most other appearances he has three blue horseshoes.

He is one of two ponies in The Best Night Ever who pull the six leading characters' carriage to the Grand Galloping Gala, the other being Lucky Clover. He is happy to pull the carriage for Rarity, but when Spike whips him with the strap, he shows a great deal of annoyance, shared by Lucky Clover. At this point, he also mentions that he is Rarity's neighbor.

Clown Caramel S2E14

In The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, he is among the ponies near the front of the line when the Apple family runs out of cider, and echoes Rainbow Dash's displeasure with their frequent shortages.

In Hearts and Hooves Day, Caramel is considered a suitable candidate for Cheerilee's date by Sweetie Belle until the "camera" pans to the left and reveals him rubbing noses with Sassaflash. This causes Scootaloo to sarcastically remark that "his girlfriend sure thinks" he's acceptable. Then later, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders near the end of their song and pan out the camera, he can be seen rubbing noses with Golden Harvest. Later, there is a stallion with Golden Harvest that is similar to Caramel, sharing the same mane style, tail style, and cutie mark.

In A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, Caramel serves as one of Shining Armor's aides-de-camp at his wedding to Princess Cadance.

In season four, Caramel appears in Flight to the Finish, Pinkie Pride, Simple Ways, Filli Vanilli, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Leap of Faith, Trade Ya!, Equestria Games, and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2.

In season five, Caramel enjoys wintertime with Daisy and Cherry Berry in Tanks for the Memories, performs as a rodeo clown in Appleoosa's Most Wanted, appears as a delegate for the Grand Equestria Pony Summit in Princess Spike, attends the friendship party for the Yaks in Party Pooped, appears in Ponyville's shared dream in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, watches the Wonderbolts practice in Rarity Investigates!, looks at "Orchard Blossom" among the other contestants upon declaring themselves and Apple Bloom approved as a pair, walks through Ponyville during Light of Your Cutie Mark in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, in both Hearthbreakers and Scare Master, he appears decorating Ponyville for the respective holidays, and appears walking through Ponyville in What About Discord?

In season six, Caramel has a brief speaking role in Applejack's "Day" Off.


Times are approximate.

Season one
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 12:40 ~ 12:57 - plowing snow at other Earth ponies (with Noteworthy's cutie mark); 13:50 - plowing snow as Twilight Sparkle goes past him; 14:10 - seen as Twilight loses control of her magic; 14:41 ~ 14:49 - watching the avalanche Twilight causes; 17:02 ~ 17:28 - receives a scolding from Applejack for losing the grass seeds and sticks around when ponies start to argue; 17:54 - next to Berryshine when Twilight takes charge; 18:35 - plowing fields and planting seeds under Twilight's direction; 19:31 ~ 19:36 - hauling a cart of hay; 19:52 - watering fields; 20:03 - hauling a cart of rakes; 20:48 ~ 20:59 - in the crowd, behind Pinkie Pie

Duplicates: 12:40 - one in the background; 19:52 - one in the background

12 None
13 6:25 - next to Daisy, watching the Long Jump
14 None
15 None
16 Pegasus version: 14:19 - as a contestant in the Best Young Flier competition; 14:33 - flexing a muscle for Parasol
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 16:44 ~ 18:39 - at Fluttershy's second fashion show
21 7:39 - Wild West-dancing with Shoeshine; 13:43 - in the crowd of ponies behind Rarity and Twilight Sparkle; 13:48 - in the crowd of ponies, next to Goldengrape; 14:42 ~ 14:55 - dancing on stage with Pinkie Pie during You Got to Share, You Got to Care; 15:47 - galloping away from the stage; 15:55 - galloping across Appleloosa; 16:48 - pulling ropes with Goldengrape; 16:50 - hammering with Apple Munchies; 16:58 - hauling cart of apples with Goldengrape; 17:06 - making apple pies next to Lucky Clover; 17:10 - in the crowd as Noteworthy and Cherry Fizzy raise a flag; 18:07 - hiding inside a building; 18:23 - awaiting the buffalo's attack; 19:05 - running away from the buffalo; 19:25 - throwing pies at buffalo from atop a building; 20:39 - cutting down trees (all appearances are while wearing a hat)

Duplicates: 14:55 - in the crowd, without a hat; 17:10 - at least three in the crowd

22 None
23 15:28 - watching Twilight go "yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!"
24 None
25 None
26 1:31 - approached by Rarity to pull the girls' carriage to the Grand Galloping Gala; 3:17 - pulling the girls' carriage with Lucky Clover; 3:31 - "Excuse me?!"; 3:50 - approaching Canterlot Castle
Season two
1 None
2 14:28 - in Applejack's flashback of Winter Wrap Up
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 9:31 - at an auction during Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know); 10:06 - in a checkboard shot of ponies
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 2:43, 2:58, 3:02 - at Applejack's sendoff party; 7:30 - dressed as a clown; 7:44 - rolling a barrel; 8:52 - in Dodge Junction
15 3:38 - "Yeah, you always run out!"; 3:55 - "You always say that!"; 16:09, 17:12, 17:45, 18:41 - in the crowd at the cider-making competition; 20:55 - "Plus we can have high-quality Apple family cider!"
16 None
17 0:02, 3:30, 4:11 - in Ponyville Town Square; 3:45 - with Sassaflash during The Perfect Stallion
18 None
19 1:45 - in the Ponyville marketplace; 7:50 - at Iron Will's seminar (with several duplicates)
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 0:02 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville
24 None
25 None
26 5:54, 5:58 - at the wedding during This Day Aria, Part 1; 6:17 ~ 8:20 - at the first wedding ceremony; 17:18 ~ 18:28 - at the second wedding
Season three
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 12:51, 13:04, 15:25 ~ 15:52 - at the Summer Harvest Parade
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 3:15 - at the Crystal Empire train station with Cherry Berry
13 2:03 - in the crowd grumbling at Rarity; 12:52 - bumps into Sassaflash; 13:00 ~ 13:10 - in the crowd during A True, True Friend; 18:24 ~ 20:38 - at Twilight's princess coronation
Season four
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 20:27 - in the sweeping crowd shot

Duplicates: 20:27 ~ 20:31 - five in the crowd

6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 0:01 - dancing in Appleloosa; 3:09 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 13:29 ~ 16:32 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off

Duplicates: one at 14:01

13 0:08, 0:20 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement; 5:05 - at the train station
14 10:19, 16:26 - watching the Ponytones perform; 15:35 - in a line of ponies outside Sugarcube Corner; 17:00 - cheering for Fluttershy
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 2:24 - entering the auditorium
20 2:58 - walking toward Flim and Flam's tent; 3:35 - inside the tent

Duplicates: one at 3:35

21 None
22 11:15, 11:45 - walking through the Traders Exchange; 13:29, 14:05 - in line for oat burgers; 19:17 - at the Traders Exchange trial
23 None
24 14:35, 14:39 - listening to Spike sing; 16:33 - watching the ice archery event
25 None
26 18:04 - having his magic returned to him
Season five
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 9:53 - enjoying winter during I'll Fly; 15:31 - emerging from the snow; 19:32, 19:34 - enjoying winter with Cherry Berry and Daisy
6 0:05 - at the Appleloosa Rodeo with Coco Crusoe; 0:24, 3:56, 16:52, 17:31 ~ 18:41, 21:19 - dressed as a rodeo clown; 12:26 - in Trouble Shoes' flashback with a mustache; 17:40, 17:46, 18:44 - watching the rodeo clowns

Duplicates: one at 18:36

7 None
8 None
9 None
10 0:06 - at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit; 4:13 - watching ponies play polo; 10:25 - in a line of summit delegates
11 8:19 - walking through Ponyville with Berryshine; 19:59 - at the friendship party in Ponyville
12 None
13 14:05 ~ 14:29, 17:05 - in Ponyville's shared dream
14 None
15 6:43 - standing next to Parasol watching the Wonderbolts practice
16 None
17 10:01 - standing next to Berryshine
18 13:38 - passing by a running Diamond Tiara
19 None
20 0:05 - decorating Ponyville for Hearth's Warming
21 1:43 - decorating Ponyville for Nightmare Night
22 3:31 - walking through Ponyville
23 None
24 0:34 - holding up a glass plate with Cherry Fizzy; 19:14 - watching Coloratura perform "The Magic Inside"
25 None
26 None
Season six
1 None
2 None
3 5:03 - skating in the ice rink with Shoeshine
4 None
5 None
6 5:56 - walking with Lemon Hearts; 9:23 - whispers with Shoeshine and Sunshower Raindrops about Trixie; 10:17 - running towards the left of the screen
7 None
8 0:49 - walking with Twinkleshine
9 None
10 7:20, 7:31, 7:41, 8:21 - waiting in line for the steam room (speaking role); 11:34 - getting a warm towel
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 16:54, 17:43 - cheering on the Applewood Derby; 20:57, 21:13 - watching the do-over of the Derby
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 12:46 - in the stands of the baseball game; 13:33 - lifting Gabby with Lucky Clover; 20:52 - attending Gabby's cute-ceñeara
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season seven
1 4:07 - talking to Daisy with Shoeshine; 4:10 - behind Sunburst; 4:14 - standing with Sweetie Drops; 5:38 - at a table with Sapphire Joy, Meadow Song, and Golden Harvest; 5:55 - at a table with Golden Harvest and other Crystal Ponies
2 None
3 6:29 - walking past the art exhibit exterior; 7:17 - looking at a painting with Berryshine
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 14:00 - watching the Wonderbolts' ribbon-cutting ceremony
8 None
9 19:16 - in the crowd for the Couture du Future Fashion Contest
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 0:05 - selling some bread to Burnt Oak
14 15:13 - clamoring outside Twilight's window
15 21:01 - at the ceremony
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 10:31 - calming his crying child
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 14:32 ~ 17:30 - at Pinkie Pie's pie party
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season eight
1 None
2 None
3 0:08 ~ 1:22 - at the comedy club; 12:29 - walking outside Sugarcube Corner; 20:42 ~ 21:02 - at the "surprise party" for "Maud Pie"
4 16:19 - in the audience for the fashion show (shot reused from Green Isn't Your Color)
5 None
6 1:47 - boarding the Friendship Express; 2:27 - boarding the Friendship Express (again)
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 5:48 - looking up at Shoeshine
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 Yes
19 Yes
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season nine
1 None
2 Yes
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 Yes
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 Yes
16 Yes
17 Yes
18 Yes
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 Yes
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

Caramel is one of many ponies seen in the establishing shot of Ponyville in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

Other depictions[]

IDW comics[]

Caramel appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #9 page 20, in a yearbook picture on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #11 cover A, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #30 page 3, and on My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #4 page 11.

Chapter books[]

A human Chance-A-Lot makes named appearances in two chapters of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls screenplay novelization My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror. In chapter 11, "The Tails of Twilight Sparkle", the story's narration states that he is the quarterback of the football team at Canterlot High, and in chapter 14, "A Chance for the Dance", he has two spoken lines. An athlete in the film is similar, but a DHX layout artist has stated that the students in the film "were not based off of background pony designs."[5]

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

In Gameloft's mobile game, two versions of him are characters, similarly to Jeff Letrotski / Richard (the) Hoovenheart, Daring Do / A. K. Yearling, and DJ Pon-3.

The version of him present since early previews is called Caramel, uses the same appearance as in most appearances, and has the description "Caramel is a sweet but forgetful pony who tends to lose things, like his grass seeds!" The game is the first time that the pony with the cutie mark of three blue horseshoes is explicitly identified as Caramel.[6]

The version of him present since respective February 17, 2016 and March 1, 2016 updates to the iOS and Android versions of the game is called "Dancing Clownspony", uses the same appearance as in The Last Roundup and Appleoosa's Most Wanted, and has the description "Dancing Clownspony loves dancing and prancing and moving with glee, but what he loves most is performing for you and me!"

Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook[]

Caramel appears in episodes 3, All About Alicorns, and 8, Land of Harmony.


Mystery pack 4 Chance-A-Lot

The first Chance-A-Lot toy and its European collector card.

A glitter mini-figure toy and collector card of Caramel were released in May 2012 as part of the fourth wave of mystery packs. The toy, named Chance-A-Lot, uses the Big McIntosh mold but features Caramel's base color, eye color, and cutie mark. According to the European collector card, Chance-A-Lot "is always cheerful". The U.S. collector card has a longer description and reads, "CHANCE-A-LOT is always cheerful and trying new things!"

Caramel appears on the Royal Wedding poster.

Another Chance-A-Lot mini-figure toy and collector card pair was released in November 2012 as part of the sixth wave of mystery packs. The U.S. collector card uses the same description as the previous U.S. collector card.[7]

Caramel appears on WeLoveFine's fan-designed art print "Apple Family Portrait".[8][9] The artist of the print thought that Caramel is an Apple family member.[10][11][12]

Caramel appears in the My Little Pony First Look and Find book.

Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord expansion set card #20 C of Caramel lists his name with a trademark symbol and attributes to Applejack the quote, "He's the kind of pony who'll put in ten hours on the farm and still have a smile on his face at sunset."


"Excuse me?"
The Best Night Ever
"Yeah, you always run out!"
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
"You always say that!"
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
"Plus we can have high quality Apple family cider!"
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
"Oh, no. No, that's exactly what we're waiting for. Oh, I hope you're not in a hurry."
Applejack's "Day" Off
"Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?!"
Fame and Misfortune
Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror
Chance-A-Lot: We came to see if you guys wanted any help.
Chance-A-Lot: If we're gonna have the dance tonight, we thought you might need it!


Caramel image gallery

See also[]


  1. Brian Drummond (2013-01-24). Re:Lucky?: Think I'm both ponies in that clip. Sounds like I read it as one pony, but it was animated as two?. Retrieved on 2013 January 24.
  2. Sam Vincent (2013-01-24). Nope. Not me. That's definitely Peter New.. Retrieved on 2013 January 24.
  3. Peter New (2013-01-24). Boy, that does sound like me, doesn't it.. Retrieved on 2013 January 24.
  4. Peter New (2017-08-12). My new little ponies. #MLPSeason7. Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 August 12.
  5. Equestria Girls - The Allspark Forums (2013-06-27). Retrieved on 2013 June 28. Archived locally.
  6. My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic - Universal - HD Gameplay Trailer (2012-11-07). Retrieved on 2012 November 8.
  7. Complete Set of Wave 6 Blindbags Revealed. Equestria Daily (2012-10-10). Retrieved on 2012 November 8.
  8. 4453-11026.jpg (2013-01-08). Retrieved on 2014 June 9.
  9. Say CHEESE Applejack & clan! (Om nom nom, apples.... Tumblr (2013-01-08). Retrieved on 2014 June 9.
  10. Comment on Welovefine: Apple Family - print 24X36 by hinoraito. DeviantArt (2013-01-15). Retrieved on 2014 June 9.
  11. Comment on Welovefine: Apple Family - print 24X36 by hinoraito. DeviantArt (2013-01-15). Retrieved on 2014 June 9.
  12. Comment on Welovefine: Apple Family - print 24X36 by hinoraito. DeviantArt (2013-01-16). Retrieved on 2014 June 9.