My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Comet Tail

Comet Tail Earth Pony ID S2E20

Comet Tail as an Earth pony in It's About Time

Comet Tail horseshoe cutie mark S4E22

Comet Tail with a different cutie mark in Trade Ya!

Kind Unicorn
Sex Male
Occupation Wizard (Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite)​[​specify​]​
Other links
More info
Eyes Grayish blue
Mane Grayish blue
Coat Light yellow
Magic aura Grayish persian blue
Cutie mark
A shooting star
Blue horseshoe
(sometimes in S4E22)
Voice Tabitha St. Germain (English, S4E2)
Yoshiyuki Shimozuma (Japanese, S2E15)

Comet Tail is a male background unicorn pony who appears in several episodes throughout the series. He has a light yellow coat, blue mane and eyes, and a shooting star cutie mark. The show does not name him, referring to him only as "Boy Pony" in the credits of Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2, but he is named in merchandise and other media.

He shares his mane style, eye color, and cutie mark design and partly colors with Stormfeather, his design with "Written Script", Rare Find, and Bright Bulb, and his mane style with "Chocolate Haze", "Klein", Emerald Green, and "Silver Script". He also shares his name with a G3 Earth pony mare.

Depiction in the series[]

Season two[]

Twilight in the Crowd S2E14

Comet Tail with Twilight Sparkle in The Last Roundup.

Comet Tail first appears in Sweet and Elite at the Wonderbolts Derby, wearing a hat. Several duplicates of him are also seen among the crowd. He then appears briefly in Hearth's Warming Eve, listening to Spike as he narrates the pageant.

In The Last Roundup, Comet Tail is in the crowd when Applejack gives a speech before leaving for the rodeo competition, standing alongside Twilight Sparkle. He makes several appearances in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, standing in line to get apple cider and having a speaking role near the end of the episode. In Hearts and Hooves Day, he appears in Ponyville with Apple Bumpkin during The Perfect Stallion. In A Friend in Deed, he appears in the crowd of ponies smiling during the Smile Song. In It's About Time, he appears in the crowd of ponies watching Cerberus as he first arrives in Ponyville. In A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, he attends Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding.

Season three[]

In One Bad Apple, Comet Tail is seen watching the Summer Harvest Parade. In Magic Duel, he appears in the crowd watching the initial magic duel between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie. In Sleepless in Ponyville, he is briefly seen arguing with Cherry Berry by an overturned cart.

Season four[]

Comet Tail appears with Cherry Berry again in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2, with another voiced role provided by Tabitha St. Germain. He later appears in Pinkie Pride following Pinkie Pie during Pinkie the Party Planner, watching The Goof Off and later attending Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary party during Make a Wish. In Trade Ya!, Comet Tail appears, sometimes with a horseshoe cutie mark attending the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. In Equestria Games, he makes a cameo appearance in the lobby of the Crystal Empire stadium. In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, he appears as one of the unicorns having their magic drained by Lord Tirek with Discord's help.

Season five[]

In Slice of Life, Comet Tail appears watching the mane six battle the bugbear, crowding around the Carousel Boutique and watching the DJ station get upturned. In Princess Spike, he appears in Canterlot watching a mime. In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, he appears in Ponyville's shared dream. In Canterlot Boutique, he attends the grand opening of Canterlot Carousel. In Brotherhooves Social, he and Cherry Fizzy turn a skipping rope at the Sisterhooves Social for the synchronized jump rope event. Crusaders of the Lost Mark, he appears in the crowd as Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack sing to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. In The Mane Attraction, he appears in the audience for Coloratura's performance at the Helping Hooves Music Festival as one of the unicorns lighting their horns.

Season six[]

In A Hearth's Warming Tail, Comet Tail appears in the titular story in a crowd of ponies in Canterlot during Pinkie's Present. In Spice Up Your Life, he appears in Canterlot's restaurant row as Pinkie and Saffron Masala advertise the Tasty Treat during It's Gonna Work. In The Cart Before the Ponies, he spectates the Ponyville Applewood Derby during Derby Racers. In Buckball Season, he appears as one of the unicorns unsuccessfully trying out for the Ponyville buckball team. In The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, he appears in the audience as Gabby plays baseball during Find the Purpose in Your Life.

Season seven[]

In Secrets and Pies, Comet Tail appears at Pinkie Pie's pie-eating picnic near Ponyville Town Hall.

Best Gift Ever[]

In My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, he appears at the Ponyville marketplace during One More Day and later as Rainbow Dash exits a store.

Season nine[]

In Common Ground, Comet Tail appears in the Appleloosa theatre watching the opening newsreel on the growth of buckball, and later as a spectator for a buckball game in the Apploosa stadium.


Times are approximate.

Season two
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 5:43 ~ 6:47 - in the crowd at the Wonderbolts Derby (with several duplicates)
10 None
11 3:46 - in the audience at the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant
12 None
13 None
14 3:35, 3:45 - in the crowd listening to Applejack
15 2:07, 2:26, 3:17, 10:09, 10:35, 10:40 - in line to get apple cider; 5:22, 5:24, 5:36 - seen during The Flim Flam Brothers (song); 11:06, 11:09 - standing behind Sprinkle Medley; 11:32, 11:45 - in the crowd of ponies when the Apples accept Flim and Flam's challenge; 13:10, 13:41 - in the crowd at the cider-making competition; 19:54 - watching the Apple family leave; 20:03 - sampling Flim and Flam's cider; 20:09 - "I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!"; 20:20, 20:26, 20:30 - refusing Flim and Flam's cider
16 None
17 4:11 - standing with Apple Bumpkin during The Perfect Stallion
18 5:01, 5:34 - seen during Smile Song
19 None
20 6:21, 6:30 - seen when Cerberus appears in Ponyville
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 8:24 - in the crowd when Queen Chrysalis reveals herself; 16:30 - in Canterlot as the changelings are driven away

Duplicates: 8:24 - one in the crowd

Season three
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 16:03 ~ 17:15 - watching the Summer Harvest Parade

Duplicates: 16:15, 17:15 - one in the crowd; 16:20, 16:39 - two in the crowd

5 4:03 - leering at Trixie
6 0:19 - arguing with Cherry Berry by an overturned cart; 0:22 - watches Scootaloo zoom into the air
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
Season four
1 None
2 10:44 - caught in a black vine with Cherry Berry (voiced role); 20:27 ~ 21:21 - in the crowd at the Summer Sun Celebration
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 2:43 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 14:12 ~ 16:32 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off; 19:47 - in the crowd at the birth-iversary party
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 5:25 - walking through the Traders Exchange (horseshoe cutie mark); 13:26 - in line for oat burgers; 13:58 - walking with paper bag; 20:10 - leaving the Traders Exchange
23 None
24 6:44 - in the Equestria Games crowd; 11:39 - in the stadium lobby
25 20:05 - in an auditorium crowd; 20:07 - having his magic stolen by Lord Tirek
26 None
Season five
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 10:00, 15:04 - watching the Mane Six fight a bugbear; 15:46, 15:51 - looking at DJ Pon-3's mobile DJ station
10 3:34 - watching a mime perform
11 None
12 None
13 14:05, 14:24, 17:05 - in Ponyville's shared dream
14 7:07, 7:27 - standing behind Fashion Plate
15 None
16 None
17 13:09 - holding one end of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's jump rope
18 20:27 - watching Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash sing to the Cutie Mark Crusaders
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 19:14 - watching Coloratura perform "The Magic Inside"
25 None
26 None
Season six
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 13:46 - standing in a crowd of ponies
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 9:54 - walking toward Saffron Masala and Pinkie Pie; 11:31 - standing in a crowd of ponies
13 None
14 16:17 - watching the Applewood Derby
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 6:14 - one of the exhausted unicorns
19 12:48 - in the stands of the baseball game
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season seven
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 14:32 ~ 17:33 - at Pinkie Pie's pie party
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season nine
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 Yes
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None

Other depictions[]

Friendship is Magic shorts[]

In Sundae, Sundae, Sundae, Comet Tail appears in the crowd attending the opening of the Sugarcube Corner Ice Cream Museum.

IDW comics[]

In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #2, Comet Tail appears on page 11 in the audience of Pinkie Pie's baking show.

Chapter books[]

Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds refers to a stallion called Comet Tail the Starry-Eyed: "An ancient sorcerer and astronomer, he was the founding member of the Magical Counsel of the Ancients. Comet Tail was responsible for linking the power of the Half-Gilded Horseshoe to the Halo of Cirrostrata."

Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite frequently mentions "Comet Tail's Curse", a magical yet believed-to-be-imaginary affliction in which unicorns are permanently stripped of their magic if they try to alter another wizard's magic and leave it incomplete.

In Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn, it is revealed that Comet Tail the Starry-Eyed was a real wizard and placed a curse on the city of Bales.

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Comet Tail is a playable character in Gameloft's mobile game. His in-game description states, "With a tail that never fails, Comet Tail's a unicorn that's out of this world!"


Blind Bag Comet Tail

Comet Tail is named with a trademark symbol in the eighth wave of mystery pack toys and collector cards.[1] The toy uses the Shining Armor mold but features Comet Tail's color scheme and cutie mark, and even the art on the collector card uses a recolored Shining Armor vector. The card states that Comet Tail "runs so fast that he looks like a shooting star!"

Comet Tail is also named with a trademark symbol in Enterplay's collectible card game. The card game is the first time that he is simultaneously referred to by name and depicted with the same design as in the show. His card α #54 C gives him the description "Comet is an expert at using his magic to speed himself up and run really, REALLY fast. He's NOT an expert at using his magic to slow back down."[2] His The Crystal Games expansion set card #7 C lists the quote "If I'm going down, I'm going down running!" His Absolute Discord expansion set card #43 C attributes to Cherry Berry the quote "He ran RIGHT into one of those giant black vines while practicing that speed-up magic of his! I don't think he'll ever learn..." Absolute Discord expansion set card #184 C, Plunderseeds in Ponyville, shows him and Cherry Berry as in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 and attributes to him the quote "Definitely not my idea of a good time."

On the DVD Season Four Disc 1, the closed captions for the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 refer to Comet Tail by name.


"I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!"
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
"Help! Help!"
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2
"If I'm going down, I'm going down running!"
— Enterplay collectible card game The Crystal Games expansion set #7 C card of Comet Tail
"Definitely not my idea of a good time."
— Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord expansion set #184 C card Plunderseeds in Ponyville


Comet Tail and Cherry Berry scared S4E02

Comet Tail image gallery

See also[]


  1. My Little Pony Crystal Blindbags. Tesco direct. Retrieved on 2013 March 4.
  2. My Little Pony Prerelease and Twilight Sparkle Theme Deck (2013-12-09). Retrieved on 2013 December 11.