My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Cloud Kicker

Cloud Kicker in Hurricane Fluttershy

Cloud Kicker as an Earth pony in a photo in Ponyville Confidential

Cloud Kicker as a Pegasus Crystal Pony in Flight to the Finish

Cloud Kicker with a green mane in Leap of Faith

Cloud Kicker with a purple mane in Leap of Faith

Cloud Kicker dressed as a witch in Luna Eclipsed

Kind Pegasus
Sex Female
Other links
More info
Eyes Grayish cerise
Mane ¤ Light brilliant amber and very light yellow
Coat Pale persian blue
Cutie mark
A sun behind a white cloud

Cloud Kicker is a female Pegasus pony with a lavender blue coat, jasmine mane and tail with a lemon chiffon streak, orchid eyes and a cutie mark of a cloud covering a sun. She shares her design with Merry May, shares her mane style with Lily Valley, and bears a resemblance to "Cloudy Kicks",[note 1] "Lavender Lace", and Lily Blossom. She is unnamed in the show, but she is named in merchandise and other media.

Depiction in the series[]

Cloud Kicker frequently appears in Ponyville and Cloudsdale as a background pony.

Season one[]

Her debut in the series is in Friendship is Magic, part 1, when she and other ponies yell "Surprise!" at Pinkie Pie's surprise party for Twilight Sparkle.

Cloud Kicker weird face S1E5

Cloud Kicker appears in Ponyville's marketplace twice in Griffon the Brush Off. She is standing behind a vegetable stand, while Derpy and Merry May are standing in front of it. They are greeted by Pinkie Pie, who asks if they have seen Rainbow Dash. Later, she appears near Sugarcube Corner, eyes askew, after Gilda roars and scares away Fluttershy.

In the episode Winter Wrap Up, Cloud Kicker is a member of the weather team. She is part of the group that Rainbow Dash sends to retrieve the southern birds, but she is absent in the scene where Rainbowshine returns to report that Ditzy Doo accidentally went north to get the southern birds. She is spotted on the ground arguing with the ponies almost immediately afterward, however.

Cloud Kicker participates in the Running of the Leaves in Fall Weather Friends as contestant #5 and is worn out by the end. She also participates in the Best Young Flyer competition as contestant #3 in Sonic Rainboom.

Season two[]

Cloud Kicker eye error S2E22

Cloud Kicker appears quite frequently in the episode Hurricane Fluttershy. She and the other Ponyville Pegasi successfully create the tornado that transports water to Cloudsdale. In the episode Ponyville Confidential, a picture printed by the Foal Free Press shows Cloud Kicker without wings.

Season three[]

In One Bad Apple, during the song Babs Seed, Cloud Kicker sits with Dr. Hooves in a movie theater. She also appears at the Wonderbolt Academy in Wonderbolts Academy.

Season four[]

Cloud Kicker appears in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1, Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2, and Flight to the Finish. She is one of the relay team finalists for the Equestria Games, as seen in Rainbow Falls. Her other two teammates are Merry May and Warm Front.

Cloud Kicker also appears in Pinkie Pride, Simple Ways, Filli Vanilli, It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Leap of Faith, Trade Ya!, and Inspiration Manifestation. In Equestria Games, she competes the final leg for her team in the aerial relay, and finishes outside of the medals. She later appears in Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1 and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2.

Season five[]

In Tanks for the Memories, Cloud Kicker appears among other Pegasi moving clouds in preparation for winter. She buys a cupcake from Pinkie Pie in Make New Friends but Keep Discord, attends Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding in Slice of Life, appears at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit in Princess Spike, attends the friendship party in Party Pooped, appears in Ponyville's shared dream in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, and takes part in the Sisterhooves Social with "Princess Erroria" in Brotherhooves Social. In The Mane Attraction, she appears at Sweet Apple Acres during preparations for the helping Hooves Music Festival and later attends Coloratura's concert later that night at the festival. In The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1, she appears as a foal spectating the race between Rainbow Dash and the Boy Bullies in past Cloudsdale when Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel through time to stop Starlight Glimmer from changing the past. In The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2, she appears in the crowd of ponies during Friends Are Always There For You.

Season six[]

In No Second Prances, Cloud Kicker appears in the park talking to Sassaflash and later appears in attendance for Trixie's magic show. In A Hearth's Warming Tail, she appears decorating Ponyville for Hearth's Warming Eve before entering the Castle of Friendship with Big McIntosh and White Lightning during Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again. In The Cart Before the Ponies, she spectates the Ponyville Applewood Derby during Derby Racers. In The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, she appears during Find the Purpose in Your Life watching Gabby play baseball and later attending Gabby's cute-ceañera. In Where the Apple Lies, she makes a background appearance in a flashback attending a surgery lecture at the Ponyville Hospital. In Top Bolt, she makes a background appearance at the Wonderbolt Academy as a trainee.

Season seven[]

In The Perfect Pear, Cloud Kicker makes a background appearance at the Ponyville marketplace at Rainbow Stars' honey stand with Princess Errotia. In Fame and Misfortune, she talks to Mane Moon at a bookstore in Cloudsdale and later appears in the mob of arguing fan ponies outside the Castle of Friendship. In Triple Threat, she attends the Ceremonnial Dragon Fire Flame of Friendship ceremony for Ember and Thorax. In It Isn't the Mane Thing About You, she appears at the Ponyville Marketplace in the line of customers for May Day flowers.

Season eight[]

In School Daze - Part 1, Cloud Kicker makes a cameo appearance flying away from the School of Friendship during the school's "Friends and Family Day" after Ocellus approaches it transformed into a giant insect monster. In Yakity-Sax, she makes a background appearance approaching Ponyville Town Hall with White Lightning. In A Rockhoof and a Hard Place, she appears in a line entering Mage Meadowbrook's a home, now an herbal clinic. In Sounds of Silence, she makes a background appearance flying away from the Castle of Friendship at the beginning of the episode.

Best Gift Ever[]

In the special My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, she appears in the crowd around Flim and Flam's stand at the Rainbow Falls Hearth's Warming Craft Fair, later leaving after their scam is exposed and chasing them out of Rainbow Falls. She later appears flying out of Ponyville Town Hall with Star Hunter during The True Gift of Gifting.

Season nine[]

In Between Dark and Dawn, Cloud Kicker appears watching a performance of the musical Wicked during Lotta Little Things. In A Trivial Pursuit, she makes a background appearance flying over Ponyville. In The Summer Sun Setback, she appears in the audience for the final Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot. In She Talks to Angel, she appears walking around the Ponyville and later standing in front of a honey stand at the Ponyville marketplace. In Dragon Dropped, she appears in front of an apple cart near Sugarcube Corner. In Growing Up is Hard to Do, she appears lfying through the Appleloosa County Fair with Parasol. In The Big Mac Question, she appears walking in Ponyville hearing Apple Bloom's echo. In The Ending of the End - Part 2, she appears in Cloudsdale when the pegasi close themselves away from the other pony tribes and later participates in the final battle against Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.


Times stated below are approximate and taken from videos available online.

Season one
1 16:34 – yells “Surprise!” at the party, 16:42 ~ 17:08 – mingling at the party, 18:43 – flying in the town hall, 19:12 – cheers, 19:21, 19:35 – spins and poses in anticipation of Princess Celestia’s appearance, 19:59 – gasps over Celestia’s disappearance, 20:07 – staring at the growing mist, 21:09 – in front of Nightmare Moon, 21:23 – staring fearfully at Nightmare Moon.
2 1:27 – flees from Nightmare Moon, 20:50 – standing in the crowd.
3 2:28 – in line for Applejack’s stand in Applejack’s fantasy, 3:44 ~ 4:10 – in the audience viewing Rainbow Dash in Rainbow’s fantasy, 8:01 – on the dance floor in Canterlot Castle in Rarity’s fantasy, 8:13 – standing at the wedding in Rarity’s fantasy, 17:11 – hears “Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala”, 17:16 – part of the crowd asking favors of Twilight, 18:06 – cornering Twilight.

Duplicates: 4:09 – one duplicate in the audience, 8:13 – eight duplicates at the wedding.

4 4:19 – helping to set up the party, 4:52 ~ 7:37 – in the audience at the party for Applejack, 14:50 – drooling over muffin samples.

Duplicates: 5:55 – one duplicate in the audience.

5 1:28 ~ 1:45 – standing behind a vegetable stand, 13:41 – eyes spread apart as Fluttershy runs away, 14:11 – talking to Sweetie Drops at Gilda’s party, 19:20, 19:43, 20:57 – being blindfolded by Spike.
6 2:21 – flying above the audience for Trixie’s show, 2:31 ~ 9:49 – standing in the crowd, 6:13 – in the air cheering for Applejack’s performance, 6:38, 7:19 – cheering for Rainbow Dash’s performance, 9:12 – on the ground watching Rarity run away, 9:23 ~ 9:50 – near Twilight, 9:58 – flying above the crowd while looking at Trixie, 19:14 – looking at Snips and Snails, 19:14 ~ 20:30 – in the crowd around Twilight.

Duplicates: 2:21 – one duplicate standing in the crowd, 2:31, 3:27, 3:39, 6:13, 6:38, 7:19, 9:23, 19:14.

7 1:46 – flying in the park with Orange Swirl and Sprinkle Medley, 2:17 – being counted by Pinkie Pie, 2:36 – flying again, 2:49 – in the crowd listening to Twilight.
8 0:09 – pushing a cloud with Parasol, 1:06 – pushing another cloud into place alongside Parasol.
9 None.
10 None.
11 1:45 – in the crowd to hear the mayor’s speech (with a weather team vest), 2:08 – flying toward the gathering, 2:19 – at the gathering, 2:47 – somersaulting at the weather team gathering, 3:43 – flying in front of birds with Sassaflash and Rainbowshine, 3:46 – dashing through a cloud with Sassaflash, 5:12 – singing on a rooftop with a shovel, 5:14 – pushing away clouds, 5:52 – singing with the weather team, 6:01 – holding the last note with Twilight, 6:15 – sent by Rainbow Dash to fetch the southern birds, 6:36, 15:59 – hovering in the squad behind Rainbow Dash, 16:06, 17:18 – on the ground arguing, 17:41, 17:45 – turning at the bird call, 17:50, 17:59, 18:06 – standing as other ponies walk off, 19:32 – flies by with a smile, 20:25 – in the crowd looking at the mayor and Twilight.

Duplicates: 1:45 – two Cloud Kickers standing in the crowd and one flying in the air, 2:10 – another Cloud Kicker still flying above the crowd, 5:52 – a duplicate in the team.

12 16:18 – at Diamond Tiara’s cute-ceañera.
13 5:24 – cheering for Rainbow Dash from the clouds, 5:29 – watching the footballs fly, 6:24 – on the ground watching Applejack leap, 6:31 – watching Rainbow leap, 6:40 ~ 7:25 – in the audience, 9:13 – watching the start of the Running of the Leaves, 9:40 – watching Applejack tie up Rainbow Dash, 9:44, 19:30 ~ 19:34 – in the crowd watching Applejack and Rainbow fight for the finish line, 20:14 – sitting worn out on the grass (contestant #5).
14 13:03 – standing at Rarity’s fashion show, 13:13 – looking at Hoity Toity as he walks up, 13:51 – in the crowd as the show starts, 14:07 ~ 14:33 – viewing the stage, 14:29 – sticks out her tongue at the sight of the dresses, 14:49 – listening to Hoity Toity, 14:59.

Duplicates: 13:51 – at least six duplicates in the crowd, 14:59 – one Cloud Kicker in the foreground and one behind Hoity Toity.

15 None.
16 6:29 – chatting with Sprinkle Medley in Cloudsdale, 9:22 – flying alongside Parasol, 13:08 – cheering in the audience for the Best Young Flyer competition, 13:13 – standing backstage among the participants (contestant #3), 13:24 ~ 13:59 – back in the audience (no tag), 14:11 – backstage talking to Orange Swirl (with her tag), 14:18 – listening to the manager, 16:05 – back in the audience without her tag, 17:20 – looking up at Rainbow Dash, 17:24 – watching Rainbow Dash and Rarity fly up high, 17:53 – watching Rarity fall, 18:08 – watching Rainbow dive, 18:30 – staring in awe at the Sonic Rainboom, 18:58 ~ 19:07 – cheering for Rainbow Dash.

Duplicates: 13:08 – three duplicates in the audience, 13:24 – two duplicates, 13:30, 16:06, 17:20, 19:04 – one duplicate.

17 None.
18 2:06 – standing and talking to Twinkleshine behind Lemon Hearts, 2:11 – smiling at Scootaloo’s trick, 16:36 – standing and staring at the Cutie Mark Crusaders during the talent show, 18:40 – starts laughing, 18:46, 19:18 – giving a round of applause.

Duplicates: 16:38 – three duplicates in the crowd, 18:40 – two duplicates.

19 None.
20 10:30 – in the sidelines of Fluttershy’s red carpet, 16:43 ~ 18:39 – in the audience of Fluttershy’s latest fashion show, 17:19 – sees Fluttershy trip, 17:22 – watching Fluttershy act weird, 17:30 – watching Fluttershy skid across the stage, 17:33 – and float upside down, 17:41 – and act like a dog, 18:07 – turns her head to the sound of “Bravo!”.

Duplicates: 17:19 – one duplicate in the crowd, 17:22, 17:30 – two duplicates, 17:33 – one duplicate, 17:41 – two duplicates.

21 None.
22 7:13 – staring at Rarity as she leaves Princess Celestia’s party.
23 7:11 – standing on a cloud and watching the race begin in Fluttershy’s flashback, 11:17 ~ 11:29 – standing in the audience for the performance in Rarity’s flashback, 11:56 – hovering in Canterlot with Sprinkle Medley in Twilight Sparkle’s flashback, 12:02 – standing in the crowd for the sun-raising ceremony, 12:04 – being pushed by young Twilight, 12:12 – watching Princess Celestia take off, 12:19 – watching the sun rise, 12:25 – cheering, 15:28 – staring at Twilight in present-day, 18:27 – standing on a cloud and watching the race begin in Rainbow Dash’s flashback.

Duplicates: 11:18 – one duplicate in the audience, 12:04, 12:12 – four duplicates in the crowd, 12:19 – two duplicates, 12:25 – one duplicate.

24 None.
25 None.
26 4:43 – standing in line for Applejack’s stand in her fantasy, 7:15 – in the crowd in front of the drawbridge in reality, 9:20 – standing outside the VIP section, 9:23 – inside the VIP section, 11:46 ~ 12:05 – mingling in the crowd, 13:11, 18:23 – watching Applejack push in her apple cake.

Duplicates: 7:15 – at least nine duplicates in the crowd.

Season two
1 20:13 - in a vision of Cloudsdale crumbling
2 None
3 16:39 - fighting other ponies over Smarty Pants
4 2:29, 2:33 - riding a Big McIntosh-pulled wagon with Sunshower Raindrops and Cherry Berry; 6:38 - watching scared foals run by; 6:50 - watching as Princess Luna arrives; 6:57 ~ 8:22 - crouching in fear of Luna; 11:58 - seeing Luna approach; 13:01 - walking up to Luna; 13:17 - cheering for Luna; 13:33 - admiring Luna; 14:04, 14:06 - moving away from Luna; 14:16 - flinches from fake spider; 14:22 - sees spider come to life; 14:51 - sees giant snack prop roll by; 16:35 - looking sad (all appearances are in a witch costume)
5 16:08, 16:17 - at the Sisterhooves Social with "Princess Erroria"; 17:00 - in the background crowd, with a duplicate; 17:22 - listening to Granny Smith; 17:26 - walking to the starting line; 17:30, 17:43 - at the starting line; 17:48, 17:51, 18:02 - running in the race, 18:03 - watching from the stands; 18:07 - jumping over crates; 18:29 - in the crowd; 18:40 - throwing apples; 18:54 - in the crowd, with a duplicate; 19:21 - cheering for Berryshine and "Piña Colada"
6 16:43 - "Cutie pox?!"
7 None
8 2:52 - hears Cream Puff crying; 4:28, 4:32 - cheering for Rainbow Dash; 7:15 - admiring Mare Do Well
9 10:18 - watching an airship's maiden voyage during Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
10 16:45 - running away from rushing water
11 1:51, 3:32, 7:23, 12:19, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - in the pageant audience; 4:00, 4:11, 4:25, 4:44, 5:10, 5:38, 5:40, 5:50, 6:01, 6:18 - acting in the pageant (different mane style); 20:24 - singing The Heart Carol

Duplicates: 1:51, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - multiple; 5:36, 5:40, 5:50 - one with normal mane style; 20:24 - several in the sweeping crowd shot

12 4:12 - in Ponyville, surprised by Granny Smith
13 None
14 None
15 3:40 - looking mad when the cider runs out; 3:49, 4:09 - in the crowd complaing; 5:21 ~ 8:46 - in the crowd during The Flim Flam Brothers; 11:25 - in the crowd of ponies; 13:10, 17:12, 17:45, 18:41 - at the cider-making competition
16 None
17 3:30 - in Ponyville Town Square
18 5:10 ~ 6:14 - appears during Smile Song; 21:04 - in Ponyville Town Square
19 7:17 ~ 9:20 - at Iron Will's seminar (with multiple duplicates)
20 4:55 ~ 5:04 - listening to Twilight and looking at Pinkie Pie
21 None.
22 0:10 - seeing fliers fall from the sky; 0:30 - outside Golden Oak Library; 2:28 ~ 3:31 - inside the library; 3:39 ~ 4:05, 6:59, 7:10 ~ 7:26, 8:19 ~ 8:42, 10:01 - on the training field; 14:39 ~ 20:18 - at the reservoir (with several duplicates)
23 9:12 - in the Ponyville marketplace; 13:50 - in Pinkie Pie's Foal Free Press article; 20:04 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville
24 21:01 - delivering a cake to the competition with Sprinkle Medley
25 None
26 5:55 - at the wedding during This Day Aria, Part 1; 8:17, 8:58 - looking at Queen Chrysalis; 17:47 - at the second wedding; 20:32 - at the wedding reception; 20:34 - in a photo of Rainbow Dash and Soarin
Season three
1 None
2 None
3 0:10 - sitting at the Ponyville café with Berryshine; 13:23, 14:17 - in the crowd complaining about Pinkie Pie
4 8:13 - in the movie theater during Babs Seed (song); 12:54, 15:16 ~ 16:40 - at the Summer Harvest Parade (with several duplicates)
5 9:29 - assisting Rarity in the Town Hall; 20:32, 20:48 - watching Twilight perform for the Saddle Arabians

Duplicates: 20:32 - four in the stands

6 None.
7 2:30 - in the background when Rainbow Dash arrives at the academy; 2:34, 2:45 - standing near the track; 2:39 - doing push-ups; 13:45 - bucking a lightning cloud
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 20:28 - getting off the train
12 None
13 2:05 - in the crowd grumbling at Rarity; 13:03 ~ 13:26 - in the crowd during A True, True Friend; 18:24 ~ 19:23 - at Twilight's princess coronation (with multiple duplicates); 20:55 ~ 21:14 - in the crowd during Life in Equestria (with several duplicates)
Season four
1 7:57 - twice, over the crowd of worried ponies and in the crowd
2 20:24 - in the crowd at the Summer Sun Celebration
3 None
4 None
5 20:27 - in the sweeping crowd shot

Duplicates: 20:27 ~ 20:31 - three in the crowd

6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 2:46 ~ 3:52 - sitting in the train; 4:14 - chatting with Sprinkle Medley; 4:23, 4:49, 10:52 - training on the tryout field; 4:45 - watching the Wonderbolts arrive; 5:54 - chatting with Warm Front; 7:48 - watching Soarin fall next to White Lightning and the Wonderbolts; 7:59 ~ 8:50 - standing next to Warm Front; 10:50 - flying with Silverspeed; 13:44 - next to Orange Swirl, 20:00 ~ 21:06 - cheering, 20:36 - with Merry May and Warm Front on a podium

Duplicates: one at 20:00, several at 20:44 ~ 20:58

11 None
12 3:09 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 5:52 ~ 6:40 - seen during The Super Duper Party Pony; 7:22, 7:35 - in the crowd carrying Cheese Sandwich; 14:01 ~ 16:32 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off; 18:29, 19:01 - in Cheese Sandwich's flashback during Cheese Confesses; 19:30 - assisting with the party efforts
13 0:08, 0:10, 0:50 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement; 4:52 - at the train station

Duplicates: several at 0:10

14 4:12 - helping set up the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser; 10:05 - at the fundraiser; 12:16 - cheering for the Pony Tones

Duplicates: one at 12:16

15 None
16 3:28 - in the crowd of ponies; 4:11 ~ 4:26, 5:12 - watching the Breezies fly through Ponyville

Duplicates: several at 4:11, one at 4:18

17 None
18 None
19 3:42 - applauding the Cutie Mark Crusaders; 3:52 - watching the Crusaders' play; 4:32 ~ 5:07 - in the auditorium lobby
20 3:35, 4:06 - inside the tent; 4:45 ~ 7:18 - seen during Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic; 13:53 ~ 14:30 - in line to buy tonic; 14:38 ~ 16:19 - in a Ponyville Swim Meet crowd; 16:04 - near Flim and Flam's tonic stand; 17:26 - listening to Apple Bloom

Duplicates: one at 3:35; two at 4:06

21 None
22 0:36 - welcoming Princess Twilight to the Traders Exchange; 5:51 - flying across the Exchange grounds; 11:45, 11:56 - talking with Sprinkle Medley; 12:35 - at Pinkie Pie's auction of Twilight's books; 13:29 - in line for oat burgers; 14:26, 14:32 - buying an oat burger; 15:30, 17:56 - in front of a trading stall with Sweetie Drops; 18:04 - at Pinkie Pie's auction of Twilight's books; 19:17 ~ 19:59 - at the Traders Exchange trial

Duplicates: one at 0:36 and 18:04

23 0:22 - standing next to "Princess Erroria"
24 6:08, 8:17 - in the procession; 11:34 - at the starting line for the aerial relay; 12:28 - takes the horseshoe from Warm Front and begins the final leg of the relay; 12:36 - overtaken by Rainbow Dash; 18:34 - takes to the air to help lift the ice cloud with other Pegasi
25 1:31, 1:44 - watching the dignitaries from Maretonia arrive
26 20:19 - walking up to Twilight's castle; 20:30, 20:57 - seen during Let the Rainbow Remind You
Season five
1 None
2 None
3 20:10 - depicted in an orange memory gem
4 None
5 5:06, 10:58, 11:14, 11:17 - pushing clouds with other Pegasi; 19:42 - having a snowball fight with Parasol
6 None
7 3:35 - buying a cupcake from Pinkie Pie
8 None
9 15:45, 15:46 - looking at DJ Pon-3's mobile DJ station; 18:57, 19:49, 20:14, 20:54 - at Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding
10 0:28, 1:08 ~ 1:33 - at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit; 19:55 - listening to Spike's apology; 20:54 - looking at the finished statue
11 19:59 - at the friendship party in Ponyville
12 None
13 14:03 ~ 14:24, 15:15 - in Ponyville's shared dream
14 None
15 6:43, 7:23 - sitting in the stadium watching the Wonderbolts practice
16 None
17 6:33, 7:49, 8:18 - paired with "Princess Erroria" for the Sisterhooves Social; 14:54 ~ 15:37, 16:36 ~ 16:47 - participating in the Sisterhooves Social race; 16:50 - leaping off the race track; 18:02 - cheering for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 0:13 - assisting Sprinkle Medley with carrying a flag banner; 2:39 - flying with Rainbow Dash; 5:08 - seeing Coloratura's arrival; 17:54 - acting confused as to why Countess Coloratura called herself "Rara"
25 7:01 - standing on a cloud and watching the race begin (re-used shot from The Cutie Mark Chronicles)
26 21:10 - as part of "Group B" for the finale
Season six
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 5:56 - flying with Sassaflash; 18:47 - in the crowd for Trixie's show
7 None
8 0:39 - stringing holiday lights on the trees; 0:44 - trimming the tree outside the Castle of Friendship; 1:26 - entering the Castle with White Lightning; 1:34 - flying downward on the left side of the screen; 13:31 - helping ponies string up some bells and a wreath
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 16:50 - watching the Applewood Derby; 21:13 - watching the do-over of the Derby
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 12:46 - in the stands of the baseball game; 20:52 - attending Gabby's cute-ceñeara
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 18:07 - as an audience member in the operating theater
24 1:46 - in establishing shot of Wonderbolt Academy
25 None
26 None
Season seven
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 0:05 - buying some honey with "Princess Erroria"
14 4:52 - at Mane Moon's cupcake stand; 15:14 - holding an anti-Rarity sign outside Twilight's window
15 21:01 - at the ceremony
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 0:08 - waiting in line at the flower stand
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season eight
1 19:19 - flying away in panic
2 None
3 None
4 16:19 - in the audience for the fashion show (shot reused from Green Isn't Your Color)
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 6:00 - walking with Sunshower Raindrops and Berryshine
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 Yes
19 None
20 None
21 Yes
22 None
23 0:01 - flying past the School of Friendship
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season nine
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 Yes
14 None
15 None
16 Yes
17 Yes
18 Yes
19 Yes
20 None
21 None
22 Yes
23 Yes
24 None
25 Yes
26 None

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown, Cloud Kicker makes a background appearance flying over the Castle of Friendship with Sunshower Raindrops.

Other depictions[]

IDW comics[]

Cloud Kicker appears with lighter colors on My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #9 page 4, in a picture with her name listed for the first time on My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #18's regular cover, and on My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #4 page 11.


Cloud Kicker is present in the opening cutscene of Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest.

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Cloud Kicker is a character named "Determined Shopper" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her in-game description states, "This pony takes the Rainbow Falls Craft Fair one aisle at a time, leaving no stall unexamined."

Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook[]

Cloud Kicker appears in a photograph in The Royal Wedding, in All About Alicorns, in Cutie Mark Magic, and in a photograph in The Magic of Friendship.


Cloud Kicker mini-figure toy and collector card pairs are included in the seventeenth and twenty-third waves of mystery packs. The first pair is of her wearing part of her Nightmare Night costume. The collector cards name Cloud Kicker with a trademark symbol and respectively state, "She loves sunny days!" and "She races through the sky with friends."


Cloud Kicker image gallery

See also[]


  1. When asked whether "Cloudy Kicks" was based on Cloud Kicker, Rebecca Dart stated on August 9, 2014 that it was "quite possible" but that she couldn't remember specifically as the first film My Little Pony Equestria Girls "was a while ago"; however, a layout artist stated on June 27, 2013 regarding the first film "The students were not based off of background pony designs."