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"You just might be HYDRA's second head that's grown right next to me."
"I should kill you."
"Then you'd miss that history lesson we've been talking about. I know you're all about rebooting HYDRA and all that. But do you know much about our history, our origin?"
―Gideon Malick and Grant Ward

Many Heads, One Tale is the eighth episode of the third season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The S.H.I.E.L.D. team discovers dangerous truths about the ATCU, and Ward's plans to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. take a surprising twist.



Grant Ward meets with Gideon Malick for a dinner of octopus. Ward reveals his desire to work with Malick and uses an object in one of Baron Strucker's vaults, which is said to contain the secret to HYDRA's true power, to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.. Malick is then called away by R. Giyera and states that Ward's plans for HYDRA are a threat and he does not want to get involved with them. Malick then orders a team of assassins to kill Ward and leaves, although Ward quickly kills all but three of the men. He then proceeds to torture the location of the vault from them.

Andrew Garner is given to Rosalind Price and the Advanced Threat Containment Unit to be held until a cure is found for his transformations. Phil Coulson, despite Alphonso Mackenzie's objections, invites Price to the Playground, so she can be with him as he initiates Operation Spotlight, a plan for S.H.I.E.L.D. to learn all it can about the inner workings of the ATCU and Endotex Labs.

The Containment Module that houses Garner has technology that disables the computers of the rival organization and Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter are sent undercover as FBI computer experts to fix the problem, giving them access to the computers and the facility. Inside, Morse learns that the ATCU has been using the Nature Max Supplements Fish Oil pills to create new Inhumans. Giyera, one of the new Inhumans, works in the ATCU and attacks Hunter and Morse. They escape, with the help of Luther Banks, when they are extracted by Melinda May and Lincoln Campbell, who had a conversation where May apologized to Campbell for the killing spree that Lash committed.

Ancient H3

Meanwhile, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons research the ram's head symbol on the NASA uniform worn by Will Daniels. They begin to argue about how willing Fitz is to help Simmons retrieve another man whom she loves when the two share a passionate kiss that knocks books off the table. The open book pages reveal that the symbol eventually evolved into the symbol for HYDRA, thus linking the expedition to the terrorist organization.

Coulson and Price argue about how she leads an organization that is creating Inhumans; Price knew nothing about the project. Price reveals that Malick was in charge of the secret room inside Endotex Labs.

Fitz and Simmons share their findings with the others; the ATCU is a front for HYDRA and the organization is more ancient than originally thought.

Hijacking a flight to Germany, Ward arrives at the vault of von Strucker to find Malick there. Malick reveals to Ward the true origins of HYDRA; the organization was formed to bring an ancient powerful Inhuman back to Earth after Its banishment to Maveth. Malick also revealed that he had the ATCU put people through Terrigenesis so that when the power coming, It would have an army of Inhumans to conquer the world. He asks for Ward's help in finding out how S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to bring someone back through the portal.


After taking time to absorb the revelation, Ward goes to the Containment Module of Garner and begins to torture him by adding substances similar to mustard gas to his cell in order to trigger his transformation into Lash.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






Sentient Species[]







Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Many Heads, One Tale.

External Links[]

Season One Pilot ‱ 0-8-4 ‱ The Asset ‱ Eye-Spy ‱ Girl in the Flower Dress ‱ FZZT ‱ The Hub ‱ The Well ‱ Repairs ‱The Bridge ‱ The Magical Place ‱ Seeds ‱ T.R.A.C.K.S. ‱ T.A.H.I.T.I. ‱ Yes Men ‱ End of the Beginning ‱ Turn, Turn, Turn ‱ Providence ‱ The Only Light in the Darkness ‱ Nothing Personal ‱ Ragtag ‱ Beginning of the End
Season Two Shadows ‱ Heavy is the Head ‱ Making Friends and Influencing People ‱ Face My Enemy ‱ A Hen in the Wolf House ‱ A Fractured House ‱ The Writing on the Wall ‱ The Things We Bury ‱ ...Ye Who Enter Here ‱ What They Become ‱ Aftershocks ‱ Who You Really Are ‱ One of Us ‱ Love in the Time of HYDRA ‱ One Door Closes ‱ Afterlife ‱ Melinda ‱ The Frenemy of My Enemy ‱ The Dirty Half Dozen ‱ Scars ‱ S.O.S. Part One ‱ S.O.S. Part Two
Season Three Laws of Nature ‱ Purpose in the Machine ‱ A Wanted (Inhu)man ‱ Devils You Know ‱ 4,722 Hours ‱ Among Us Hide... ‱ Chaos Theory ‱ Many Heads, One Tale ‱ Closure ‱ Maveth ‱ Bouncing Back ‱ The Inside Man ‱ Parting Shot ‱ Watchdogs ‱ Spacetime ‱ Paradise Lost ‱ The Team ‱ The Singularity ‱ Failed Experiments ‱ Emancipation ‱ Absolution ‱ Ascension
Season Four The Ghost ‱ Meet the New Boss ‱ Uprising ‱ Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire ‱ Lockup ‱ The Good Samaritan ‱ Deals With Our Devils ‱ The Laws of Inferno Dynamics ‱ Broken Promises ‱ The Patriot ‱ Wake Up ‱ Hot Potato Soup ‱ BOOM ‱ The Man Behind the Shield ‱ Self Control ‱ What If... ‱ Identity and Change ‱ No Regrets ‱ All the Madame's Men ‱ Farewell, Cruel World! ‱ The Return ‱ World's End
Season Five Orientation Part One ‱ Orientation Part Two ‱ A Life Spent ‱ A Life Earned ‱ Rewind ‱ Fun & Games ‱ Together or Not at All ‱ The Last Day ‱ Best Laid Plans ‱ Past Life ‱ All the Comforts of Home ‱ The Real Deal ‱ Principia ‱ The Devil Complex ‱ Rise and Shine ‱ Inside Voices ‱ The Honeymoon ‱ All Roads Lead... ‱ Option Two ‱ The One Who Will Save Us All ‱ The Force of Gravity ‱ The End
Season Six Missing Pieces ‱ Window of Opportunity ‱ Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson ‱ Code Yellow ‱ The Other Thing ‱ Inescapable ‱ Toldja ‱ Collision Course Part One ‱ Collision Course Part Two ‱ Leap ‱ From the Ashes ‱ The Sign ‱ New Life
Season Seven The New Deal ‱ Know Your Onions ‱ Alien Commies from the Future! ‱ Out of the Past ‱ A Trout in the Milk ‱ Adapt or Die ‱ The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D ‱ After, Before ‱ As I Have Always Been ‱ Stolen ‱ Brand New Day ‱ The End is at Hand ‱ What We're Fighting For