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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"The von Strucker family vault does not exist."
"Truthfully, I'd believe you if you hadn't sacrificed the only heir to it. And you control the vault now, right? That vault is said to have HYDRA's greatest power. Why don't you and I put it to good use?"
―Gideon Malick and Grant Ward[src]

The von Strucker Family Vault is one of HYDRA's vaults, owned by Baron Strucker and his family.


"Strucker has many vaults. I know them all. Just didn't know Zepkow was the one I needed."
―Grant Ward[src]

As a leader of HYDRA, Baron Strucker established several vaults across the world where he stored most of his belongings and items, valuable for the organization. Von Strucker also stored his own fragment of Monolith in his Zepkow vault. After von Strucker's death, his son Werner inherited the vaults, however, he was betrayed by Gideon Malick who took control over the vault himself. Grant Ward learned about the vaults and found most of them, despite Zepkow vault, and Malick wanted to keep Ward away from it.


Gideon Malick shows Grant Ward a Monolith

Ward eventually managed to locate von Strucker's vault and broke inside, ripping a hole through the ceiling and dropping in. Ward discovered that Malick was already there and waiting for him who arrived to the vault in his private jet. Malick explained that he was impressed by Ward and suggested that Ward should be HYDRA's second head next to him, but Ward expressed his desire to kill Malick for his betrayal.

Malick asked Ward if he knew about the origin of HYDRA, Ward said that it was founded during World War II by the Red Skull, but Malick explained that their history was far older than that. He opened von Strucker's safe and pulled out a fragment of the Monolith, explaining that it had the power to another world. He explained that powerful Inhuman delty of HYDRA was banished from Earth and HYDRA's goal is to bring him back.[1]

Stored Items[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Von Strucker Family Vault.