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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Angry Prescod
"News service says one thing, website says another."
The subject of this article belongs to an installment of the MCU that has conflicting statements regarding its canon status. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Ellis was a security guard that worked at St. Teresa's.


Saint Teresa Security Guard[]

Escaped Patients[]

Shock About Steven

Ellis and Louise Hastings discover Steven's body

As a security guard at Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, Ellis was present when Kthara, a patient, convinced Keith Spivey to break Hock and Liddle out of the hospital so that they could free her son. During the escape, Spivey killed another security guard, Steven, and Ellis was present when Louise Hastings found the body and realized that Kthara was responsible. Ellis was later on duty, when he temporarily walked away. During this time, Gabriella Rosetti used Hastings' identification card to access Kthara's room. When Hastings learned about Rosetti's actions, Ellis showed her the security footage of Rosetti entering the secure ward and defended himself, saying that he only left for a short time.[3]

Investigating Keith Spivey[]


Ellis on his computer

Ellis showed Louise Hastings, Daimon Helstrom, and Gabriella Rosetti security footage of Keith Spivey entering Victoria Helstrom's room, and then Hastings asked Ellis to fast forward to Spivey leaving the room. Ellis watched while Hastings explained that following that moment, Spivey turned off the cameras and orchestrated an escape from the hospital. Helstrom then left to talk to his mother, followed shortly after by Rosetti and Hastings. Ellis later showed Hastings security footage of Rosetti using Hastings' ID, which Rosetti stole, to enter Victoria Helstrom's room, which Rosetti had done when Ellis left for a few minutes. Hastings then ran after her.[3]

Guarding Kthara[]


Ellis talks to Louise Hastings

Ellis returned to work, where he looked into Kthara's room, seeing her acting normally. Sometime later, Ellis saw Louise Hastings approaching Kthara's room, and stopped her to tell her that things had been smooth, and that even Kthara was quiet. Hastings became suspicious, so she looked into Kthara's room, and found that she was passed out, unlike when Ellis had checked earlier that morning. He confirmed for Hastings that she had not been sedated. Hastings realized that she was deteriorating physically, and told Ellis to get a wheelchair and notify the guards that Kthara would be going outside for fresh air.[4]



Ellis is killed by Basar

When Chris Yen was committed, Ellis waited outside while Ana Helstrom talked to Yen. When she walked out, Helstrom talked to Ellis, who assured her that patients usually calmed down around sunset. Helstrom told him this was a special case and that Yen therefore may not calm down. Later, Ellis was watching the monitors when Basar approached him in Keith Spivey's body. When Ellis noticed, Basar smashed Ellis' head repeatedly into the desk, crushing Ellis' skull.[2]


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