For alternate versions of Molly Hernandez, see Molly Hernandez's Character Hub |
Molly Hayes Hernandez is a young girl with enhanced strength, a power she gained after being exposed to the Gibborim Rocks prior to and during the explosion that killed her biological parents, Gene and Alice Hernandez, when she was a child. She was adopted by Dale and Stacey Yorkes, the parents of Gert Yorkes. Upon reuniting with her childhood friends, they discovered that their parents used PRIDE to cover up ceremonial sacrifices of the Church of Gibborim. She teamed up with her friends and formed the Runaways, although Hernandez struggled to tell them about her newfound superhuman strength. She also made the mistake of accidentally revealing to Catherine Wilder that she knew about PRIDE's rituals. This caused her to be sent to live with her second cousin Graciela Aguirre, but it also enabled her to find evidence of PRIDE's potentially catastrophic plans.
Hernandez was forced to run when the Runaways were suspected of having abducted her. Following the death of Aguirre, Hernandez decided to use her powers to become a masked vigilante fighting crime on the streets of Los Angeles, despite facing criticism from her teammates. She heavily insisted that Topher Vasquez should stay with the Runaways as she was fascinated that he displayed similar powers to hers and was devastated when the Runaways were forced to abandon him. Hernandez and her superhuman strength were put to good use during the Runaways' various missions, including when she was captured the corrupt LAPD strike team. During the Chase of the Runaways, Hernandez managed to escape from her adoptive father and returned to the Hostel, only to discover that she was among the only three Runaways to still be free with Nico Minoru and Alex Wilder.
The group worked to save the Runaways. Hernandez gained a friendship in a shape shifting alien, Xavin. Together, they were able to sneak around and into the mansion, breaking out the prisoners and defeating Jonah. Knowing that there were four Magistrate's, the group worked to find the fourth, who would be using one of them as a host. The others being, Victor Stein, Tina Minoru, and Stacey. They soon found out that the last one was Alex Wilder. They tried to stop the Magistrates from leaving Earth and were successful, but got trapped in the Dark Dimension. They made it out and found they were six months in the future. They then worked together to stop a witch named Morgan le Fay. Hernandez briefly got enchanted, but broke the spell and witnessed a time travelling version of Chase Stein's death. He died defeated le Fay.
Early Life[]
Losing Her Parents[]
- "I always thought it was a miracle that Molly survived that night."
- âDale Yorkes[src]

Hernandez playing with a Gibborim Rock
Molly Hernandez was born in 2003 to Gene and Alice Hernandez. When Molly was four years old, she was given a barrette by her parents.[5] Later, while she was playing in their lab, she saw her parents worrying around the room. Her mother, Alice, approached her and told her that she loved her. Observing her parents, Molly noticed a rock on the desk that her mother had brought back, which moved by making light. Amused, she moved the stone until a door knocking noise drew her attention again, as well as that of her parents.

Hernandez gains her powers
While her parents discovered that they were locked up in the lab, Hernandez went back to playing with the stone. Seconds later, an explosion blasted the lab. Clinging to her stone and her soft toy, Molly went to hide under a table, watching the remains of the building following the explosion that has just killed her parents. Hernandez did not immediately realize what had just happened to her and remained calm to wait for someone to pick her up. As she looked at the sky, the color of her eyes turned orange, indicating that she had gained her powers.[6]
Adoption by the Yorkeses[]

Hernandez at her parent's funeral
- "You know that we loved your mommy and daddy very much, and we know how much they love you. And..."
"We know that they would want you to have a good home, so we were wondering if maybe you'd want to come live with us." - âDale Yorkes and Stacey Yorkes[src]
Later, Hernandez attended the funeral of her parents being pampered by Stacey Yorkes who collapsed in tears understanding the suffering of it. Hernandez looked attentively at the burial of her parents, without crying once. Hernandez then went to the Yorkes Residence with the other children of the members of PRIDE, remaining sitting alone and playing with her stuffed elephant toy.

Hernandez is adopted by the Yorkeses
Later, Hernandez was approached by Stacey and Dale Yorkes who asked her if she wanted to eat. Hernandez told them that she was not hungry but that her stuffed animal would not say no to a little food. The discussion turned to the fact that Hernandez dreamed of being an elephant and the Yorkes' finally offered her to come live with them, which Hernandez accepted without hesitation.[7] In 2015, Amy Minoru died, causing Molly and Gert to stop talking to their friends from PRIDE.[2]
Powers Discovery[]

Hernandez in the nurse's office
In 2017, Hernandez practiced her dancing for the tryouts tomorrow. She explained this to Gert Yorkes, who could not care less.[8] The next day, Hernandez and Gert were taken to Atlas Academy by Dale and Stacey Yorkes. After an awkward conversation about menstruating, Hernandez told Gert that she wanted to audition and join the school's dance squad. However, during the audition, she experiences what seemed to be bad menstrual cramps, and was left unable to continue the tryout, causing Hernandez to ask Eiffel for a reschedule. Hernandez headed to the nurse's office, where she was given meds. When the nurse stepped out, her powers suddenly emerged as she inadvertently used super-strength to accidentally crush her chair. This relieved her discomfort, the repression having been the true source of her pain.

Hernandez practicing her enhanced strength
Back home, Hernandez decided to further try out her powers in the garage. She tried to pull a van but failed, instead of going to bend a crowbar, just as the van began to roll towards her from behind. Hernandez noticed and turned, causing her powers to suddenly activate to stop the vehicle. Hernandez cheered at her success, before suddenly becoming very tired and slumping against the wall. She was then awakened by a text from Gert asking her to feed their parents' pets.

Hernandez meeting a dinosaur
Hernandez went down into the basement to feed the pets. However, she also heard noises from the heavily secured vaulted room, and approached its window. As she looked through, she managed to see some kind of creature - actually a genetically engineered dinosaur, prompting her to flee in terror. She called her sister, saying that she wanted to leave the house. Hernandez was later found by Gert, who took her to the Wilder Mansion, as Alex Wilder had previously invited all of his former friends over.
Once all the group of former friends was gathered, they asked for suggestions on what to do next. However, the conversation quickly went wrong as they began arguing with each other, although no one had a peculiar grudge against Hernandez herself, since most of the resentment was directed towards Wilder. The group then followed Chase Stein as he headed over to Geoffrey Wilder's office to find some alcohol, although he refused to give some to Hernandez.

Hernandez witnesses a Rite of Blood
The group was then surprised when Wilder accidentally activated a secret mechanism which triggered the opening to a mysterious passageway leading in the mansion's basement. They arrived at an underground hall and were confused as to what was happening as they saw their parents in red robes preparing for some sort of ritual and apparently unreachable behind a mysterious energy barrier. Hernandez was then pushed back by Yorkes as a young girl, Destiny Gonzalez, was being brought for what appeared to be a human sacrifice. However, Hernandez refused to be the only one not to see anything and used her phone to take a picture, thus alerting PRIDE with the flash. Figuring out that they could be discovered having seen something they were not supposed to, Hernandez and the others fled back to Geoffrey's office.[2]
Avoiding Confession[]

Hernandez and the group entering the guesthouse
- "You think I'm lying, don't you? Nobody ever believes me. Not my parents, not the other kids. I'm just the adopted girl who everyone got stuck with."
- âMolly Hernandez to Catherine Wilder[src]
While Alex Wilder briefly left the group, Hernandez and her friends hid in the guesthouse. Exhausted by her recent efforts, she fell asleep on a couch while Wilder returned and explained that he had cut the power in the Wilder Mansion so that PRIDE would believe that to be the cause of the flash. Hernandez was then awakened by her friends, and they all pretended to be playing Twister when Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder arrived to check on them. Once the Wilders left, the teenagers discussed about what they had seen: Hernandez showed them the picture she had taken, but it was blurry and actually did not display anything.
In order to act normal, Hernandez and the group returned to the lobby to meet with PRIDE, and she spent some time discussing with the Wilders and Janet Stein. Hernandez and Gert Yorkes were then taken back to the Yorkes Residence. Unable to sleep after what they had witnessed, Hernandez went to Yorkes' room and asked if she could sleep next to her, which she agreed, and asked her to sing a lullaby to comfort her.[9]

Hernandez meets with the other Runaways at the beach
In the next morning, before she and Yorkes went to find the group at the beach, Hernandez looked through her stuff to find a hairpin that she lost, which had been given to her by her mother. She also attempted to explain to Yorkes that something weird was happening to her whenever she felt anxious, but eventually chose not to reveal the whole extent of it. They then went to the beach, where the Runaways attempted to organize their investigation. Hernandez mentioned that they could investigate the basement of the Yorkes Residence, claiming that a mysterious creature was living in it, but her suggestion was met with doubt, causing Hernandez to angrily leave.

Hernandez manages to escape
Hernandez went to the Timely Coffee to spend some time alone. She was approached by Catherine, who explained that she had found her hairpin in Geoffrey's office. Hernandez pretended that she had been looking for the bathroom and, sensing that she was in danger, claimed that he had to go to the toilet. Locking the door, she looked for a way to escape, but the window had bars, forcing Hernandez to resort to her enhanced strength to escape by ripping off an entire part of the wall. Although she successfully left the café, she suddenly felt drowsy and fell asleep.
Hernandez woke up in Catherine's car. She confessed that she had lied to Catherine and claimed that the other kids had actually made her sneak into Geoffrey's office to see whether they could use the liquor cabinet. As she felt that Catherine did not believe her, Hernandez complained that no one trusted her and that she was a burden to the people around her, but Catherine disagreed, claiming that no one felt that way. Hernandez then explained that she wished to know more about her real parents and Catherine offered to give her information about them whenever she would feel ready to hear them.[7]
Cretacean Encounter[]

Hernandez joins a WizTalk conversation
- "We... have... a dinosaur! When were you gonna tell us this?"
"Well, there's a, um, a time and place for that kind of stuff."
"I'm available now." - âGert Yorkes, Stacey Yorkes and Molly Hernandez[src]
In the following night, Hernandez joined a WizTalk conversation between the Runaways to discuss the thin results of their investigation, once again trying to mention her enhanced strength which activated whenever she was afraid, but could not tell much as Gert Yorkes interrupted her. On the next morning, Hernandez heard her parents Dale and Stacey Yorkes discussing about a missing animal in their lab, and figured out that they were talking about the creature Hernandez had seen, despite the Yorkeses claiming that they were looking for a hedgehog. Once they left, Hernandez and Gert commented on how poor liars their parents were.

Hernandez is attacked by a dinosaur
Hernandez spent the day at the Atlas Academy. Once she returned home, she went to her bedroom and prepared a series of questions to ask Catherine Wilder about her biological parents. However, before she could send it, she heard strange noises in the house. Believing it to be a prank from Gert, she opened a door, only to be attacked by a small dinosaur. This activated her superpowers, and she kicked the dinosaur to the ceiling before running downstairs. However, the dinosaur jumped in front of her, arriving between Hernandez and the door. Hernandez prepared to punch the dinosaur, but it stopped as Gert suddenly arrived and ordered it to calm down. Hernandez then watched as Gert confirmed that the dinosaur obeyed her.

Hernandez and Gert Yorkes ask for explanations
Once Dale and Stacey returned and locked the dinosaur back into its room, Hernandez and Gert asked for explanations regarding its existence. Dale and Stacey started to explain that they had engineered this dinosaur for their protection, but before they could explain further, they were interrupted by Tina Minoru ringing the bell at the door, prompting Dale and Stacey to ask Hernandez and Yorkes to remain in the basement and make sure that the dinosaur did not make too much noise.[10]
Kidnapping of Alex Wilder[]

Hernandez was informed by Gert Yorkes that Alex Wilder had been kidnapped by unidentified abudctors. Hernandez and Yorkes joined Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean in front of the Timely Coffee. Using the Staff of One, they managed to identify the heat signature of the car in which Wilder had been taken away. Before going, Hernandez tried to inform her friends of her strength, but Yorkes once again told her that this was not the right time. They then all got into Dean's car to find Wilder. Despite Dean's dangerous way of driving, Hernandez actually enjoyed it, finding it to be fun.

Hernandez and the Runaways confront Darius Davis
The Runaways arrived to see Wilder being held hostage by Darius Davis, who took him back into his car and drove away. The Runaways followed him until Davis stopped at a red light. As Minoru was unable to stop the car with the Staff of One, Hernandez ran out of Dean's car and used her enhanced strength to prevent Davis' car from going further. As Davis arrived to see what was happening and pointed his gun at Hernandez, she was protected by Dean, who revealed her own powers to attack Davis, much to Hernandez's amazement.
As they confronted Davis, the teenagers were joined by Chase Stein, who attacked Davis with his recently complete Fistigons. Minoru then used the Staff of One to protect Hernandez and the others from Davis' bullets, causing him to flee. Exhausted by her recent effort, Hernandez fell asleep on Dean's car's hood, and the Runaways decided to head back to the Timely Coffee to recover from their emotions, except for Wilder, who briefly left them.

Hernandez and Gert Yorkes hide from their parents with their dinosaur
At the Timely Coffee, Hernandez expressed relief at the idea that her friends had finally witnessed what she was able to do. However, as Wilder returned, he explained that they had to save Andre, one of his kidnappers, from PRIDE, as he feared that he would be sacrificed just like Destiny Gonzalez. Hernandez and the other Runaways rushed to the Wilder Mansion, but PRIDE was nowhere to be found, meaning that they had failed to save Andre. Hernandez and Yorkes then returned to the Yorkes Residence to see their dinosaur. Hernandez then asked Yorkes about their parents' motives, and Yorkes replied that their parents apparently were horrible people.[11]
Misguided Confession[]

Hernandez and the Runaways discuss their new mission
- "There's nothing, I swear. I just want to know about my parents. I didn't see a thing."
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing. Just some weird robes. It must've been a party. I don't know." - âMolly Hernandez and Catherine Wilder[src]
Hernandez went to the Timely Coffee to meet the other Runaways and discuss their plan to infiltrate the Wizard Headquarters during a fundraising gala held by PRIDE and retrieve a video file which could incriminate their parents. Although Hernandez agreed to this plan, she asked the others whether they had questions and suggested that they could try and talk to them. Hernandez then left the coffee and later went to the Dean Mansion with Gert Yorkes, where they joined Karolina Dean and Nico Minoru to get ready for the upcoming party. During the drive to Wizard Headquarters, Hernandez noticed how uncomfortable Yorkes felt when seeing Dean and Chase Stein acting close to each other.

Hernandez sends a message to Catherine Wilder
The teenagers arrived at the party, where they saw their parents being applauded and cheered by the crowd. As they discussed PRIDE's possible arrest, Hernandez worried about the fact that this could mean she would fail to ask Catherine Wilder about her biological parents, and texted her that she was running out of time. Later, once the Runaways prepared for their mission, Hernandez, who remained at the party, noticed that Dean left to the flight of stairs leading to the building's roof with a bottle a vodka, shortly followed by Stein. Hernandez decided to follow them as well to see what was happening and arrived just in time to see Stein kissing Karolina. She then went back downstairs.

Hernandez discusses with Catherine Wilder
As the party was ending, Hernandez was approached by Yorkes and she decided to confess what she had seen on the roof, aware that Yorkes had feelings for Stein but being unable to keep him kissing Dean a secret from her sister. She then went to see Wilder and demanded answers regarding her birth parents, which puzzled Wilder, who did not understand while Hernandez was so upset. When Wilder suggested that they talked in her car, Hernandez accidentally revealed that she had seen PRIDE in their ceremonial red robes, implying that she knew about the sacrifices. However, before Wilder could interrogate her, Stacey Yorkes arrived to check on Hernandez, who left the gala with her, realizing that she had made a huge mistake.[12]
Sent Away[]

Hernandez confesses her mistake to the Runaways
- "I don't want to live somewhere else. Why are they doing this to me?"
"Because they know you saw." - âMolly Hernandez and Gert Yorkes[src]
In the next day, Hernandez went to Atlas Academy to prepare for the upcoming open house. She and Gert Yorkes joined the other Runaways and they began discussing whether their parents knew that the Runaways were aware of PRIDE's secret. This caused a panicking Hernandez to drop the double helix model she had made for the open house, and she confessed that she might have revealed to Catherine Wilder that she knew about the rituals. Hernandez was blamed for being too honest and when Karolina Dean tried to comfort her, it only made things worse, and Hernandez angrily left the group.
Hernandez tried to befriend the school's dance squad led by Eiffel, but it only went to humiliation as Eiffel only gave her menial tasks to perform. She was then approached by Dean who once again tried to comfort Hernandez, and the two teenagers bonded over their common point of having enhanced abilities they were forced to conceal. During the open house, Hernandez remained at the dance squad's booth, although it only led to more humiliations from Eiffel.

Hernandez discovers the Yorkeses' intent to send her away
Back at the Yorkes Residence, Hernandez was surprised to find Dale and Stacey Yorkes in her bedroom, packing her stuff. When she asked them about what was going on, Hernandez was told that they intended to send her to Montebello to live with her second cousin Graciela Aguirre, allegedly so that she could know more about her birth parents. However, Hernandez categorically refused to leave and, as Gert arrived and failed to convince her parents to change their mind, Hernandez nearly revealed enhanced strength because of the unbearable level of stress.
Hernandez was taken by Gert into her own bedroom, where she was warned that she could not use her powers in front of the Yorkeses. Hernandez burst into tears, claiming that she did not want to leave. Gert hugged her to comfort her and swore that she would protect her, but insisted that Hernandez still had to leave for her own safety. Hernandez, still crying, reluctantly accepted to go along with the Yorkeses' plan.[4]

Hernandez with Graciela Aguirre
Although she agreed to go to live with Aguirre, Hernandez was still extremely upset by the Yorkeses' choice and did not hesitate to let them know, despite their attempts to convince her that it was for her own good. Hernandez refused to let Stacey hug her when they had to go after receiving a text message and insulted them before angrily leaving. However, once she remained alone with Aguirre who had prepared dinner, Hernandez managed to calm down. She was then given an envelope left by her parents to Aguirre, who had waited for the Yorkeses to leave. Inside, Hernandez found a key and a note requesting her to find her stuffed elephant Elian.

Hernandez opens a safe containing a VHS tape
Hernandez did not understand what this meant, as she had not lost the plush. However, she recalled a time when she did forget it on a train, causing her and her parents to go to a train station to retrieve it. Hernandez was then told by Aguirre that they could go to the Metrolink station in the next morning to investigate. Nevertheless, Hernandez could not wait and snuck out through a window in the middle of the night. Arriving at the station, she located the safe which matched the key and opened it, thus retrieving an old VHS tape.[13]
Infiltration into the PRIDE Construction Site[]

Hernandez watches the message left to her by her parents
- "We're a family."
"And we'll fight you if we have to!" - âGert Yorkes and Molly Hernandez to PRIDE[src]
Hernandez managed to return to Los Angeles by herself and went to Atlas Academy, where she was reunited with her fellow Runaways. She explained her discovery to them, and they headed to a room where they could find a VHS reader. It turned out to be a video recording from Hernandez's parents, who warned her against the potential consequences of PRIDE's activities, which could cause massive earthquakes in California. Hernandez was deeply upset by the message, believing her parents to be as evil as the other PRIDE members, but the others comforted her, stating that they had tried to warn her, and perhaps others as well, and that this could be why they died.

Hernandez encourages Gert Yorkes to find Chase Stein
Hernandez and the others discussed their next move in light of the Hernandezes' reveal and they resolved to meet in the evening, at the school dance, to gather before going to infiltrate the PRIDE Construction Site. Hernandez waited for the night until Gert Yorkes arrived for the party, having taken her dinosaur with her. She joined Yorkes in the car, and told her that Chase Stein had already arrived and had trusted her with the Fistigons and the X-Ray Specs. She then encouraged Yorkes to find Stein while she would remain with the dinosaur.

Hernandez moving a truck
Hernandez was later joined in the car by Alex Wilder, Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean, but Minoru and Dean briefly left to see why Yorkes and Stein did not come. Once everyone was present, the group headed to the PRIDE Construction Site. They were briefly stopped by Carl, a member of the Church of Gibborim providing security, but he eventually let them in. Once inside the site, the Runaways found a gigantic hole. Hernandez went with Wilder and Dean to find a truck to be pushed down into the hole by Hernandez, which she successfully carried out under her friends' encouragements, revealing the significant depth of the hole.

Hernandez confronts the PRIDE
However, as Minoru attempted to fill the hole thanks to the Staff of One, Hernandez and the other Runaways realized that their parents had all come in an attempt to save their plans and stop the teenagers. As Stacey Yorkes assumed that PRIDE and Runaways belonged to the same family, Hernandez activated her enhanced strength and claimed that they were willing to fight PRIDE, which made all the PRIDE members stop and step back upon seeing her eyes.[6] The confrontation was engaged by Dale Yorkes, who fired a tranquilizing bullet at Gert's dinosaur. As Dean attacked PRIDE with her powers, Hernandez offered to help her by throwing barrels at their opponent. However, she was attacked by Jonah, who had arrived as well and shot a light burst at her.

Although quite stunned by the attack, Hernandez managed to stand back and returned with the other Runaways, ready to confront the PRIDE. However, they were then told by Dean to flee from battle, as Jonah was only interested in her, so she would hold him off while they left. Hernandez reluctantly agreed to leave, witnessing the dramatic effects of the confrontation between Jonah and Dean. After a powerful surge affected all electric systems, the Runaways discussed their options and decided to retreat in the forest to devise their next move.[14]
Rescue of Karolina Dean[]

Hernandez hiding with the Runaways
Once hidden in the wood, the Runaways debated over what they should do next: leaving Los Angeles to prepare an elaborate plan to fight PRIDE, or immediately trying to save Karolina Dean. Hernandez advocated the second option, stating that Dean sacrificed herself to protect her friends, and that they had to do the same for Dean. In order to go incognito, Hernandez went to a thrift shop with Nico Minoru and Chase Stein to get new clothes. They then returned in the woods and prepared for their rescue mission, but before they went, Hernandez convinced Gert Yorkes to leave her dinosaur, who she called Old Lace, behind for everyone's safety, including Old Lace's.

Hernandez and Chase Stein are helped by Vaughn Kaye
Hernandez and the other Runaways went to the Timely Coffee and ambushed Vaughn Kaye, a member of the Church of Gibborim. They explained that Dean was in danger and that Jonah had taken leadership over the Church, but he refused to listen to them and left. Thus, they decided to go without him: Hernandez and Stein posed as typical runaways to be picked up by Frances and Aura, who brought them into the Church of Gibborim Executive Office. Once inside, Hernandez and Stein were approached by Kaye, who offered to help them - as he had been secretly instructed to by Leslie Dean. Kaye led them to the door behind which Dean was supposed to be, and although it was locked, Hernandez easily got through thanks to her enhanced strength.

Hernandez, Chase Stein and Karolina Dean make their escape
Now reunited with Dean, Hernandez and Stein attempted to leave the building, but stumbled upon Aura and Frances, who called security on them. Nevertheless, Hernandez, Stein and Dean were able to hide from them long enough to escape the building and get into a van stolen by Alex Wilder, enabling the whole Runaways team to leave in safety.[14]

Hernandez and the other Runaways watching a WHiH World News report
Hernandez and the Runaways returned into the woods, where they spent the night together. In the next morning, they all went to the Los Angeles Bus Depot to find out what their next destination would be, with Hernandez being doubtful that Phoenix was a good choice. However, they also caught a WHiH World News report, which claimed that the Runaways were wanted by the police for the murder of Destiny Gonzalez and the alleged kidnapping of Hernandez herself. Therefore, the Runaways were forced to run for their safety.[14]
The Last of Her Family[]
The next day, Hernandez and the Runaways came into trouble when Mike on a Bike stole their money as well as the Fistigons. They chased him down the street, but were too slow. Gert Yorkes complained that the shopping cart carrying Old Lace had a broken wheel. Hernandez promptly used her powers to carry to shopping cart with them. They arrived at a food shelter only to find that PRIDE owned it. Hernandez pleaded for them to let her eat anyways as she was very hungry.
Later, they saw Graciela Aguirre on the news talking about how bad PRIDE was. Hernandez forced the group to go protect her as she feared Aguirre would be killed. They arrived at Aguirre home and Hernandez knocked on the door. However, there was no answer, she looked at Nico Minoru, who looked through the window sadly. Hernandez broke through the door and ran in only to find Aguirre dead on the floor.
Hernandez cried over Aguirre and was consoled by everyone else before they were forced to leave as the police arrived. They went to a homeless area where Hernandez continued to mourn Aguirre. Minoru held a Wiccan funeral for Aguirre honoring her life while holding hands with Hernandez who was saddened that she was the last living person in her family. Many people around paid their respects to Aguirre which made Hernandez feel better.
The next day, they found Mike again and chased him up a hill. Karolina Dean fell through a hole in the hill, leading to an underground Hostel. Chase Stein grabbed the Fistigons as Hernandez broke through a grate so that they could get in. As the Runaways explored, Hernandez slept because the use of her powers tired her out.[15]
Attacked by Tina[]
Hernandez and the Runaways woke up to an earthquake. Hernandez saved Gert Yorkes from a falling pillar and held it up until the rumbling stopped. They then realized Karolina Dean was gone. Nico Minoru wanted to look for her, but Alex Wilder assured everyone she was probably safe. When Dean returned, she claimed she stepped out because she could not sleep. Wilder then said he needed to go to his job, but Hernandez stopped him, forcing Wilder to explain who he was working for. Wilder said he was working for Darius Davis causing immediate worry among the group, but he assured them it was fine.
Hernandez, Minoru, and Dean then went to Minoru Mansion to get the Staff of One. Dean disabled Wizey allowing them to get in. Hernandez stayed outside to watch if Tina Minoru arrived. Soon, she heard screaming and ran to the back to find Nico and Dean squaring off against Tina. Hernandez threw a chair at Tina who promptly used the Staff of One to throw Hernandez into a pool and freeze her in the water. Hernandez struggled to make it out until Tina finally reasoned with her daughter and let her have the Staff of One. The group returned to the Hostel to find that Chase Stein and Yorkes fixed the electricity.
Later, Hernandez set up her own room and put on music. She then wore her beanie as a mask, dreaming about becoming a hero. Suddenly, Yorkes knocked on the door. When Hernandez opened the door, Yorkes wanted to talk about what happened with Tina, but Hernandez was too tired and brushed her off She then broke through the wall and left in her mask.[16]
Masked Vigilante[]
Hernandez walked through the streets, acting like a vigilante. She found a missing persons flier for her and the Runaways. Hernandez promptly ripped it up before she heard screaming. She approached a man, who was beating a woman. Hernandez told him to try it on her. She pushed the man, proving her point. The man went to punch her, but she caught it, before defeating him. She told the woman she was welcome before leaving.
Hernandez returned to the Hostel and found Nico Minoru in her room. Minoru was worried at what Hernandez was doing, but Hernandez did not want Gert Yorkes to know. Minoru told her not to go out alone again. In the foyer, Hernandez fell asleep on the couch. When she woke up, the team talked about needing a leader. Soon, Yorkes got very upset and lashed out at Chase Stein. When Yorkes left, Stein asked if Hernandez could go on a walk with him. Hernandez did not want to, but Minoru and Karolina Dean told her to go.
Stein brought her into a room and made her carry a car for him to fix it. Hernandez complained that he was exploiting her. Stein admitted that she was right and had her put it down. Hernandez then realized he needed relationship advice for Yorkes. Stein said she was tired of him and always complaining. Stein suggested leaving her alone. Hernandez said he should never do that and just needs to be with her until she gets her medication.
Minoru got everyone together saying that Alex Wilder was kidnapped by his parents. Hernandez agreed he was being annoying, but they still needed to save him. Hernandez suggested using the car to drive it to Wilder. Stein hot-wired it, and they got on the road. When they got to the airport, they all hid until the Wilders arrived. Once they did, the Runaways ambushed Geoffrey Wilder, took Alex and drove off.[17]
Meeting Topher Vasquez[]
Later, Hernandez found the same man and woman outside the alley and approached them. She took the man's car and flipped it over, destroying it. As she walked away, she said to herself that she needed to work on her lines. As she returned, Gert Yorkes found her, very worried and mad. She yelled at Hernandez, but was interrupted by a man who walked into the Hostel having followed her home. He introduced himself as Topher Vasquez.[17]
The Runaways were very hesitant to let Vasquez in as they did not trust him. Nico Minoru put him in a sound bubble so that they could talk without him hearing. Hernandez pleaded for them to let him stay. They agreed under the condition that he sleep next to Old Lace. The next morning, Vasquez and Hernandez talked, and she realized that he had the same powers as her. She also noticed how she looked similar to him. She played with the idea that they were related.
Alex Wilder figured out a way to kill Jonah, but needed a computer from the school. The Runaways went there and had Vasquez sneak in. However, an earthquake stopped this as everyone had to evacuate. Minoru and Hernandez hid in a bus while Wilder, Yorkes, and Chase Stein went in. Suddenly, their parents arrived so the girls ran in to join the others. They hid in a staircase and ran out, finding that Vasquez was successful in getting the computer.[3]
Topher Vasquez's Lies[]
Hernandez and the Runaways forced Topher Vasquez to give them his backstory. However, he refused and tried to leave. Hernandez spoke up for him, giving him a chance to explain himself. He finally said that he became homeless and was rummaging through trash. He then found a terrarium carrying the Gibborim Rock. When he used it, he became strong and felt amazing. So, he grounded the rock up and had been using it ever since. However, he was running out.
Later, Hernandez and Vasquez talked some more, and she began to trust him a lot. However, that trust was broken when Vasquez left, stealing the plans to the dig site, likely wanting more rocks. They went to the dig site and found him stealing a car. The group then chased the car to a house. Hernandez ran in and found Vasquez yelling at his family. Sofia Vasquez explained that Vasquez lied. He was present during the explosion that killed the Hernandezes, meaning he was also not eighteen. He then accidentally paralyzed his father with his new powers.
An angry Hernandez approached Vasquez, who pushed his sister. Although she did not want to, she tried to intervene, only to be thrown onto the sidewalk. She then tackled Vasquez, who got away. Nico Minoru used her Staff of One to blast Vasquez, despite Hernandez not wanting her to. Vasquez then threw a dumpster at the group, but it was accidentally deflected towards Gert Yorkes by Chase Stein. Vasquez saw this and pushed Yorkes out of the way, taking the full force of the dumpster. Hernandez leaned over his injured body, but was forced to leave as police arrived.
At the Hostel, Hernandez got into an argument with Minoru, blaming her for Vasquez getting out of control. The team backed Minoru, saying he was already out of control. Minoru said she was protecting them at all cost. Hernandez simply said she sounded like her mother. Later, Hernandez talked to Yorkes, who felt for her.[18]
Saving Geoffrey[]
Hernandez was walking around the Hostel when Nico Minoru frantically ran to her, asking where she had been. Hernandez was annoyed that Minoru thought she had run away but claimed that she should be looking for Gert Yorkes and Chase Stein, who were missing.
Later, Stein and Yorkes returned, asking to talk about what to do with Jonah. Karolina Dean revealed that Jonah resided at the Church of Gibborim. Hernandez then noticed awkwardness between Stein and Yorkes. She asked if they broke up. Yorkes said no, but Stein revealed that he was moving into a new room. When Yorkes left, Stein revealed that Yorkes got medications at the hospital, but used Stein's mother to get them, forcing him into a conversation with her. Hernandez felt for Stein.
They went to the Church. Dean distracted the public with her lights as the group sneaked in. They found a tube with an unconscious Victor Stein as well as two Dematerialization Boxes. Knowing Jonah was in one, Hernandez ripped open the other to find Geoffrey Wilder. Hernandez used her strength to carry him out of the room and back to the Hostel.[19]
Stopping Jonah[]
The group thought of a plan to stop Jonah. Karolina Dean revealed that Jonah had a family that was stuck at the bottom of the hole. The Runaways agreed to help the family be free. At the dig site, Hernandez was carried to the bottom of the hole by Dean. She exclaimed how fun it was as Dean brought down Chase Stein and Nico Minoru. Alex and Geoffrey Wilder were at the top taking care of security and Gert Yorkes was on the lookout.
Stein tried to free the family with his Fistigons, but it did not work. Suddenly, they heard Jonah's voice pleading for Dean to come up, but she refused. He then set the ship to lift off, collapsing the ground beneath the four Runaways. Hernandez told Dean to take Minoru and Stein to the top as she could use her durability to survive. However, Minoru insisted that she stay as the Staff of One could protect her.
Hernandez got to the top and fought Jonah. With the help of the PRIDE parents, they were able to gain the upper hand. Minoru finally arrived, jumping to the top. As Jonah was distracted, Hernandez hit him with a pole. The ship was finally destroyed, leaving Jonah upset. Minoru took this opportunity to stab Jonah in the back, seemingly killing him. Hernandez and Yorkes were then met by their parents, who pleaded for the girls to come home. However, they refused. Minoru then put all of the parents to sleep as the Runaways left. At the Hostel, Hernandez ate hot Cheetos and recommended it to Minoru for her headache.[20]
Day Off[]
Following the death of Jonah, the kids decided to take a day off and regroup now that there was no major threat. However, Alex Wilder's ex-girlfriend, Livvie was attacked leading for them to help her. Their plan was to gets tapes of Darius Davis' murder that proved it was Geoffrey Wilder's doing. They went to Gordon Hotel and Hernandez immediately started jumping on the bed, missing her old life.
Wilder told her to stop, so she went to the living room to put on music and dance. Nico Minoru was still shaken up at the fact that Karolina Dean was mad at her, so Minoru left. However, Hernandez asked if she could come with. Minoru asked if she could tone down the energy by 60%. Hernandez said no, but Minoru still let her come. The two of them walked down the hallway until they overheard workers talking about how they got a warning saying to keep eye of teenagers breaking in. Minoru and Hernandez quickly ran, but Hernandez was caught and apprehended. She quickly broke the handcuffs, but was pushed back into her chair by AWOL, who had her meet Flores.[21]
Hernandez was carried into a car and sent to a warehouse. She was interrogated by Flores. Hernandez teased him, having a smile on her face. Flores then said he did not like to use force, but will and soon, her smile would be off of her face. Hernandez said that she doubted that. When Flores turned around, Hernandez broke free from the cuffs and attacked Flores, lifting him over her head. The Runaways arrived with Nico Minoru telling Hernandez that Flores was not worth it. Hernandez agreed and left.
On the way home, Hernandez realized Flores had her phone. They all threw away their phones as they could be tracked. The next morning, Hernandez talked to Chase Stein, giving him advice on how to make up with Gert Yorkes. Later, Alex Wilder brought everyone to Simply Blossom to eat. They soon saw AWOL there and realized that Wilder tricked them. AWOL turned on Wilder, threatening the Runaways, but Minoru saved them by freezing AWOL. Later, Livvie arrived, telling everyone that Wilder made a deal with AWOL. Angry, the Runaways approached Wilder, who called them hypocrites. Suddenly, Yorkes collapsed with a sickness. The sickness caused her to pass out.[22]
Protecting the Hostel[]
On her birthday,[1] the Runaways tried to help Gert Yorkes, AWOL arrived, holding Livvie hostage after getting information from her. Nico Minoru put up a spell to protect the Hostel. However, the spell was powerful, and she was having trouble holding it. Alex Wilder tried to give himself up as that was what AWOL wanted. Hernandez proceeded to pin him to the ground, not allowing him to leave.
They thought of a plan before Wilder lured AWOL into the Hostel. Minoru then cast a spell to close AWOL in so the rest of his men cannot infiltrate. Following a little discussion, Minoru allowed the men to come in. Hernandez then ran outside and threw a rock at the remaining guard before grabbing Livvie. Suddenly, the guard disappeared into thin air. They ran back inside to find the entire threat gone and Minoru incapacitated.[23]
In the morning, Hernandez made herself a tiny cake with a candle to celebrate her missed birthday. Alex Wilder found her and realized what the occasion was. Hernandez said it was too late for him to wish her a happy birthday. They soon realized that Chase Stein and Gert Yorkes were not back yet. Since Nico Minoru was too tired from the spell, they brought Karolina Dean with them to break the two out of the Yorkes Residence.
When they arrived, Dale and Stacey Yorkes wished her a happy birthday, but Hernandez did not care and forced them into the basement. There, she broke open Old Lace's prison, letting her free to scare the Yorkes as they grabbed the captives. Back at the Hostel, they decided to throw a quinceañera for Hernandez.
Hernandez, Minoru, Yorkes, and Dean went to the city and found dresses. Hernandez picked out her own dress. At the Hostel, Stein took her hand, giving her a speech. He then danced with Hernandez as everyone celebrated. The party ended with Hernandez blowing candles out from a massive cake. The celebration was foiled, however, as Hernandez found Stein on his way out. Stein explained that he was leaving as he had matured. Hernandez yelled at him, saying this was the one day without any bad things and it was ruined.[1]
Saving Leslie Dean[]
Hernandez was told by Karolina Dean that leslie Dean was kidnapped by the Church of Gibborim. Going against Alex Wilder's wishes, Hernandez, Karolina, and Nico Minoru went to the Crater to break her out. They also got Vaughn Kaye for help. When they arrived, Karolina concluded that she would try to manipulate Frank Dean into letting Leslie out.
Hernandez, Minoru, and Kaye waited outside, but were getting nervous. They soon saw Karolina, Leslie, and Susan Ellerh leaving. However, they were stopped by Frank. Hernandez and Minoru ran to the door, attempting to help. This was not needed though, as Karolina used her powers to show all of the believers that she was the Radiance. They returned to the Hostel and agreed to let Leslie stayed with them.[24]
The Last Runaways[]
Splitting Up[]
Hernandez was present as Alex Wilder got a call from Chase Stein. Stein asked to meet up, earning a middle finger from the Runaways. However, they eventually agreed to meet. In the forest, Stein told them that their parents had weapons that could erase their minds so that they had never met before. The Runaways agreed that it was a risk they would take.
When Stein left, a drone arrived and started shooting darts. Gert Yorkes and Hernandez dodged the darts and were forced to split off from everyone. They ran into the streets being chased by two drones. Hernandez took a man's scooter and threw it at the drones, destroying both. They then ran through the market where Dale and Stacey Yorkes cornered them.
Hernandez had the idea to split up. She ran away from Gert and was followed by Dale. Hernandez found a random man and told him in Spanish that Dale was following her. The man stepped in between Hernandez and Dale, saying he was a pedophile. This gave Hernandez the chance to escape. When she returned to the Hostel, she only found Wilder and Nico Minoru, the rest of the Runaways were MIA.[25]
Luring the Magistrates[]
Hernandez, Leslie Dean, Xavin, Alex Wilder, and Nico Minoru watched as PRIDE had a press conference. Victor Stein, Tina Minoru, and Stacey Yorkes gave speeches and said that there was a member of their family that was still out there and would come home. Xavin explained that those three were not Stein, Tina, or Yorkes, but actually the Magistrate, or Jonah, his wife, and his daughter. Xavin also explained that the missing family member was a son who had not revealed themselves yet.
Wilder and Minoru decided to go to Stein Mansion in hopes of saving Chase Stein, Gert Yorkes, and Karolina Dean. To lure the Magistrate's family away from the house, Hernandez and Xavin went far away. Xavin then disguised themself as Yorkes and called the Magistrate, claiming to be the Son so that the Magistrate and the family would come to them. The plan worked, but the Magistrate's family soon realized it was a trick. The Wife blasted Hernandez, injuring her. Hernandez pleaded for the person who looked like her mother to stop. Hernandez then showed the Wife her pin that she usually put in her hair. This awakened Yorkes, who, after a tearful brief reunion with Molly, fled the scene, having her memory back but unsure how long she could act before the Wife possessed her again.[26]
Rescuing the Runaways[]
Xavin and Hernandez arrived at the Stein Mansion to help. Hernandez complained about being outside when she was strong enough to help. She then rebelled and broke in. Hernandez and Xavin found Chase Stein, Janet Stein, and Karolina Dean trapped in Healing Algorithms, but soon had to hide as the Magistrate and his daughter entered the room. They hid in the trunk of a car, which was suddenly driven to Wizard Headquarters by the Daughter, who blasted K-Pop on the way there.
When the Daughter went inside, Xavin disguised themself as Tina Minoru to get the keys from the valet. Hernandez asked to drive as she was getting her permit soon, but Xavin refused. Xavin soon learned that it was hard to drive and let Hernandez do so. They drove back to the mansion and ambushed the Magistrate. Hernandez found the Magistrate fighting Nico Minoru and sneaked up on him as Gert Yorkes arrived. Xavin then used the Inhibitor Pods to incapacitate Magistrate. The Runaways then went home and argued about whether Chase should be let back in. Hernandez said she was mad at him, but still argued to let him stay. They agreed that he could stay for one night. Suddenly, Minoru claimed that Magistrate's Son was inside of her.[27]
Bigger Problems[]
Search for the Son[]
The group ultimately decided to wait until the morning. Hernandez found Xavin outside of Karolina Dean and Nico Minoru's room and told them to relax. She then sat on the couch and showed Xavin how to get comfortable and how to sleep as Xavin had never slept before. The next morning, Hernandez ate waffles, but the group thought that was inappropriate with what was happening at the moment.
They then decided to break into the Minoru Mansion and get Inhibitor Pods. They then stopped in a park and tested it. Hernandez was scared, but the results turned out negative, meaning the alien was either Alex Wilder or Leslie Dean, who were not with them. They returned to the Hostel to find both of them gone. They watched the security cameras and found Wilder taking Leslie away as he was the Magistrate's Son.[28]
Defeating the Magistrates[]
The team tried to understand the events that had transpired. Karolina Dean suddenly got a call from Tamar saying that she had Leslie Dean. Karolina, Hernandez, Nico Minoru, and Xavin went to help. When they got there, Karolina and Minoru went to catch Magistrate's Son. Tamar then gave Hernandez a list to do as Leslie was going into labor. Hernandez helped until the baby came out, named Elle Dean. Karolina consoled her mother as Xavin explained the threat. Hernandez asked why they could not just let the Magistrates leave. Xavin explained that they would send a Scrub Squad to eliminate anybody that came in contact with the Magistrate and his family.
They returned to the Hostel to find that Chase Stein and Gert Yorkes made Anti-Gibborim Weapons. Suddenly, Xavin called and told them that Elle was taken. They went to the location to square off, causing the Magistrate and his family to run. Hernandez followed them and found Yorkes and Magistrate's Wife, inside Stacey Yorkes, fighting her. Hernandez talked about the sister duo before defeating the Wife. They then returned to the middle as all of the Runaways faced the four Magistrates, who blasted them. Karolina was no match, causing everyone to writhe in pain. Suddenly, the Staff of One came out of Minoru. She used this to cast a spell that made the Magistrate's family and their hosts disappear into thin air.[29]
Losing Time[]
Her Parents' Truth[]
Hernandez woke up with the other Runaways in the Hostel. They walked out to find the main room filled like a party. Gert Yorkes remarked how it was like The Great Gatsby. Hernandez then said they should go see if Leonardo DeCaprio was there. They walked downstairs and met Quinton the Great, a magician. Quinton explained that they were in the Dark Dimension and could lose their memories if they stayed for too long. Hernandez pushed him out of the way when he approached her, but found that nobody's power was working. Quinton revealed there was only magic in this realm.
Hernandez stepped through a door and found herself in her old home. She looked on the wall and found many pictures of her younger self. To her amazement, she was then greeted by Alice and Gene Hernandez. Molly was very happy to see her parents again despite knowing they were not real. They gave her a gift and Molly opened it to find the barrette that her parents gave her at four. She then realized that they believed she was four years old, and they never got to see her grow up.
The parents revealed they had to go to the Church of Gibborim. When they arrived, Molly laid back, but soon found then walking around discretely. Molly yelled at them to stop, knowing that they were choosing a sacrifice and realizing that her conclusion about them was wrong. They were not different than the rest of PRIDE. As the parents confronted her, the people of the church started dying from poison. Gene then offered the poison punch to Hernandez to ran away.
Hernandez finally found the rest of the Runaways in the street and was approached by Stacey Yorkes. However, Molly did not recognize nor remember her. The group took her to the Hostel where they met Quinton the Great disguised as Amy Minoru. Tina and Nico Minoru were able to create a spell to get them out of the Dark Dimension. Once they got out, they opened the computer, realizing that they had been gone for six months.[5]
Reuniting with Dale[]
The Runaways got breakfast while Nico Minoru worked on a spell to get Alex Wilder home. Hernandez was very hungry and ate a lot. However, she soon saw Max getting beat up by a man named Gil after Max accidentally broke Gil's new Corvus phone. Gil got out a screw to jam it into Max's eye, but Hernandez came in, throwing Gil and saving Max. Chase Stein wondered why there was so much violence over a phone.
Hernandez and Karolina Dean then went to the Church of Gibborim to see Leslie Dean. They saw that the church was actually thriving, which was very good. Hernandez greeted Leslie, saying she made an unofficial promise to Xavin to protect Leslie. Hernandez walked with Vaughn Kaye who told her she could only enter if she turned over her Corvus phone. When Hernandez found a boy she thought was cute, she allowed him to take her phone.
Hernandez talked to the boy, and they volunteered together. The two of them cut vegetables then Hernandez showed him how she could dance. They also made fun of Kaye, who had a list in his pocket of Gen Z terms. Hernandez then overheard someone saying that "Dale-the-Fail" was making his stinky brie again. Hernandez ran over to find Dale Yorkes in a tent. He greeted her and explained that he had been living off the grid.
Although he smelled very bad, the two talked and Yorkes said that he only wanted to protect Hernandez, who brought up that he protected her from the truth of her parents. Yorkes sighed, asking if Leslie told her. Hernandez said that did not matter, but she was sad as she thought her parents were different. However, they just selected the victims. Yorkes assured her they were nice. He then hugged her and asked how she reacted to the news of what Leslie did. Hernandez was confused and asked what he meant, but Yorkes realized she did not know and acted like he did not say anything.
Hernandez returned home, still confused about what Yorkes said. She then walked around the Hostel realizing everynody was gone. Sad that they left without her, she looked around and found a Corvus phone. Hernandez heard whispers coming from the phone and opened it up. Suddenly, the phone enchanted her, causing Hernandez to stand staring at the phone, not hearing anything from the outside world.[30]
Stein tried to grab the phone, prompting Hernandez to push him into a wall. She then angrily blocked the exit with a mattress before waving the phone around the place. Stein then used a metal rod to hit the phone out of her hand allowing Dean to break it. The spell was broken as Hernandez nearly punched Stein.[31]
Confronting Leslie[]
Hernandez helped Gert Yorkes and Chase Stein try to start up Alex Wilder's computer so they could take a video spreading the word. Yorkes was having trouble, so Hernandez suggested trying a password. When Yorkes did, they were met with corruption. That being a dead end, they went to Church of Gibborim to use their computer. They were met by Leslie Dean, but Hernandez was cold to her, walking out.
Dean followed Hernandez out and asked what was wrong. Hernandez asked about her parents, which revealed that Dean killed them. Hernandez grew angry, wanting to kill Dean. Dean allowed Hernandez to do so, but warned her that once she took a life, it followed her everywhere. They were like ghosts that haunt her every day. Hernandez walked up to Dean saying that even though she was not killing her, she still hated her.
Hernandez was then found by Bodhi who asked what was wrong. he cheered her up and they went to a tent together. She then explained her troubles by showing him her powers. She punched a stone seat, which impressed him. To show off, she repeated this to every chair. Bodhi was very impressed, but he walked out to help other people.[31]
Eventually, Hernandez was found by sorcerers who took her. They then put Hernandez through a ritual which turned Hernandez's eyes green under their spell.[32] When Hernandez got called by Gert Yorkes, le Fay forced her to tell Yorkes that she was okay. le Fay then brought Hernandez to the top of a building. Hernandez was put into a spell to start a convergence between the Dark Dimension and Earth. During the spell, Hernandez was struck by lightning. However, she was soon saved by Geoffrey Wilder. As Wilder took her away, a still enchanted Hernandez punched him against a wall. Tina Minoru then came and broke the spell.[33]
Defeating le Fay[]
Hernandez was brought back to the Hostel where she reunited with the Runaways. She talked to Gert Yorkes, showing her the scar that she got from the lightning. However, it showed Hernandez just how strong she was, reminding her that she was a superhero.
Hernandez and Gert then watched Dale Yorkes create a serum that could counter le Fay's spells. As he injected Hernandez, he claimed it could cause sausage fingers. Hernandez grew worried. Later, she found Chase Stein attacking Gert since he was under the spell of Corvus. Hernandez tackled him and pinned Stein down long enough to be injected. le Fay then arrived and gave them a choice, either submit or die. Hernandez and the rest submitted, not wanting any more pain. However, this was just a distraction to give Victor Stein enough time to shut down the Corvus satellites, weakening le Fay.[33]
A fight then commenced. When le Fay knocked down Karolina Dean, Hernandez approached from behind to distract le Fay. The witch then threw Hernandez into a wall, knocking her out. When Hernandez came to, Chase Stein had defeated le Fay, but was dying. Hernandez and the others surrounded him, upset. Suddenly, Chase Stein came running down the stairs, happy that they won. A confused Hernandez said she was glad he was okay, but did not understand. The dying Stein then disappeared into thin air. Dean realized it was time travel.
The next day, Hernandez got ready and met with the others. They hurried up Alex Wilder and walked out to get breakfast together.[8]
- "This is about you. You're not a kid anymore. You're growing into an amazing young woman with strength and integrity and a fierce sense of right and wrong. I just want to say I admire that, that's all."
- âGert Yorkes to Molly Hernandez[src]
Hernandez's most notable feature regarding her personality was her constant optimism and ability to see the bright side in most situations, as this was remarked by many people like Karolina Dean. Despite the harsh challenges the Runaways had to overcome, including the reveal that their parents were criminals, Hernandez remained a smiling figure accompanying her older teammates with a petulant nature. However, her innocence could sometimes lead her to make mistakes, such as when she inadvertently revealed to Catherine Wilder that the Runaways knew about PRIDE's criminal activities or when she risked the secrecy of the Hostel and the Runaways' whereabouts by playing vigilante in Los Angeles. Still, Hernandez was praised by her friends for having resisted to the loss of her childhood innocence, as she had been forced to grow up faster than any of them.
Nevertheless, Hernandez's optimism could fail her at times. When the Runaways returned from the Rescue of Gert Yorkes and Chase Stein, she expressed her grief over all the personal challenges they had to overcome, lamenting that they could not have normal lives. She was also extremely upset when she was confronted about her parents' involvement in the Church of Gibborim's nefarious activities.
Following the discovery of her own superpowers, and the progressive control she gained over it, Hernandez was eager to find someone who could comprehend her. Indeed, since her parents were gone, despite Hernandez's attempts to have some information about them via Wilder, Hernandez could not bear the secret of her superhuman abilities and repeatedly tried to tell her fellow Runaways about it, expressing considerable relief when she was finally able to display them. She also bonded with Dean as they both had powers which made them different. Hernandez's wish to find someone like her was decisive in keeping Topher Vasquez around the Runaways, as she was the only one to really trust him and openly confided in him due to their resemblance.
Initially, Hernandez was already not very sensitive to danger, such as when she enjoyed Dean's dangerous driving when the Runaways attempted to rescue Alex Wilder from Darius Davis. Over time, Hernandez grew even more and more confident when facing danger, to the point that she could display considerable bravery. As such, she willingly surrendered to the corrupt LAPD officers chasing the Runaways at the Gordon Hotel, and showed no sign of visible fear when confronted by Flores and AWOL.
Powers and Abilities[]
- "You try lifting an SUV with your bare hands. It's exhausting."
- âMolly Hernandez[src]
- Gibborim Rock Enhancement: Hernandez developed superhuman abilities, a result of coming in contact with a mysterious rock during her childhood. Though she started manifesting physical characteristics of this change immediately after the explosion that killed her parents, her powers did not start to develop until she reached puberty.
- Enhanced Strength:
Hernandez moving a car
- Enhanced Durability: Hernandez was durable enough to withstand an energy blast from Jonah, multiple blows from Tina Minoru, being hurled several meters with the Staff of One's power and even hits of superhuman strength from Topher Vasquez, all without any injuries. She also was able to resist the Taser used by AWOL, who compared her durability to a grizzly bear. She even survived getting struck by lightning in a sacrifice spell that Morgan le Fay and the other witches of Morgan le Fay's Coven performed on her.
- Enhanced Strength:
- Bilingualism: Hernandez is fluent in her native English, as well as Spanish.
This section requires expansion |
- Anti-Gibborim Mace: To be added
Other Equipment[]
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- Crow Necklace: To be added
- Yorkes Residence: Hernandez lived in this wealthy residence with her adoptive parents Dale and Stacey Yorkes and her adoptive sister Gert Yorkes.
- Timely Coffee: Hernandez often met with the other Runaways at the Timely Coffee, where they would discuss their plans to take down PRIDE.
- Graciela Aguirre's Residence: Hernandez was forced to live with her second cousin Graciela Aguirre by her adoptive parents after it was discovered she witnessed one of PRIDE's sacrifices for her own protection. Hernandez later left the residence in order to investigate the key she was given by Aguirre from her dead parents.
- Hostel: To be added
- In the comics, Molly Hayes is the mutant daughter of Gene and Alice Hayes who develops superhuman strength. After running away from her parents, she takes the alias Bruiser, but later changes it to Princess Powerful.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Ariela Barer auditioned for the role of Molly Hernandez.[34]
- Allison Beteta was a cast double for Allegra Acosta in Cheat The Gallows.
- Michelle Jubilee Gonzalez, Whitney Ortega, Kelsie Turner and Tiana Webberley were stunt doubles for Allegra Acosta in the role of Molly Hernandez.
- Megan Harmon was a stand-in for Allegra Acosta in the role of Molly Hernandez.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Runaways: 2.11: Last Waltz
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 Runaways: 1.01: Reunion
- â 3.0 3.1 Runaways: 2.04: Old School
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 Runaways: 1.07: Refraction
- â 5.0 5.1 Runaways: 3.05: Enter The Dreamland
- â 6.0 6.1 Runaways: 1.09: Doomsday
- â 7.0 7.1 Runaways: 1.03: Destiny
- â 8.0 8.1 Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
- â Runaways: 1.02: Rewind
- â Runaways: 1.04: Fifteen
- â Runaways: 1.05: Kingdom
- â Runaways: 1.06: Metamorphosis
- â Runaways: 1.08: Tsunami
- â 14.0 14.1 14.2 Runaways: 1.10: Hostile
- â Runaways: 2.01: Gimmie Shelter
- â Runaways: 2.02: Radio On
- â 17.0 17.1 Runaways: 2.03: Double Zeros
- â Runaways: 2.05: Rock Bottom
- â Runaways: 2.06: Bury Another
- â Runaways: 2.07: Last Rites
- â Runaways: 2.08: Past Life
- â Runaways: 2.09: Big Shot
- â Runaways: 2.10: Hostile Takeover
- â Runaways: 2.12: Earth Angel
- â Runaways: 2.13: Split Up
- â Runaways: 3.01: Smoke and Mirrors
- â Runaways: 3.02: The Great Escape
- â Runaways: 3.03: Lord of Lies
- â Runaways: 3.04: Rite of Thunder
- â Runaways: 3.06: Merry Meet Again
- â 31.0 31.1 Runaways: 3.07: Left-Hand Path
- â Runaways: 3.08: Devil's Torture Chamber
- â 33.0 33.1 Runaways: 3.09: The Broken Circle
- â Ariela Barer Brings Gert To Life on Marvelâs Runaways
External Links[]
Runaways | |
Alex Wilder âą Nico Minoru âą Karolina Dean âą Chase Stein âą Gert Yorkes âą Molly Hernandez |