For alternate versions of Robert Minoru, see Robert Minoru's Character Hub |
- "It's never too late to be a family. I'll find a way to make everything okay again, I promise."
- âRobert Minoru to Nico Minoru[src]
Robert Minoru was the co-founder of Wizard and a member of PRIDE. He was the husband of Tina Minoru and the father of Amy and Nico Minoru. Minoru was devastated by the death of Amy, which caused him and his wife to grow apart to the point that Minoru started an affair with fellow PRIDE member Janet Stein. When this was publicly revealed by Janet's husband Victor, Minoru briefly left the house he shared with Tina and Nico, hoping to live with Janet, but his lover ended their relationship. Minoru was willing to sacrifice himself instead of Janet to revive Victor, but was eventually saved by Tina, who allowed him to return home so they could try and resume their relationship. Upon learning that Amy had actually been assassinated by Jonah, Minoru resolved to kill him in revenge.
Minoru kept working with the other members of PRIDE to locate the Runaways in the same time as their secret plan to murder Jonah. Minoru tried to confront Jonah on his own, relying on the Inhibitor Pods of his own invention to weaken him, and nearly succeeded before being knocked out and returned to PRIDE. He then continued to contribute to the PRIDE's efforts to find their children, although he was worried about the harm that they could do to them. He and Tina faced their daughter Nico during a confrontation at the PRIDE Headquarters and nearly defeated her, but the Staff of One provided her with an incredible energy she used to attack her parents. Minoru was heavily wounded in the fight, but despite this, he survived the battle. However, he was unaware that his wife was actually possessed by a Gibborim known as the Magistrate's Daughter.
Minoru spent several months in the coma until he was fully healed by Morgan le Fay, who enchanted him as part of her plan to take over the world. Under le Fay's influence, Minoru rejected Tina and made le Fay the new CEO of Wizard, helping her to plan the worldwide distribution of Corvus phones. However, he was eventually released from the spell when Tina broke the amulet le Fay had given him, and attempted to help Nico and Tina steal the Darkhold from le Fay. He was discovered and confronted by le Fay, who murdered him by taking back the life she had instilled in his wounded body. Before dying, Minoru found the strength to give his WizGlass to Nico, which contained a visual recording of the Darkhold.
Early Life[]
Joining PRIDE[]
Along with his wife Tina, Robert Minoru was recruited by Jonah to form PRIDE, a so-called charity which would serve as a front for criminal rituals meant to periodically revive Jonah. Thanks to the resources allocated by Jonah, Minoru and Tina started the high-tech company Wizard, which soon became incredibly famous in Los Angeles.

Minoru with PRIDE
Along with the rest of PRIDE, Minoru's first victim was Brooks Watten, a young member of the Church of Gibborim. Once the sacrifice was over, and while many other members of PRIDE were horrified by what had happened, his wife admitted that she knew they would have to kill Watten, and warned them that the crime had been recorded with the video being uploaded on Wizard's servers. Tina explained that although she felt sorry for Watten, they had to carry on with the rituals, else Jonah could decide to sacrifice either them or their children.[7] Robert and Tina decided to make a secret room in a PRIDE building to monitor dangerous activites as well as for protection. Robert expertly created it.[8]
The Hernandez's Funeral[]
In 2007, one of the families of PRIDE, Alice and Gene Hernandez were killed in an explosion, leaving their young daughter behind. Robert attended the funeral along with everybody else. However, something did not sit right with Geoffrey Wilder, who approached Robert thinking that Tina Minoru had something to do with it. Robert claimed she did not and that he would know if she did.[3]
Losing a Daughter[]
- "I know you miss her. I do too. So why can't you just say it out loud."
- âRobert Minoru to Tina Minoru[src]
In 2015, Robert's daughter Amy hacked into Wizard in order to learn more about Wizard's secrets, causing a fearful Jonah to kill her.[9] Robert was alerted by his younger daughter Nico. Robert walked into Amy's room and checked her heartbeat, only to find that she was dead. Tina interrupted Nico who tried to call the emergencies, ordering Wizey to seal the house. Tina and Robert then met with Detective Flores.[1] At the funeral, Robert was very distrought.[10] Following Amy's death, Tina became very distant from Robert as well as prohibiting anyone from entering Amy's room. In this time, Robert began an affair with Janet Stein.[3]
PRIDE Activity[]
Destiny Gonzalez's Sacrifice[]
Two years later, Nico, having ripped Tina's tights, was in Amy's room to borrow hers. Tina entered Amy's room and reminded Nico not to take Amy's things, but Nico simply ignored her and left, breaking one of Amy's trophies. Despite Nico's attempts to apologize, Tina ordered Nico to leave.[2]
Robert, who had listened to Tina and Nico's argument, went to fix Amy's shattered trophy while Tina went to get the Staff of One and use it to permanently seal Amy's room. Robert criticized such a drastic decision, but Tina began sealing the room with Robert still inside to prove her point. Eventually, Minoru convinced Tina to let him out and to use a less drastic way of sealing Amy's room.[11]

Minoru talk about PRIDE's victims
Robert and Tina then went to the Wilder Mansion for another PRIDE meeting, which was supposed to be concluded by the last sacrifice they would have to perpetrate. Robert walked over to Janet Stein and complimented her on her new haircut. This prompted Victor Stein to make a rude comment. Stacey Yorkes then approached Tina, saying that her WizPhone was acting up. Tina brushed her off, but Robert helped, saying the new update should have fixed that. He went to update her phone, but Dale Yorkes told him to back up her music storage first. The group talked until Alex Wilder walked in, saying he invited all of the PRIDE children to the house, but none of them showed up.
Tina assured the Wilder's that Nico had not been the same since Amy's death either.[2] They proceeded with the sacrifice and researched the candidate, Destiny Gonzalez. Geoffrey Wilder worried about who they were killing and Robert agreed, saying that they did not even fully know why they had to do it.[11] They went to the cellar where they prepared Gonzalez. They gave Gonzalez a liquid that knocked her out, then proceeded to put her in the box to kill her. Suddenly, there was a flash, they looked up to find nothing.[2]
Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder walked around and concluded there was a power surge from the box. Robert did not think that was truly a good explanation, but went with it. They walked back upstairs and saw that all of their children did in fact show up to Alex's party. They took Nico home as they believe that she suspected nothing.[11]
Moving Forward in the Affair[]
The next day, Robert and Tina Minoru held a celebration, honoring Stacey and Dale Yorkes' work. The couple thanked the Minrous before eating the cake. Back at home, Tina finally opened up to Robert and wanted to go out for dinner. Robert insisted that Nico Minoru go as well, but their daughter did not want to. At the restaurant, Robert drank while he talked to his wife. Suddenly, Tina took off her panties and put them in Robert's hand, signaling that she wanted to have sex.
Tina further explained that she rented a room a few minutes away and she wanted Robert to join her. Robert told his wife that it was not right to shut him out for two years and then go full steam ahead on him randomly. He then left and met with Janet Stein in a hotel. They talked before having sex once again. Afterwards, in the bed, Robert announced that he wanted to tell Tina about the affair and divorce her so he could spend his efforts on their relationship. However, Stein was worried about the backlash on Chase Stein if they were to do so quickly. She promptly left the room.[3]
Emergency Meeting[]
Minoru and the rest of PRIDE were called into an emergency meeting because Destiny Gonzalez's sacrifice did not work. Therefore, they had to sacrifice somebody else. Minoru and Geoffrey Wilder waited as Victor Stein returned, having got a prostitute off of the street. However, when he opened up the trunk, the woman was gone. Minoru and Stein went together to get another one. They went through the poor part of town and found an unconscious homeless man.
Stein told Minoru to hit him on the head, but Minoru argued that it was unnecessary as the guy was already unconscious. However, Stein did not want to take any chances. Suddenly, the man woke up and grabbed Stein, who yelled at Minoru to slice the man's achilles. Minoru refused, but he was left with no choice. Police then arrived at the scene and they were forced to stop. The two PRIDE members were brought into custody, but were let out by Detective Flores.[1] Robert soon got another call. Geoffrey notified everyone that he got a potential victim. PRIDE arrived at the Church of Gibborim and oversaw the sacrifice of Andre directly.[12]
Affair Revealed[]
Minoru and Janet Stein met in a car together and talked about what to do next. Janet revealed that Victor Stein had somehow changed and was recently a better husband. Minoru still pushed for her to tell him the truth and admitted to noticing the bruises on her skin. In order to protect Janet when she told Victor the truth, Robert gave her a gun in case she needed it.
While getting ready for a PRIDE gala, Robert talked to Tina Minoru, who hoped to put the Rite of Blood behind them. She claimed that the gala could be a new start for their family. At the gala, Robert and the rest of PRIDE donated a lot of money. Victor then walked up to the stage and publicly announced that Robert and Janet were having an affair. Victor revealed that he hacked Janet's phone and overheard Robert's conversation with Janet earlier. Victor suddenly collapsed due to a brain tumor as Tina stormed off.[7]
The next day, Robert talked with Nico about the affair. Through the conversation, Nico realized that he truly loved Janet. Nico sarcastically told him good luck. Later at a party, Robert continued to reason with Nico. He then walked into a room only to find Victor. He shook hands with Victor, who thanked him for taking care of Janet, surprising Robert. Victor then pulled Robert close and squeezed really hard. Robert told Victor to let go until Janet came and distracted Victor so that Robert could leave.
Outside, Robert met with Janet who talked about her relationship with Victor. She told him that she was Janet Stein and she took a vow. Robert reminded her of his abuse and claimed he would do it again. Janet refused to believe that as she believed Victor to be a changed man. She said goodbye to Janet as she broke off their affair. A saddened Robert then looked up to find Tina in front of him.[13]
Attempting a Sacrifice[]
Robert and Tina Minoru went to the Stein Mansion only to find that Victor Stein had been shot by Janet for trying to hurt Chase. The entire PRIDE family was called to figure out what to do. Eventually, Jonah arrived and said that Victor was essential, meaning he had to be alive. Jonah forced somebody to sacrifice themselves to save Victor.
Jonah suggested Janet to die as she shot Victor. Janet refused, causing a huge argument. When Jonah threatened Chase, Janet finally agreed. A saddened Robert asked for two minutes alone with Janet. During the two minutes, he convinced Janet to say goodbye to Chase one more time. As she left, Robert put on the Fistigons and pointed it at everyone so they did not stop him from sacrificing himself. He explained that Janet was saving her son from harm and all he had done was cause humiliation to his family. However, Tina still loved him and used the Staff of One to destroy the box. Robert approached Tina and talked to her in Japanese.[14]
Turned Against the Children[]
Seeing how much Tina Minoru still loved him, Robert became a family man once again and started loving Tina. Later, PRIDE went to the construction site to oversee the digging that Jonah had ordered. They were then called into an emergency meeting by Jonah, who suspected that the children knew about the killings. Robert and Tina rushed back to the house to find that the Staff of One was gone. PRIDE went to the construction zone to find the kids. Tina took the Staff of one back. The parents tried to reason, but the children could not look at them the same way and held their ground.[15] Jonah then arrived, but Karolina Dean fought him as the other children escaped. Jonah defeated Dean, but there was no sign of the Runaways.[9]
The Search for the Runaways[]
Robert and Tina Minoru met with PRIDE minus Leslie Dean and talked about the relationship between the Deans and Jonah. It was then revealed that Tina had a part in killing Gene and Alice Hernandez. However, she had no idea that Leslie would kill them. They then thought of ways to stop Jonah as they realized he lied to them all along. Leslie arrived, wanting to help and revealed that Amy Minoru was killed by Jonah. She explained that Amy knew and Jonah could no let her get away. Leslie tried to warn her, but it was too late. Tina grew angry that Leslie knew the whole time and threatened her.[9]
Twenty-four hours later, the kids were found by Detective Flores. PRIDE dodged the press as they arrived only to find it was not their kids, but look-a-likes. They went to a PRIDE building where Robert and Tina showed everyone a secret room that they made a while ago that had cameras with facial recognition so that they could find their kids. At the same time, they also agreed that they needed to kill Jonah because Stacey and Dale Yorkes found life forms in the construction site. This meant that Jonah was lying to them and wanted something else.
PRIDE then found out that Graciela Aguirre had proof of Jonah's crimes, but knew it could also rat them out, so Stacey and Dale went to get the tapes from her. Tina did not trust them, so she loosely followed. They returned later, having killed Aguirre and obtained the file.[8]
Seeing the Monster[]
At Minoru Mansion, Robert saw Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean sneaking around the find the Staff of One. Robert approached his daughter, pleading with her. He said that he had lost so much and just wanted her back. He promised he would make it better. Nico said she used to feel safe when she heard that, but not anymore. She walked outside to see Tina Minoru with the Staff. They attacked each other with Robert pleading for them to stop. Robert watched as Tina trapped Molly Hernandez underwater. Nico told her mother that this is what caused Amy Minoru to die. Tina finally stopped after hearing both Nico and Robert's pleas. She handed the staff to Nico, saying if she took it they were no longer family. Nico did not care and took the staff. Robert was mad at Tina for handing something with that much power to their daughter.[16]
More Searching[]
Robert and Tina Minoru went to the PRIDE building with everyone else, but were angry to hear that Geoffrey Wilder confronted the Runaways, yet they got away. Wilder claimed that he did not let them get away, but they escaped themselves because Nico Minoru had the Staff of One. Tina admitted to giving Nico the staff, saying that she was protecting their children with it. They also found footage of the kids at a homeless shelter. They called in the worker and Catherine Wilder threatened them with being fired. Tina reminded her that she was a volunteer.
They then brought in a man named Mike, who only wanted to talk for money. Geoffrey got mad, but Robert quickly gave Mike $50. Mike then claimed to have a run-in with the kids and that they stole his Fistigons and wanted reimbursement. When Mike left, Robert told him to weigh his values better as he would have paid $100 if Mike asked for it. Suddenly, there was a call that the kids were spotted at Atlas Academy. The parents went only to be stuck in an earthquake set off by Jonah's site. They finally arrived, but did not find the kids.[17]
Ambushing Jonah[]
At the PRIDE building, the parents brought in an Atlas Academy student named Eiffel, who had seen the kids. She refused to talk until she had full immunity, but the parents explained that she was not forced to be there or arrested. With an okay from her lawyers, she explained that Alex Wilder wanted a certain computer from the academy. Geoffrey Wilder explained that Alex had hacking expertise and probably wanted to use it against Jonah.
They then changed gears to Jonah. The Yorkes explained that they saw Karolina Dean with Jonah. Even Leslie Dean was confused about this. Robert Minoru claimed that he was going to kill Jonah. They said it was a great offer, but no. He explained that his advantage is that nobody would guess that he would do it, making him unpredictable. Robert then used Karolina's bracelet to reverse engineer a device.
At the Church of Gibborim, Robert sneaked in and started pouring alcohol when Jonah arrived. He talked with Jonah before Jonah started feeling sick. Robert explained what he did with the bracelet and how with the new device that he made, he could make Gibborim very sick. Jonah collapsed in pain as Robert taunted him. He then kicked Jonah, saying that was for Amy Minoru. Suddenly, Robert was knocked out by Frances and Aura, who hit him on the back of the head.[18]
Robert woke up back at the PRIDE building having been dropped off there by Jonah. Robert was checked out by the Yorkeses as Tina talked to Robert, worried about him. However, Robert was more happy at the fact that his devices to kill Jonah worked and is something that they could use.[19]
Stopping Jonah[]
Robert and Tina Minoru were told by Leslie Dean that Jonah was on his way to the dig site. Robert, Tina, and the rest of PRIDE arrived in hopes of stopping the launch. They watched as Jonah called for the launch to start, causing an earthquake like they had feared. They then realized that Nico Minoru was in the hole, causing Robert to get angry. Suddenly, Nico emerged from the hole, using the Staff of One to make her float.
Nico then tried to stop the launch, but the spell was too powerful, knocking her unconscious. Robert consoled Nico as Tina tried to use the staff. However, the staff did not work, leading Robert to conclude that it was only Nico's now. The parents then destroyed the ship as Nico woke up. Nico then stabbed Jonah through the back, seemingly killing him. Robert and Tina went to talk to Nico, but Nico put everyone to sleep.[20] The parents then returned to their building and toasted to the end of PRIDE as well as the end of Jonah. They agreed that they should take care of their own kids and nobody else's.[21]
Helping Victor[]
PRIDE was met by Flores, who was mad that they did not tell him about the kids' powers. He was then threatened by Geoffrey Wilder and left. Victor Stein then told everyone his plans on making weapons that could track the kids. Minoru went to Stein's house to help him with the weapons. They were met by Janet Stein, who called it awkward, but wanted to help.
Later, Robert walked into the PRIDE building and found Tina Minoru. He complained about how he thought Victor was being reckless. However, he noticed Tina eating cake, which was unlike her usual actions. He grew more confused as Tina suddenly started cleaning up the cake as if she now hated it.[22] Robert later greeted Chase Stein when Chase returned to Victor and agreed to help PRIDE find their children.[23]
Fighting Nico[]
PRIDE finalized the weapons. One of them could scramble people's words and the other could erase their memories which would mean the Runaways would forget each other. Robert drove in a car to get Nico Minoru as Tina Minoru observed from the PRIDE building, controlling the drones. Later, Robert returned to the PRIDE building to see Tina and Nico. Tina turned on the Subsonic Wave Generator so that Nico could not use spells.
Robert and Tina then fought Nico hand-to-hand. Nico eventually smashed the machine, but Robert turned on another one, apologizing as he did so. They fought even more until Nico became empowered by the Staff of One. Her eyes started cracking and she grabbed the staff, yelling "Smash!" The window then smashed open, sending glass at Tina and Robert. Glass embedded itself into Robert, mortally wounding him. Tina then got Robert help.[24] In the hospital, Robert's heart spiked, causing him to flail around the bed.[10]
Bewitched by Morgan le Fay[]
Minoru was still in the hospital, Morgan le Fay arrived and cast a spell onto Minoru. This spell healed Minoru, but put him under her control.[25] Minoru then lived under the influence of le Fay and became her lover, moving out of the house as his family was missing. She put a necklace on him that kept the echantment.[4]
A New Lover[]
Six months later, Morgan le Fay told Robert that Nico Minoru was back, so Robert asked her to meet. He also got many messages from Tina Minoru, but ignored them. Robert greeted Nico and told her that he had a new lover. Suddenly, he was frozen by le Fay. When he woke up, he went on like nothing happened. They sat and had dinner as he explained the deal to Nico.
Later, Robert and le Fay held a party for the launch of Corvus. On stage, Robert announced that le Fay would be the new CEO of Wizard. Suddenly, Tina marched on stage having infiltrated the party. Tina argued with him and le Fay before slapping le Fay in the face. At this moment, Robert called security and assured Nico he would make sure she got home safely. He then told the audience that they were moving on from that interruption.[4]
The next day, Morgan le Fay told Robert where Nico Minoru was. Robert went to the place and found Nico sleeping with many women. Nico and Robert walked out with Nico embarrased, saying it was not what it looked like. Robert assured her that it was not his business. He told her how happy he had been the past six months. He also revealed that he commited Tina Minoru, which angered Nico.
Robert walked through the wall when he was suddenly approached by an escaped Tina. He told her she was not supposed to be there. Tina revealed that Nico got her out, which was surprising to Robert. Tina told Robert that he always put family first through everything and they needed to do that now. As she approached, she used magic to break the crow necklace, breaking Robert free from the spell. Robert and her immediately kissed.[26]

Minoru finds and reads the Darkhold
Robert offered to help his wife and daughter in the search for the Darkhold. Minoru successfully located the Darkhold grimore in a secret room. While Minoru was using his WizGlasses to register the pages needed to help Nico Minoru access Darkhold's spells. As soon as Minoru finished registering the necessary pages, he tried to escape from the secret room with the grimore. However, Morgan le Fay immediately teleported to Minoru and took his book. Furious at the Minoru family's attempt to steal the Darkhold, le Fay mortally wounded Minoru with his powers In his final moments, Minoru gave his Wiz glasses containing a Darkhold video to Nico. He then told Tina Minoru to protect Nico.[26]
Minoru is one of the more compassionate members of PRIDE, especially compared to his wife Tina. Warm and gentle, he was more supportive of their daughter Nico. Following the death of his eldest daughter Amy, Minoru has had an icy relationship with Tina. While Tina was considerably more dominant over him, Minoru began cheating on her with Janet Stein, especially since she had an abusive husband, and acted as shocked when Tina suddenly behaved in a lusty way towards him. Amy's death has also left Minoru with a sense of guilt over not being able to protect her. Despite his love for Nico, Minoru remained able to act with brutal authority towards his daughter, for example insisting that she had to come home and not hesitating to fight her in hand-in-hand combat with all his skills in martial arts to force her to return.
Due to his calm and somewhat quiet attitude, Minoru was aware that many people around him considered him weak. Beguiling this false image, Minoru instead took advantage of the fact that people underestimated him and did not really pay attention to him. As such, while everybody else was busy, he nearly sacrificed his life to save Stein's thus demonstrating how far he was willing to go to protect the ones he cared about. He also proved his bravery when choosing to confront Jonah on his own, remaining unfazed by Jonah's mockery and outright insulting him by comparing Jonah to a dangerous spider, and enjoying Jonah's pain caused by Minoru's Inhibitor Pods, which could have killed Jonah. During his enthralment by Morgan le Fay, Minoru appeared as a completely subservient to the enchantress, agreeing to send his wife away and naming le Fay the new head of Wizard; however, as soon as he regained full control of his actions, Minoru actively worked against le Fay, once again going to the front line by attempting to steal the Darkhold from her and remaining defiant towards her to the very end despite facing certain death.
- "Doubt all you want, but my entire advantage is the fact that people underestimate me."
- âRobert Minoru[src]
- Expert Engineer: As the co-founder of Wizard, Minoru is extremely tech-savvy. He designed PRIDE's facial recognition software to locate their children, and even modified Karolina Dean's bracelet's range and intensity to harm Jonah. He also helped Victor and Janet Stein develop high-tech weapons to neutralize the Runaways.
- Combatant: Minoru is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and was able to hold his own against Nico.
- Bilingualism: Minoru is fluent in both English and Japanese.
- Smith & Wesson Model 638 Airweight: Minoru gave Janet Stein the revolver to defend herself.
Other Equipment[]
- WizGlass: Minoru used the glasses to read the Darkhold.
- Fistigons: Minoru briefly brandished one of the Fistigons at Janet Stein while justifying why he wanted to sacrifice himself instead of her.
- Inhibitor Pods: Minoru crafted a powerful inhibitor by reverse engineering Karolina Dean's bracelet. He rigged a room in the Church of Gibborim Executive Office with the inhibitors in order to weaken Jonah enough so he could take on him and kill him, and would have succeeded had Frances and Aura not intervened.
- Crow Necklace: Minoru wore a Crow Necklace that was given by Morgan le Fay, who actually kept it under her control.
- Darkhold: Minoru briefly read Darkhold before being killed by Morgan le Fay.
- Minoru Mansion: Minoru lived in this wealthy residence with his wife and daughters.
- Essex Tower Hotel: Minoru was kept at Essex Tower by Morgan le Fay.
Allies[] |
- In the comics, Robert Minoru was a dark wizard, who hid under the disguise of a pious and religious man.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Aj DeLeon was a stunt double for James Yaegashi in the role of Robert Minoru.
- Sokhan Kevin Sar was a stand-in for James Yaegashi in the role of Robert Minoru.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 Runaways: 1.04: Fifteen
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Runaways: 1.01: Reunion
- â 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Runaways: 1.03: Destiny
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 Runaways: 3.06: Merry Meet Again
- â Runaways: 3.09: The Broken Circle
- â Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
- â 7.0 7.1 Runaways: 1.06: Metamorphosis
- â 8.0 8.1 Runaways: 2.01: Gimmie Shelter
- â 9.0 9.1 9.2 Runaways: 1.10: Hostile
- â 10.0 10.1 Runaways: 3.03: Lord of Lies
- â 11.0 11.1 11.2 Runaways: 1.02: Rewind
- â Runaways: 1.05: Kingdom
- â Runaways: 1.07: Refraction
- â Runaways: 1.08: Tsunami
- â Runaways: 1.09: Doomsday
- â Runaways: 2.02: Radio On
- â Runaways: 2.04: Old School
- â Runaways: 2.05: Rock Bottom
- â Runaways: 2.06: Bury Another
- â Runaways: 2.07: Last Rites
- â Runaways: 2.08: Past Life
- â Runaways: 2.09: Big Shot
- â Runaways: 2.12: Earth Angel
- â Runaways: 2.13: Split Up
- â Runaways: 3.04: Rite of Thunder
- â 26.0 26.1 Runaways: 3.07: Left-Hand Path