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"New York needs these people. We need heroes."
―Matt Murdock[src]

The Second Season of Daredevil premiered on Netflix on March 18, 2016.


Just when Matt thinks he is bringing order back to the city, new forces are rising in Hell's Kitchen. Now the Man Without Fear must take on a new adversary in Frank Castle and face an old flame – Elektra Natchios.

Bigger problems emerge when Frank Castle, a man looking for vengeance, is reborn as The Punisher, a man who takes justice into his own hands in Matt's neighborhood. Meanwhile, Matt must balance his duty to his community as a lawyer and his dangerous life as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, facing a life-altering choice that forces him to truly understand what it means to be a hero.


Ten years ago, Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock go to a party. Murdock's attention immediately falls on a woman named Elektra. They start dating, but Elektra starts becoming a bad influence on him. Soon, they break into a man's house. Elektra reveals it is the man who had his father killed, Roscoe Sweeney. Murdock angrily starts to beat Sweeney while Elektra encourages him. However, he soon realizes how wrong he is and stops. When he turns around to call the police, Elektra is gone.


In the present, the Kitchen Irish hold a meeting to discuss the new transfer of power now that Wilson Fisk is put away. Suddenly, all but one are shot dead by The Punisher. The only survivor is Grotto, who quickly seeks help from Nelson and Murdock. They bring Grotto to a hospital. At Metro-General Hospital, Karen Page stays with Grotto, but they are attacked by the Punisher. Daredevil pursues the murderer and leads him away. The Punisher then shoots Daredevil in the head, but he is saved by his cowl. He is found later by Nelson. In his apartment, they argue over his vigilantism as Murdock bleeds from his forehead. Meanwhile, Frank Castle AKA The Punisher, kills a store owner for trying to sell child pornography.

Samantha Reyes and Blake Tower meet with Nelson and Murdock to discuss a deal with Grotto to help them. They reluctantly agree. Later, Grotto is used to lure the Punisher. This plan wasn't shared with Nelson, Murdock, and Page, which angers them. Castle arrives to kill Grotto, but is stopped by Daredevil. The fight ends with the two falling through a building, but Castle manages to get up and take Daredevil. Later, Page decides to investigate Castle by herself.


Daredevil wakes up, chained to a chimney on the top of a building with a gun taped to his hand. He and Castle argue about morals in if it's right to kill people. Castle argues that everybody Daredevil puts in jail gets out a few months later and returns to crime. There's no end unless they are killed. The Punisher then brings Grotto to the rooftop and forces Daredevil to shoot Grotto. Instead, Daredevil uses the one bullet to break himself out of the chain to charge at Castle. Seeing Daredevil run towards him, Castle kills Grotto and then shoots the Dogs of Hell down below. He says "One batch, two batch, penny and dime" before he shoots. This causes the gang to charge up the building towards Castle. Daredevil knocks out Castle and defeats every single man going down the stairwell. When he goes back to get the Punisher, he is gone.


Nelson, Murdock, and Page attend Grotto's funeral, but are the only attendees. Castle sits in front of the Central Park Carousel and is attacked by the last Kitchen Irish members. He goes to their hideout and starts killing until Daredevil barges in. He agrees to help Castle if he doesn't kill. Murdock then takes the badly injured Castle to a graveyard where Castle monologues before being arrested. He explains that he repeats his "One batch, two batch" chant before he shoots because it was the favorite book of his daughter who was murdered at the carousel along with the rest of his family. Castle has been going around killing everyone involved in the murder. Brett Mahoney then arrives and arrests Castle, but not Daredevil, saying that he isn't the same as the Punisher. Later, Murdock and Page kiss in the rain. Murdock returns home smiling, but abruptly raises a knife. He then lowers it when he realizes it is Elektra.

Elektra offers Murdock a job to help her take down powerful individuals. Instead, Murdock berates her after he hasn't seen her in years. Meanwhile, Nelson enlists the help of ex-girlfriend, Marci Stahl for information to take down Reyes. Murdock goes out to dinner with Page, but leaves when he gets an urgent call from Elektra. He decides to meet with her. They are suddenly surrounded by Yakuza and go to suit up. They soon defeat the group.


The next morning, Nelson and Murdock are tasked by Reyes to defend Castle in court, much to Nelson's dismay. They go to see Castle in the hospital who is bruised and restrained. He angrily tells them off, but Page tells him that he won't find answers about his family's murder if he's dead. Castle agrees to answer the questions alone with Page. Later, Nelson suggests that Castle plead guilty so that he can get the best sentence. When the reporters come in, he pleads not guilty, sending them into the Trial of the Century. Meanwhile, Murdock and Elektra enter a gala to get a ledger from Hirochi and Stan Gibson.

At the trial, Murdock delivers and amazing speech. He then goes to fight with Elektra against another villainous group, the Hand. Murdock then stitches up Elektra's wounds as they talk. The next morning, he wakes up and realizes he's late to the trial. Therefore, Nelson has to make Murdock's speech. Murdock arrives late and apologizes to the angry Nelson. Gregory Tepper is called in for questioning about the autopsy reports of Castle's family. However, he admits to falsifying the reports after his family was threatened by a woman with a red mask whom Murdock realizes is Elektra. He tells Nelson what has been going on which causes his best friend to angrily storm out. After, Murdock angrily yells at Elektra, but after gaining his composure, joins her at Midland Circle. They look around for Hand ninjas and find a deep hole under the building.

The Daredevil and Elektra find Hand ninjas and fight them. Elektra gets stabbed, filling her blood with poison. Daredevil sense her dying and tries to get her out. Suddenly, Stick arrives and takes them back to Murdock's place. Stick works to heal her and finally does which pleases Murdock. However, Stick accidentally reveals that he knows Elektra. Stick then is forced to explain that he and Elektra are members of the Chaste who are a group that try to stop the Hand. Later, Page walks in to see Murdock, but sees a woman in his bed and angrily walks out.

At the courthouse, Murdock gives another great speech on Castle's behalf. During break, Murdock notices a guard talking to Castle. When the trial resumes, Castle goes on a rant, disrespecting everyone and claiming he loves killing. The two lawyers sit there in disbelief. Murdock returns to his home to find a Hand ninja who stabs him with a poison arrow. Murdock goes to attack, but realizes it is just a kid. Suddenly, Elektra comes from behind and kills him. Murdock sits there and starts feeling the effects of the poison.

Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk

Castle arrives on Ryker's Island and meets with the man who the guard him about, Wilson Fisk. Fisk, who has gained power in the prison, greets Castle and tries to strike a deal. Castle kills the current kingpin of the jail, and Fisk will let him free. Castle goes and kills Dutton, but finds out that Fisk double crossed him. Fisk's men open the gates to all of the cells, sprinkling out all of the prisoners to fight Castle. Although bloody, Castle kills all of them and goes to kill Fisk. However, the two criminals strike a truce and Fisk lets him go.

Meanwhile, Murdock wakes up from his injuries and forces Elektra to leave because he is worried about how easily she killed the kid. Then, a still angry Nelson suggests that they close down the firm now that the trial is over, to which Murdock agrees. Daredevil then goes to track down Roxxon Corporation member, Stan Gibson, who knows that the Hand infiltrated Roxxon. Gibson explains that the Hand has his son, Daniel. They find his son in a facility, but see that he and other kids are victims of a blood farm. They are suddenly attacked by a ninja. Daredevil stumbles for a moment and then realizes the ninja is Nobu Yoshioka who had been killed months ago.

Murdock protects Page

Mahoney arrives at the farm to find the kids and Gibson. They are brought to Metro-General Hospital where Claire Temple tends to them. Reyes meets with Nelson, Murdock, and Page to discuss the information she recently found. A drug dealer named, Blacksmith, was one of the people to kill Castle's family. Murdock hears something outside and knocks Page to the ground. Suddenly, bullets fly through the walls killing Reyes and injuring Nelson. Nelson is then taken to the hospital. Thinking it was Castle, Murdock visits Fisk in prison and accuses him of letting Castle go. Fisk then angrily slams Murdock onto the table, threatening him. Since Fisk controls the prison, nobody helps. Murdock the walks away, bloody. Castle walks into Page's apartment where she quickly raises her gun at him. He tells her that it wasn't him who killed Reyes. Bullets then fly through the wall at them, Castle saves Page which proves he didn't kill her. Page and Mitchell Ellison decide to visit Tepper's house to get information on a story. When they arrive, they see the place has been shot up and Tepper killed.

At the hospital, Nelson notices many grappling hooks getting thrown onto the side of the building, these being Hand ninjas. The blood farmed children all of the sudden stand up, brainwashed by the Hand. They kill a nurse and escape back to the Hand. The hospital decides to cover this event up which angers Temple enough to quit her job and move to Harlem. Daredevil finds Tower and asks for advice about Blacksmith. Tower suggests to start with Blacksmith's biggest competitor, Madame Gao. Gao tells Daredevil that the heroin he sells is sold on a ship. Daredevil arrives at the ship and sees the Punisher there too. They decide to team up. During the fight, Castle notices the ship about to blow up, so he pushes Daredevil into the water before it explodes with him on it. Meanwhile, Stick sends Jacques Duchamps to kill Elektra, but she kills him instead and then attacks Stick.

Daredevils arrives and breaks up the fight. Stick says he has his reasons for sending a man to kill her. Suddenly, Hand ninjas arrive and kidnap Stick. The two find him being tortured by Hirochi. Yoshioka explains to Elektra that she is the Black Sky, the leader of the Hand as written. They realize that it's the reason Stick wanted to kill her. Elektra doesn't give in though. The three of them fight the Hand and escape.

Page goes to Castle's house and finds Ray Schoonover there, Castle's old army general. Schoonover reveals that he is the Blacksmith and kidnaps Page. Castle, who survived, arrives and takes Blacksmith to the woods where he finds tons of weapons. He then kills Schoonover despite Page's pleads not to.

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Back in the city, the Hand kidnap many people to lure Daredevil to them. These victims include Page and Turk Barrett. Daredevil and Elektra show up, but before going in, they decide that they will leave together and become lovers. Murdock admits that he has still loved her since she left ten years ago. They pursue Yoshioka on the roof top. Daredevil defeats many ninjas before the Punisher steps in and snipes the rest from a nearby rooftop. He then tells Daredevl he will see him around. Daredevil loses his ground and is about to get killed by Yoshioka, but Elektra steps in and gets impaled by his blade. Yoshioka looks in horror and he has stabbed the Black Sky. Daredevil angrily punches him to the edge and throws him over the edge, he then retracts his billy club to let him fall to the ground. He runs over to Elektra, who says that she loved being a hero like Murdock wanted, she then dies in his arms. Yoshioka wakes up, but immediately gets decapitated by Stick.

Many days later, Murdock and Stick reminisce over Elektra's life at her funeral. Murdock returns home and finally reveals to Page that he is Daredevil. Later, the Hand digs up Elektra's corpse and puts her into a sarcophagus effectively resurrecting her.


Starring Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

Supporting Cast[]


Image Title Number Airdate Writers Directors
PunisherTrailer65 Bang 2.01 March 18, 2016 Douglas Petrie & Marco Ramirez Phil Abraham
In the void left by Fisk’s removal, a new threat to Hell’s Kitchen emerges. Murdock and Foggy take on a client with a questionable past.
Negociations Dogs to a Gunfight 2.02 March 18, 2016 Marco Ramirez & Douglas Petrie Phil Abraham
As Murdock recovers from an attack, Foggy and Karen fight to protect their new client from both the law and the Kitchen’s newest vigilante.
Frank Castle with Daredevil New York's Finest 2.03 March 18, 2016 Mark Verheiden Marc Jobst
Trapped face-to-face with the Punisher, Daredevil wrestles with the morality of vigilante justice. Meanwhile, Foggy and Karen work to save the firm.
Penny and Dime Penny and Dime 2.04 March 18, 2016 John C. Kelley Peter Hoar
Karen uncovers shocking facts about the Punisher, who finds himself hunted by a powerful force in Hell’s Kitchen. Daredevil ponders his next moves.
Kinbaku Kinbaku 2.05 March 18, 2016 Lauren Schmidt Hissrich Floria Sigismondi
A former lover arrives in Hell’s Kitchen and turns Murdock’s world upside down. Karen digs for the truth about the Punisher.
RememberingTheHouse Regrets Only 2.06 March 18, 2016 Sneha Koorse Andy Goddard
A lethal foe returns with a vengeance, Foggy and Murdock risk the firm to ensure justice, and Karen sees a different side of the Punisher.
Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis 2.07 March 18, 2016 Luke Kalteux Ken Girotti
Murdock and Foggy take on the DA in the trial of the century, but their client refuses to play along. Murdock struggles to balance his dual identities.
Guilty as Sin Guilty as Sin 2.08 March 18, 2016 Whit Anderson Michael Uppendahl
As the firm’s trial spins out of control, a figure from Murdock’s past returns to deliver shocking revelations about the future of Hell’s Kitchen.
Punisher-PrisonFight-BloodAftermath Seven Minutes in Heaven 2.09 March 18, 2016 Marco Ramirez & Lauren Schmidt Hissrich Stephen Surjik
Castle gets an offer he can’t refuse. Foggy and Murdock question the future of their firm, but Karen won’t give up so easily.
The Man in The Box The Man in the Box 2.10 March 18, 2016 Teleplay by Whit Anderson & Sneha Koorse
Story by John C. Kelley
Peter Hoar
Murdock and Foggy get caught in the crossfire of the Punisher’s revenge. Karen and Murdock dig for the truth in very different ways.
380 .380 2.11 March 18, 2016 Mark Verheiden Stephen Surjik
The Punisher’s war continues, and so does the body count in Hell’s Kitchen. Murdock tries to finish what the DA started.
DD2FinalTrailer1 The Dark at the End of the Tunnel 2.12 March 18, 2016 Lauren Schmidt Hissrich & Douglas Petrie Euros Lyn
Daredevil goes underground to save an old friend. Karen follows a dangerous lead. The law firm of Nelson & Murdock may have reached its final chapter.
A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen 2.13 March 18, 2016 Douglas Petrie & Marco Ramirez Peter Hoar
In the season finale, Daredevil is backed into the ultimate showdown for his own life — and the future of Hell’s Kitchen.




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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Daredevil (TV series)/Season Two.

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