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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Smile. Wait for the flash."
―Deadpool's Twin Guns[src]

Deadpool's Twin Guns are guns that Deadpool uses in battle, dual-wielding them during his fights.


Wade Wilson's Guns[]

Deadpool & Wolverine Teaser Trailer (72)

Deadpool with his new guns

"Get your special sock out, nerds. This gonna get good."

Once Wade Wilson was recruited by the TVA, he was given brand new equipment including new guns, katanas and even a new suit. Notably, the TVA decided to embed Wilson's logo on the butt of the magazine. Wilson then walked out of the tailor's room very excited about his new weapons and suit. When finding Wolverine, Deadpool used his gun to kidnap him.

Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer (21)

Deadpool threatens Wolverine

Having gotten trapped in the Void, Deadpool began to have a scuffle with Wolverine. Despite Deadpool's magazines being on the ground, he was able to flip them up and perfectly catch them in the chamber to be able to shoot at Wolverine. This angered Wolverine, who spit out the bullet. The two then dueled, with Deadpool shooting Wolverine multiple times. Logan then lunged at Wilson, slicing this guns in two.

Deadpool and Wolverine captured

Deadpool's guns caught by the magnet

Upon the magnet being activated, the guns and its bullets were attracted to it along with Deadpool and Wolverine and some nuts and bolts.

Deadpool (TVA)

Deadpool with his new pair of guns at the Time Variance Authority Office

After joining the TVA, Deadpool was given a new pair of guns, similar to his other ones.[1]

Alternate Universe Versions[]

Deadpool's First Guns[]

As a mercenary, Deadpool carried around two guns which he used in his missions. Notably, he used his guns to kill Weapon XI and Ryan Reynolds.[1]

Desert Eagles[]

Deadpool with two golden guns

Deadpool takes Nicepool's guns

"All I have to remember him by are these two gold-plated, 50-caliber Desert Eagle pistoleros."

A Deadpool Variant known as Nicepool owned a pair of shiny, golden desert eagles, which Deadpool adored and begged for, which Nicepool denied. Once Nicepool was killed, Deadpool took his desert eagles and prepared to fight the Deadpool Corps with Logan. Wilson charged the corps and started taking his shots at them, presumably killing every one. He then entered a bus where he shot many more Deadpools and jumped out of the back, not sticking the landing. They then saw that the Deadpools regenerated.[1]

Uzi Time[]

Deadpool & Wolverine This Friday (4)

Ladypool shoots at Nicepool

"UZI time, baby."

Ladypool carried a pair of Micro Uzis, which when used, she called it "Uzi Time". She unloaded her weapons on Deadpool and killed Nicepool, blowing his head off. She then unloaded on Deadpool and Wolverine, only to be slain by them. She then regenerated and prepared to attack again only to stop when seeing Peterpool.[1]


Deadpool & Wolverine Everyone (5)

Cowboypool with his revolvers

Cowboypool carried two Colt SAAs revolvers which he used to fight Deadpool and Wolverine.[1]

Water Guns[]

Kidpool carried a pair of water guns, which did not do damage.[1]

Baby Bottles[]


Babypool throws his bottle

Babypool carried twin baby bottles. However, he threw one of them away as he walked through an Inter-Dimensional Portal into Earth-10005.[1]

Blow Darts[]

Zenpool blowdart

Zenpool using his blow dart

Zenpool had his own dual blow darts.[1]

Deadpool Corps[]

Many other Deadpool Corps members had guns, which they used against Deadpool and Wolverine. However, these did no damage as both enemies could heal. Some of these guns were silver and some were black.[1]


The guns are a pair of dual Desert Eagle Mark XIX guns.

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Anchor Being Wolverine Universe Inactive - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Non-Regenerative Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson †
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson †
Wade Wilson
Baby Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Canadian Emblem Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Cowboy Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Short Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Welsh Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Young Adult Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Zen Deadpool Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Corps Leader Deadpool Universe Active - Wanda Wilson Wanda Wilson
Kid Deadpool Universe Active - Kidpool Kidpool
Avengers Campus Recruitment Universe Active - Wade Wilson Wade Wilson
Kid Deadpool Active - Kidpool Kidpool


Appearances for Deadpool Suit


  • Each Deadpool who has guns always uses twin guns fitting their own style.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Deadpool's Twin Guns.