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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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The subject of this article appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but originates from another Marvel Comics adaptation. As this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, please refrain from adding information not presented in a Marvel Cinematic Universe product. This universe is designated by the Wiki as the "Rageful Vigilante Spider-Man Universe".

"When you try to fix people, there are always consequences."

Doctor Curtis "Curt" Connors is a scientist who became known as the Lizard after a self-inflicted experiment transformed him. With the desire to turn the rest of the human race into lizards, he was challenged by Spider-Man, and ultimately defeated. However, Lizard was transported through the Multiverse to another universe by Doctor Strange's failed spell, where he was swiftly captured. Lizard was then convinced by the other multiverse travellers to allow Spider-Man to try and cure them, only for Green Goblin to destroy these plans. Lizard then joined the other villains in a final battle against the three Spider-Men, until he was defeated, turned back into a human and sent back to his universe.


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This is an in-depth biography of Lizard. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Early Life[]

Becoming Lizard[]

"He tried to turn the whole city into lizards. It was crazy."
"It wasn't crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution."
―Electro and Lizard[src]

Curt Connors was a brilliant scientist at Oscorp with a missing right arm, and during his time there, he met the electrician Max Dillon. Experimenting on himself with a serum he developed, Connors transformed into a mutant Lizard, a dangerously manic alter-ego. While in Lizard form, he believed that he had achieved the next stage of human evolution and attempted to release his serum throughout New York City in order to transform everyone into humanoid lizards. However, he was stopped, defeated and ultimately cured by Spider-Man, who put an end to his plans.[2]

Spider-Man Multiversal Crisis[]

Brought to Another Universe[]

"I detected an otherworldly presence, I pursued it into the sewers, where I found that slimy, green son of a gun."
―Doctor Strange to Peter Parker[src]
Lizard startles Parker

Lizard scares Peter Parker

One day, Lizard found himself transported to another universe. Arriving in the sewers of New York City in the year 2024, he was discovered by Doctor Strange, who captured him and contained him in the dungeon of the New York Sanctum. After a short while, Lizard was crouching in his cell when he noticed this universe's Peter Parker outside, so he pounced at the invisible barrier entrapping him and roared, frightening Parker.

Lizard (No Way Home)

Lizard sits in his cell

While Strange explained the Multiversal incident to Parker, the latter took a glance into Lizard's cell, and the humanoid reptile stared back at him. He then sat down and watched Parker and Strange discuss searching for the Multiversal travelers. Later that day, Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds entered the chamber, and when Leeds excitedly questioned if Lizard was a dinosaur, Lizard scowled, unamused. During Parker, Jones and Leeds' preparations to search for travelers, Lizard sat in his cell, bored, and tossed a stone pebble.

The Lizard (Spider-Man No Way Home)

Lizard speaks to Electro

Following the captures of Electro and Sandman, Lizard recognized the former and laughed. Electro explained Lizard's background to everyone in the chamber, including his plot to transform everyone in New York City into lizards like himself, which he labeled as insanity. Lizard shamelessly defended his actions as the next phase in human evolution. He also took note of Electro's physical changes, such as how his repaired teeth, lack of glasses and a new haircut, asking if he got a makeover. Eager, Lizard offered to give Electro a "real makeover" by transforming him into a lizard as well, but they were silenced by Sandman.[2]

Offered Help[]

Lizard (NWH)

Lizard asks Electro if he dies

"You don't have to come. I also didn't know you could talk. But if you stay here, you're gonna have to deal with the wizard."
"So we go along or die. Well, not much of a choice, isn't it?"
―Spider-Man and Lizard[src]

The next day, Lizard leaned against the wall when he witnessed Norman Osborn arriving in the New York Sanctum dungeon. He then observed the conversation between Osborn, Doctor Octopus and Electro as they realized they were resurrected upon being summoned into this universe. This made Lizard anxious and concerned about his own fate, asking Electro if he himself died. Doctor Strange then returned and tried to use the Macchina di Kadavus to transport the Multiversal travelers back to their home universes, making Lizard and the others nervous and uneasy.[2]

Escaping from Spider-Man[]


Lizard hears the arrival of The Daily Bugle

"I told you there'd be consequences!"
―Lizard to Spider-Man[src]

In an attempt to save them from their destined fates, Peter Parker and his aunt brought them in a F.E.A.S.T. truck to Happy Hogan's condominium to work on cures for their conditions, though Lizard believed the plan was doomed to failure and elected to stay outside in the truck.

Lizard escapes

Lizard escapes the F.E.A.S.T. truck

When J. Jonah Jameson and his Daily Bugle crew arrived, Lizard observed from inside the truck and remarked how things were beginning to go wrong as he anticipated. After Green Goblin attacked Spider-Man, allowing Electro and Sandman to escape, Lizard broke out of the truck, startling Jameson and the Department of Damage Control agents who were nearby.

The Lizard vs

Lizard attacks Spider-Man

Lizard then jumped up onto the outside of the building and grabbed Spider-Man, stating that he warned him that there would be consequences. He then threw Spider-Man through a window towards Green Goblin before making his escape.[2]

Battle at Liberty Island[]


Lizard arrives at the Statue of Liberty

"Hey, Dr. Connors."
"Hello, Peter."
―Spider-Man and Lizard[src]

Hours later, Lizard, alongside Sandman and Electro, arrived at the Statue of Liberty to confront Spider-Man, who was joined by Amazing Spider-Man and another Spider-Man.

Lizard vs

Lizard fights Spider-Man

Lizard engaged in a fight against Spider-Man and proceeded to chase him up a construction crew's crane. During the fight, they knocked over the crane, which impeded Sandman in the process. Lizard was then pinned down by the fallen crane in the scaffolding, much to his irritation.

Spider-Man & Lizard

Lizard attacks his Spider-Man

Lizard recovered and joined Electro and Sandman in confronting the Spider-Men. After they charged at each other, Lizard was kicked by Amazing Spider-Man and the two resumed their scuffle below. Lizard managed to pin him down; however, Spider-Man managed to fight back and trapped Lizard in his Synthetic Webbing.

Lizard (Curt Connors)

Lizard hears Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds

As Lizard worked to break himself free, he heard Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones and looked up to the next level of scaffolding, seeing an Inter-Dimensional Portal opened. Knowing that they had the Macchina di Kadavus, Lizard tore himself free and jumped up onto the scaffolding.

Lizard runs to the portal

Lizard runs into Midtown School of Science and Technology

Lizard surprised them and jumped through the portal leading into Midtown School of Science and Technology and found himself in one of Midtown's laboratory rooms. He chased Leeds and Jones through the room, but was temporarily stopped when Leeds' Spider-Man jumped into the portal and fought him.

The Lizard

Lizard pursues after Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds

Lizard quickly tossed Spider-Man across the room, destroying lab tables and chairs in the process before following Leeds and Jones through another portal leaving Midtown. After nearly catching up with them again, Leeds opened another portal and a burst of water came through right into Lizard's path, causing him to be stalled.

The Lizard

Lizard attempts to attack that universe's Spider-Man

As Spider-Man returned and tried to hold Lizard at bay, Jones threw Lizard's cure in their direction. When Lizard rushed to bite Spider-Man, he held up the cure, causing Lizard to sink his teeth in it and was promptly hit by a gas cloud causing him to be knocked backwards.

Curt Connors

Connors is cured

Parker, Leeds, Jones, and the newly arrived Doctor Strange watched as Lizard was reverted to Connors, who looked around and became emotional due to the loss of his right arm and the weight of his actions setting in.

Curt Connors returns to his universe

Connors is returned to his universe

Green Goblin then arrived and planted a Pumpkin Bomb inside the Macchina. The bomb detonated, exploding the Macchina and freeing the unstable spell, which created a dimensional rift that caused the scaffolding of the Statue to collapse. Connors was saved by Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and brought to safety on the ground. When Strange cast the spell to make everyone in that universe forget their Peter Parker, Connors was successfully sent back to his universe.[2]


"You know I can give you a real makeover."
"Let me guess. Into a lizard?"
―Lizard and Electro[src]

One of Oscorp's leading scientific minds, Curt Connors was a bright and ambitious scientist who attempted to engineer a revolutionary regeneration serum to help re-grow limbs and human tissue with a desire to help change mankind for the better. However, when pressured to come up with results, he elects to become the first human test subject. While initially it works; however, it quickly changes, and he mutates into a powerful man-lizard creature.

As Lizard, Connors is much more callous and ruthless than his normal form. Although he displays an animalistic cunning and viciousness, he still displays Connors' intelligence, albeit somewhat twisted, to create a new breed of beings to inherit the world. Connors has shown to be stoic to those around him sometimes, rarely speaking unless directly spoken to. He was also very cynical and skeptical about the young Peter Parker's desire to cure the villains, refusing to join them inside Happy Hogan's Condominium. Once things went wrong, Connors wasted no time in mocking the young Parker and throwing him back into the apartment to fight Green Goblin.

Despite his stoic and ruthless characteristics, Connors did show a kinder side, as seen when he complimented Max Dillon's new look and politely warned the young Parker that his intentions to help him and the rest of the villains would have consequences. Connors even took the time to greet his native Spider-Man, even though he was fighting him. In addition, Connors could not believe that the young Parker had someone like Michelle Jones for a girlfriend.

Powers and Abilities[]

Former Powers[]

"He turned himself into a lizard."
  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Connors transformed himself into a giant mutant lizard after experimenting with cross-species genetics; he harnessed the DNA of a lizard and transferred its capabilities to himself, granting him enhanced reptilian physical attributes.
    • Superhuman Strength:
      Lizard (2024)

      Lizard overpowering Spider-Man

      Connors has remarkable superhuman strength, able to lift weight that no human ever could. He is able to tear through steel and metals effortlessly, and overpower multiple men with ease.
    • Superhuman Durability: Connors' skin, bone, and muscle tissue are denser and tougher than ordinary humans.
    • Superhuman Speed: Connors has the ability to travel at great speeds.
    • Superhuman Agility: In his Lizard form, Connors possess a level of agility superior to humans.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Connors can do intense physical activity for long periods of time without being fatigued.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Connors can coordinate his body with unnatural equilibrium, dexterity, and flexibility and his reflexes is capable of reacting much better than ordinary human beings.
    • Enhanced Senses: Connors has superhuman senses. He is able to see farther than ordinary, and can smell humans' scent from great distances.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Connors can heal much quicker than even Spider-Man. He could heal from multiple gunshot wounds within a few seconds,
    • Wall Crawling: Connors uses his sharp claws to penetrate walls and crawl on them.


"Dr. Curt Connors, he was a scientist at Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist."
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Connors has a genius-level intelligence. In his universe, he was a renowned herpetologist.
  • Master Scientist: Connors is a master scientist on his universe as a herpetologist. Even as the monstrous Lizard, he still retains a warped intelligence.
  • Expert Combatant:
    Spider-Man vs

    Lizard fighting against Spider-Man

    Despite having no formal combat training, in his Lizard form, due to his powers that combined with his natural savagery, Connors caused himself to become a fierce hand-to-hand combatant.
  • Master Acrobat: Connors' acrobatic feats are enhanced as Lizard.



"Where's Connors?"
"He told me he wanted to stay in the truck."
―Spider-Man and May Parker[src]







  • In the comics, Curt Connors was a military surgeon who had his right arm amputated due to an injury. In an attempt to get his arm back, Connors tried to use a serum of lizard DNA to gain regeneration powers, but due to a failure, he was turned into a reptilian monster known as the Lizard.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man, Dr. Curt Connors is a scientist who tried to regrow his severed limb through experiments with lizards. However, this caused him to turn into a lizard-like creature. Connors then vowed to turn all of New York City into lizards only to be stopped by Spider-Man.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man, Lizard's right claw has four fingers instead of five, since his right hand was artificially regrown. This continuity detail was kept for Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  • Prior to appearing in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Lizard and Sandman were the only two Spider-Man's rogues who survived the events of their respective films.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man, Lizard looked less reptilian and lacked a snout, but for Spider-Man: No Way Home, he was slightly redesigned with a slightly more reptilian face, lizard-like groves and a more pronounced snout.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Lizard.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Lizard.
  1. ↑ This character's name comes from The Amazing Spider-Man.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Spider-Man: No Way Home

External Links[]
