For alternate versions of Green Goblin, see Green Goblin's Character Hub |
- "I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take."
- âGreen Goblin to Spider-Man[src]
Doctor Norman Virgil Osborn is a scientist and CEO of Oscorp, who experimented on himself with an incomplete enhancement serum, causing Osborn to develop an alter known as Green Goblin. With Green Goblin in control, he fought Spider-Man, resulting in his demise. He was then resurrected and transported through the Multiverse due to Doctor Strange's failed spell. Lost in an unfamiliar reality, Osborn retook control of his mind, seeking refuge from Spider-Man, who sought to cure Osborn. However, Green Goblin retook control and murdered May Parker. In a final battle on the Statue of Liberty, Green Goblin faced off with Spider-Man, who attempted to get revenge for May's death before he was given an anti-serum, eradicating Green Goblin from within Osborn's mind before he was returned to his home universe.
Early Life[]
Becoming Green Goblin[]
- "Norman Osborn. Brilliant scientist, military research. But he was greedy. Misguided."
- âDoctor Octopus[src]
Norman Osborn was a famous scientist, being the founder and CEO of Oscorp which specialized in military research. Being a renowned scientist, he became friends with fellow scientist, Otto Octavius. Osborn also fathered a son, Harry Osborn. In addition, Osborn befriended Harry's best friend, Peter Parker. Creating a powerful yet unstable performance enhancer, which was supposed to give enhanced strength to individuals, Osborn took the enhancer himself. Although the enhancer increased his strength to superhuman levels, Osborn began to develop an alter, which manifested in the chaotically sadistic psychopath known as Green Goblin.
As Green Goblin, Osborn became the first great enemy of Spider-Man. Both alters eventually discovered that Spider-Man's identity was Parker and became enemies with Mary Jane Watson. In their final battle, he was accidentally impaled and killed by his own Goblin Glider. The news eventually informed of Osborn's demise fighting Spider-Man while outing him as Green Goblin, which was heard by his friend Octavius, and Flint Marko.[1]
Multiversal Crisis[]
Brought to Another Universe[]

Green Goblin attacking the Hamilton bridge
- "I saw another one. On the bridge. He was like a... like a flying green elf."
"Well, he sounds jolly." - âSpider-Man and Doctor Strange[src]
In 2024 of another universe, Doctor Strange tried to cast a Runes of Kof-Kol to make everyone forget his Peter Parker was Spider-Man. However, when the spell failed, it brought people who were aware of any Peter Parker as Spider-Man from those universes to theirs.[1] As time was scrambled, some individuals who were originally dead in their universes were brought alive to this one, one of those being Osborn.[2] Upon entering the other universe, Osborn was under the control of Green Goblin as he attacked the Alexander Hamilton Bridge by throwing a Pumpkin Bomb in the middle of the bridge.

Green Goblin tries to attack Spider-Man
Riding the Goblin Glider, a cackling Green Goblin flew out of the smoke to reveal himself to Doctor Octopus and this universe's Spider-Man. He flew his glider towards them, but Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus were teleported away by Strange. Green Goblin later flew near a military research facility outside of New York City and he was witnessed by a few people. Eventually, Green Goblin realized that he and Osborn were in another universe.[1]
Arguing with Green Goblin[]

Osborn takes control over Green Goblin
- "Coward. We have a new world to conquer. You make me sick."
"Leave me alone. Please."
"Hiding in the shadows. Hiding from who you truly are." - âGreen Goblin and Norman Osborn[src]
However, Green Goblin lost his grip on Osborn as the latter was able to reclaim control of his body and mind from him. Although, after retaking control of himself from Green Goblin, Osborn became scared and confused, as he found himself lost in a New York City he did not recognize. Osborn then attempted to escape his Green Goblin alter as he retreated to an alleyway, where he set his mask on the side of a trash bin and desperately tried to hide the Goblin Glider under a blanket.

Osborn talks to his Green Goblin self
Unfortunately, Green Goblin caught on to Osborn's intentions to escape from him as he told him that he was being a coward, which petrified the latter that his alter found out what he was up to. Green Goblin also told Osborn that they had a new world to conquer. Hearing his alter's voice in his head, Osborn turned around to where he set his mask, as Green Goblin told him that his helplessness made him sick. Trembling in fear, Osborn politely told Green Goblin to leave him alone.

Osborn is scared of his Green Goblin alter
Green Goblin then taunted Osborn as he told him that he was hiding from who he truly was and could not escape himself. Hearing this, Osborn in horror refused to believe that Green Goblin was a part of him. Green Goblin also attempted to reclaim control of Osborn's mind. However, despite being frightened, Osborn resisted Green Goblin, then grabbed a rock to smash his mask into pieces and ran off, as his alter's cackling laughter echoed around him.[1]
Meeting the Parkers[]

Osborn meets May and Peter Parker
- "I didn't know where else to go. Someone's living in my house. Oscorp doesn't exist. My son... Sometimes, I'm not myself. I'm... someone else. And every time he's in control, I can't remember."
- âNorman Osborn to Peter and May Parker[src]
Osborn then wandered the city looking for help and refuge until he saw Spider-Man in an ad for F.E.A.S.T. Believing that this Spider-Man was his Peter Parker, Osborn headed over to the F.E.A.S.T. Community Center, where he met the latter's aunt, May Parker. After being brought to the kitchen, Osborn was given some clothes to wear over his armor, a box of donuts and coffee by Parker, as he sat and talk with her. Osborn then witnessed this universe's Spider-Man frantically arrive in the kitchen. Seeing Spider-Man without his mask, Osborn became confused as he was about to ask Parker who the young teenager was, but didn't get a chance to say anything.

Osborn explains his situation to the Parkers
After Parker introduced the young teenager as her nephew, Osborn explained to Spider-Man that he came to F.E.A.S.T. looking for the one he knew as he thought he could help him. Osborn then expressed how surprised he was to see that this Peter Parker wasn't the one he knew. Also, Osborn explained his circumstances to the Parkers as he told them that he didn't know where else to go because someone else lived at his home and that neither Oscorp nor his son Harry existed.

Osborn tells the Parkers about Green Goblin
Osborn then told the Parkers about his alter and how he could not remember his previous actions every time Green Goblin was in control of him. Overwhelmed by everything, Osborn told the Parkers that he was now here in this place and in this city. When Parker asked him who was in control of him, Osborn in a panic told her that he didn't know and had no clue as to what was going on with him but calmed down, as the Parkers went to talk privately. After the Parkers finished their conversation, Osborn was explained by Spider-Man that he was in another universe.

Osborn is brought to the New York Sanctum
Hearing this, Osborn was surprised that the Multiverse was real but quickly believed Parker and went with him to the New York Sanctum with his aunt giving them a ride in a F.E.A.S.T. truck. Once they got there, the two headed inside the Sanctum and headed for the basement, where Spider-Man introduced him to his friends. He learned that Spider-Man's friends were named Ned and MJ. Recognizing the initials, Osborn asked MJ if her name stood for Mary Jane, only to be told it was Michelle Jones.[1]
Learning of His Fate[]

Osborn reunites with Doctor Octopus
- "What are you talking about? He's standing right there. He's notâ"
"Dead. They both died. Fighting Spider-Man. It was all over the news. Green Goblin: impaled by the glider he flew around on." - âSpider-Man and Sandman[src]
Fascinated by the new universe, Osborn approached the cells that were holding the universe-displaced villains, such as Lizard, Doctor Octopus, Electro and Sandman. Osborn then noticed Doctor Octopus and looked familiar to him as he approached his cell. Once he got a closer look of Doctor Octopus, Osborn immediately recognized him as his friend and fellow scientist Otto Octavius. Osborn called out to Octavius, who was looking in the other direction of his cell, as he turned around to his direction.

Osborn listening to Doctor Octopus' words
Although he was stunned that Octavius was also brought to this universe as well, Osborn was more surprised that he had four mechanical appendages on his back and asked his friend as to what happened to him. Unfortunately, Osborn wasn't given an answer from Octavius and became confused when Doctor Octopus told him that he had died in their universe. Hearing Doctor Octopus' accusation and realizing that he wasn't Octavius, Osborn believed that his friend had gone insane.

Osborn is told about his fate from Sandman
Osborn was then defended by Parker, who overheard their conversation, as he told Doctor Octopus that he was not dead. However, Osborn and Parker were told by Sandman, who happened to be from his and Octavius' universe, that what Doctor Octopus was saying was actually true that the scientist was supposed to be dead. Also, the three of them found out from Sandman that Osborn and Doctor Octopus both died while fighting their Spider-Man, much to their shock.

Osborn listens to Sandman's information
Hearing this information, Osborn looked at Spider-Man to see if this was true, but Parker was just as shocked as he was. Osborn was then informed by Sandman that Green Goblin died by being impaled by the Goblin Glider. Through this information, Osborn realized that if he were to be sent back to his universe, he would have to meet his dark fate.[1]
Imprisoned at the Sanctum[]

Osborn being captured by Doctor Strange
- "Let me out of here. Peter!"
- âNorman Osborn to Peter Parker[src]
Osborn then witnessed Doctor Strange appear in the basement and quickly teleported him to a cell the minute he saw him. After being transported to his cell, Osborn panicked as he was shocked to have witnessed Strange use magic, but was calmed down by Parker. Osborn then listened to Strange explain to everyone in the room that he would use the Macchina di Kadavus to reverse Spider-Man's corrupted spell and send the Multiversal travelers back to their home universes.

Osborn pleads with Peter Parker for help
Hearing this, Osborn, knowing he would die, begged to be let out of his cell and called out to Parker for help. As Strange prepared the Macchina, Osborn was reacting nervous and uneasy, and called out to Parker again. However, much to his surprise, Osborn witnessed Spider-Man take the Macchina away from Strange and left the basement, which led to a battle between the two superheroes. Later, Osborn watched as Spider-Man returned to the basement with the Macchina, after he trapped Strange in the Mirror Dimension.

Osborn offers his aid to Parker
Osborn then listened to Parker's decision to help him and the group by fixing what happened to them that caused them their problems so they would not die fighting their Spider-Man when they return to their universes. Wanting to help Parker save the villains, especially Otto Octavius, and be free of his Green Goblin alter, Osborn offered Spider-Man his assistance. Osborn then told Spider-Man that he was something of a scientist himself, a statement he told to his Parker when they first met. Once Parker's friends left the basement, Osborn and the group were asked by Spider-Man if they were coming with him, which they all accepted.[1]
Working on Cures[]

Osborn checking out Dum-E and U
- "Remarkable. The technology and you. When all of this is over, if you need a job, and are willing to commute to another universe..."
- âNorman Osborn to Peter Parker[src]
After being set free from his cells by Spider-Man and the latter called his aunt in order to pick them up, Osborn and the group of villains traveled with the Parkers to a condominium owned by a friend of theirs. Upon arriving, Osborn checked out a robot hand called Dum-E and U and curiously tried to see how it worked, due to not seeing it before. Osborn then overheard Doctor Octopus talking with Parker and became stunned to hear him say that Spider-Man was going to kill them all.

Osborn being shown the Stark fabricator
Seeing Parker, who decided to work on curing Doctor Octopus first, going to the back room, Osborn followed him with his aunt and Electro not too far behind them. After Parker showed him another advanced technology that he had not seen before, Osborn asked Spider-Man what he just unveiled, and he explained to him that it was a fabricator that could create almost anything.

Osborn helping Peter Parker
Later, Osborn was told by Parker, who discovered Doctor Octopus' issue, that Octavius had a Neural Inhibitor Chip on the back of his neck that was designed to protect his mind from the AI system within his tentacles. Osborn was then informed by Parker that Octavius' current chip was fried and the tentacles were controlling him. Understanding his friend's situation, Osborn helped Parker construct a new chip for Octavius through the fabricator.

Osborn and Parker finish making the chip
While Spider-Man was finishing up the new inhibitor chip for Doctor Octopus, Osborn watched in amazement then told Parker how remarkable the technology and himself were. Osborn also told Parker that he would love to have him come work for him if he was willing to commute to another universe. Once the chip was finished, Osborn and Parker were pleased that it worked, as he happily watched his friend take the chip and ran to the living room to show his aunt. After following Spider-Man to the living room, Osborn assured Doctor Octopus that Parker's plan would work and to have faith.

Osborn watches as Doctor Octopus is cured
Unfortunately, Osborn was brushed off when Doctor Octopus reminded him of his actions that caused the existences of his Green Goblin alter. Osborn then watched Parker put the new chip onto the back of Doctor Octopus' neck, as he kept resisting him until Spider-Man grabbed him by the head in order to hold him still. However, after the chip was installed to the back of Doctor Octopus' neck, Osborn became concerned when he blacked out, but was relieved when he woke up and that the chip worked in restoring his mind.

Osborn asking Otto Octavius if he was back
Although, wanting to be sure if it was Otto Octavius and not Doctor Octopus, Osborn called out to his friend, which the latter heard and excitedly assured him that he was truly back to himself again, much to his relief. Osborn then witnessed Octavius giving the nanites that he stole from Spider-Man during a fight they had when he was still Doctor Octopus back to Parker. Also, Osborn was amazed that the nanties combined with Parker suit to create a new one for Spider-Man. Osborn and Parker were offered help from Octavius in curing the group, which they accepted.

Osborn talks with Octavius
Later, after helping Spider-Man construct a cure for Electro, Lizard and Sandman, Osborn was working on an anti-serum for himself where he had a short conversation with Octavius, who was getting ready to give Parker a finished cure, as he asked him how it was going to feel to be whole again and no longer have the Green Goblin alter. Hearing this, Osborn turned around to Octavius and gave him a slight smile of the feeling of getting rid of Green Goblin for good.[1]
Escape from Spider-Man[]

Green Goblin takes over Osborn's mind
- "Strong enough to have it all. Too weak to take it!"
- âGreen Goblin to Spider-Man[src]
However, when Spider-Man had sensed something was wrong through his Spider-Sense, Osborn and Otto Octavius noticed their friend's behavior and became worried, as they followed him to the living room. Although, little did the group know, Osborn was being taken over by Green Goblin again, as his alter took advantage of him being focused on making the cures and conversation with Octavius earlier. Osborn went by the Dum-E, while Green Goblin attempted to remain undetected. Unfortunately, Green Goblin's attempt failed, after Spider-Man discovered him taking over Osborn's mind, as he webbed his hand to Dum-E.

Green Goblin taunting Osborn's friends
Realizing that he had been caught, Green Goblin came out and commented Spider-Man's spider-sense, then told a concerned Octavius that Osborn was on sabbatical. After the Parkers and Octavius realized that it was their friend's alter that was talking and not the latter himself, Green Goblin taunted Spider-Man and his allies for thinking that he was going to let them and Osborn remove him from the scientist's mind and take away his powers.

Green Goblin prepares to attack Spider-Man
Also, Green Goblin convinced the rest of the uncured villains to turn on Spider-Man, claiming that he and the other villains were "gods" that could do as they pleased and determined their own fates without needing to be tied down by moral compulsions, which led Electro and Sandman in retreating while Lizard broke out of the truck he was in, and Octavius being forced to escape, after he tried to stop the villains from leaving, just as J. Jonah Jameson and his The Daily Bugle crew arrived.

Green Goblin maniacally fights Spider-Man
Once the rest of the group of villains retreated the area, Green Goblin stayed to fight Spider-Man, as he smashed and slammed him through the floors of the building while laughing and taunting the young Spider-Man, while Parker's aunt May ran with the cures, including Osborn's. Green Goblin continued to slam Spider-Man through several more floors of the apartment building and brought them down to the main floor level.

Green Goblin kills May Parker
After having Spider-Man at his mercy, Green Goblin was ready to kill the latter, but his aunt saved her nephew and attempted to inject him with the Anti-Goblin Serum, but it did not work. Green Goblin then used his Goblin Glider to fatally strike Parker's aunt, and told Spider-Man that no good deed would go unpunished. Before making his escape, Green Goblin fired Pumpkin Bombs at Spider-Man, the news crew and officers outside the building, which blew up a lot of the area as well as killing several people, including the latter's aunt.[1]
Battle at Liberty Island[]

Green Goblin arrives at Statue of Liberty
- "Can the Spider-Man come out to play?"
- âGreen Goblin[src]
Later, Green Goblin arrived at the Statue of Liberty, flying in on his glider and sending Razor Bats out at Doctor Strange, Doctor Octopus, and the three Spider-Men, after they succeeded in curing Electro, Lizard and Sandman. In the confusion, Green Goblin grabbed the Macchina di Kadavus and placed one of his Pumpkin Bombs inside it without anyone noticing.

Green Goblin is stopped by Doctor Octopus
However, before he could leave, Green Goblin was stopped by Octavius with his tentacles while Strange used an Eldritch Whip to take the Macchina back. Green Goblin used his glider to destroy one of Octavius' tentacles and watched as the bomb inside of it detonated, which unleashed the unstable spell. Green Goblin's actions caused the scaffolding around the Statue to break down.

Green Goblin attempts to stop Spider-Man
When Spider-Man leaped down to rescue Michelle Jones, who had fallen, Green Goblin intercepted him with his glider, knocking him away from saving Jones. Green Goblin then witnessed an enraged Spider-Man used one of his Pumpkin Bombs to destroy his glider. Due to the destroyed glider, Green Goblin and Spider-Man crashed into the collapsed Captain America's Shield.[1]

Green Goblin is confronted by Spider-Man
- "Poor Peter. Too weak to send me home to die?"
"No. I just want to kill you myself."
"Attaboy!" - âGreen Goblin and Spider-Man[src]
Recovering from the crash, Green Goblin taunted Spider-Man for being too weak to send him home to die. Spider-Man, however, retorted that he merely wanted to kill Green Goblin himself. Delighted to have sent Spider-Man over the edge by killing his aunt, Green Goblin was ruthlessly attacked and beaten by Spider-Man, who then attempted to pierce him with his own Goblin Glider, similar to his intended death in his universe.

Osborn is finally cured by Spider-Man
However, his universe's Spider-Man narrowly saved him from a merciless execution, and Green Goblin's response was to stab his savior in the side and proceed to mock and taunt the young Parker about being responsible for his aunt's death to the very last. Green Goblin then let out one last cackle at Spider-Man just as another universe's Spider-Man threw him the Anti-Goblin Serum. Parker then stuck him in the neck with the cure, removing the Green Goblin alter from Osborn's psyche for good. Once returned to his senses, Osborn was surprised to see Parker all bloodied up before turning to his left-hand side and seeing his native Spider-Man lying in pain from his injury.

Osborn is returned into his home universe
Horrified, he inquired Parker about what he had done as Green Goblin, but he would not get a response back as Spider-Man was blinded with his hatred for his alter. For the remainder of his time in this universe, Osborn quietly sat by himself and observed the sunrise while reflecting on his actions, ignoring the three Spider-Men who were beside him celebrating their victory. Soon after, Doctor Strange cast a spell that erased everyone in that universe's knowledge of Parker's existence, which also led Osborn, Otto Octavius, Flint Marko, and their Spider-Man to be sent back to their home universe, with Osborn's fate completely changed.[1]
Norman Osborn's Personality[]
- "What have I done?"
- âNorman Osborn to Spider-Man[src]
When the Green Goblin alter was not in control, Osborn was put in a disoriented and fragile state as he could not remember anything that happened when he was under his alter's control. However, despite this, Osborn does realizes that he did something terrible as he has shown to have guilt and remorse for his actions as his alter, especially if it hurts those he loves and cares about. Osborn even feared Green Goblin as he was tormented enough by him that he shattered the helmet projecting the latter's image and tried to get as far away from him as possible. Also, Osborn wanted his Green Goblin alter gone for good and would take any chances to be rid of him as he took upon the young Peter Parker's offer to help him.
As a scientist, Osborn is dedicated to what he does and preferred to be called Doctor instead of Mister, as seen when he corrected the young Parker when he introduced him to his friends. Although he was doubtful of being in another universe at first, Osborn undoubtedly believed the Parkers of this universe as he seemed to have become excited to find out about the existences of the Multiverse and magic, especially the spell that brought him into this reality. Osborn was even amazed by the advanced technology in the main reality and notices the possibilities when he saw what was manufactured by Stark Industries, as he was impressed with its fabricator and the young Parker's skills with it.
Although he's been described as greedy and misguided by those who know him, Osborn deep down is truly a helpful, kind, polite, and well-meaning person. Osborn even values what he has as he was out of sorts when he discovered that someone else lives at his home and his company or his son Harry Osborn were not existent in the other universe. Also, Osborn genuinely cares about his friends and Harry, his only family. In addition, Osborn has shown to be selfless as he went out of his way to help the young Parker in getting his closest friend Otto Octavius' control of his mind back from his tentacles, which they succeeded, and worked together with them in making cures for the other enhanced individuals of their powers, such as Curt Connors, Max Dillon and Flint Marko.
Osborn has genuine fondness and trust in his Peter Parker, as shown when he tried to find him and ask him for help in removing his Green Goblin alter. Although, at first, Osborn was confused by Parker's younger counterpart because of his different appearances and age. However, despite this and because of his relationship with his Parker, Osborn was quick to trust his younger counterpart. Also, upon witnessing the young Parker's boundless intelligences and kindness, Osborn developed the same fondness that he had with his counterpart from his universe. In addition, Osborn doesn't want to hurt both his and the young Parker, as he was mortified to see that he nearly killed them, after his alter was removed from his mind for good.
Green Goblin's Personality[]
- "Peter, Peter, Peter... No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later."
- âGreen Goblin to Spider-Man[src]
The Green Goblin alter had Osborn's worst traits as it was heightened to an unrecognizable degree. His inner lust for power was exacerbated when he consumed an unstable experimental serum he had developed, and thus he developed an alter with sadistic tendencies and a twisted sense of humor. The two identities are torn over who controls Osborn's body, with Green Goblin often winning control as he had proven to be too strong for the latter, although he did resist and suppress the alter for a short while.
Unhinged, he took pleasure in inflicting physical and psychological torture on anyone impeding his goals, especially Spider-Man, whose selfless morals he greatly despised and tended to mock. It had a tendency to revel itself within the chaos and carnage it created throughout its control over Osborn's body. The Green Goblin alter also had a deep megalomaniacal streak, seeing himself and others like him as gods believing that they should take what they want. In addition, Green Goblin was an extremely manipulative being, who was willing to cross any lines in order to make his greatest enemy, Spider-Man, break his morals, which he almost succeeded if not for his native Spider-Man.
While Osborn was afraid of his alter, Green Goblin on the other hand could not stand the latter because of his cowardliness and good characteristics. However, Green Goblin believed himself to be the real Osborn, as he told him that he was hiding his real self in the shadows, which frightened the latter, who smashed his mask when he had enough of his words. Despite this, Green Goblin still used Osborn as he went to hide deep beneath his mind when he refused to go along with him. Green Goblin only came out of hiding when he, Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man were close to ridding him from the latter for good.
Like Osborn, Green Goblin developed an interest in the young Spider-Man, but for rather unethical intentions. Green Goblin was fascinated by the young Spider-Man's powers, as shown when he was impressed by his Spider-Sense. Also, Green Goblin thought he could corrupt the young Parker by killing his only family without thinking the possibility that he had more adult figures in his life than his counterpart had in his universe. In fact, he believed he knew the Parker of this reality as well as his own, despite the short time they have known each other since they first saw each other. In addition, Green Goblin's insane personality had the likes to draw out sadistic urges from the likes of Spider-Man, who was going to kill him before he decided to do better and remove the Green Goblin alter from Osborn instead, as he understood that the alter was to blame for his actions and the scientist himself was innocent.
Powers and Abilities[]
Former Powers[]
- "We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed! These are not curses, they're gifts."
- âGreen Goblin to Spider-Man[src]
- Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Osborn experimented on himself with a performance-enhancing gas, heightening his physical attributes to superhuman levels but left him violent, aggressive and insane. Osborn continued to be at the peak of his power until he was rehabilitated by Spider-Man who chose not to kill him, but by injecting him with an Anti-Goblin Serum which undid his mutation, ridding him of his powers and his Green Goblin alter, thereby restoring his sanity.
- Superhuman Strength: Osborn was stronger than any normal human. When Green Goblin awakened, he was able to free his hand from Spider-Man's webs, which are reported to have high tensile strength. He was strong enough to fight and overpower Spider-Man, knocking him into a metal staircase with enough force to dent it, slamming him through multiple floors, and destroying an entire apartment building. Osborn also easily broke his helmet with a rock. His strength in his previous encounter with his Spider-Man, he was proven to be an equal to him as he was able to stop his punch and deliver a powerful kick that sent him flying at such pace. And proven physically dangerous towards Spider-Man himself during the battle inside the abandoned hospital. His strength had proven to make himself powerful enough to pose a threat to Spider-Man in both of their confrontations.
- Superhuman Durability:
Green Goblin resisting Spider-Man's attacks
- Superhuman Speed: Osborn was far faster than any normal human, being almost as fast as Spider-Man. Osborn was able to react to fast accordingly to Parker attempting to escape before tossing him inside the apartment. Further, he was able to avoid a rage-fueled Parker's attack during the Battle at Liberty Island.
- Superhuman Agility: Osborn was far more agile than any normal human, being able to use it to make maneuvers to best his opponents. Osborn could use his glider with little issues with his superhuman equilibrium and sense of balance and dodge certain attacks from an enraged Parker.
- Superhuman Stamina: Osborn's musculature produced far fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, allowing him to easily keep up with the likes of the powerful Spider-Man himself who was holding back his power. Osborn continuously laughed and enjoyed every punch Parker gave and continued the fight.
- Superhuman Reflexes:
Green Goblin dodges Spider-Man's attack
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Osborn could heal more quickly than a regular human. His healing factor allowed him to recover from any form of physical damages and shown immunity to any form of foreign chemicals, such as the first Anti-Goblin Serum which failed to cure him, though it was still in the process of being made. However, he was successfully being cured by Parker with a fully developed Anti-Goblin Serum.
- "You know, I'm something of a scientist myself."
- âNorman Osborn to Peter Parker[src]
- Genius-Level Intellect: Osborn was described as "brilliant" by the likes of Doctor Octopus, an accomplished scientist in his own regard. When he was propelled more than two decades into the future of an alternate universe, he could still grasp its advanced technology. Even as Green Goblin, his intelligence remained evidenced by how he tactfully hid away in Norman's mind until he revealed himself when the latter decided to cure him.
- Master Engineer:
Osborn and Peter Parker finishing the cure
- Master Scientist: Osborn was described as a "brilliant scientist" in the field of military research by Doctor Octopus. He helped Spider-Man in his endeavor to cure the other villains while Osborn was in control.
- Expert Businessman: Osborn is an expert businessman; he was able to create his company from the ground up in his universe.
- Expert Combatant:
Green Goblin fighting against Spider-Man
- Knife Mastery: Osborn has a retractable blade along the gauntlet of his armor. He managed to stab his Spider-Man in the back, although he failed to kill him.
- Expert Marksman: Osborn can throw his Pumpkin Bombs and Razor Bats with great accuracy. He threw one of his bombs into the Macchina di Kadavus with considerable ease, destroying it to unleash the spell.
- Expert Acrobat: Because of the performance-enhancing gas Osborn experimented with, Osborn became capable of great athletic feats as seen during his battles with Spider-Man.
- Master Pilot: Osborn is able to control his glider with ease and was able to pilot it to knock out Spider-Man while he was falling.
- Pumpkin Bombs: Osborn uses these specialized bombs to blow up or disintegrate his targets. He used one to destroy the Macchina di Kadavus.
- Razor Bats: Osborn uses these drones to slice his enemies.
- Blade: Osborn has a concealed blade which he used to stab Peter-Two.
Other Equipment[]

Green Goblin in his armor
- Green Goblin Armor: As Green Goblin, Osborn wore a technologically advanced battle-suit that enhanced his strength and durability. Shortly after entering Spider-Man's universe, Osborn smashed his helmet into bits in a futile attempt to escape Green Goblin. He received a purple hoodie from May Parker when he sought refuge at F.E.A.S.T., which became tattered as Green Goblin took over and fought Spider-Man. He would later equip a satchel to hold his Pumpkin Bombs and Razor Bats, along with gauntlets with retractable blades and goggles to substitute for his broken helmet for the battle at Liberty Island.
- Goblin Glider: Osborn uses his Glider to fly where he wants to, store his weapons, and impale his enemies. Before being pulled from his timeline by Doctor Strange, Osborn was accidentally originally supposed impaled by it. He would be able to stab May Parker with it, and knock Peter Parker away from a falling MJ, before Parker disabled it, almost impaling Osborn with it again before he was calmed down.
- F.E.A.S.T. Truck: May Parker drove Osborn to the New York Sanctum from the F.E.A.S.T. Community Center, and later to Happy Hogan's condominium.
- "I saw Spider-Man in an ad for this place. And I thought he could help me."
- âNorman Osborn to Peter Parker[src]
- F.E.A.S.T. Community Center: Osborn traveled to F.E.A.S.T. and met with May Parker. There he spoke with May Parker, explaining how he got to Spider-Man's universe and that neither Oscorp nor Harry Osborn existed in that world.
Osborn working in Happy Hogan's condo
- New York Sanctum: Having been transported from the F.E.A.S.T. Community Center by May Parker, Osborn was transported to the Sanctum's prison where he was contained until Spider-Man freed him to cure the multiversal visitors.
- In the comics, Norman Osborn is a corrupt businessman who turned into the Green Goblin after taking a serum that enhanced his strength. Corrupted by greed and a thirst for power, Osborn became Peter Parker's mortal enemy, causing the deaths of Gwen Stacy, his beloved girlfriend, his former bully Flash Thompson and his clone Ben Reilly (the latter two would later be resurrected). In a later arc, Osborn would abandon the Green Goblin moniker and assume the Iron Patriot identity. Osborn as Green Goblin also served as a member of the Cabal alongside Loki, Doctor Doom, Namor, Taskmaster, Hood and Emma Frost.
- In the Spider-Man trilogy, Norman Osborn is a scientist and owner of Oscorp who was developing a serum to enhance individuals. Meeting a deadline, Osborn experimented on himself, turning him into the alter-ego Green Goblin. Green Goblin then went on a rampage throughout New York City and fought Spider-Man. Green Goblin tried to backstab Spider-Man with his Goblin Glider only for Spider-Man to dodge it, causing Osborn to impale himself and die. Thinking Spider-Man killed his father, Harry Osborn vowed revenge.
- In Spider-Man, Osborn was nicknamed "Green Goblin" by J. Jonah Jameson.
- Green Goblin is the first main antagonist in a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie who originates from a different movie franchise.
- Green Goblin is the first main antagonist in an MCU film to originate from a different universe.
- Green Goblin's purple hoodie and brown satchel are reminiscent of his classic comic book appearance.
- In Spider-Man, Green Goblin's death appears to be a private affair witnessed only by his universe's Spider-Man. This is further supported in Spider-Man 3, when Harry Osborn is surprised to learn from his butler about the details of his father having been apparently impaled by his own glider, a fact the butler only discovered by examining Norman's body. In Spider-Man: No Way Home, however, Sandman reveals that the newspapers had actually covered the details of Green Goblin's exact death, with Otto Octavius even knowledgeable about the fact that Norman Osborn and Green Goblin were one and the same.
- Green Goblin's first duel with an alternate Spider-Man is also reminiscent of What If...? Vol 1 #105, where their fight causes an entire building to crumble beneath them, costing Parker one of his legs and Osborn his life.
- Green Goblin has the distinction of being the only main antagonist of a film of the Spider-Man film series within the Marvel Cinematic Universe whose origins are not linked in any way to Tony Stark. Vulture lost his job thanks to Stark founding Damage Control to clean up the remains of the Battle of New York and Mysterio was fired by Stark due to his unstable nature.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Green Goblin in the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues the live-action incarnation of the character from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy from Sony Pictures Entertainment, who was also portrayed by Willem Dafoe; he is the first live-action incarnation of the character, preceding an incarnation portrayed by Chris Cooper in Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
- Aside from enjoying playing the character in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films, Willem Dafoe agreed to return for Spider-Man: No Way Home on one condition: that he would be allowed to perform his own stunts for the movie.[3]
- The first draft of Spider-Man: No Way Home originally had Green Goblin in a smaller role instead. However, after the script lost "other characters", Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers concluded that they had to make him the film's main antagonist and give him a second chance to replicate his actions in Spider-Man, but in a darker way related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Spider-Man.[4]
- To preserve the secrecy of Spider-Man: No Way Home's production and to prevent his appearance from being leaked, Willem Dafoe walked around the set with a cloak covering his costume. Tom Holland first met Dafoe when he accidentally bumped into Dafoe and was surprised upon seeing that it was him during filming.[5]
- Willem Dafoe was digitally de-aged to match his appearance in Spider-Man.[6]
- When acting as Norman Osborn, Willem Dafoe wore fake straightened teeth to contrast his natural teeth for Green Goblin, having done the same thing in the Spider-Man trilogy.
- Ben Jenkin was a stunt double for Willem Dafoe in the role of Green Goblin.
- â 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Spider-Man: No Way Home
- â Spider-Man No Way Home - Itw Willem Dafoe (Official Video)
- â Willem Dafoe Insisted on Doing His Own Stunts in Spider-Man: No Way Home
- â Screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers on surprises of 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'
- â âSpider-Man: No Way Homeâ Trailer Unleashes a Multiverse of Villains
- â How 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' VFX Team Brought Back Villains From the Multiverse