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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"I'm breaking the laws of nature, I know."
"Well, don't stop now."
―Doctor Strange and Wong[src]

The Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum was a battle that pitted the Masters of the Mystic Arts against Kaecilius and his Zealots. Having attacked the London and New York sanctums and killed the Ancient One, Kaecilius initiated the final phase of his plan to merge Earth with the Dark Dimension. His efforts were thwarted when Doctor Strange used the Time Stone to reverse time and prevent the sanctum's destruction.


"Mordo, the London Sanctum has fallen. The New York one has been attacked twice. You know where they're going next."
―Doctor Strange to Karl Mordo[src]

Kaecilius and the Zealots executed a series of attacks on the Sanctums. They invaded the London Sanctum, killing its protector, Sol Rama, in the process, before destroying the mystical facility. After attacking the New York Sanctum and killing its protector, Daniel Drumm, the Zealots fought Doctor Strange, only to be defeated by the novice sorcerer.

The Zealots then regrouped and then attempted to attack the Sanctum a second time, prompting Doctor Strange to trap them in the Mirror Dimension. However, having gained limitless power from Dormammu via their connection to the Dark Dimension, the Zealots briefly managed to overpower Karl Mordo and Strange, until they were saved by the Ancient One, who confirmed to have also been drawing power from the Dark Dimension.


Doctor Strange convinces Karl Mordo to fight back

Once the Ancient One revealed her true power, a fight ensued between Kaecilius and his subordinates against their former mentor. During the intense duel, Kaecilius managed to fatally wound the Ancient One, kicking her out of the Mirror Dimension before Mordo and Strange went through one of Kaecilius's portal back to the real world. The Ancient One fell from a great height and crashed to the sidewalk before being brought to Metro-General Hospital and eventually succumbed to her wounds. Before she died, she warned Strange that he would need Mordo's help to defeat Dormammu and the Zealots in the upcoming battle.


Kaecilius arrives at the Hong Kong Sanctum

Meanwhile, Kaecilius and the Brunette Zealot rescued the Blonde Zealot from the desert and started their assault on the Hong Kong Sanctum.[2]


"It's too late. Nothing can stop him."
"Not necessarily."
―Karl Mordo and Doctor Strange[src]
Hong Kong Sorcerers

Wong and the Masters prepare for battle

Determined to prevent Kaecilius and the Zealots from destroying the Hong Kong Sanctum, Wong ordered the Masters of the Mystic Arts to prepare for battle. Despite their best efforts, the Masters were defeated and the Sanctum was destroyed, leaving the Earth vulnerable to Dormammu.

Doctor Strange Time Magic

Doctor Strange activates the Eye of Agamotto

By the time Doctor Strange and Karl Mordo arrived, they found the decimated city being consumed by the Dark Dimension. Kaecilius prepared to stab Strange with a Space-Time Shard only for Strange to activate the Eye of Agamotto, causing time to reverse.

The Zealots freed themselves and attacked Strange and Mordo. Despite their best efforts, Kaecilius was trapped inside a tiled wall and another Zealot was trapped in a fish tank and was left to drown.

Eventually, Kaecilius freed himself and managed to tamper with the Eye of Agamotto, stopping time. Strange fled the scene and confronted Dormammu, eventually convincing him to leave Earth and take the Zealots with him.[2]


Eye of Agamotto Kamar-Taj

Doctor Strange returns the Eye of Agamotto to Kamar-Taj for safekeeping

"You'll wear the Eye of Agamotto once you've mastered its powers. Until then, best not to walk the streets wearing an Infinity Stone."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Dormammu ended up having to comply with Doctor Strange's bargain, in which the entity promised to leave Earth in exchange for Strange's promise to end the time loop he had created. Kaecilius and the other Zealots were granted their wish of immortality, but by being transformed into Mindless Ones, and sucked into the Dark Dimension.

Karl Mordo abandoned the Masters of the Mystic Arts, assured with the notion that sorcerers abused their power and were responsible for the imbalance in the world, reminiscing that Strange would pay a price for his abuse of the Time Stone. Mordo then went on a mission stripping sorcerers of their powers, including Jonathan Pangborn. Strange returned to the Eye of Agamotto to its pedestal at Kamar-Taj, considering Wong's advice to keep it there until he had mastered the Time Stone's powers.[2] By the time he encountered Thor, Strange had resumed wearing the Eye of Agamotto.[4]

While the public was not completely aware of the conflict, the mysterious events that were witnessed by some people in the city later spread through rumors among the public. Months later, during a debate with Jeffrey Mace, Ellen Nadeer mentioned the reports of disturbances in Hong Kong to show how dangerous individuals were appearing everywhere and the people was allowed to distrust enhanced individuals.[5]


In chronological order:

