The Monty Bros. are a group of five Monty Mole brothers that appear in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story as well as Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey. The group specializes in digging tunnels underneath the ground of the Mushroom Kingdom for easy access around the Kingdom. It is shown that they are often hired for tunnel-digging jobs such as when Bowser hired them to dig a tunnel to his Castle as a shortcut for when he kidnaps Princess Peach and Fawful hired them to mine a tunnel around the kingdom to give him easy transportation around the Mushroom Kingdom in his new Fawful Express once he takes over the Kingdom. The Monty Bros. are mentioned on a few signposts found throughout the game, one example is the Bowser Path which also has a signboard posted by the Monty Bros. which explains that they are digging tunnels around the area.
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story / Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey[]

The Monty Bros. quit on Bowser.

The Monty Bros. quit on Bowser in the remake.
The Monty Bros. are first seen in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and later appear in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey. They are first seen during Bowser's trek in the Underground Tunnels of the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser notices the Monty Bros. mining as he reaches the track's end, the Bros. remind him that he hired them for a job named Project K which Bowser had instructed the Monty Bros. as part of the job to build a tunnel leading back to his Castle to use as a quick shortcut for when he kidnaps Peach. Bowser doesn't remember giving them the task initially but agrees to help the Monty Bros. complete the tunnel, one is commandeering a Power-Drill machine (which Bowser pushes through the tunnels) whilst the other four Bros. watch. The tunnel from their current location is said to lead directly back to Toad Town Bowser has to complete the mining within 1 Minute and 30 Seconds or else the battery will die and Bowser will have to buy another one for 50 Coins. Upon completion, the mine is complete and Bowser has access to Toad Town.
The Monty Bros. are later seen when Bowser reaches his secret Treasure Chamber with the Elite Trio in search of the second Star Cure. Bowser freaks out upon seeing a massive train-track mined through his Treasure Chamber, the Monty Bros. arrive in a colossal train called the Fawful Express and reveal they were the ones who mined the train-track in Bowser's Vault as part of a job that Fawful gave them (so he could have easier travel around the Mushroom Kingdom when he takes it over). As a result, they quit on Bowser's job betraying him whilst also mocking and ridiculing him. As Bowser crosses the tracks for the safe holding the Star Cure, the Monty Bros. start the train running it into him thus crushing Bowser against a massive boulder. Upon being revived by the Mario Bros. inside his body, Bowser emerges from the boulder he was crushed against rising as the colossal Giant Bowser ready to destroy the Monty Bros. and the Fawful Express as revenge for what they did to him. The Monty Bros. attempt to make an escape to the north train station near the rickety bridge (in hopes that they will be able to outrun Bowser who will collapse underneath the bridge's weight). Bowser catches the Monty Bros., and scorches the train with his powerful Fire Breath. Upon the train's destruction, the Monty Bros. escape the train and flee around.
The fate of the Monty Bros. is different in both the original and the remake, in the original, the Monty Bros. are crushed by the debris from the exploding Fawful Express and are presumably killed. In the remake however, the death was retconned as the Monty Bros. are seen all seen escaping the Fawful Express before it explodes and seemingly surviving. One of the Monty Bros. gets off the train late and lands on Bowser's nose. However, they safely land back on the ground and quickly run before Bowser throws the Fawful Express into the gorge.
- Before the battle with the Fawful Express only four of the five Monty Bros. are seen, possibly the reason for this is because the fifth Monty Bro. (commandeering the Power Drill) got stuck upon drilling through the Toad Town Tunnels with Bowser, said Monty Bro. is gone if players return to this area later on.
- In the 3ds remake, several Monty Moles can be seen escaping (more than the initial five Monty Bros.). It is unknown whether or not these Monty Moles were extra Monty Bros. or just additional passengers.
- During the cutscene before the Fawful Express, the Monty Bros imply that there are other Monty Bros., as they say that several other Bros took their old job after being hired by Fawful.
- During the additional cutscene added before the fight against the Fawful Express, one of the Monty Bros. calls the train brosephine (which is another word for sister).