


The Digivice (デジヴァイス Dejivaisu?), short for "Digital Device", is a device from the Digimon series based on the first Digimon product, the Digimon Virtual Pet, and it indicates that the possessor is a DigiDestined. It appears in every season of the anime, as well as the V-Tamer 01, Chronicle, D-Cyber, and Next manga, and several of the video games. Its primary use is to empower the DigiDestined's partner Digimon through Digivolution, though each version of the Digivice is also equipped with many other helpful features, such as radar or data storage. Even when Digivices are the same type, they are usually differentiated by a color scheme unique to the character who uses them.

List of Digivices[]

Digivice 01[]

Digivice 01

An example of a Digivice 01.

The Digivice 01 (デジヴァイス01 Dejivaisu Zero Wan?) is used by the Tamers of Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. Tai Kamiya got his from Lord Whamon as a parting gift, while the rest where shown to have theirs when they appeared. It has all the functions of the original V-Pet and a built in analyzer. Using it allows the user to transmit data to their Digimon, from various medicinal herbs and food to even nonverbal commands. It comes in a few different colors.

By "hitting" two Digivice 01 together, the user can cause a DNA Digivolution. To cancel this evolution the Digivices must be crossed. This ability is often taken advantage of in order to make use of "Infinite DNA Digivolution", where the DNA digivolved Digimon separates again into its fusees and then merges once more, thereby reacquiring perfect health. Neo is most often guilty of this, and Hideto tried to have his WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon merge again into Omegamon to again acquire perfect health. In addition, a DNA digivolved Digimon can again merge with another of its level into Mega, called "Triple Jogress".

Digimon Adventure Digivice[]

Digivice (Adventure) t

A normal Digivice

This Digivice is the basic design used by the many DigiDestined in Digimon Adventure. These Digivices were created by the Agents, primarily to allow the children to digivolve their Partners. Like many artifacts in the Digital World, the Digivices bear the DigiCode for "Digital Monster" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā?), specifically on the border of their screens. This design is named Taichi Digivice (タイチデジヴァイス Taichi Dejivaisu?) in Digimon World Re:Digitize, and is a swim ring accessory.

The primary function of the Digivice is to channel the emotional energy of a DigiDestined child to their Digimon partner, who can use it as fuel to digivolve. This energy is monitored by a gauge on the Digivice, DigiBaby Boom, and on its own, it only permits digivolution to the Champion level. However, the energy from the partner bond can be supplemented with power from Crests, DigiCores, or other sources to digivolve further. When digivolving past Champion level, the Digivice vibrates and changes to the child's designated color, and in the case of Meiko Mochizuki and Maki Himekawa, will show their associated sigil on its screen. Tai and Matt's Digivices gain a third color scheme when Omnimon fuses with the others to become Merciful Mode. Future If the Partner Digimon finds a way to digivolve without connecting to their DigiDestined, the Digivice will not be connected to that Digivolution, but this alone will not sever the partner bond.[please confirm]

Normally, only the designated owner of the Digivice can use it to digivolve their Digimon, although a borrowed Digivice can still be used for its other functions. Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer and Cathode Tamer However, Meiko Mochizuki's Digivice was used to trigger Omnimon's fusion to Merciful Mode, despite her not being Partnered with any of the component Digimon.[please confirm] Alternatively, the "divine light" of digivolution mediated by the Digivice can be redirected offensively, projecting as a beam of light that can purify or restrain evil Digimon, The Legend of the DigiDestined or help tame an enemy Digimon. Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer and Cathode Tamer

As a physical manifestation of the bond between a DigiDestined and their Partner, the Digivice can be used to access that bond, which Izzy once uses to access Ordinemon's data. Future They also display the countdown timer to the termination of the partner bond; once the deadline is reached, the Digivice will turn to stone and the Digimon partner will vanish. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

On a more practical level, the Digivices also built-in clocks Out on the Town, and are able to track the signal emitted by other Digivices Almost Home Free, They can be upgraded into D-3's A New Digitude Genesis of Evil, or synced with the Smartphone Digivice invented by Izzy. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

While looking for Willis, who wielded this standard Digivice design, Endigomon kidnaps many of the DigiDestined with matching devices, including the original six DigiDestined. Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals

D-3 Digivice[]

The D-3 (D-3 Dī-Surī?) are the Digivices of the new DigiDestined introduced in Digimon Adventure 02.

They were created by Azulongmon and the Harmonious Ones along with the Digi-Eggs to counter the power of the Digimon Emperor's Dark D-3, which he had obtained by dipping his Digivice into the Dark Ocean. Soon after the three new DigiDestined children acquired their D-3s, released from the Digi-Egg of Courage, Takeru "T.K." Takaishi's and Kari Kamiya's original Digivices were upgraded into D-3 forms after obtaining their Digi-Eggs. A New Digitude D-3s have a white center with differently-colored grips for each DigiDestined, as follows:

However, the D-3s morph into different colors during DNA Digivolution, much like how the original Digivice does when the using the Crest. The center is the color of the first Digimon which appears on the screen and the grip being the color of the second Digimon; these colors are also the dominant colors of the resulting Digimon. The color pairings are as follows:

They also morph for Digivolution past the Champion level like the Adventure Digivice. This time, however, the grip has two colors.

Dubbed "D-3s" by Izzy for their three settings—Digital, Detect and Discover—the D-3s possess all the basic functions of the original Digivices, allowing for Digivolution to the Champion level and DNA Digivolution to Ultimate. Used in conjunction with Digimental-type Digi-Eggs, stored within everyday store-bought palmtops known as "D-Terminals", D-3s also allow Armor Digivolution.

A specific power that the D-3s possess over the original Digivices is their ability to open "Digi-Ports"—computer programs that serve as gateways to the Digital World. Original Digivices cannot perform this function, although once a Digi-Port is opened by a D-3, holders can still traverse the dimensional gap. This means that D-3's are necessary to get into the Digital World, as the dimensional barrier between the worlds was repaired when the original DigiDestined released their Crests.

Ken Ichijouji's corrupted Dark D-3 have the inverse effect of a normal Digivice, projecting an energy which inhibited Digivolution. In the guise of the Digimon Emperor, Ken constructed a series of Control Spires around the Digital World and broadcasted this energy into them; in turn, the spires generated wide-range energy fields that prevented Digivolution in the surrounding area. Ken was eventually freed from this dark influence and was able to use his Digivice to naturally evolve his Digimon partner, Wormmon; although he possessed the Crest of Kindness, he did not use it in conjunction with his Digivice in the animated series.

Toy versions of the D-3s were divided in five versions: Version 1 with Veemon and Wormmon, Version 2 with Hawkmon and Gatomon, and Version 3 with Armadillomon and Patamon. While the other characters' D-3s were used, Kari and T.K.'s were replaced with white/blue and black/blue respectively. There is also a "Paildramon version" and final "clear" version of Davis's D-3.

In Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers, Ryo Akiyama uses the D-3 which eventually will belong to Davis Motomiya, while Ken also has access to one. They both can charge the Digivice with energy, which they can then discharge in an attempt to tame an enemy and convert them to their side, much like the Digivice did in Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer and Cathode Tamer.

Digimon World 2 Digivice[]

The Digivice of Digimon World 2 is level D gift for Data Digimon.


The D-Power (D-ARK/Dアーク Dī-Āku?) is the Digivice used in Digimon Tamers.

Takato Matsuki and Rika Nonaka receive their D-Powers by slashing a Blue Card through a card-reader Guilmon Comes Alive O Partner, Where Art Thou?, while Henry Wong received his by slashing a Blue Card through a computer Digimon gaming attachment. It Came From the Other Side Jeri Katou, Kazu Shioda, Suzie Wong, Kenta Kitagawa, and Ai and Mako's D-Powers appeared before them in a shroud of light A World Apart Kazu's Upgrade Rabbit Transit Homeward Bound Jeri Fights Back, later revealed to have been delivered by DigiGnomes.[citation needed] Ryo Akiyama borrowed Takato's D-Power during the fight against XeedMillenniummon Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer, and is in possession of a D-Power of unspecified origin.

When Takato's anger over Leomon's death at the hands of Beelzemon causes WarGrowlmon to digivolve into Megidramon, his D-Power overloads and is destroyed. Lionheart He later receives the D-Power's Ultimate Version (アルティメットバージョン Arutimetto Bājon?),[1] a gold D-Power which also has DigiCode written on it, reading: デジモンテイマーズ (デジモンテイマーズ Dejimon Teimāzu?, lit. "Digimon Tamers"). The Battle Within

This Digivice can be used with a card from the Digimon card game to execute Digi-Modify to give the Tamer's Digimon extra attacks or effects. Though originally the Primary Tamers' Digimon needed to be exposed to Calumon's power in order for the D-Power to digivolve them to the Champion Level, until a Digivolution Card aided this function. Grow Mon Grow To achieve Ultimate level, Tamers needed to use a Blue Card for Matrix Digivolution,[2] and the D-Power is also used by Takato, Henry, Rika, and Ryo to use Biomerge Digivolution,[2] which allows the Tamer to fuse with the partner Digimon to digivolve to the Mega level.

The D-Power can analyze nearly every Digimon that the Tamer's Digimon sees Digimon, Digimon Everywhere, has a Compass/Radar function Guilmon Comes Alive which can detect when an aggressive Digimon is nearby, and can display what the Tamer's Digimon is seeing Grow Mon Grow. Ryo's is seen to generate an energy whip Blame It on Ryo; it is not known whether the other Tamers' D-Powers have this function. The D-Power can also heal the Tamer's Digimon A World Apart. If needed, the D-Power contains a data port on the top that can be accessed by opening a hatch by pressing the up button His Kingdom for a Horse. (It's unknown if a special option is needed to be accessed to open the hatch, or if it can be accessed simply by pressing the up button in an idle state.)

While in Ryo's possession, Takato's red D-Power can be charged with energy to convert any of XeedMillenniummon's minions he comes across into a card for later use. Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer

Chiaki J. Konaka states in his character notes for Janyu Wong that the D-Power was inspired by the Xerox Dynabook, as a portable computer interface for children.



The inner workings of the D-Tector

The D-Tector (ディースキャナ Dī-Sukyana?, lit. "D-Scanner") is the Digivice used in Digimon Frontier, its Japanese name comes from its notable function of scanning Fractal Code.

When Takuya Kanbara, Koji Minamoto, Tommy Himi, Zoe Orimoto, and J.P. Shibayama are first brought to the Digital World, their cellphones are changed into D-Tectors through Ophanimon's power. All Aboard Later, when Koichi Kimura's resolution purifies the Spirits of Darkness, Koji's D-Tector surrounds the boy in light and produces a new D-Tector. Ne'er The Twins Shall Meet When confronted with Cherubimon, Ophanimon uses the last of her power to upgrade Takuya and Koji's D-Tectors to their second level, which allows them to use Unified Spirit Evolution. Takuya and Koji's Evolution Revolution

The D-Tector allows the DigiDestined to use Spirit Evolution All Aboard and Beast Spirit Evolution.[3] Can't Keep a Grumblemon Down It can be used to scan, purify, and then realize Fractal Code and Spirits. All Aboard D-Tector users can communicate with each other, Stuck In Sakkakumon With You the creator of the Digivice Ophanimon Bizarre Bazaar, or with the Spirits themselves. End of the Line

Digimon Pendulum X[]

The Pendulum X (ペンデュラムX Pendyuramu Ekkusu?) is the Digivice used in Digimon Chronicle. It has an X-Antibody Indicator on it and comes in different colors. It is named Digivice X (デジヴァイスX Dejivaisu Ekkusu?) in Bx-102: Digivice X.


Dcyber digivice

D-Cyber Digivice

The D-Cyber is the Digivice used by the Tamers of the Chinese manhua Digimon D-Cyber. It's in the shape of a flip-style cell phone and also had an X-Antibody indicator. In reality, the toy is just an alternate Pendulum X made by Bandai Asia.

By shaking the D-Cyber in the proper way, a Tamer could get their Digimon to unleash a powerful attack.

Data Link Digivice[]

The Data Link Digivice (デジヴァイスiC Dejivaisu Ai Shī?, lit. "Digivice iC") is a Digivice used in Digimon Data Squad, Digimon Next, and Digimon World DS.

As members of DATS, Thomas H. Norstein, Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda, Miki Kurosaki, and Megumi Shirakawa received their Digivices when they joined prior to the start of the series. Marcus Damon was given his by Commander-General Homer Yushima THERE ARE MONSTERS AMONG US!, who worked with Commander Richard Sampson to build their own by blueprints sent by Spencer Damon.[citation needed] Spencer Damon had his own Digivice and also built Keenan Crier's, which reveals all of the Data Link Digivices were created by Spencer Damon. After a failed attempt to capture the Code Key of Lust, Kosaburo Katsura, determined not to fail his client's request, produces a Digivice. Digimon World Data Squad

A version of this Digivice is used in Digimon World DS and Digimon World Dawn/Dusk, except there is no D.N.A. system, and there is an added Digifarm function instead. Sayo uses a Black, Purple, and Grey version in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, despite using a Digivice Burst in Dawn/Dusk.

Megumi and Miki's Digivices are inverted to symbolise their opposing coloured PawnChessmon, and align to their Digimon's colour.

Digivice Burst[]

The Digivice Burst (デジヴァイスバースト Dejivaisu Bāsuto?) is a Digivice used in Digimon Data Squad and Digimon World Dawn and Dusk.[4]

The Digivice Burst allows Digimon to digivolve via "D.N.A. Charge! Overdrive!" (Digisoul Charge! Overdrive! in Japan) to the Mega level. It has all the same functions as the Data Links, plus the ability to use "Charge! D.N.A. Burst Mode!" ("Charge! Digisoul Burst!" in the Japanese version) to activate "Burst Mode", as well the "Signal Port", allowing the use of a new feature called "Air Signal", which has three functions: Aura, Barrier and Burst Evolution.

In episode 29, Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshino managed to repair their broken Digivice iCs and turn them into Bursts, thanks to BanchoLeomon's training. Keenan's iC evolved to Burst in Episode 43 when he and Yoshino finally managed to bring their partners to Burst Mode. Spencer Damon was the first one to obtain the Digivice Burst after meeting with BanchoLeomon, before the start of the series.

It is an upgraded version of the Data Link Digivice with the following colors:

Dark Digivice[]

The Dark Digivice (ダークデジヴァイス Dāku Dejivaisu?)[5] is a Digivice used in Digimon Data Squad.

A purple and green Digivice, it is used by Professor Akihiro Kurata to pseudo-evolve Gizumon to either Gizumon-AT or Gizumon-XT through the use of "Artificial D.N.A.", which it can create. It has an equipped circuit line that is attached from the digivice to a small storage portable, which holds the energy to create the "Artificial D.N.A.".

In Digimon Masters, the DigimonArchive resembles a Dark Digivice.

Bio Link Digivice[]

The Bio Link Digivice (聖たちのデジヴァイス Kouki-tachi no Dejivaisu?, lit. "Kouki and the others' Digivice")[5] is a Digivice used in Digimon Data Squad. These Digivices were used by the Bio-Hybrids under the command of Kurata to turn themselves into Digimon.

The Digivice is kept under the forearm, then, when it's needed, slides out into the hand. "Bio Hybrid D.N.A. Charge" allows the people to evolve into a hybrid Armor level Digimon, while for their Mega level, only Nanami calls out "Bio Hybrid D.N.A. Full Charge".

Digimon Twin[]

Digimon Twin n

The Digimon Twin

The Digimon Twin (デジモンツイン Dejimon Tsuin?) are two Digivices used in Digimon Next. Called the Anti-God Devices, they were to be used with the Arbitrators, VictoryGreymon and ZeedGarurumon, to take down Yggdrasill should it become corrupted. They were given to Tsurugi Tatsuno and Yu Inui by Norn in order to digivolve their Digimon to Mega.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution Digivice[]

The Digivice used in Digimon Story: Lost Evolution.

Agumon gives this Digivice to Shuu or Kizuna after meeting them in the Real World.

This Digivice allows Shuu or Kizuna to communicate with the DigiBase.

Fusion Loader[]

Fusion Loader t

An unclaimed Fusion Loader

The Fusion Loader (クロスローダー/Xローダー Kurosu Rōdā?, lit. "X Loader", short for "Xros Loader") is the Digivice used in Digimon Fusion.

Each of the Fusion Loaders has a different creator; Mikey Kudo's red Fusion Loader was given to him by Omnimon and Christopher Aonuma's blue Fusion Loader was given to him by Bagramon. AxeKnightmon gave Nene Amano a black Fusion Loader to collect the energy of negativity for him, but once he completed his Darkness Loader, he abandoned her and she eventually revived her Fusion Loader with a lavender design. AxeKnightmon gave the Darkness Loader to his true General, Ewan Amano, but when Ewan finally came over to the Fusion Fighters United Army's side, the Darkness Loader was revived with a yellow design. The Watchmaker, who presides over the Digimon Hunts being held a year after MegaDarknessBagramon was defeated, owns a black and gold Fusion Loader, and also gives Fusion Loaders to the Hunters; a green Fusion Loader to Ryoma Mogami, a gray Fusion Loader to Ren Tobari, a pink Fusion Loader to Airu Suzaki, a deep crimson Fusion Loader to Tagiru Akashi, a blue Fusion Loader to Mizuki, and a turquoise Fusion Loader to Kiichi Funabashi. Hideaki Mashimo and Noboru are in possession of a purple and a brown Fusion Loader, respectively, both of unspecified origins. Angie Hinomoto and Jeremy Tsurgi later receive an orange and a teal Fusion Loader.

When Mikey pretends to surrender at Magma Zone, he gives a fake Fusion Loader made by Ballistamon to trick AncientVolcanomon. Meltdown in the Magma Zone!

According to the Watchmaker, the color of Tagiru's Fusion Loader marks him as a passionate Hunter. The colors of Angie and Jeremy's Fusion Loaders are the same as their lights of courage and friendship that digivolved Shoutmon to OmniShoutmon.

We, The Digimon Hunters!

Mikey, Christopher, Nene, Tagiru, Kiichi, Angie, and Jeremy's Fusion Loaders were originally a dull grey color until changing colors.

In the manga, Nene's sister Kotone Amano also has her own Fusion Loader. Using Mikey and Kotone's Fusion Loaders for reference, Wizardmon builds three new Fusion Loaders; the first two change into light pink and pale green and become Angie and Jeremy's, respectively,[6] and the three stay with Wizardmon until he is thrust back in time by ZeedMillenniummon. As he journeys through time and space, Wizardmon eventually happens across Mikey from before he entered the Digital World and gives him the last Fusion Loader, completing the time loop. BONUS TRACK

In Digimon World Re:Digitize, the Fusion Loader is a swim ring accessory.

The Fusion Loader is able to store a Digimon's data to allow it to recover its health Mikey Goes To Another World!. Unlike the Data Link Digivice, the Fusion Loader can store multiple Digimon. Island Zone in Chaos! Although in the manga, the more digimon in the Fusion Loader, the slower the healing process happens.

It can be used open portals between Zones Island Zone in Chaos! and Lands Vampire Land and the Moonlight General, as well as travel between the Human World and DigiQuartz. It also allows the user to see into the DigiQuartz through a circular hologram. We, The Digimon Hunters!

The Fusion Loader can be used to perform DigiFuse between their Digimon Mikey Goes To Another World!, and also to digivolve the user's Partner. When Worlds Collide

The Fusion Loader is able store and use Code Crowns and DigiCards. A Rival Appears Thanks for the DigiCards! It can also generate 3D maps of the Digital World Back to the Digital World! Hot Time in Dragonland!, and monitor the ambient temperature. A Great Hunter Gathering! The Digimon Contest of the Southern Island!

The Watchmaker's Fusion Loader can emit a red light vaguely explained as a sub-version of Clockmon. Now Revealed! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt! The purpose of this function is unknown.

In the manga, a Fusion Loader is also able to track other Fusion Loaders. Xros Apocalypse!! The Beast of Revelation!!

Darkness Loader[]

Darkness Loader t

The original Darkness Loader

The Darkness Loader (ダークネローダー Dākunesu Rōdā?), is a powerful artifact sought out by AxeKnightmon. It was initially dormant within an orb of dark energy kept hidden away within AxeKnightmon's tower in the Dust Zone. He sought to activate it by collecting massive amounts of refined dark energy. After being completed, AxeKnightmon presented it to his brother Bagramon. Bagramon then gives one of seven copies of the Darkness Loader to each of his Dark Generals, while the original is given to Ewan Amano.

The Darkness Loader originally lay dormant within an orb of darkness. However, when it was fully awakened and given to Bagramon, it took on the appearance of a black Fusion Loader with a spike motif.

Its primary ability is to perform Dark DigiFuses between Digimon, as well as using Disengage Fuse to undo the Digifuse. Like a regular Fusion Loader, it is also able to display tactical maps and battle plans. When the Darkness Loader performs a Dark Digifuse, the fangs at the top open up to reveal an orb of darkness. For the Dark Generals, this orb is emblazoned with their emblem.

In the manga, when Nene performs a Dark DigiFuse between herself and Shademon, her Fusion Loader becomes the Darkness Loader, Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles!! but becomes a Fusion Loader again when she digivolves into Luminamon (Nene Version). Xros Miracle!! Reel in a Sliver of Hope!!

Digimon World Re:Digitize Digivice[]

The Digivice used in Digimon World Re:Digitize and Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode.

It can be used to store items and manage the Partner Digimon's skills.

When a Tamer is in the Digital World, their Partner can locate them through the Digivice.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Digivice[]

The Digivice used in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.

Digivices are common in Cyber Sleuth; multipurpose communication devices, they are primarily used through an EDEN Spot to access Cyberspace EDEN,[7] a pseudo-Digital World created by Kamishiro Enterprises.

Digivices in Cyber Sleuth are analogous to cell phones, with most models appearing indistinguishable from one; however, they come in many different forms, such as the goggles worn by the protagonist and Yuuko Kamishiro. Digivices are capable of video calling, text messages, and data storage; when the 'Digimon Capture' program is installed on one, they can also be used to gather data on and manage their user's Digimon.

It is said the EDEN Syndrome is caused by the brain nerves being overloaded with data due to illegally modded Digivices, as well as Hackers' Brain Jack.[8]

Digimon World: Next Order Digivice[]

The Digivice used in Digimon World: Next Order takes the appearance of a Digital Monster virtual pet.

The Digivices used by the main cast were given to the semifinalists of a Digital Monsters tournament. Once day, when the Digital World is in great peril, they shine and draw their owners into the Digital World.

App Drive[]

App Drive t

A locked App Drive

The App Drive (アプリドライヴ Apuri Doraivu?, lit. "Appli Drive") is the Digivice of Digimon Universe App Monsters.

Each App Drive is delivered to its chosen human through a machine and asks a different yes-no question to them. Haru Shinkai's App Drive is delivered to him through a vending machine and asked if he wants to be a protagonist. Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears! Eri Karan's App Drive came from an UFO catcher game and asked if she wanted to make people smile. A Big Bang Punch Straight to Your Heart! Eri's an Appmon Idol! Astora's App Drive was delivered to him inside a box by a delivery drone and asked him if he wanted to follow his heart. The Third App Drive! Torajiro is an AppTuber! Rei Katsura's App Drive was given to him by a Sugar from a grocery story when he was shopping, and it asked him if he was alone. Lend Me Your Power! Rei and Hackmon, the Meeting on That Day The 3DS Protagonist's App Drive is delivered to them via a vending machine and asked him if he wanted to connect. Mio's App Drive was given to her by Tutomon. Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (3DS) Giving the correct answer unlocks the App Drive and gives its user an Appmon Band matching the App Drive's main color. Most of the time the correct answer is "Yes", and Rei is the only known case of the answer being "No". Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears! A Big Bang Punch Straight to Your Heart! Eri's an Appmon Idol! The Third App Drive! Torajiro is an AppTuber! Lend Me Your Power! Rei and Hackmon, the Meeting on That Day

The App Drive can Apprealize (アプリアライズ Apuriaraizu?, lit. "Appliarise"), which allows an Appmon to materialize by inserting its Appmon Chip inside it. Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears! It also allows two Appmon to perform Applink and App Fusion. The Suspicious Travel Guide! Navimon I Am!. It also allows its user to enter AR-Fields. Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears!

Each App Drive allows its user to perform a function related to their Buddy's attacks. Haru's App Drive allows him to type search terms to allow Gatchmon's "Deep Search" or DoGatchmon's "Deep Dive" to be used in order to discover information when needed. Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears! I'll Get You and Your Disguise Too! Caméramon's Halloween Scandal! Eri's App Drive allows her to smash buttons in a fashion similar to a video game controller to allow the use of Dokamon's "Dokadoka Rush". A Big Bang Punch Straight to Your Heart! Eri's an Appmon Idol! Astora's App Drive generates a holographic DJ set to allow him the use of Musimon's "Music Hour". The Third App Drive! Torajiro is an AppTuber!. Rei's App Drive generates up to three holographic keyboards to allow him the use of Hackmon's hacking abilities or Raidramon's "Barrage Jack". Lend Me Your Power! Rei and Hackmon, the Meeting on That Day The Aspiration of the Appmon! The Legendary Seven Code Meeting!.

Unfortunately on the day the App Drivers were battling the Ultimate 4, they lost and their App Drives were destroyed, effectively weakening the Appmon to the point where they died. Attack! Ultimate Appmon—The Ultimate 4!

App Drive Duo[]

The App Drive Duo (アプリドライヴDUO (デュオ) Apuri Doraivu Dyuo?, lit. "Appli Drive DUO") is an upgraded App Drive.

This version of the App Drive does have a few similarities with the original App Drive in that it needs to be unlocked in order to be wielded, and can also perform the Apprealize function as well.

Like with the original, it gets delivered to their chosen human and asks about them. Yujin received his from a sushi dispenser, and asked if he had any friends he wanted to protect at the cost of his own life. Appli Drive DUO! Offmon Appears

Unlike the original however, the Appliarise function is performed differently. In order to open the drive, the user had to push a lever that slid apart the two halves of the cover instead of sliding down the entire cover. Then, after the chip is locked in, and the cover closed, the user then had to touch a red button at the bottom of the Digivice to initiate the sequence.

Appliarising an Appmon from the App Drive Duo will increase its natural power by 50%, as it adds part of the App Driver's power to the Appmon. Appli Drive DUO! Offmon Appears

When the red conformation button is touched again, the App Drive Duo can initiate an Overdrive function, in which the Appmon suddenly gains a burst of energy allowing them to perform a much stronger version of its attacks. However, this maneuver will drain part of the App Driver's energy. Thank You Future! Welcome to the City of AI!

An App Drive Duo can also keep an Appmon in their Ultimate form without a time limit. A New Power! Appli Drive DUO!

Smartphone Digivice[]

The Smartphone Digivice (スマホ型デジヴァイス Sumaho-gata Dejivaisu?) is a Digivice emulator introduced in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and later used Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning. It resembles a smartphone and was created by Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi so that the DigiDestined could have a smoother communication system.[9]

Because it emulates the true Digivices, the Smartphone Digivice is able to access its functions, permitting Digivolution, tracking the positions of other DigiDestined, and displaying the countdown timer to the termination of the partner bond. As a smartphone, it is also capable of using e-mail, phone calling, apps, and comes with a dual camera. The Crests associated with the DigiDestined are engraved on the back of the device, with different models for lone or paired Crests.[9] It can also play games, as well as suck Humans and Digimon into said games.[10] Just like the D-3 Digivice, the Smartphone Digivice morph into different colors during DNA Digivolution (though this only accounts for those emulating the D3, as Tai's and Matt's did not change color when fusing their Digimon into Omnimon).

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya's is Orange with the Crest of Courage, Yamato "Matt" Ishida's is Blue with the Crest of Friendship, Sora Takenouchi's is Red with the Crest of Love, Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi's is Purple with the Crest of Knowledge, Mimi Tachikawa's is Green with the Crest of Sincerity, Joe Kido's is Gray with the Crest of Reliability, Kari Kamiya's is Pink with the Crest of Light, Davis Motomiya's is Light Blue with the Crests of Courage and Friendship, Ken Ichijouji's is Black with the Crest of Kindness, Yolei Inoue's is Red with the Crests of Sincerity and Love, and Cody Hida's is Yellow with the Crests of Knowledge and Reliability.

In Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, Takeru "T.K." Takaishi's is Yellow with the Crest of Hope. Promotional material for the movie, the Battle Spirits card game, the Digimon Card Game, the Smartphone Digivice Smartphone Case, and the trailer for Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning all depict T.K.'s Smartphone Digivice as dark green instead. This indicates the color used in Kizuna may actually be the error (or he has two of them/got a new one by the time of Beginning).


The Digivice: (デジヴァイス: Dejivaisu:?) is the Digivice of Digimon Adventure:. It resembles the Adventure Digivice. The Digivice: bears the DigiCode for "Digital Monster" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā?) on the border of its screen.

Like the Adventure Digivice, it allows the user to Digivolve their Digimon partner, but this version can fully facilitate Digivolution without the need for Tags or Crests, and also includes functions such as hologrammatic communication, DigiCode translation, and Digimon Analyzer. When a Digivolution is triggered, the circular ring lights up revolving clockwise in the user's assigned color, with increasing clockwise revolutions for higher level Digivolutions; once for Champions, twice for Ultimates, and twice counterclockwise for Megas. When a fusion is triggered, the ring instead lights up revolving twice counterclockwise in both users' colors.


The D-Zero is the Digivice of Digimon New Century. It resembles a smartphone. They can be bought in stores, and can store Digimon inside them. The D-Zero will heal Digimon of their wounds.[11] Partner Digimon cannot digivolve without the aide of a D-Zero.

Digivice -V-[]

The Digivice -V- (デジヴァイス -V- Dejivaisu -V-?) is the Digivice of Digimon Ghost Game.[12] It resembles the Vital Hero.

It allows its user to see the unmaterialized Digimon and help their Digimon partner to go through the states of materialization. With the buttons, it is able to generate a digital field where only Digimon and the Digivice's users can occupy. It also allows the Digimon partner to digivolve.

Digivice -VV-[]

The Digivice -VV- (デジヴァイス -VV- Dejivaisu -VV-?) is the upgraded form of the Digivice-V-, colored red instead of blue.

It has all the functions of its predecessor and allows the user to warp digivolve their Digimon partner directly from the Rookie Level to the Ultimate or Mega Level.

Digimon Dock[]

Digimon Seekers (live action)-01 Eiji Nagasumi Digimon Dock

Eiji Nagasumi holding his home made Digimon Dock

A Digimon Dock (デジモンドック Dejimon Dokku?) is a term in Digimon Seekers and Digimon Liberator used to refer to various types of Digivices.

Hackers use them to store their Digimon, with most of them being modifications of commercially available electronic terminals — many of them are shoddy. They are also sold on the Dark Web, and the higher the quality, the higher the price.[13]'

The first Digimon Dock was created by Tomonori Ryusenji. He created it as Digimon would die fast on his computers, and as such he wondered if he could recreate their habitat as closely as possible within something else — hoping the Dock would be able to help with that. He decided to make it a toy, as he wanted children all over the World to be able to become friends with Digimon. Unlike computers, the Digimon Dock was able to display the data itself instead of as a series of numbers like on their computers which allowed them to see the actual Digitama and Digimon.

List of Digimon Seekers chapters 3-4

Tomonori Ryusenji holding the first Digimon Dock he created

Over the next few years, the Digimon Dock became a massive success with many people befriending and raising Digimon and it did indeed allow them to live longer. More and more sponsors poured money into Tomonori's research and with more money, Tomonori was able to increase his influence within Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The extra money also allowed the University itself continued to grow. Unit 11: Digital Missing In Action Chapter 3-4 During the Mindlink trials he gave Docks to Saya Ryusenji, Kosuke Kisakata, and Shuu Yulin with Digimon inside of them.

Eiji Nagasumi's Digimon Dock, which he created himself using spares parts, resembles the orange version of the Digimon Accel: Nature Genome.[14] He stores his Tyrannomon in it. Though the parts were mostly junk, they were still expensive. Due to how badly it was made, its memory has issues and nearly causes the ModokiBetamon he caught for Tomonori Ryusenji to be deleted when he was transferring it from his Dock to Ryusenji's computer. Tomonori gives him a Digimon Linker with Loogamon inside and tells him to raise the wolf-life Digimon for him. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-4 He transfers Tyrannomon to it as well and stops using the dock, using the Linker instead. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-6

At some point the DigiPolice got a Brigadramon, and put it into a Digimon Dock. Its existence was classified, and it wasn't used in missions. Satsuki Tamahime steals it, and uses it to fight the Chaosdramon Marvin Jackson was using to protect Kosuke Kisakata whilst he was hacking the Gateway to the Digital World. Since stealing it was a crime, Satsuki put in her resignation in with the DigiPolice before doing so. During said hacking, Omegamon of the Royal Knights shows up and attacks Kosuke whilst the hacking was at 97%. The mission seemed like it was going to fail however Kosuke reveals he had a trump card — and pulls out two Digimon Docks. He summons two Mega level Digimon and has them block Omegamon's attacks. Though Omegamon is able to kill them, they were able to stall it long enough to allow Kosuke to complete the hack. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-5

In Digimon Liberator, Digimon Docks were created by I.D.E.A in collaboration with another company and were used by humans to raise Digimon partners. REAL (Part 2) This company presumably was Abadin Electronics, and if so, would place Liberator in the same timeline/universe as Seekers.

Digimon Linker[]

List of Digimon Seekers chapters 1-4

Eiji Nagasumi's Digimon Linker

The Digimon Linker (デジモンリンカー Dejimon Rinkā?) is a Digivice in Digimon Seekers. It resembles the Vital Bracelet BE but has a different strap.

It was created by Abadin Electronics, and is currently a prototype. It has a medical device class sensor that can records pulse, blood pressure, respiration, body temperature, and other such bodily functions. It comes with a 24-hour medical support system via Abadin Electronics's Life Support systems. It can also Hololize Digimon, which is usually only able to be done in Abadin Electronics's Denrin Digital Lab. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-4 It is completely waterproof and antibacterial, and can link the user's heart and their partner Digimon's hearts together which allows them to get closer than other tamers. This allows them to feel each other's heartbeats. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-6 It records the tamer's bio-information 24 hours a day, which Abadin Electronics are able to monitor. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-7 Tomonori claims that doing all of this would allow a Tamer to Mindlink though this was untrue, since his students had Mindlinked with regular computers in the decade before. He seemingly lied about this to keep people safe.

After Eiji Nagasumi gives Tomonori Ryusenji the ModokiBetamon he had hired him to get, he gives Eiji a Digimon Linker with Loogamon inside and tells him to raise the wolf-life Digimon for him. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-4 Due to the amount of processing power it has, much more than his Digimon Dock, Eiji is able to transfer his three Tyrannomon to it as well. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-6

Satsuki Tamahime also has a Digimon Linker. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-15

Though not stated for each person, anyone else able to perform a Mindlink also has a Digimon Linker since Tomonori lied about needing one to be able to Mindlink. As such, he has given out lots of them.


The D-STORAGE is a digivice in Digimon Liberator and Digimon Liberator DEBUG.

They can be purchased from toy stores, card shops, amusement facilities, and the official Digimon Liberator website. They come in many different colors, and have varying designs. They come with a smart tag function, device locking options, and personal authentication so that each device is registered to its user — making it easy to know who owns it should it be lost, and making stealing them an less viable option.[15] After buying one, the player is given a free digital item as a bonus. The item is different depending on where it is bought from. This reward will be a common item, rather than anything rare. It also may not actually be an item, and instead just a small amount of in game money.[16]

Owners are able to use it to play the Digimon Liberator by logging in at arcades and full dive into LACUNA by connecting their D-STORAGE to the T.A.L.E. Welcome to LACUNA The game cannot be played unless the user has a D-STORAGE.[15]

When someone puts a card into the D-STORAGE, its sensors automatically scan said card and saves it as an in game item. Only four copies of a card can be scanned (outside certain exceptions), and players are only allowed to scan one card every 24 hours.[15]

The first time a player plays Digimon Liberator, the D-STORAGE creates a custom Tamer card for them. It takes their vital information such as birthday and blood type and gives them a choice of three abilities based on their personal information. The Tamer card then gains new abilities, or changes its abilities, depending on how the player plays the game. They can also earn rare abilities as rewards, either via winning battles or through events.[15] Players can customise their D-STORAGE, and can win cosmetic items to do so by beating NPCs.[17] Another reward is alt-art chips, which if used change a card to an alt-art version of that card (if it has one) though the higher the card's rarity, the more chips it needs to change its art.[15]

When playing the game, the device acts as a smartphone — allowing players to both make calls, text message their friends, and receive messages from the game's staff.[15] It stores the player's ID and allows them to choose their memory color. It also saves information on their progress of the game's storyline. Players can choose one card in their deck to act as their partner, with the Digimon sealed inside the card coming out and joining the player. They can switch their partner to a different one at any time.[18] Originally, players could only talk to their Digimon if they were outside of the device. After the one week maintenance, players were given the ability to talk to their Digimon whilst they're inside the device — this coming thanks to extensive testing by certain players.[19] Members of the debug team get given their own unique emblems, which get put into their D-STORAGE. This allows them to digivolve their partners outside of duels. Select Few (Part 1) The player can access a personal library on the device to check information on the game such as their battle records, and edit their decks. The in game item list is limited to only 100 items, though this doesn't include trading cards.[15]

It can store Lacuna Coins, LC for short, which are used to buy items in the game. These can be earned in many ways, such as winning battles, selling cards/items, or working as part time job within the game.[15]

It can create portals to allow fast travel to any hub that is within the current area they're in, though this comes with a limited amount of usage and must be replenished by buying more portals from the shop or getting them as rewards.[15]

When two players agree to duel, their D-STORAGEs connect and create a virtual battle space so that they may duel each other. It sets their security, keeps track of their memory, and allows them to hold virtual versions of their cards in their hands during the duel. When playing a card, the D-STORAGE summons them from the card, temporarily unsealing them so that they may do battle.

Real Digimon can enter the D-STORAGE and set themselves as the owner's partner. They can talk whilst still inside it, and can merge their consciousness with cards played on the field causing them to temporarily become that Digimon. Out of Control (Part 1) Out of Control (Part 2)

Outside the game, it can be used as a deck box and has space for 55 cards.[15] It has a built in memory gauge, and players can check and edit the contents of their deck in real life. The D-STORAGE allows players to register for tournaments both in real life and in the game and since it already has all of the player's details and decks inside it, signing up is very fast. It has a pedometer, which gives players step goals. If they complete the needed amount of steps, the player is given a ticket that can be used to get a new item in game. This feature is intended to encourage players to exercise when they're not playing the game.[16]

The D-STORAGE can connect to smartphones, and so in places where the player cannot take their D-STORAGE with them — such at at school or at home — they can check they can use some of the D-STORAGE features via their phone such as in game news/what events are currently happening in the game. If a player's smartphone is connected to their D-STORAGE, their social media accounts will be connected to their in game profile. If a player's post becomes viral (though only those using game related hashtags) they will receive rewards in game. These rewards are usually rare, and some players have become influencers due to how popular their posts became. Since a player's account is linked to their social media pages, misusing social media will come with punishments such as suspensions, tournament disqualifications, or even their Liberator account being banned.[16]

See also[]

Notes and references[]
