


Digimon (デジモン Dejimon?), short for "Digital Monster" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā?), are mysterious lifeforms that were discovered in the Computer Network in 1997.[1] They are central to the Digimon franchise. The word "Digimon" is typically invariable in the plural, though there are some cases where the term is pluralized as "Digimons". Digimon include almost all the creatures that reside within a parallel universe called the "Digital World." There are many different species of Digimon, as well as unconfirmed and new generations of Digimon yet to be revealed. The number of Digimon species continuously increases as the Digital World expands each year.

Quick Answers

What is the origin of the term 'Digimon'? toggle section
The term 'Digimon' is derived from the franchise of the same name, and is a combination of 'Digital Monsters'. This signifies the digital origin of these creatures. The term encompasses the diverse digital creatures in the Digimon universe, each possessing unique attributes and types.
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In what year were Digimon creatures first discovered? toggle section
The mysterious lifeforms known as Digimon, an abbreviation for Digital Monsters, were initially discovered in the Computer Network in 1997. They form the core of the Digimon franchise and inhabit a parallel universe termed the Digital World.
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What is the Digital World in the Digimon franchise? toggle section
In the Digimon franchise, the Digital World is a fictional universe parallel to Earth, closely tied to Earth's telecommunications networks. This interdimensional space's reality fluctuates, shaped by the perceptions of those within it. The digital lifeforms, Digimon, were created in the late 1980s by young programmers as an AI experiment. The Digital World is segmented into ten regions, each symbolizing one of the world's ten elements.
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How many different species of Digimon are there? toggle section
The Digital World, home to the Digimon creatures, constantly expands, leading to an increase in the number of Digimon species each year. The exact count remains unspecified due to the continuous emergence of new Digimon generations. However, a particular game cites the existence of 337 Digimon.
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Are there any Digimon that look like humans? toggle section
Several Digimon possess the ability to assume human form, often as a strategy to evade detection in the Human World. This transformation usually impacts their combat abilities. This trait is generally specific to individual Digimon rather than a common species attribute. Examples include Meicrackmon, which has a feminine humanoid appearance, and Garudamon, which resembles a giant humanoid eagle.
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Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs (デジタマ Degitama?). They age via a process called "Digivolution" which changes their appearance and increases their physical powers. Some Digimon act feral, like wild animals. Most, however, possess intelligence, speech, and personality traits like humans. It was mentioned that, if a partner Digimon were to be separated from their partner, then they would start to become weaker. An example of this is Yolei Inoue's partner, Poromon. When Yolei is away in Kyoto, Poromon begins to feel weaker each day. A Chance Encounter

Digimon consist of a DigiCore, a Wire-frame model, and their appearance on top of said model as a texture. As such, there is nothing else other than the wire-frame and texture — for example there is nothing under Angemon's mask other than wire-frame. However, if Angemon's mask were to be ever taken off, its DigiCore would replace its now removed mask with a newly created face.[2]

The first Digimon vpet introduces the Digimon life cycle: they develop in a similar fashion to real living organisms, but do not die under normal circumstances because they are made of reconfigurable data. Old Digimon and Digimon who receive fatal wounds dissolve into infinitesimal bits of data. The data then recomposes itself as a Digi-Egg, and the Digimon goes through its life cycle again. Digimon who are reincarnated in this way will sometimes retain some or all their memories of their previous lifespan.

In the Digimon Adventure universe, this cycle of reincarnation can be interrupted if the Digimon dies in the Real World,[please confirm] although the system-wide Reboot allowed such Digimon to finally be reincarnated. In addition, when a human dies in that universe, any Digimon partnered to it die as well.[please confirm] In addition, when a DigiDestined runs out of potential, their partner will cease to exist. This usually happens when they become an adult, though Menoa Bellucci lost hers when she was 14. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna These Digimon can still come back however, as Taichi "Tai" Kamiya, Yamato "Matt" Ishida, and Sora Takenouchi lost their partners in 2010 Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna but regained them at some point before 2028. A Million Points of Light Human death causing their partner to die also applies to the Digimon Survive universe.

In the Digimon Tamers and Digimon Data Squad universes, the Digimon's data can be downloaded or absorbed by other Digimon, resulting in a permanent death.[please confirm]

In some media, such as Digimon Fusion, series directed by Hiroyuki Kakudo, and games produced by Kazumasa Habu, Digimon were not born as a result of humans creating computers, and instead always existed, living alongside humans, though in another dimension, becoming visible to humans once they created computers and digital technology. Digimon may have been manifested through magic or sorcery, through the ancient art of Onmyōdō, subjugating them as shikigami, yōkai, or demons, but is now accomplished digitally, making them Digital Monsters.[3] In Digimon Tamers, Digimon were created by Humans. Chiaki J. Konaka stated in 2021 however that this wasn't actually the case and Digimon instead spawned from things such as human databases about ancient myths and Gods and the Humans forged the data claiming they created Digimon.[4]

In Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory, one of Jimmy KEN's fans explains that he is able to change the size of his Digimon, a Varodurumon, manually.[5]


Main article: Digivolution

Digivolution is a legendary power,[6] and the process by which a Digimon "ages" and grows up into larger and more powerful forms. Although the word "Digivolution" is a portmanteau for "Digital Evolution", Digivolution is in fact more similar to metamorphosis in that Digivolution changes a Digimon from one form to another, sometimes wildly disparate form, very quickly.

Digivolution for Digimon is similar to aging for humans—it is generally a one-way journey whereby a Digimon will grow into a new form as they age and gain battle experience and data. However, moving from one form to another becomes progressively more difficult. Therefore, very few Digimon will ever naturally digivolve into their final most powerful forms.

However, for the Digimon who are partnered with human allies such as Tamers or DigiDestined, Digivolution becomes far more flexible. Digimon who form bonds with a human are able to digivolve more easily, generally through the use of a Digivice owned by the human. In such cases, the Digimon is channeled large amounts of energy and is therefore able to instantaneously digivolve to a higher level. However, these Digimon will generally de-digivolve or degenerate back into a lower form after a fight. Digimon partnered to humans are also commonly able to use special forms of Digivolution not naturally available, giving these Digimon many different forms. These include Armor Digivolution and Biomerge Digivolution.

In some cases, Digimon have also been granted the ability to digivolve into higher forms by other, very powerful Digimon. In Digimon Tamers, Impmon is able to digivolve into his Mega form by using power given to him by Zhuqiaomon. Motorcycle Madness Calumon is also able to help Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon digivolve, and with the help of the DigiGnomes he was even able to trigger the Digivolution of Digimon throughout the entire Digital World in order to prepare for the upcoming fight against the D-Reaper, because he is the concept of Digimon, the "Digi-Entelechies", given form.

During Digivolution, a Digimon's appearance changes, and many of its other classifications (such as attribute and family) also sometimes do. The Digimon's fighting ability increases significantly, and the resulting Digimon is considered to be of a different species. However, Digimon species which are connected through Digivolution are generally similar in appearance. For example, Agumon is a small dinosaur-like Digimon; one of his Digivolved forms is Greymon, a much larger fully-grown dinosaur, and then MetalGreymon, a large armored and winged dinosaur. However, Digimon can sometimes digivolve into forms that appear very different. Salamon is a dog-like Digimon but can digivolve into Gatomon, a cat-like Digimon. Gatomon is able to further digivolve into Angewomon, a bipedal winged angel.


In all Digimon media except for Digimon Fusion, Digimon do not have physical gender, and reproduce not through sexual reproduction but through a universal system of data recycling. Furthermore, although several species of Digimon have obvious femininity or masculinity in their species name or secondary sex characteristics, such as LadyDevimon or BanchoLeomon, any discussion of an archetypical member of that species will use the pronoun "it", as done in Digimon World Data Squad. The concept is directly explained by two major sources: Chiaki J. Konaka's official Digimon Tamers character design notes for Renamon, and by Renamon herself when she states that "Digimon aren't divided into gender."

Despite their lack of physical gender, as characters the individual Digimon will often be addressed according to male or female gender roles, unless they behave as a mindless animal. Konaka alludes to this by explaining that "gender seems fairly easy to identify in Digimon."[citation needed] However, these gender roles vary from character to character despite any apparent genderedness of their design; for example, the "Renamon of Digimon Tamers and the Renamon of Digimon World Data Squad are almost identical, down to their voices, but are treated as if they female and male, respectively; this continues for the "male" Renamon even when he digivolves into more powerful forms with female secondary sex characteristics, like LadyDevimon or Lilithmon.

Unlike in previous series, Digimon Fusion does not depict any real difference between how gender works for humans and for Digimon. Digimon couple and reproduce sexually,[7] form romantic relationships between genders,[8] and have distinct physical genders.[9] When both male and female members of a species appear, they are either depicted with obviously different designs between males and females, as with Beastmon or Mervamon and Ignitemon, or they lack secondary sex characteristics altogether.


The name of a Digimon species is usually based on its form, and may be a pun. For example, Hyokomon's name and design are derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia for unsteady steps (「ひょこひょこ」 "Hyokohyoko"?), as well as the Chick (Gallus gallus domesticus) ( Hiyoko?). The species's name almost always ends in "-mon".

Digimon generally do not have individual names, and are instead simply referred to by the name of their species. So the word "Agumon", depending on the context it's used in, can either refer to the Digimon species or a single individual Digimon of that species. The Centarumon in Digimon Adventure and the Centarumon in Digimon Frontier share the same name because they are of the same species. However, they are not the same individual, and are different in appearance and voice.

When a Digimon digivolves and assumes a new form, its name changes to match the species of its new form. However, it is still the same individual, despite having a different name.

Some Digimon are given names or nicknames separate from their species, such as Zeromaru from Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.


Digimon species are given many different classifications. With the exception of level, these are generally only important in the Digimon card game, and play a very small role in Digimon anime.


Digimon species are classified by their "digivolution level", which is sometimes translated as "generation".

Digimon generally hatch out of Digi-Eggs (デジタマ DejiTama?, lit. "Digi-Tama"[10]) as Fresh level Digimon, the lowest and weakest level, roughly equivalent to human infants. Most Digimon of this level are small and do not have well-defined body parts.

Eventually, Fresh Digimon digivolve to the In-Training level, a slightly bigger and more complex form that generally still has undefined body parts.

In the anime, most Digimon encountered are of the Rookie or Champion level, with Ultimate and Mega-level Digimon being progressively rarer. Digimon of one Digivolution level are generally far stronger than Digimon of the previous level. There are exceptions where a Digimon has been able to defeat an opponent of a higher level. There are also cases, such as with Lucemon, Arcadiamon and the Awakened forms of the Sistermons, where a Digimon is far more powerful than what its actual Digivolution level would imply. The opposite can also happen, as Sukamon and Numemon are seen as some of the weakest Digimon in existence, despite being Champion level.

For most Digimon, there are six Digivolution levels:

  1. Fresh, Baby, In-Training I, Training I, or Infancy I (幼年期I Yōnenki I?, lit. "Childhood I"), officially translated as "Baby I"
  2. In-Training, In-Training II, Training II, or Infancy II (幼年期II Yōnenki II?, lit. "Childhood II"), officially translated as "Baby II"
  3. Rookie (成長期 Seichōki?, lit. "Youth"), officially translated as "Child"
  4. Champion (成熟期 Seijukuki?, lit. "Adolescence"), officially translated as "Adult"[11]
  5. Ultimate (完全体 Kanzen-tai?, lit. "Perfect form"), officially translated as "Perfect"
  6. Mega (究極体 Kyūkyoku-tai?, lit. "Ultimate form"), officially translated as "Ultimate"

In some media, there is a level beyond Mega named "Ultra" (超究極体 Choukyuukyoku-tai?, lit. "Super Ultimate form") or "Level VII". The Digimon that fall into this classification are generally considered Megas by other sources. Additionally, some media such as Digimon World DS merge the first two levels into a single unified "In-Training" (幼年期 Yōnenki?) level.

There are also levels which run parallel to the standard progression, the most notable being "Armor" and "Hybrid". The "Armor" level appeared in the Digimon Adventure 02 series and other media, and is reached when a Digimon uses a Digi-Egg to digivolve into an Armor Digimon. The English version of Digimon Card Game refers to it as "Armor Form" to avoid confusion with the Armor type. The "Hybrid" level contains several sub-levels and first appears in the Digimon Frontier series for Digimon who are formed by "Spirit Evolution".

In Digimon Fusion and its related media, Digimon have no level. The Digimon Reference Book and Digimon Heroes! initially classified Digimon introduced by this series as "Xros Wars" level, but the Reference Book later announced, on September 25, 2020, that they would be retconning all Xros Wars level Digimon to have standard levels and attributes.[12]

In Digimon Masters, a "Jogress" level is given to any Digimon obtained through Jogress Digivolution. It also introduced an "Xros" level for Digimon who are the result of DigiFuses, though a June 2020 update turned these Digimon into Jogress Digimon.

Mode Change[]

There are some Digimon species who have multiple "modes", and are able to "Mode Change" between them. Often, this involves going from their normal form to a special mode that is more powerful in some way. For example, Beelzemon and Beelzemon Blast Mode. A Digimon's different modes are generally very similar in appearance (in this case, Beelzemon Blast Mode is simply Beelzemon with a giant blaster on one arm, green eyes instead of red, and two pairs of wings (two large, two small). Another example is Gallantmon and Gallantmon Crimson Mode where Gallantmon Crimson Mode is Gallantmon with red armor, a spear and sword, and the cape being replaced by angelic wings.

Different modes of a Digimon are generally considered to be the same species. This is because a Digimon who goes through a Mode Change remains at the same Digivolution level (Imperialdramon Dragon Mode, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, and Imperialdramon Paladin Mode are all Mega level Digimon in all appearances, despite going through two Mode Changes), and retain the same name (except with a suffix giving the name of the new mode).

Although Mode Changing does not result in a change in a Digimon's species or level, it is considered a form of Digivolution. There are a few exception to this though. Lucemon, In Digimon Frontier, as well as most, if not all of its appearances in other media, the Mode Changes Lucemon goes though alter both his form and level; going from his regular Rookie level, to an Ultimate level in Chaos Mode, and then to Mega Level in Larva and Shadowlord Mode forms. Belphemon Sleep Mode's Mode Change to Belphemon Rage Mode in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its sequel Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory also alter the form and level, as Sleep Mode is a Mega, with Rage Mode being an Ultra. The same applies to Shadowlord Mode, though this time two levels are skipped due to Shadowlord being Ultra as well.

In Digimon Data Squad, the transition to Burst Mode is called "Burst Evolution", showing that this Mode Change is also considered to be a form of Digivolution.


Most Digimon species are classified into five attributes—Data, Vaccine, Virus, Free, and Variable. Most Digimon fall into the first three categories, with "Free" being rarer and "Variable" mostly exclusive to Hybrid Digimon. Some Digimon either have their attribute unidentified or lack them entirely.

Virus Digimon re-write the area they live in in order to create an environment that better suit them, Vaccine Digimon return the environments re-written by Virus Digimon back to normal, and Data Digimon adapt to the environment they live in.[13]

Free is usually seen in ancient Digimon and existed before the others whilst Variable belongs to the Legendary Warriors and can shift between the other attributes depending on the situation.[13]

The main three attributes serve to classify the personalities of the Digimon. The Vaccine Digimon tend to be crusaders, with a great determination to fight against evil and stop injustice, while the Virus Digimon tend to be violent, with a thirst for power and domination. Data Digimon, meanwhile, are usually neutral and focus on their own issues. These attributes have a Rock, Paper, Scissors arrangement where Virus is generally advantaged against Data, Data is advantaged against Vaccine and Vaccine is advantaged against Virus. However, these attributes don't play a very important role in Digimon fights. A Digimon can generally defeat an opponent regardless of attribute if it is stronger than the opponent in Digivolution level and experience. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its parallel story Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory incorporate the attribute triangle as a major gameplay mechanic, where Digimon deal double the damage against and receive half the damage from the attribute that they are strong against while also standardizing Free as outside the arrangement entirely, dealing and receiving normal damage from all attributes. All Digimon outside the main triangle, including Unidentified, Variable and Digimon without an Attribute at all are given the Free Attribute, likely for simplification in the two games.


Main article: Family

Digimon are also classified into different "Digimon families", a concept derived from the Digimon Pendulums. Although most of the card games present these classifications as an inherent trait of each Digimon species, this quality is usually ignored in the series fiction, with one exception: in Digimon Next, the DigiMemories are manifestations of the eight most prominent families, and serve as the archetypes of the various classes of Digimon. In other series, the families only ever recieve allusions from various concepts; for example, in the last arc of Digimon Adventure, the Dark Masters' armies are named after four of the families, and in Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01, the V-Tamer Tags which Tai Kamiya seeks are named after five of the families.

Each Digimon family have a different colored background in the Digital Monster Card Game and Digi-Battle Card Game, and the Digimon within a family usually have something in common. For example, the Dragon's Roar family consists of Digimon who resemble dragons.

These families become more important in the Digimon World Data Squad and DS Digimon Story games, where these families help determine what attacks Digimon are strong or weak to, as well as influence Digivolution requirements.


As another form of classification, all Digimon species are given a "Type". A Digimon's type is a loose categorization based on general characteristics such as physical appearance—e.g., Agumon is a "Reptile type" Digimon.

A Digimon species is usually classified into only one type. Some types, such as "Insectoid type", include dozens of Digimon, whilst others, such as "Ancient Insectoid type" are unique to only a single Digimon (in this case, AncientBeetlemon).

Like the family classification, type is considered to be a fairly trivial and unimportant classification. It has some minor gameplay effects in the Digimon card game. Type is referenced occasionally in the anime, particularly when a new Digimon species is introduced, but has little bearing on the action of the show.

Notes and references[]

  1. Digimon Visual Dictionary
  2. Digimon Designers’ Special Talk, Kenji Watanabe: It’s not that Angemon doesn't have a face, it’s just that the mask is part of its model. The moment you remove the mask, the model would be redone and rendered to show a face.
  3. Digimon Survive – Dev Diary | PS4, XB1, NSW, PC
  4. Digimon Tamers 1984-2001-2021"
  5. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory: "Dark Legend", "Ai's Hand for Lost Demon" [14], Studious Jimiken Fan: It's Varodurumon! It's actually massive, but I adjusted the size and made it smaller so I could show it to you here."
  6. Digimon Reference Book: OmegaShoutmon
  7. Cutemon is driven by the search to find and rescue his biological parents, and at one point angrily declares that he is a boy when confused for a girl.
  8. The heroes of the Jungle Zone, Stingmon and Lilamon are also in a committed relationship.
  9. While trying to convince Mikey to stay in the Digital World and help him become King, Shoutmon gets Lilymon to dance alluringly for Mikey, and calls her a "hot babe" in the Japanese version. He is Shoutmon, Hear Him Roar!
  10. Stated in the English translation of Digimon Seekers to be short for Digital Tamago.
  11. Seijukuki (成熟期?) is also translated as "Rare" in Digimon Collectors.
  12. デジモンウェブ公式 (@digimonweb_net). "更新のお知らせこの度クロスウォー に登場したデジモンたちに、成長段階と属性を追加するリニューアルを行います 更新は1週間を予定し、シャウトモンとガムドラモンも作業に参加 終了までしばらくお待ちくださいね #デジモン #Digimon ※更新作業中もデジモン図鑑は閲覧可能です" September 25, 2020, 4:00 AM. Tweet.
  13. 13.0 13.1 デジ基礎知識 デジモン図鑑の見方
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