

This article is about the nine "Crests" used in Digimon Adventure that represent the DigiDestined children's virtues. For the seven "Crests" that represent the Seven Deadly Sins, see Seven Great Demon Lords.
Digimon Adventure 2020 Crests

The eight Crests in Digimon Adventure:.

The Crests (紋章 Monshou?) refer to two things, the symbols of traits that the DigiDestined of Digimon Adventure embodied and drew power from as well as their physical manifestations in the form of small tablets which are then inserted into Tags, pendants worn around the neck. When the DigiDestined exhibit the trait of their crests, the Crest "glows", and its power is released to enable their Digimon partners to digivolve from their Champion to Ultimate level, or in specific cases, from Rookie to Mega level. However, should the DigiDestined loses said trait associated with them, then their Digimon partner is unable to digivolve into their stronger form, and in the worst case, de-digivolving into their weaker form. No Questions, Please Playing Games

Though they were often thought to be the catalyst of their digivolution to their higher forms, Apocalymon's destruction of the physical tags and crests prove them to have merely been focus points; the power of the crests lies within the DigiDestined themselves. However, said powers are returned to the Digital World sometime between Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02, temporarily taking away the ability of the Adventure DigiDestined's Digimon to digivolve past Champion. Fusion Confusion The ability is later restored thanks to the gift of one of Azulongmon's DigiCores, through Gennai. Dramon Power


A "Tag"

The physical Crests also exhibit special powers. For example, when Mimi Tachikawa should be knocked out by sleeping gas, her Crest shines and revives her, Wizardmon's Gift and when a prophecy requires Takeru "T.K." Takaishi and Kari Kamiya's partners to fire arrows, the arrows appear in beams of light from their Crests. Prophecy They can also project lasso like energy binds. This power is used against VenomMyotismon.

The Crests were originally stolen by Piedmon. At some point he presumably gave them to Devimon, who hid them on the continent of Server, except for the Crest of Light which was somehow in the possession of Myotismon. However the Digidestined were able to find them.

List of Crests[]

Crest of Courage[]

Crest of Courage
Crest of Courage

The Crest of Courage (勇気の紋章 Yuuki no Monshou?) is embodied by Taichi "Tai" Kamiya. Its emblem is a stylized sun.

It is the first Crest found, appearing in a cave wall after the DigiDestined flee Etemon's attacks and allowing them to escape the collapsing cavern. The Dark Network of Etemon It is normally used to digivolve Greymon into MetalGreymon, as well as to warp digivolve Agumon into WarGreymon. However, when Tai first tries to force Agumon to digivolve, the Crest is temporarily corrupted, turning black and causing Greymon to dark digivolve into SkullGreymon. The Arrival of Skullgreymon It first glows properly when Tai risks his own life to save Sora Takenouchi's when she is held captive by Datamon. The Earthquake of Metalgreymon

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Courage, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body. It is also the basis of the GeoGrey Sword's design, and is found on WarGreymon and Omnimon's Brave Shields, Omnimon Zwart's shield, KingEtemon's belt, and RizeGreymon X's wings.

Crest of Friendship[]

Crest of Friendship
Crest of Friendship

The Crest of Friendship (友情の紋章 Yuujou no Monshou?) is embodied by Yamato "Matt" Ishida. Its emblem resembles a yin-yang enclosed in a stylized eye.

It is tied for the fourth Crest found, appearing in a well just out outside of Piximon's domain alongside the Crest of Knowledge. The Piximon Cometh It is normally used to digivolve Garurumon into WereGarurumon, as well as to warp digivolve Gabumon into MetalGarurumon. It first shines when Matt realizes that Joe truly is his friend and refuses to abandon him. WereGarurumon's Diner His Crest also helps heal Taichi "Tai" Kamiya and WarGreymon when they are near death during the battle against Piedmon. The Crest of Friendship

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Friendship, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Love[]

Crest of Love
Crest of Love

The Crest of Love (愛情の紋章 Aijou no Monshou?) is embodied by Sora Takenouchi. Its emblem is a stylized heart.

It is the seventh Crest found, though it is in Datamon's possession, who then uses it in an attempt to create a Sora clone to strike back at Etemon. The Prisoner of the Pyramid It is used to digivolve Birdramon into Garudamon. It first shines when Sora allows Biyomon to digivolve and fight Myotismon despite her concern for Biyomon's safety, helping her get through the battle. Sora's Crest of Love

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Love, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Sincerity[]

Crest of Sincerity
Crest of Sincerity

The Crest of Sincerity (純真の紋章 Junshin no Monshou?, lit. "Crest of Purity"[1]) is embodied by Mimi Tachikawa. Its emblem is a stylized teardrop.

It is the third Crest found, appearing in the budding flower of a giant desert cactus. The Crest of Sincerity It is used to digivolve Togemon into Lillymon. It first shines when Mimi finally committed to upholding her promise to the Gekomon. Princess Karaoke It also revives Mimi from the sleep spell cast upon all the children Myotismon captures. Wizardmon's Gift

The official subs of Digimon Adventure 02 have renamed the crest the Crest of Purity.

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Sincerity, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Knowledge[]

Crest of Knowledge
Crest of Knowledge

The Crest of Knowledge (知識の紋章 Chishiki no Monshou?) is embodied by Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi. Its emblem is a stylized pair of spectacles, with one lens larger than the other.

It is tied for the fourth Crest found, appearing in a well just out outside of Piximon's domain alongside the Crest of Friendship. The Piximon Cometh It is used to digivolve Kabuterimon into MegaKabuterimon. It first shines after Izzy reclaims his curiosity from Vademon. No Questions, Please

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Knowledge, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Reliability[]

Crest of Reliability
Crest of Reliability

The Crest of Reliability (誠実の紋章 Seijitsu no Monshou?, lit. "Crest of Sincerity"[2][3].) is embodied by Joe Kido. Its emblem is a cross interspersed with four small trilaterals.

It is the second Crest found, appearing on a big rock, lying on the ground, with many rocks in a cage where Etemon traps the DigiDestined. Its obtainment also served as an escape route. The Arrival of Skullgreymon It is used to digivolve Ikkakumon into Zudomon. It first shines when Joe rescues Takeru "T.K." Takaishi from drowning despite not knowing how to swim and almost drowning as a result. City Under Siege His Crest's light also cuts an opening in Myotismon's fog bank.

Before they were taken down, the official subtitles for Digimon Adventure 02 from Toei Animation had referred to this crest as the Crest of Honesty.

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Reliability, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Hope[]

Crest of Hope
Crest of Hope

The Crest of Hope (希望の紋章 Kibou no Monshou?) is embodied by Takeru "T.K." Takaishi. Its emblem is a shooting star.

It is the sixth Crest found, appearing on a wall of a cliff which then served as an entrance into Etemon's base of operations. The Prisoner of the Pyramid It is used to digivolve Angemon into MagnaAngemon. It first shines when T.K. and Tokomon are reunited by Tai and Agumon after DemiDevimon had separated them with his lies about Matt not wanting to see T.K. ever again. Forget About It! It also provides the arrow that Angemon uses to help Gabumon warp digivolve into MetalGarurumon. Prophecy

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Hope, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body. It is also found on MagnaAngemon's forehead, Seraphimon's plackart, Knightmon and Greatest Cutemon's shields, and Knightmon, Knightmon Wise-Sword Mode, and Shoutmon X4K's capes. A stylized version appears on Knightmon's, Knightmon Wise-Sword Mode's, and Greatest Cutemon's breastplates.

Crest of Light[]

Crest of Light
Crest of Light

The Crest of Light (光の紋章 Hikari no Monshou?) is embodied by Kari Kamiya. Its emblem is a stylized star.

It is the eighth Crest found, though it and its associated Tag are already in Myotismon's possession by the time the DigiDestined realize its existence. Under Myotismon's command, copies are distributed among his followers and used to detect the, as of that time unknown, Eighth Child. With Kari, however, it is used to digivolve Gatomon into Angewomon. It first shines when Kari offers herself up to keep Phantomon from hurting her friends City Under Siege. Her Crest also produces the arrow of light needed to help Agumon warp digivolve into WarGreymon and acts as a conduit to help the disembodied spirit in the Digital World possess Kari. The Ultimate Clash In Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode, the Crest of Light also reacts when Taiga defeats Kari in the "Miko of Light" Free Battle. The Light Chip also has the power of the Crest of Light loaded in it.

When Gatomon digivolves to Angewomon to fight BigUkkomon, the Crest of Light is released from Kari's D3 as a part of the digivolution sequence. Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Light, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body. It is also the basis of the Tifaret emblem, which appears on Sakkakumon, Rosemon, Rosemon Burst Mode, and Babamon.

In Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (manga), the emblem of the Crest of Light appears on a computer monitor when Minerva is activated for the first time. Minerva and Leviathan!!

Crest of Kindness[]

Crest of Kindness
Crest of Kindness

The Crest of Kindness (優しさの紋章 Yasashisa no Monshou?) is embodied by Ken Ichijouji. Its emblem is a stylized rose bud.

It is the ninth Crest found, initially corrupted into being the energy source for the Digimon Emperor's base. The Harmonious Ones use it as the base of the Digi-Egg of Miracles, and it is found in its true form after the battle with Kimeramon. Though it is never used to digivolve Wormmon and its Tag is never found, it is used by Ken in an attempt to shut down the Digimon Emperor's base.

Strangely, this Crest (in both the English and Japanese versions) shows a form of sapience. In two episodes, The Darkness Before Dawn and The Crest of Kindness, the Crest speaks to Davis Motomiya, telling him that it believes in Ken and wants Davis to believe in him too, according to what Davis reveals to the others later. Davis even surmised by that point the crest was a manifestation of the goodness that was trapped in Ken, and as a result trusted it and Ken. In the Japanese version of The Crest of Kindness, the Crest speaks again after the defeat of the Emperor and only Davis can hear its voice, and he says that he heard a voice saying that it wished to return to where it truly belonged. The Crest then flies over to Ken, who is now free from the evil of the Emperor.

An amnesiac Ken takes the crest with him into the Digital World when he goes looking for Wormmon and his heart. Arriving in Primary Village, a Poyomon explains to him that this is the place where all Digimon are reborn and Wormmon would be there. Initially excited, Ken is unable to find Wormmon as he can not remember what his partner's Digi-Egg looks like and then is verbally hurt by the words of the baby forms of his former victims who are upset at him since he was the Digimon Emperor.

Realizing the cruelty he caused and the fact he can not remember any good memories, he forces himself to remember the first time he came to the Digital World and met Wormmon. Pushing past the residual influence of the Dark Spore, he is able to remember the person he used to be and the promise he made to Wormmon to always be that person. Sad that he broke the promise, he vows to himself that he will try to be the kind and gentle person that Wormmon and his brother wanted him to be. This sparks a reaction from the crest, which glows and causes a nearby Digi-Egg to glow—the Digi-Egg containing his partner, reuniting the pair. Genesis of Evil

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Kindness, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Miracles[]

Crest of Miracles
Crest of Miracles

The Crest of Miracles (奇跡の紋章 Kiseki no Monshou?) is a Crest exclusive to Digimon Adventure: Memorial Goods. Its emblem is a stylized footprint.

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Miracles, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body.

Crest of Destiny[]

Crest of Destiny
Crest of Destiny

The Crest of Destiny (運命の紋章 Unmei no Monshou?) is a Crest exclusive to Digimon Adventure: Memorial Goods. Its emblem is a stylized infinity symbol.

Its image is emblazoned on the Digi-Egg of Destiny, whose digivolutions may have the Crest somewhere on its body. It is also found on Kentaurosmon's forehead and cuisses.

Notes and references[]

  1. Some Japanese products use the localised term "Sincerity", such as the Megane Ichiba x Digimon Adventure tri. collaboration
  2. Bandai of Japan's official English translation for this crest, given on the Japanese Submarimon toy. This is reflected in "Break through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark!, in which Joe, after saving T.K. from drowning, reaffirms T.K. that he was sincere in his promise to T.K.'s mother that he would keep T.K. safe.
  3. Some Japanese products use the localised term "Reliability", such as the Megane Ichiba x Digimon Adventure tri. collaboration