

This article needs your LOVE

What's needed: story synopses, especially Data Squad

The Royal Knights (ロイヤルナイツ Roiyaru Naitsu?) are a group of thirteen Mega-level[1] Holy Warrior Digimon[2] that are the Digital World's sacred guardians,[3] and are famed among Digimon as guardian deities of the Computer Network.[4][5] The group was founded by Imperialdramon Paladin Mode,[6] and serves King Drasil.[7] Because the Royal Knights are assigned the highest rank of Network Security, it is absolutely impossible to violate Security in their presence.[8] With the notable exceptions of Gankoomon and Jesmon, the Royal Knights rarely intervene with the Digital World,[9] and tend to work alone when they do show their face;[10] however, based on a certain "Prophecy" handed down from the ancient Digital World, it is said that the Royal Knights will assemble at the time of the Digital World's greatest crisis.[5] King Drasil gathered the Royal Knights in order to manage the world, and it seems that its will will eventually lead the Royal Knights to cross Servers to the Digital World: Iliad Server and meet the Olympos XII face-to-face.[11] The group also has a natural rivalry with the Seven Great Demon Lords.[12][citation needed]

Most of the Royal Knights are Human Digimon, although there are a few with bestial forms.[13] Like historical knights, some of the Royal Knights are the lords of other types of Digimon,[3][14] or associate with a team of subordinates,[9][15][16][17] although they are all subservient to King Drasil. Furthermore, each of the Royal Knights possesses a dogma that it believes in.[18] Each of the Royal Knights also has an X-Antibody forms, and may have additional alternate Modes, which are still considered Royal Knights.

The final member of the Royal Knights, acquired its title through frequent, rigorous training at the direction of Gankoomon, its sponsor. It was originally a Hackmon in which Gankoomon saw promise, and as it traveled the Digital World alongside the Sistermon sisters, intervening in the world's incessant conflicts, it digivolved to BaoHuckmon, SaviorHuckmon, then finally, Jesmon.[11][9][19][20][21][10]


Some of the species that are members of the Royal Knights have also appeared as characters in other media, but are not members of the group.

Digimon Dogma Alternates


Alphamon Ouryuken

Alphamon NX


Craniamon X

Bringing about lasting peace justifies its means
Crusadermon X

Crusadermon NX

Deep, unquestioning loyalty to one's lord
Dynasmon X


Examon X

Chivalry and loyalty to one's lord
Gallantmon X

Gallantmon Crimson Mode

Gallantmon NX


Gankoomon X


Jesmon X

Jesmon GX


Kentaurosmon X

Justice equals power
Leopardmon X

Leopardmon Leopard Mode

Leopardmon NX


Magnamon X


Omnimon X

Omnimon Zwart

Omnimon NX


UlforceVeedramon X


Digimon Tamers[]


The official Toei profile for Gallantmon, published three months after the series aired, states that he is a member of the Royal Knights. However, the group is not mentioned within the narrative proper, and the anime's writer, Chiaki J. Konaka, stated in April 2018 that this was not part of his story.[22]

Main article: Gallantmon (Tamers)

Digimon Frontier[]

The Royal Knights are servants of the villain Lucemon, exchanging their loyalty for a path to the Human World in order to rule it. When Knights Fall... Lucemon sends the two Royal Knights forth from the Dark Area and tasks them with gathering the world's fractal code in order to free him. Cherubimania They begin their work gathering the data of each of the Digital World's ten areas, by destroying the key that locks it in place, before sending it back to the Dark Area. The pair are overwhelmingly strong, easily defeating EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon in their first clash. Throughout their campaign, they defeat and kill numerous allies of the DigiDestined, such as Baromon It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears and Angemon The Bully Pulpit. With each resulting clash, however, their margin of victory grows smaller, from what was once overwhelming to more or less evenly matched All Aboard The Tag Team Express to requiring Lucemon's aid to win. To Make The World Go Away

The Knights are ultimately successful in their goal to free Lucemon, who joins them for a brief period. To Make The World Go Away Lucemon sends the pair to finish off the Warriors, but they are finally defeated on the Yellow Moon. Before they can be purified, however, Lucemon takes advantage of their weakened state by absorbing their data so that he can digivolve to his next stage, Lucemon Chaos Mode. When Knights Fall...

Digimon Chronicle[]


Gallantmon X[]

Omnimon X[]

Main article: Omnimon X (Chronicle)


Kentaurosmon and Craniamon are sent to the old Digital World that had been decimated by the X-Program by King Drasil ten years earlier to preform a survey there to find out its current state, and are given the X-Antibody to help do this, turning them into Kentaurosmon X and Craniamon X. Over a Decade Later... The duo discover that the old Digital World had turned into a world of chaos, with Digimon fighting over who would get to rule different parts of the Digital World. When wanting to resolve the problem, the duo request another Royal Knight join them to make it easier, as they did not think they have enough power on their own, so Jesmon agrees to help them, and is given the X-Antibody as well, becoming Jesmon X. Ruin

When Jesmon suggests a battle royal, with the winners having the right to decide the future of the old Digital World, Kentaurosmon disagrees, as this would be too dangerous, leading Jesmon to suggest the trio join the battle to make sure no evil Digimon win. New Order

Due to being near to the middle of an explosion, Kentaurosmon and Craniamon were not able to help Examon in time, who ends up being defeated by Lilithmon. Upon their arrival to the Dark Area, a dark portal opened by Lucemon X summons the now X evolved Leviamon and Belphemon, and a fight ensues, during which even more evil Digimon escape the Dark Area. Conspiracy Daemon X then joins the battle, followed by UlforceVeedramon X to even up the sides once again. Knight Lord and V Eventually, the Royal Knights are able to defeat the Demon Lords. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter


Craniamon and Kentaurosmon are sent to the old Digital World that had been decimated by the X-Program by King Drasil to preform a survey there to find out its current state, and are given the X-Antibody to help do this, turning them into Kentaurosmon X and Craniamon X. Over a Decade Later... The duo discover that the old Digital World had turned into a world of chaos, with Digimon fighting over who would get to rule different parts of the Digital World. When wanting to resolve the problem, the duo request another Royal Knight join them to make it easier, as they did not think they have enough power on their own, so Jesmon agrees to help them, and is given the X-Antibody as well, becoming Jesmon X. Ruin When Jesmon suggests a battle royal, with the winners having the right to decide the future of the old Digital World, Craniamon agrees, as its has the spirit of a warrior. New Order

Due to being near to the middle of an explosion, Craniamon and Kentaurosmon were not able to help Examon in time, who ends up being defeated by Lilithmon. Upon their arrival to the Dark Area, a dark portal opened by Lucemon Chaos Mode summons the now X evolved Leviamon and Belphemon, and a fight ensues, during which even more evil Digimon escape the Dark Area. Conspiracy

Daemon X then joins the battle, followed by UlforceVeedramon X to even up the sides once again. Knight Lord and V Eventually, the Royal Knights are able to defeat the Demon Lords. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X Desperate Effort. Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter


After Kentaurosmon and Craniamon request another Royal Knight help them to stop the chaos in the old Digital World, Jesmon agrees to do so, and is given the X-Antibody, becoming Jesmon X. Ruin Jesmon's plan to stop the chaos was to enforce a rule over the battles for supremacy in that the winner gets to expand their territory, and that the Digimon with more territory had the right to decide on the future of the old Digital World. When Kentaurosmon rejects the idea, Jesmon suggests for the trio to join in the battles to make sure no evil Digimon won the battle royal, which Craniamon agrees to. New Order

During the battles, Lucemon and Beelzemon arrive to fight Jesmon, who is overwhelmed from the countless amount of evil Digimon fighting against it. Jesmon's master, Gankoomon, arrives to help Jesmon fight against the Demon Lords. Clash In retaliation, Lucemon summons Cherubimon (Evil) X and Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, and during the battle against the evil Digimon, the duo are defeated. Clash To the Death Magnamon X, Leopardmon X, and Dynasmon X arrive to help in the fight To the Death Signs of a Counteroffensive, though are unable to help the dying Gankoomon as they were too busy fighting evil Digimon, meaning Jesmon has to defend Gankoomon on its own. Before the evil Digimon could deliver the killing blow to Gankoomon, Gallantmon X suddenly arrives and kills some of the evil Digimon army attacking Gankoomon and Jesmon. Seeing that Gankoomon had been mortally wounded and was on the brink of death, Gallantmon and Jesmon give Gankoomon the X-Antibody, causing Gankoomon to X evolve to Gankoomon X, which also heals all of Gankoomon's wounds. Lucemon would then leave the battlefield upon seeing Gallantmon X, Jesmon X, and Gankoomon X. Saviors

As Dynasmon X fights against Cherubimon (Evil) X and Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, Ophanimon X and Cherubimon (Good) X arrive to help out the Royal Knights and fight against their evil counterparts, which allows Dynasmon to help Magnamon X in its fight against Beelzemon X. Two Lights / An Even Darker Scheme

As Jesmon protected the body of Gankoomon, the other Royal Knights defeat the Demon Lords, and then reconvene together Inconclusive Conclusion, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, Gankoomon finally wakes up and then teams up with Jesmon, and the duo fight back against the Diaboromon, however the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. After a failed suicidal attack by Alphamon Ouryuken, Omnimon X, and Gallantmon X, Gankoomon realises they were not strong enough to defeat Ogudomon, and has Jesmon absorb all of Gankoomon's powers, which causes Jesmon X to digivolve to Jesmon GX. New X-Evolution / Final Battle Jesmon GX was more powerful than Ogudomon X, however Ogudomon's power of darkness began to overwhelm Jesmon GX, who decides to go onto the defensive. As Jesmon GX starts to struggle, the defeated Royal Knights send their remaining power to Jesmon GX and Jesmon GX channels their power into its "Knights Intruder" attack, and uses it to kill Ogudomon X. The Seven Great Demon Lords are freed from the dying Ogudomon X, and use the last of their powers to escape back to the Dark Area. King Drasil then agrees to the wish of the Battle Royal winner, and removes the barrier between the old and new Digital Worlds. Final Chapter


Examon was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

Examon is later requested to help Anubismon deal with the large group of Digimon trying to escape the Dark Area, where Anubismon had sealed them. When arriving, Examon kills large amounts of the evil Digimon, though eventually begins to become overwhelmed by the large amount of evil Digimon trying to escape. During the battle, Lilithmon acquires the X-Antibody, becomes Lilithmon X, and then defeats Examon. With the Royal Knight defeated, large amounts of the evil Digimon are able to break out of the Dark Area. The Opened Gate of Darkness Before Lilithmon can kill Examon, Hououmon X appears and attacks Lilithmon. As Hououmon protects Examon, Examon feels ashamed at having to be protected, and creates an X-Antibody, using it to X evolve to Examon X. The duo then continue the battle against Lilithmon. Overcome Eventually, the Royal Knights are able to defeat the Demon Lords. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

Magnamon X[]

Magnamon X was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

After the defeats of Examon, Jesmon X, and Gankoomon at the hands of the Seven Great Demon Lords, King Drasil sends Magnamon X, Dynasmon X, UlforceVeedramon X, and Leopardmon X in retaliation. To the Death As Jesmon X continues to fight back against Cherubimon (Evil) X, Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, Lucemon X and Beelzemon X following the defeat of Gankoomon, Magnamon X, Leopardmon X, and Dynasmon X arrive to help, Signs of a Counteroffensive and Magnamon fights against Beelzemon, though due to this, Magnamon was unable to help Jesmon protect the dying Gankoomon.

As Dynasmon X fights against Cherubimon (Evil) X and Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, Ophanimon X and Cherubimon (Good) X arrive to help out the Royal Knights and fight against their evil counterparts, which allows Dynasmon to help Magnamon X in its fight against Beelzemon X. Two Lights / An Even Darker Scheme The two Royal Knights are then able to defeat Beelzemon. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter


Gankoomon was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

Gankoomon later joins the battle to help its student, Jesmon, against Lucemon and Beelzemon. Clash In retaliation, Lucemon summons Cherubimon (Evil) X and Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, and during the battle against the evil Digimon, the duo are defeated. To the Death Magnamon X, Leopardmon X, and Dynasmon X arrive to help in the fight Signs of a Counteroffensive, though are unable to help the dying Gankoomon as they were too busy fighting evil Digimon, meaning Jesmon has to defend Gankoomon on its own. Before the evil Digimon could deliver the killing blow to Gankoomon, Gallantmon X suddenly arrives and kills some of the evil Digimon army attacking Gankoomon and Jesmon. Seeing that Gankoomon had been mortally wounded and was on the brink of death, Gallantmon and Jesmon give Gankoomon the X-Antibody, causing Gankoomon to X evolve to Gankoomon X, which also heals all of Gankoomon's wounds. Lucemon would then leave the battlefield. Saviors

As Jesmon protected the body of Gankoomon, the other Royal Knights defeat the Demon Lords, and then reconvene together Inconclusive Conclusion, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, Gankoomon finally wakes up and then teams up with Jesmon, and the duo fight back against the Diaboromon, however the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. After a failed suicidal attack by Alphamon Ouryuken, Omnimon X, and Gallantmon X, Gankoomon realises they were not strong enough to defeat Ogudomon, and has Jesmon absorb all of Gankoomon's powers, which causes Jesmon X to digivolve to Jesmon GX. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

Dynasmon X[]

Dynasmon X was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

After the defeats of Examon, Jesmon X, and Gankoomon at the hands of the Seven Great Demon Lords, King Drasil sends Magnamon X, Dynasmon X, UlforceVeedramon X, and Leopardmon X in retaliation. To the Death

As Jesmon X continues to fight back against Cherubimon (Evil) X, Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, Lucemon X and Beelzemon X following the defeat of Gankoomon, Magnamon X, Leopardmon X, and Dynasmon X arrive to help Signs of a Counteroffensive, and Magnamon fights against Beelzemon. Dynasmon X fights against Cherubimon (Evil) X and Ophanimon Falldown Mode X, and due to fighting the evil Digimon, Dynasmon was unable to help Jesmon protect the dying Gankoomon. Ophanimon X and Cherubimon (Good) X arrive to help out the Royal Knights and fight against their evil counterparts, which allows Dynasmon to help Magnamon X in its fight against Beelzemon X. Two Lights / An Even Darker Scheme The two Royal Knights are then able to defeat Beelzemon. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

Leopardmon X[]

Leopardmon X was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

After the defeats of Examon, Jesmon X, and Gankoomon at the hands of the Seven Great Demon Lords, King Drasil sends Magnamon X, Dynasmon X, UlforceVeedramon X, and Leopardmon X in retaliation. To the Death Signs of a Counteroffensive Due to fighting the evil Digimon, Leopardmon was unable to help Jesmon protect the dying Gankoomon.

After Gallantmon X arrived and helped Gankoomon to X evolve to Gankoomon X, Gallantmon X tells Leopardmon to aide in the other battles as OmniShoutmon and RizeGreymon would be arriving as reinforcements. Leopardmon agrees, and leaves to help Crusadermon X in its battle against Barbamon X and AxeKnightmon X. Saviors The two Royal Knights defeat Barbamon, after which AxeKnightmon flees. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

UlforceVeedramon X[]

UlforceVeedramon X was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

After the defeats of Examon, Jesmon X, and Gankoomon at the hands of the Seven Great Demon Lords, King Drasil sends Magnamon X, Dynasmon X, UlforceVeedramon X, and Leopardmon X in retaliation. To the Death

UlforceVeedramon X would join Craniamon X and Kentaurosmon X in their fight against Belphemon X, Leviamon X, and Daemon X. The Royal Knights would eventually defeat the Demon Lords. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

Crusadermon X[]

Crusadermon X was present during the meeting when Kentaurosmon and Craniamon presented their findings on the old Digital World to King Drasil and the other Royal Knights. Ruin

Whilst Barbamon X and AxeKnightmon X fought against each other over the rights to the treasures in the new Digital World, Crusadermon X arrived, and joined in the battle to try and defeat both of them. Knight Lord and V After Gallantmon X helped Gankoomon to X evolve to Gankoomon X, Gallantmon X told Leopardmon X to aide in the other battles as OmniShoutmon and RizeGreymon would be arriving as reinforcements. Leopardmon agreed, and left to help Crusadermon X. Saviors The two Royal Knights then team up to defeat Barbamon, after which AxeKnightmon flees. Inconclusive Conclusion

All of the Royal Knights then reconvene together Inconclusive Conclusion, though after sensing trouble they are attacked by seven Diaboromon X, each wielding a member of the Demon Lords as a sword, as Lucemon's final plan had been to have the Diaboromon absorb them all. During the battle against the seven Diaboromon, the Diaboromon all fuse together into Ogudomon X. Desperate Effort Lucemon had planned all along to become part of Ogudomon X and destroy the Digital World, leading to the evil Digimon and good Digimon all teaming together to try and defeat Ogudomon X and prevent it from doing so. New X-Evolution / Final Battle As Jesmon GX struggles against Ogudomon X, the Royal Knights send the last of their remaining power to Jesmon GX, who uses it to kill Ogudomon X, though the Demon Lords escape back to the Dark Area. Final Chapter

Digital Monster X-Evolution[]

The Royal Knights are protectors of the Digital World, and initially serve the super computer King Drasil. They are able to confer through thirteen video screens that appear within King Drasil's domain.

During the movie, King Drasil's forces are enacting "Project Ark", which is designed to reduce the overload of data by transplanting a small amount of Digimon to a "new Digital World", and allowing the rest to perish with the destruction of the old world. However, this plan is disrupted when some of the abandoned Digimon acquire the X-Antibody, which allows them to survive in the new Digital World. To fix this, King Drasil sends the Royal Knights to eliminate the interlopers. Gallantmon opposed this genocide, and is killed for it, which fosters doubt in Omnimon, eventually causing him to help the mysterious Dorumon, who is revealed as Alphamon, a legendary member of the Royal Knights. The pair confronts King Drasil, and in the end, Omnimon must save the Digital World by destroying his master.


Omnimon is a member of the Royal Knights who is loyal to King Drasil, and initially carries out Project Ark to the letter.

When Gallantmon confronted Omnimon about King Drasil, Omnimon was unwilling to disobey King Drasil and ended up dueling and killing Gallantmon. Shaken by his friend's death, Omnimon began to question King Drasil's sovereignty. It was only when Alphamon saves Omnimon's life by giving him the X-Antibody that Omnimon leaves King Drasil. He then transforms into Omnimon X and destroys King Drasil with his All Delete, which resets the Digital World as a result.

After Alphamon Ouryuken sacrifice against Dexmon, Omnimon gains Alphamon's X-Antibody and, taking his new form, sees King Drasil's actions for what they are. He destroys King Drasil with All Delete, resetting the Digital World. Afterward, he shares a few words with his ally, Gallantmon X.

In Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode he reappears alongside Gallantmon X.


Gallantmon is a member of the Royal Knights who questioned the intentions of the host computer, King Drasil. Because of this, Gallantmon acted individually, and tried to convince his close friend Omnimon that they were just being used and that their master King Drasil's Project Ark was more than it seemed. However, Omnimon refused to listen, and killed Gallantmon in a duel and is revealed that Gallantmon wanted to be deleted so that he may further investigate King Drasil's intentions. Gallantmon was soon reborn as Gallantmon X, with the X-Antibody.

Gallantmon X appeared to help Dorugreymon, WarGreymon X, MetalGarurumon X, and the others fight off the great numbers of DexDoruGreymon and ordered the others to lead them out of the hidden road, and that DoruGreymon will stay and help him fight off the remaining enemies. DoruGreymon asked him why he existed and if he was dead, none of the dangers would have happened.

Gallantmon X asked him if he wanted to know the reason he existed and opened the gate to King Drasil's lair. After Omnimon X destroyed King Drasil, which caused the Digital World to reset, Gallantmon X is seen surveying the landscape along with Omnimon X. Then Gallantmon X said to Omnimon X that he was beginning to understand the reason behind Project Ark. Gallantmon X said that King Drasil generally intervened in the Digital World, but the world is a complex place, and that is where it thought about 'fixing it'.Omnimon X asked him if that was really Project Ark, and Gallantmon X told Omnimon that it was the most likely reason behind it. Gallantmon X said that was the time it thought up the experimental being, Dorumon,and they were merely just pawns of King Drasil's plan and King Drasil merely wanted to live, and said that from now on, all the digimon can be happy.

In Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode he reappears alongside Omnimon X.


Magnamon remains fiercely loyal to King Drasil throughout the movie, and is the one who captures Dorugamon and brings him to King Drasil. When Alphamon and Omnimon go to stop King Drasil, Magnamon professes that he still believes in their leader, but does nothing to stop them besides warning King Drasil.


Crusadermon participates in the conference with the other Royal Knights, and agrees with Omnimon's suggestion to press the offensive against the X Digimon.


Digimon D-Cyber[]

Ten thousand years ago the "Holy Knights" defeated Dexmon and sealed it away as a DigiCore. Years later, a virus infects the Digital World, and only those with the X-Antibody survive. The three surviving Royal Knights become allies of the Tamers—Omega of Power (Omnimon X), Duke of Courage (Gallantmon X) and Magna of Miracles (Magnamon X). Dorumon is later revealed to be their lost leader, Alphamon.


Gallantmon X[]

Magnamon X[]

Main article: Magnamon X (D-Cyber)

Omnimon X[]

Main article: Omnimon X (D-Cyber)

Digimon Data Squad[]


Nine of the Royal Knights in the second opening

In Digimon Data Squad, the Royal Knights are again King Drasil's subordinates. Digimon Data Squad also depicts the largest gathering of Royal Knights, with nine out of thirteen making an appearance.

Before the events of the series, King Drasil decides that due to humanity's crimes (most of which are in fact Akihiro Kurata's doing), it is too dangerous to be allowed to live. Though he is convinced to wait by Dr. Spencer Damon, the imminent collision of the Human and Digital Worlds prompts him to move forward with the plan, and he sends the Knights to eliminate humanity. Before they begin, the Knights encounter and defeat the DATS, but are prevented from finishing them off due to the intervention of the rogue knight Kentaurosmon (who is revealed to be Commander Richard Sampson's Kudamon).

The destruction of the human world begins immediately afterwards, starting with a battle between Gallantmon and Kentaurosmon, which ended with both being sealed in ice. LoadKnightmon and Leopardmon fall in battle, and Craniamon is defeated by the DATS, even though he was using King Drasil's power, showing him that his sovereign is not absolute.

Craniamon then goes to the Human World to replace BanchoLeomon, who was holding the two worlds apart. Eventually, the other Knights also decide to defy King Drasil, and join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart. After King Drasil is defeated, they thank the humans and return to the Digital World.


Craniamon is the closest Royal Knight to King Drasil, and carries out his orders without question. It is revealed that long before the events of the series, he was defeated in battle by Spencer Damon and BanchoLeomon, prior to their encounter with King Drasil.

Shortly after Belphemon is destroyed, Craniamon listens to King Drasil's arguments for humanity's destruction, and agrees with his master's decision. He was the first Royal Knight to face the members of DATS in battle, and he overpowers them until Marcus activates Burst Digivolution, digivolving ShineGreymon into ShineGreymon Burst Mode. The tide of the battle turns, but is halted by the arrival of Gallantmon and the other Royal Knights, who defeat the DATS in one attack. King Drasil then arrives and commands the Royal Knights to destroy the DATS, but they are interrupted by Kentaurosmon, who escapes to the Human World with the DATS.

Craniamon battles the DATS members again, this time with the impenetrable Omni-Shield given to him by King Drasil. However, the power of all of the DATS' Burst Modes is able to shatter the shield, convincing Craniamon that King Drasil's power is not absolute. Craniamon forfeits the battle, and allows the DATS to face King Drasil. He later travels to Mt. Fuji and replaces BanchoLeomon in holding the Digital and human worlds apart.

He struggled with this task until King Drasil's arrival at Mt. Fuji, when he is joined by the other Knights, and they learn of King Drasil's real plan. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


Dynasmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

Later, Dynasmon was seen attacking New York City along with the Royal Knights' army of Knightmon. He had a short conversation with Magnamon about Craniamon's battle with DATS, but remained confident of victory after assurances by Magnamon.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and join in questioning their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


Gallantmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

Gallantmon pursues and easily defeats the DATS team, and is about to finish them off, when Kentaurosmon intervenes. A brief scuffle ensues and is ended by Kentaurosmon using "Icy Breath" to freeze both of them in a giant block of ice. Gallantmon attempts to prevent this, but fails, and they fall into the sea alive but incapacitated.

In the last few episodes, Gallantmon and Kudamon join the other Knights at Mt. Fuji as Gallantmon explains that he understands why Kentaurosmon had left them, and that Kentaurosmon had used his D.N.A. to free the two of them. The Knights then question their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. Gallantmon attempts to attack King Drasil, but is thrown back. Craniamon weakens due to King Drasil's attacks, so the other Royal Knights join him in holding the two worlds apart while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights return to the Digital World.



During King Drasil's campaign to destroy the human world, Leopardmon presented himself to King Drasil, and was allowed to join the battle. Leopardmon then appeared in Japan, and attacked Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda, Keenan Crier, and their partners, Rosemon and Ravemon.

During the battle, Leopardmon gave his opponents an insight to the Royal Knights' sense of justice, stating that saving the Digital World was a task worthy of even sacrificing its own inhabitants. Determined to save Marcus Damon's family, Yoshino and Keenan empowered their partners into Rosemon Burst Mode and Ravemon Burst Mode, respectively. The two digimon then defeated Leopardmon. The Strategic Knight was then reverted into a Digiegg which was pulled back into the Digital World.


LoadKnightmon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away.

LoadKnightmon also participated in the attack on the human world, commanding an army of Knightmon. When Thomas H. Norstein and MirageGaogamon held back an attack on an airport, LoadKnightmon appeared personally and overwhelmed both them and Commander-General Homer Yushima's partner, Shawjamon. It was only when Thomas activated MirageGaogamon's digivolution to Burst Mode that LoadKnightmon was defeated. The Knight reverted to a Digi-Egg, which was pulled back into the Digital World.


Magnamon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. Magnamon is later seen in a conversation with Dynasmon, assuring him of Craniamon's victory over ShineGreymon.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their masters sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


Omnimon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. Omnimon is later seen attacking a city in the Human World, and briefly reappears when King Drasil is expelled from Spencer's body.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their master, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


UlforceVeedramon is introduced when the DATS first encountered the Royal Knights and King Drasil. The Royal Knights are ordered by King Drasil to destroy the DATS, but were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kentaurosmon, who carried the DATS away. He is also seen attacking Egypt with a Knightmon battalion, and makes a brief appearance when King Drasil is expelled from Spencer Damon's body.

When King Drasil heads to Mt. Fuji to destroy the Human World, the Royal Knights follow and question their master's sovereignty, resulting in King Drasil's imperfection being revealed. The other Royal Knights then join Craniamon in holding the two worlds apart, since he is weakening against King Drasil's attacks, while the DATS fend off King Drasil. After King Drasil is defeated, the Royal Knights head back to the Digital World.


This information is not part of storyline content, and is not considered properly canon.

Alphamon is depicted alongside the other members of the Royal Knights in the second opening of the Japanese version of the show, "Hirari", but does not appear within the episodes themselves.

Digimon Xros Wars (manga)[]






Examon is seen in UlforceVeedramon's story.

Xros Memories!! The Boys' Old Days!!


While Fusion Fighters United Army, Craniamon, Crusadermon, Dynasmon, Leopardmon and UlforceVeedramon are on Jupiter Zone, Gallantmon is on another Zone fighting other Bagra Army troops. Xros Wars!! The Prologue to the End!!


While Fusion Fighters United Army, Craniamon, Crusadermon, Dynasmon, Leopardmon and UlforceVeedramon are on Jupiter Zone, Kentaurosmon is on another Zone fighting other Bagra Army troops. Xros Wars!! The Prologue to the End!!



Magnamon is seen in UlforceVeedramon's story.

Xros Memories!! The Boys' Old Days!!


Omnimon is a missing member of the Royal Knights.

Bagramon and Tactimon fought him at King Drasil's Stem.

Xros Miracle!! Reel in a Sliver of Hope!!

According to UlforceVeedramon, OmniShoutmon has the same presence as him.

Xros Alliance!! The Final Odaiba Showdown!!

UlforceVeedramon believes Omnimon is dead.

Xros Wars!! The Prologue to the End!!


Digimon Adventure (PSP)[]


Main article: Gankoomon (Adventure)

Digimon Collectors[]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[]



Craniamon is one of Leopardmon's Royal Knight supporters and is close friends with UlforceVeedramon.

He finds himself on top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Building, which leads to one of the staff hiring Keisuke Amasawa to get rid of him, as he was scaring members of other staff. Upon reaching the roof, Keisuke confronts Craniamon, only for him to state he hates humans and for him to leave. Alphamon then arrives and the two talk about their Ulforce, who was stuck in a portal and was unable to get out. They come to an agreement to allow Keisuke to help them free Ulforce and Craniamon uses his sword to open a portal, with the three going inside. Alphamon states that Keisuke is now a digital entity and that his real body is passed out on the roof and that if they spend too much time in this portal, he will be unable to return to his body, effectively making him dead, so that they have to be quick. Upon getting to where Ulfroce is trapped, Alphamon realises that it is impossible for them to free him and that they need to give up. Craniamon however states he will do no such thing and attempts to go through, though Keisuke stands in the way to stop him. Craniamon then states he will do anything to free his ally, so Alphamon and Keisuke will not stop him. Keisuke and Alphamon however team up to defeat Craniamon, with Craniamon agreeing and thanking with Alphamon stating that he would've died had he tried to free Ulforce. The three then leave the portal, with Keisuke managing to get back into his body. Craniamon states he still doesn't like humans, then flies off with Alphamon. The worker then thanks Keisuke and says that he heard a second giant monster showed up and that Keisuke beat them both up. Keisuke doesn't dispute this and takes credit for beating them both up. Due to Keisuke's action, Craniamon starts to doubt if humans are actually evil, however King Drasil proceeds to mind control him and force him to do as he is told.

Later on, Craniamon appears in cyberspace and tries to halt Aiba's progress. However, he is quickly slain because he has doubts about the supposed evil of humanity.


Crusadermon is one of the Royal Knights. She is the supreme monarch who presides over all the Knightmon.[23] Crusadermon was sent to Earth to find a way to bring the other Royal Knights to the Real World en masse. Posing as Miss Rie, she worked behind the scenes trying to manipulate Digital Waves. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

Crusadermon murders Satoru Kamishiro, the president of Kamishiro Enterprises, but blames this on Rei's latent influence. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

She fabricated evidence that Kamishiro had illegally acquired Nile Corp, and used it as a pretext to fire most of Kamishiro's staff. She later revealed this deception to Ryuji Mishima. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

Kamashiro offers to fund the expensive service of siphoning off Erika Mishima's excess memories to EDEN, keeping her alive, but Rie uses the threat of pulling funding to keep Ryuji in line. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

Eventually Erika and Keisuke Amasawa discover this, which leads to them hacking into her server to find information on her. When Rie finds out about their infiltration, she decides they are loose ends and attacks them, as Crusadermon. Before Keisuke can deal the finishing blow, Crusadermon flees, only for her to freak out when there are police waiting for her, as Erika had tipped them off before arriving. Rie flees to the roof, only for Keisuke, Erika and the police to arrive on the roof. Erika and Rie get into a fistfight. Eventually, Rie throws herself off the roof, stating her time as Rie is done, with Matayoshi yelling for them to get an ambulance. Her body is never found, though Erika assumes she is still alive. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

Later on — proving she's still alive — Aiba catches up to her and defeats her, but not before finding out about the tragic events that happened eight years ago. Later on, Crusadermon attacks Aiba and Yuuko Kamishiro with a horde of Eaters, but is stopped by =Alphamon. After a long struggle, she is defeated and fades away into data. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth


Dynasmon is one of the Royal Knights allied with Leopardmon's invasion force. Acting as Leopardmon's right-hand enforcer and occasional bodyguard, Dynasmon appears from time to time to interfere with Omnimon's efforts to sway the other Royal Knights to his cause. He finally faces defeat when Aiba confronts him on their way to stop Leopardmon.


Examon is one of the Royal Knights allied with Leopardmon, acting as the brute force of the opposing Royal Knights. Crusadermon opened a portal in the sky, letting Examon enter the Real World. There was a problem, however: Examon had become infected by Eaters and was running amok, though Crusadermon didn't seem to mind. Examon later caused untold amounts of damage to Tokyo. When Aiba first fights Examon, Examon retreats and the mission pertaining to him ends in complete failure. Eventually Aiba, with the help of the infected Arata, has a rematch with the behemoth resulting in Examon's defeat. Examon is the only member of the Royal Knights who allied with Leopardmon to survive.


  • Pendragon's Glory: Rockets up to the exosphere and conducts a high-powered laser firing.
  • Dragonic Impact: Dives from the exosphere and performs a ramming attack shrouded in heat from friction with the atmosphere, mopping up swaths of enemies with the accompanying shock wave.
  • Caledfwlch Rage (カレドヴールフの激昂 Caledfwlch no Gekkou?, lit. "Caledfwlch's Rage"): Raises its speed.
  • Ambrose of Demise (終焉のアンブロジウス Shuuen no Ambrosius?, lit. "Ambrosius of Demise"): Raises its attack and the chance of landing a critical hit.


Gallantmon is one of the human-friendly Royal Knights, as well as Omnimon's best friend and steadfast ally. Gallantmon first appears shortly after Leopardmon's debut, allying himself with Omnimon almost immediately. After Arata is infected by an Eater, Gallantmon becomes concerned about the harm that Arata would do in his current state. Sadly, his concerns weren't unfounded. As Gallantmon and the other benevolent Royal Knights tried to defeat Examon alongside Arata and Aiba, not only did Examon get away, but Arata killed Gallantmon by eating him alive, under the influence of his infection. Gallantmon is the only Royal Knight siding with Omnimon to perish. However, a revived but injured Gallantmon can be seen on the Metropolitan office roof after defeating Leopardmon and Eater Adam.



Main article: Jesmon (Cyber Sleuth)


Kentaurosmon is one of the Royal Knights that sided with Leopardmon during his campaign against the Real World. Kentaurosmon is first seen causing chaos in EDEN, prompting Aiba to try and stop him. Kentaurosmon, however, is incredibly fast, and therefore, someone just as fast, if not faster, would have to take him down instead. As it turned out, only UlforceVeedramon can counter Kentaurosmon, as he is the fastest Royal Knight. However, their UlforceVeedramon was unable to cross over into the human world, meaning they needed another one. Mirei Mikagura sends Aiba into another Digital World to recuit her allies, Rina Shinomiya and Veevee to take their place. Rina agrees to help, though only on the condition that they help her defeat Barbamon, who stole Veevee's power to digivolve. After helping to defeat the Demon Lord, Veevee warp digivolves back into his UlforceVeedramon form and agrees to help out. Together they are able to overcome Kentaurosmon. After Kentaurosmon loses to Aiba and Rina, the loss brings him to his senses. It turns out that Kentaurosmon was immensely confused, causing his erratic behavior in the first place. Seeing as nothing is destroyed, Kentaurosmon is allowed to join Omnimon's group a changed Digimon. Kentaurosmon decides to travel with Veevee and Rina.

Rina then hires Keisuke Amasawa to take her, Veevee and Kentaurosmon to the best restaurants in this universe, though they keep getting thrown out due to all three of their over excitedness. Eventually they come up with a plan to "eat silently" to not get thrown out but just end up arguing over who gets to be a food reviewer. They then have Keisuke take them to Under Kowloon Lv.5, where they determine that they need to defeat Keisuke first as he would be the best food reviewer. Keisuke manages to defeat the two Royal Knights, though when Rina states that she is not done and wants to fight again for the right to review, Keisuke just runs away rather than keep fighting. Rina seems to eventually give up, as the case is submitted as complete, with Keisuke receiving payment.


Leopardmon is the lead tactician of the Royal Knights and the Royal Knight who orchestrated the events pertaining to the Real World's invasion. In response to the Eaters corroding the Digital World and discovering the origins of said monsters, Leopardmon proposed that the Royal Knights invade the Real World and destroy humanity, as humanity was responsible for creating the Eaters in the first place. While others like Crusadermon and Examon agreed with the strategist, others such as Gallantmon and Omnimon did not, choosing to find peace between humans and Digimon instead, creating a civil war between them. Leopardmon led Crusadermon, Examon, Craniamon, Dynasmon, and Kentaurosmon (temporarily) against the humans.


Magnamon is one of Omnimon's Royal Knight allies. Magnamon is initially conflicted regarding the invasion of the Real World, being unsure as to whether or not he wanted to support it or stand against it. However, despite Dynasmon's interference, Magnamon is swayed by Aiba into joining Omnimon's cause because Aiba helps out his friend Lopmon, leading Magnamon to decide that humans are worth saving.



UlforceVeedramon is one of Omnimon's supporters and the fastest member of the Royal Knights. UlforceVeedramon is first mentioned by Omnimon as the only Royal Knight fast enough to best Kentaurosmon. However, the UlforceVeedramon of that universe was caught in the portal between the Digital and Real World as it closed. Aiba is tasked to recruit an UlforceVeedramon from an alternate reality.


Main article: Veevee

Digimon World: Next Order[]

The Royal Knights are an order of Holy Knights who serve King Drasil and protect the world. They can be found after the Hero defeats Shoma Tsuzuki and the Enforcer. Each Royal Knight has their own goal, often seeking to test the Tamer who saved the world, but they join Floatia once defeated. They inhabit the Dimensional District afterward, providing benefits to the Hero if found.

Digimon ReArise[]

Using its ability to sense unusual phenomenons, Jesmon senses a massive distortion and reports it to Alphamon. The thirteen Royal Knights then all gather together, and come up with a plan to split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Lucemon FM is freed due to the distortions caused by Spiral breaking Lucemon's seal. Lucemon is confronted by Omegamon, Alphamon, Examon, UlforceVeedramon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon; and Lucemon FM easily deals with all them. Alphamon realises that the only way they could take out Lucemon would be for all thirteen Knights to attack at once, however the remaining members were busy fighting Mastemon, as they believed Mastemon was a problem due to being made of two opposing forces joining together. Not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead. During the fight Lucemon warp digivolves to Lucemon SM, so Alphamon digivolves to Alphamon Ouryuken to defeat it. Alphamon then challenges the Protagonist to battle.

With the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts all now in agreement, the Three Archangels team up with the Deva to deal with threats inside the Digital world whilst the Royal Knights deal with threats outside the Digital World. To Wield a Blade for Justice


Main article: Jesmon (ReArise)


When Alphamon talks to Herissmon, Herrismon asks if something is wrong, and Alphamon states it felt something unusual whilst travelling through the network. As the two of them search for what it is, they are found by Tentomon and Omegamon, who had been searching for Alphamon. Omegamon explains that Diaboromon was trying to use the Digital Points to realise in the Real World alongside a large group of its avatars. After explaining the situation, Herissmon and the Protagonist ask to help, and Alphamon asks Omegamon to fight Herissmon so that Herissmon and the Protagonist can learn from Omegamon. Herissmon warp digivolves to Stefilmon and fights Omegamon and after Stefilmon puts all of its power into an attack against Omegamon, Omegamon is impressed and states it has more than enough faith in its partner and battle experience to help Omegamon and Alphamon deal with Diaboromon and its avatars. Clash Battle! Omegamon

After the group splits up to deal with the Avatars, Alphamon kills a large amount of Kuramon, Keramon, and Infermon, however despite the separate groups being able to kill many of them, the numbers continue to rise. Alphamon realise that if the data continues to rise Diaboromon will eventually realise in the Real World and hopes Omegamon is able to deal with the problem in the limited time they have. Clash Battle! Diaboromon When Stefilmon and MegaKabuterimon are ambushed by many Diaboromon avatars, Alphamon suddenly appears and kills the avatars, saving Stefilmon and MegaKabuterimon. Even more spawn however, and the during the endless battles against the rest of the avatars they find that the Diaboromon slow down when they revive themselves due to the amount of data they have to process, which in turn slows down the real Diaboromon that Omegamon is in the middle of fighting. Eventually Omegamon kills the real Diaboromon thanks to the work of the trio killing so many of the Diaboromon avatars. Raid Clash Battle! Demon Lord of Destruction, Diaboromon!

Some time later, Alphamon fights alongside Omegamon, Examon, UlforceVeedramon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon against Lucemon, with Lucemon easily winning. Lucemon then warp digivolves to Lucemon Shadowlord Mode and Alphamon digivolves to Alphamon Ouryuken then defeats Lucemon, and then challenges the Protagonist to battle.

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Blade of the Dragon King (聖剣グレイダルファー Seiken Gradalpha?): Draws out a convergence of light that was pierced into the center of a magic circle, and stabs it through the opponent.


In the past, Omegamon defeated Diaboromon. When Diaboromon is reborn, it comes up with a plan to use the Digital Points to realise in the Real World, along with a large group of its avatars. Deciding it needs help, Omegamon asks Tentomon to find Alphamon and they eventually find Alphamon with Herissmon and the Protagonist. After explaining the situation, Herissmon and the Protagonist ask to help, and Alphamon asks Omegamon to fight Herissmon so that Herissmon and the Protagonist can learn from Omegamon. Herissmon warp digivolves to Stefilmon and fights Omegamon and after Stefilmon puts all of its power into an attack against Omegamon, Omegamon is impressed and states it has more than enough faith in its partner and battle experience to help Omegamon and Alphamon deal with Diaboromon and its avatars. Clash Battle! Omegamon Omegamon is eventually able to find Diaboromon Clash Battle! Diaboromon but finds that its attacks are too slow to hit it, and comes to the conclusion that it needs to slow Diaboromon down. Suddenly Diaboromon slows down, which was because of the amount of data Diaboromon needed to process to revive its deceased avatars. As the battle continues Omegamon waits for Diaboromon to become slow enough so that Omegamon can kill it, and is eventually able to kill Diaboromon thanks to the work of Alphamon, Stefilmon, MegaKabuterimon, and the Tamers slowing Diaboromon down. Diaboromon's death causes all of the remaining avatars to perish as well, and Omegamon then promises it will help Herissmon in the future and returns to the Digital World. Raid Clash Battle! Demon Lord of Destruction, Diaboromon!

Some time later, Omegamon fights alongside Alphamon, Examon, UlforceVeedramon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon against Lucemon, but Lucemon easily defeats them.

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Supreme Cannon (Garuru Cannon): Freezes the opponent with frigid, absolute zero shots that it fires from the Garuru Cannon.
  • Transcendent Sword (Grey Sword): Slashes with the Grey Sword.


Gallantmon is a member of the Royal Knights. It can digivolve to Gallantmon: Crimson Mode. Clash Battle! Gallantmon CM In the past, it was Megidramon of the Four Great Dragons. A Guardian Awakens

One day when Megidramon was rampaging in the Digital World the other three members of the Four Great Dragons take it upon themselves to fight Megidramon and put a stop to its destruction. After a long fought battle they succeed as Megidramon de-digivolves to Guilmon after running out of energy and then passes out. They then decide to leave it in its Rookie stage, though Goldramon states it would permanently destroy it if it went on another rampage.

Some time later, Guilmon wakes up without any memories. It smells the freshly cooked bread from the nearby restaurant and runs over to it, though has no money to be able to buy some. Feeling bad for the hungry Guilmon the owner, Digitamamon, states it will give it some bread if Guilmon helps with the deliveries.

After Guilmon delivers the bread to the local Lalamon it is attacked by a group Meramon who had witnessed Megidramon's rampage, the group deciding to get revenge for all the Digimon that had lived the village that Megidramon had destroyed. During the fight the Meramon accidentally attack the Lalamon as a result of Guilmon dodging their attacks which causes to Guilmon angrily digivolve to Growlmon due to having seen its new friends getting hurt, after which Growlmon easily defeats the Meramon. As the Meramon beg for mercy Growlmon suddenly remembers previous Digimon's cries for mercy, which causes Growlmon to run away upset that so many Digimon were scared of it as it simply wanted to be friends with everyone and decides it would be better off alone.

Later that night, as it wanders the forest alone, having de-digivolved back to Guilmon, it suddenly runs into Sagittarimon - who - after seeing how hungry Guilmon was tries to share fruit with it though Guilmon rejects it, telling Sagittarimon to stay away due to it being a bad Digimon. With Sagittarimon being the only Digimon in the forest it decides it doesn't mind if Guilmon lives there too, though tells it that if it wants to be alone it can live on the other side of the forest - which Guilmon decides to do. Despite Guilmon's attempts to remain alone Sagittarimon constantly visits in attempts to befriend Guilmon and the duo eventually bond over constellations and slowly become close friends. After Guilmon finally accepts Sagittarimon as its friend Sagittarimon tells Guilmon to use its powers to help others and that that will eventually have the other Digimon accept it, which is why Sagittarimon had been being nice as well — as it didn't want to be alone either. The duo then spend many days living together.

One day they are suddenly visited by a SkullMeramon who had been trying to find Guilmon so that it could kill it for its Meramon friends. SkullMeramon reveals that the Meramon had also asked Sagittarimon to kill Guilmon which causes Guilmon to run away in tears, assuming it had been betrayed by its friend. Unbeknownst to Guilmon however Sagittarimon fights SkullMeramon to try and stop it achieving its goal. After running away Guilmon is ambushed by a group of Tankmon though Sagittarimon arrives just in time to take the blow for Guilmon. The anger at seeing its friend getting hurt causes Guilmon to angrily warp digivolve to Megidramon, after which is rampages once again. Having heard of its rampage Goldramon arrives to the forest, regretting ever having shown it mercy. As Goldramon attacks Megidramon over and over Megidramon remembers the lesson Sagittarimon taught it about helping others and reverts itself back to Guilmon, apologising to Sagittarimon for being responsible for it getting hurt — with Goldramon shocked that a Digimon like Megidramon would protect another Digimon. Goldramon heals Sagittarimon and then after learning that Guilmon wishes to get stronger so that it can protect Digimon like Sagittarimon it tells Guilmon to go on a journey and travel the Digital World so that it could become strong enough to do just that and refrains from telling it that it used to be a member of the Four Great Dragons.

Guilmon then goes on its journey and eventually becomes Gallantmon of the Royal Knights. A Guardian Awakens

One day, when the Protagonist, Herissmon, Mayu Kohinata, Kudamon, Chihiro Tsukimori, and Lopmon were having a picnic a Digital Point suddenly opens up and the group find Gallantmon fighting a Spiral-4004Y. After it defeats it the group offer to share their bread with Gallantmon, though it refuses as it has nothing to give in return. Chihiro suggests it teaches the group how it got so strong, which Gallantmon agrees to which leads it to decide to spar against the group. After defeating Stefilmon the Digital Point begins to shrink, meaning it could not eat the bread with its new friends though the group give it some bread to take with it. Mayu asks Gallantmon what kind of bread it would like to eat the next time they meet — and after seeing that the bread was made in the shape of animals, Gallantmon asks Mayu to make it bread in the shape of a Digimon. Clash Battle! Gallantmon

Later Jesmon uses its ability to sense unusual phenomenon and senses a massive distortion and reports it to Alphamon. The thirteen Royal Knights then all gather together, and come up with a plan to split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Lucemon FM is freed due to the distortions caused by Spiral breaking Lucemon's seal. Lucemon is confronted by Gallantmon, Omegamon, Alphamon, Examon, UlforceVeedramon, and Magnamon and Lucemon FM easily deals with all them. Alphamon realises that the only way they could take out Lucemon would be for all thirteen Knights to attack at once, however the remaining members were busy fighting Mastemon, as they believed Mastemon was a problem due to being made of two opposing forces joining together. Not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead. Lucemon is eventually defeated by Alphamon Ouryuken.

At some point, Gallantmon searches for Mephistomon and is eventually able to find it due to the help of Gankoomon. After defeating it however, Gallantmon realises it was actually a clone and needed to hurry and find the real one to be able to stop its plan. As Gallantmon searches it defeats more and more clones and is eventually able to break into its Digital Point and find it, now having digivolved to Gulfmon. Gallantmon also unitentinally found the last of Beelzemon's power, which Mephistomon had stolen, and just happened to arrive in the Digital Point right in front of Impmon, who had been searching for said power. Initially relunctant to give it its power back, not wanting to help a member of the Seven Deadly Digimon, it changes its mind after hearing that Impmon had promised to help its new friends who had trusted it but also because defeating Gulfmon was important and gives Impmon back its power – allowing it to turn back into Beelzemon. The two join the battlefield just as Gulfmon defeats Rasenmon, though the combined might of Rasenmon, a member of the Seven Deadly Digimon, and a member of the Royal Knights isn't enough to defeat Gulfmon. This forces Gallantmon and Beelzemon to digivolve to Gallantmon: Crimson Mode and Beelzemon: Blast Mode, which finally allows the three of them to kill Gulfmon. After the fight, Gallantmon reminds Beelzemon that they are actually enemies though they agree to fight later and not now as they used up too much energy in fighting Gulfmon. Beelzemon then leaves on Behemoth with Gallantmon returning Rasenmon and the Protagonist to the Real World. Gallantmon then reports its success to Gankoomon, who tells it that the Humans had reluanched Mephisgram (which Gulfmon had been using to increase its power) though alleviates its concerns when it states there were no traces of Gulfmon within the new version of the app. Gallantmon then downloads the app, wanting to see what the fuss was about. Clash Battle: Gulfmon

When Creepymon and Barbamon of the Seven Deadly Digimon appear in a Digital Point, Nozomi Tamada tries to befriend them though instead, they try to kill her. Pumpkinmon blocks the attack then digivolves to NoblePumpkinmon, though just as the duo are about to kill NoblePumpkinmon, they are saved by Gallantmon, Craniamon, UlforceVeedramon, and Magnamon. NoblePumpkinmon then fights alongside the four Royal Knights. Clash Battle: Creepymon After a hard fought battle, the five of them are able to make the two Demon Lords retreat when they realize they can't win. Clash Battle: Barbamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Shield of the Just (Final Elysion): Fires a beam which purifies everything from the Aegis.
  • Lightning Joust (Royal Saber): Dispatches a strong blow from the Gram.
Gallantmon: Crimson Mode
  • Quo Vadis: Disintegrates the opponent into electrons with the Gungnir, then consigns them to oblivion within another dimension whither thou canst not follow.


Leopardmon is the leader of the Royal Knights and is their strategist.[24] It can Mode Change to Leopardmon LM.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down. Whilst taking care of these distortions, Leopardmon, Craniamon, Kentaurosmon, Dynasmon, Gankoomon, and Jesmon fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon.

Months later, whilst Michi Shinjo, Salamon, Sara Shinkai, and Machinedramon are in a Digital Point connected to the Dark Area, Leopardmon suddenly appears through a portal having finally found Sara and Machinedramon as the Royal Knights had managed to figure out that a large amount of the incidents in the Digital World were their fault. Leopardmon attempts to tell the duo to surrender though they refuse and a fight ensues. The two are relatively equal until Leopardmon is able to get the advantage due to how fast it is in Leopard Mode. When Leopardmon is about to finish off Machinedramon, Michi decides to help Machinedramon, causing Salamon to digivolve to Angewomon, though Angewomon is too late and is only able to catch Tapirmon in the air after Leopardmon defeats Machinedramon. Michi and Angewomon refuse to back down and fight Leopardmon, though Leopardmon easily defeats Angewomon. Rasenmon suddenly arrives and attacks Leopardmon and though they are relatively equal Leopardmon once again becomes Leopardmon LM and overwhelms Rasenmon with its speed. Just as it is about to hit Rasenmon with a powerful attack HeavyLeomon arrives and attacks Leopardmon. Leopardmon realises that fighting two Megas may prove tough and as the three of them fight, Leopardmon stops fighting and asks why the two of them are fighting it, then tells them that Saramon and Machinedramon are behind all the problems in the Digital World. Sara confirms this, summons a large group of Spiral to cause a distraction, has Tapirmon digivolve to Machinedramon, and attacks Leopardmon. Leopardmon, having figured out Machinedramon's attack patterns, is about to defeat Machinedramon once again however Gaiomon suddenly arrives and attacks Leopardmon. Gaiomon acts as a distraction but just as Machinedramon is about to fire a surprise attack it stands on an Eroberung energy mine that Leopardmon had set up earlier in the fight. Despite taking large amounts of damage Machinedramon is still able to battle and continues to team up with Gaiomon, firing off a combined attack. Leopardmon realises it is about to be defeated by the two Digimon, only for Jesmon to arrive and block the attack. Sara and Takumi realise they wouldn't be able to take out two Royal Knights and escape through the gate to the Dark Area. This pisses Leopardmon off, having underestimated its opponents, and it leaves after apologising to the other Tamers for fighting them. Advent of the Holy Knight! Mark of the Blade

Days later Jesmon eventually finds Leopardmon after searching for it and learns from it that the Seven Deadly Digimon were using the troubles in the Digital and Human World to their advantage, with Crusadermon and other fellow Royal Knights dealing with that situation. After their conversation Leopardmon leaves to try and find Sara and Machinedramon, whilst Jesmon goes to the Dark Area as Leopardmon told it that the Royal Knights had heard rumors that GranDracmon had left its castle. Mon, Lost in Memories: Impending Darkness

When Mon is able to convince the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts to have a summit to discuss their differences — with Examon and Crusadermon having caused a fight between the Royal Knights and Three Archangels due to accusing them of harboring Lucemon — the groups come to the agreement to send two members each. Although Crusadermon was one of the two that had caused the trouble, Leopardmon was sent to the meeting alongside Examon instead. The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. Leopardmon and Examon join Crusadermon in the resting place, as Crusadermon had decided to tag along anyway, with Crusadermon's Knightmon guarding to not allow anyone in, though the Tamers defeat the Knightmon and get in anyway. Mayu attempts to convince the Royal Knights to trust the Archangels that they aren't harbouring Lucemon though the Royal Knights are unable to do so. She instead attempts to convince them to trust the humans, though this disgusts Crusadermon who then decides to murder Mayu for suggesting such a thing with the others being too far away to stop Crusadermon. Mayu is able to convince Crusadermon to trust them however after a passionate speech about trusting each other and that she trusted Crusadermon wouldn't kill her, with Crusadermon inspired due to the beauty and passion of her speech. The Royal Knights then agree to trust the humans. Due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?

Jesmon had suspected Eiji Futami was behind all the problems in the Digital World and having figured out his plan, goes with Leopardmon to attack him and stop their plan. Eiji had to go to a specific location to be able to inflitrate the Kernel, making finding him easy, and deciding to have a back up plan just in case, they have Kentaurosmon come as well but out of view. When the duo attempt to kill Eiji and Sara Shinkai the humans are able to paralyse the Knights by summoning hacked Spiral with the ability to do so. Kentaurosmon, now needing to save its fellow Knights, fires its Bifröst at them – killing them – however this was a trap with Eiji and Sara being hacked Spiral that merely looked like the humans. A planned Digital Point then opens up and sucks in the three Royal Knights. As the Knights lose more and more power due to the Spiral's paralysis alongside the hacked Digital Point also absorbing their energy, Leopardmon uses the last of its strength to attack Jesmon (who grabs Mon) sending them flying out of the Digital Point into another one – with Leopardmon telling them to find Eiji by searching the other Digital Points. God's Territory

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers

  • Black Aura Blast (Ernste Welle, Deu: Gravity Wave[25]): Fires explosive energy with the Sword of Destruction.
  • Extinction Wave (Aussterben, Deu: Extinction): Swings the Sword of Annihilation downward in an overhead arc.
Leopardmon LM
  • Aerial Barrage (Blockade, Deu: Blockade): Runs across the land and flies through the sky, tearing the opponent apart from every angle.
  • Vulcan Crusher (Wolkenkratzer, Deu: Skyscraper): Causes towering pillars of bedrock to appear from the ground, tossing the opponent.
  • Eroberung (Deu: Conquest): Generates globe-shaped energy mines from the spherical tip of its tail, which it uses to strategically encircle the opponent.


Crusadermon is a member of the Royal Knights.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down. Half the Royal Knights later fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon – though Lucemon got away.

When the Spiral cause problems in the Human and Digital Worlds the Seven Deadly Digimon decide to use this to their advantage, though some of the Royal Knights, such as Crusadermon, set out to deal with this problem. This however, means they cannot deal with the Spiral problem. Mon, Lost in Memories: Impending Darkness

Some time later, with Lucemon's location unknown, Crusadermon convinces Examon to search the domain of the Three Archangels as that was the only place left in the Digital World they hadn't checked.

Shortly after that, Crusadermon fights Gaiomon and Machinedramon and defeats them easily, despite the two on one disadvantage. Gaiomon and Machinedramon are able to flee, so Crusadermon sends its Knightmon minions out to go and find them.

Whilst its Knightmon deal with that problem, Crusadermon arrives to the fight between Seraphimon of the Three Archeangels and Examon, with Seraphimon refusing to allow Examon in. Jesmon was watching the fight, not sure which of the two to support, and – assuming Jesmon had sided with Seraphimon – Crusadermon attacks Jesmon. Jesmon was hoping the entire situation could be resolved without fighting though Crusadermon laughs, stating that wasn't possible and that they had to get into the domain to kill Lucemon and that Seraphimon was obviously sheltering the Demon Lord in its former home. Realising that the Tamers were friends with Takumi and Sara, who had attacked the Digital World with a group of Spiral, Crusadermon decides it would be best to kill the entire group, including Mon, which is enough to spur Jesmon into battle against its fellow Royal Knight. Jesmon sends the rest of the group to fight Examon, then battles Crusasdermon to see which of their ideals was right though they stop fighting when Zhuqiaomon of the Four Holy Beasts awakens and demands to know why they were all fighting each other. The Time of Awakening Approaches! The Mighty Heartbeat of the Four Holy Beasts

Unsatisfied with the explanations of the quarrelling factions Zhuqiaomon decides to take the matters into its own hands and joins the battle, matching Crusadermon blow for blow. Mon however is able to stop the fighting, following Eiji Futami's advice, by pointing out that not all members of the groups had let their opinions be known and set up a summit between the Holy Beasts, Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and the Tamers. It was decided only two members of each group would attend the summit and rather than go itself, Leopardmon was sent alongside Examon. Crusadermon does set up camp nearby however and alongise its Knightmon minions wait for the summit to end. When the summit goes badly they all take a break, with Examon and Leopardmon joining Crusadermon in the resting place with the Knightmon guarding to not allow anyone in, though the Tamers defeat the Knightmon and get in anyway. Mayu attempts to convince the Royal Knights to trust the Archangels that they aren't harbouring Lucemon though the Royal Knights are unable to do so. She instead attempts to convince them to trust the humans, though this disgusts Crusadermon who then decides to murder Mayu for suggesting such a thing with the others being too far away to stop Crusadermon. Mayu is able to convince Crusadermon to trust them however after a passionate speech about trusting each other and that she trusted Crusadermon wouldn't kill her, with Crusadermon inspired due to the beauty and passion of her speech. The Royal Knights then agree to trust the humans. Due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When the Digital World falls into disarray after Eiji Futami breaks into the Kernel, a large group of evil Digimon and Spiral cause havoc in the Digital World. The Spiral decide to try and take advantage and attack all over the Digital World, with Crusadermon and Dynasmon teaming up to take some of them out. As Crusadermon wonders if the members sent to deal with Eiji in the Kernel had failed, it decides it would be best to ask the Three Archangels to let them into the Kernel though Rasielmon overhears their conversation and instead tells them to go and fight Lucemon. They arrive just as Lucemon had found where the Vademon had summoned Millenniummon more than a decade ago and attack it, declaring that the Royal Knights would defeat Lucemon this time. Despite only being in its Rookie form, Lucemon is more than a match for the two of them and leaves in the middle of battle, bored at their weakness. It continues searching for the exact location the Vademon told it and is able to find it, though is once again ambushed by the two Royal Knights.

Now back to when the Vademon had summoned Millenniummon more than a decade before, it plans to ambush it and then seal off its will and mind so that it would do its bidding and also planned to force it to digivolve to its "final World destroying form", then would return with it to the future and destroy the World. The Royal Knights state they will not allow that to happen, though when Millenniummon arrives the gate suddenly gets interfered with, with Mastemon having been convinced by Rasielmon to help as well. It then travelled back in time as well to stop Lucemon's plan and was able to interfere with the ritual, causing Millenniummon to instead appear as an illusion. The three of them then continue to fight Lucemon and eventually are joined by the ghosts of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon, with Goblimon and Raremon having convinced them to stop Lucemon from destroying the World. The Legendary Warriors see that it is not powerful enough on its own whilst in its Rookie form to destroy the World which is why it needed Millenniummon's power and since Goblimon and Raremon had asked them to stop Lucemon, not kill it, they decide to instead seal away Millenniummon and are able to do so with the help of Mastemon and Rasielmon. Angered, Lucemon defeats the Angels and the Legendary Warriors (with the Legendary Warriors's power running out, causing them to disappear) though this outburst of anger is enough of a distraction for Crusadermon and Dynasmon to attack and kill Lucemon. The group then return to the present. Tales of the Little Goblin and Its Friend

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Fist of Athena (Urgent Fear): Instantly comes into point-blank range, then starts shooting the opponent in the chest with sonic booms from the Pile Bunker on its right arm.
  • Spiral Masquerade: Chops up the opponent with the four body-sash blades which extend from its armor.


Examon is a member of the Royal Knights.

Jesmon uses its ability to sense unusual phenomenon and senses a massive distortion and reports it to Alphamon. The thirteen Royal Knights then all gather together, and come up with a plan to split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Lucemon FM is freed due to the distortions caused by Spiral breaking Lucemon's seal. Lucemon is confronted by Examon, Gallantmon, Omegamon, Alphamon, UlforceVeedramon, and Magnamon and Lucemon FM easily deals with all them. Alphamon realises that the only way they could take out Lucemon would be for all thirteen Knights to attack at once, however the remaining members were busy fighting Mastemon, as they believed Mastemon was a problem due to being made of two opposing forces joining together. Not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead. Lucemon is eventually defeated by Alphamon Ouryuken.

After their previous encounter with the Dragon of the Apocalypse, Lucemon SM, the Royal Knights monitored the Deadly Digimon though no one was able to find where Lucemon had ran off to. With Examon annoyed that they couldn't find it, Crusadermon talks it into going to the area guarded by the Three Archangels as it is the one place they haven't looked. Examon tries to get in, though is stopped by Seraphimon. With Examon pissed off that the Archangels had refused to help the Royal Knights find Lucemon, as well as refusing to allow it into their domain, a fight ensues with the Tamers (unaware to the fighting Digimon) caught in the middle – though BaoHuckmon is able to get them out of harms way in time to stop them all being killed by Examon's Dragonic Impact. This doesn't last long however as their attacks end up splitting the ground, causing the Tamers and Partner Digimon to fall into it. The fight continues and eventually Crusadermon arrives to back up Examon. Jesmon had been watching the fight, not sure on who to support, with Crusadermon deciding that meant it was supporting Seraphimon. Jesmon and Crusadermon fight, with Examon and Seraphimon's fight continuing. Rasenmon, who had gotten out of the hole alongside the rest of the group, tries to stop the fight between Examon and Seraphimon though its cries go unheard. Needing to stop the battle, Rasenmon fires its attacks against the attacks of both Digimon, neutralising them. Noticing their attacks had stopped, the duo notice it wasn't the other that had stopped them and finally notice Rasenmon. Rasenmon is unable to talk the out of fighting and the fight continues, though they stop fighting after Zhuqiaomon awakens and demands to know why everyone was fighting. The Time of Awakening Approaches! The Mighty Heartbeat of the Four Holy Beasts

Unsatisfied with the explanations of the quarrelling factions Zhuqiaomon decides to take the matters into its own hands and joins the battle, matching Crusadermon blow for blow. Mon however is able to stop the fighting, following Eiji Futami's advice, by pointing out that not all members of the groups had let their opinions be known and set up a summit between the Four Beasts, Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and the Tamers. The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. Examon and Leopardmon join Crusadermon in the resting place, as Crusadermon had decided to tag along anyway, with Crusadermon's Knightmon guarding to not allow anyone in, though the Tamers defeat the Knightmon and get in anyway. Mayu attempts to convince the Royal Knights to trust the Archangels that they aren't harbouring Lucemon though the Royal Knights are unable to do so. She instead attempts to convince them to trust the humans, though this disgusts Crusadermon who then decides to murder Mayu for suggesting such a thing with the others being too far away to stop Crusadermon. Mayu is able to convince Crusadermon to trust them however after a passionate speech about trusting each other and that she trusted Crusadermon wouldn't kill her, with Crusadermon inspired due to the beauty and passion of her speech. The Royal Knights then agree to trust the humans. Due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?

When Leviamon of Seven Deadly Digimon is awakened by the Vademon, it finds itself in front of Vajramon, Majiramon, and some other Digimon. Just as it was about to attack them, Examon arrives and attacks it. As it struggles against the Demon Lord it is joined by Serpahimon, though the two of them are still not enough to be able to defeat it. Before Examon had left to fight, Gankoomon had been sent to find out who had woken Leviamon up and eventually locates the Vademon. It is able to convince them to reverse the ritual they had done to wake it up by telling them that it would destroy the World, meaning they would unable to conquer it due to it being destroyed. With Gankoomon's help, they are able to open another portal which Examon and Seraphimon are able to push it into – once again sealing it away in the Net Ocean.Examon and Seraphimon are able to push it through – once again sealing it away in the Net Ocean. BCE Leviamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Dragonic Impact: Dives from the exosphere and performs a ramming attack shrouded in heat from friction with the atmosphere, mopping up swaths of enemies with the accompanying shock wave.
  • Pendragon's Glory: Rockets up to the exosphere and conducts a high-powered laser firing.
  • Avalon's Gate: Stabs the opponent with the Ambrosius and explodes all of its special shells, annihilating them from within.


Kentaurosmon is a member of the Royal Knights.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down. Whilst taking care of these distortions, Kentaurosmon, Leopardmon, Craniamon, Dynasmon, Gankoomon, and Jesmon fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon.

Some time later, Jesmon had suspected Eiji Futami was behind all the problems in the Digital World and having figured out his plan, goes with Leopardmon to attack him and stop their plan. Eiji had to go to a specific location to be able to inflitrate the Kernel, making finding him easy, and deciding to have a back up plan just in case, they have Kentaurosmon come as well but out of view. When the duo attempt to kill Eiji and Sara Shinkai the humans are able to paralyse the Knights by summoning hacked Spiral with the ability to do so. Kentaurosmon, now needing to save its fellow Knights, fires its Bifröst at them – killing them – however this was a trap with Eiji and Sara being hacked Spiral that merely looked like the humans. A planned Digital Point then opens up and sucks in the three Royal Knights. God's Territory

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Bifröst: Fires incandescent arrows of light or fire from Muspelheim.
  • Odin's Breath: Uses Niflheimr to lower the temperature of its climate and generate a blizzard.


Gankoomon is a member of the Royal Knights.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Gankoomon, Kentaurosmon, Leopardmon, Craniamon, Dynasmon, and Jesmon fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon. With their half not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead.

Some time later, when the Vademon awaken Leviamon of Seven Deadly Digimon, Gankoomon is sent to find out who did so and eventually locates them. It is able to convince them to reverse the ritual they had done to wake it up by telling them that it would destroy the World, meaning they would unable to conquer it due to it being destroyed. With Gankoomon's help, they are able to open another portal which Examon and Seraphimon are able to push it through – once again sealing it away in the Net Ocean. BCE Leviamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Tekken Seisai (鉄拳制裁? lit. "Striking With Fists"): Strikes with all its strength at anyone and everyone who talks back to it.


Craniamon is a member of the Royal Knights.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Craniamon, Kentaurosmon, Leopardmon, Gankoomon, Dynasmon, and Jesmon fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon.

When Creepymon and Barbamon of the Seven Deadly Digimon appear in a Digital Point, Nozomi Tamada tries to befriend them though instead, they try to kill her. Pumpkinmon blocks the attack then digivolves to NoblePumpkinmon, though just as the duo are about to kill NoblePumpkinmon, they are saved by Craniamo, UlforceVeedramon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon. NoblePumpkinmon then fights alongside the four Royal Knights. Clash Battle: Creepymon After a hard fought battle, the five of them are able to make the two Demon Lords retreat when they realize they can't win. Clash Battle: Barbamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Waltz's End (End Waltz): Fires a sonic wave at supersonic speeds by rotating the Duo Solar Spear at high speeds, causing the opponent to "Dance" until their data is pulverized by the shock wave.
  • Breath of the Gods (God Bless): Uses the Avalon to defend in every direction with an impregnable wall, allowing it to negate any attack for just three seconds.


UlforceVeedramon is a member of the Royal Knights.

Jesmon uses its ability to sense unusual phenomenon and senses a massive distortion and reports it to Alphamon. The thirteen Royal Knights then all gather together, and come up with a plan to split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Lucemon FM is freed due to the distortions caused by Spiral breaking Lucemon's seal. Lucemon is confronted by UlforceVeedramon, Omegamon, Alphamon, Examon, Gallantmon, and Magnamon and Lucemon FM easily deals with all them. Alphamon realises that the only way they could take out Lucemon would be for all thirteen Knights to attack at once, however the remaining members were busy fighting Mastemon, as they believed Mastemon was a problem due to being made of two opposing forces joining together. Not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead. Lucemon is eventually defeated by Alphamon Ouryuken.

When Creepymon and Barbamon of the Seven Deadly Digimon appear in a Digital Point, Nozomi Tamada tries to befriend them though instead, they try to kill her. Pumpkinmon blocks the attack then digivolves to NoblePumpkinmon, though just as the duo are about to kill NoblePumpkinmon, they are saved by UlforceVeedramon, Craniamon, Magnamon, and Gallantmon. NoblePumpkinmon then fights alongside the four Royal Knights. Clash Battle: Creepymon After a hard fought battle, the five of them are able to make the two Demon Lords retreat when they realize they can't win. Clash Battle: Barbamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • The Ray of Victory (Shining V Force): Strafes with a beam from the "V"-shaped armor on its chest.
  • Victory Sword (Ulforce Saber): Attacks using the saber that extends from its right V-Bracelet.


Magnamon is a member of the Royal Knights.

Jesmon uses its ability to sense unusual phenomenon and senses a massive distortion and reports it to Alphamon. The thirteen Royal Knights then all gather together, and come up with a plan to split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Lucemon FM is freed due to the distortions caused by Spiral breaking Lucemon's seal. Lucemon is confronted by Magnamon, Omegamon, Alphamon, Examon, Gallantmon, and UlforceVeedramon and Lucemon FM easily deals with all them. Alphamon realises that the only way they could take out Lucemon would be for all thirteen Knights to attack at once, however the remaining members were busy fighting Mastemon, as they believed Mastemon was a problem due to being made of two opposing forces joining together. Not being able to re-convene to fight Lucemon, Gankoomon requests the help of the Protagonist to fight Lucemon in the missing members stead. Lucemon is eventually defeated by Alphamon Ouryuken.

When Creepymon and Barbamon of the Seven Deadly Digimon appear in a Digital Point, Nozomi Tamada tries to befriend them though instead, they try to kill her. Pumpkinmon blocks the attack then digivolves to NoblePumpkinmon, though just as the duo are about to kill NoblePumpkinmon, they are saved by Magnamon, Craniamon, UlforceVeedramon, and Gallantmon. NoblePumpkinmon then fights alongside the four Royal Knights. Clash Battle: Creepymon After a hard fought battle, the five of them are able to make the two Demon Lords retreat when they realize they can't win. Clash Battle: Barbamon

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Plasma Shot (Plasma Shoot): Fires multiple ball-shaped plasmas.
  • Shining Gold Solar Storm Rapidly compresses space, then immediately and explosively expands it, sweeping away surrounding enemies with a golden laser beam.


Dynasmon is a member of the Royal Knights.

After Jesmon senses an unusual phenomenon, the thirteen Royal Knights split up in half and attack it from both sides in an attempt to seal it, half in the Digital World, and half in the Human World. As they do so, large amounts of Spiral emerge from the distortion. The Royal Knights defeat them all, however even more emerge all over the Digital World, so the Royal Knights split up to take them down.

Whilst taking care of these distortions, Dynasmon, Kentaurosmon, Leopardmon, Gankoomon, Craniamon, and Jesmon fight against Mastemon, whilst the other half of the Royal Knights fight Lucemon – though Lucemon got away.

When the Digital World falls into disarray after Eiji Futami breaks into the Kernel, a large group of evil Digimon and Spiral cause havoc in the Digital World. The Spiral decide to try and take advantage and attack all over the Digital World, with Dynasmon and Crusadermon teaming up to take some of them out. As Crusadermon wonders if the Royal members sent to deal with Eiji in the Kernel had failed, it decides it would be best to ask the Three Archangels to let them into the Kernel though Rasielmon overhears their conversation and instead tells them to go and fight Lucemon. They arrive just as Lucemon had found where the Vademon had summoned Millenniummon more than a decade ago and attack it, declaring that the Royal Knights would defeat Lucemon this time. Despite only being in its Rookie form, Lucemon is more than a match for the two of them and leaves in the middle of battle, bored at their weakness. It continues searching for the exact location the Vademon told it and is able to find it, though is once again ambushed by the two Royal Knights.

Now back to when the Vademon had summoned Millenniummon more than a decade before, it plans to ambush it and then seal off its will and mind so that it would do its bidding and also planned to force it to digivolve to its "final World destroying form", then would return with it to the future and destroy the World. The Royal Knights state they will not allow that to happen, though when Millenniummon arrives the gate suddenly gets interfered with, with Mastemon having been convinced by Rasielmon to help as well. It then travelled back in time as well to stop Lucemon's plan and was able to interfere with the ritual, causing Millenniummon to instead appear as an illusion. The three of them then continue to fight Lucemon and eventually are joined by the ghosts of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon, with Goblimon and Raremon having convinced them to stop Lucemon from destroying the World. The Legendary Warriors see that it is not powerful enough on its own whilst in its Rookie form to destroy the World which is why it needed Millenniummon's power and since Goblimon and Raremon had asked them to stop Lucemon, not kill it, they decide to instead seal away Millenniummon and are able to do so with the help of Mastemon and Rasielmon. Angered, Lucemon defeats the Angels and the Legendary Warriors (with the Legendary Warriors' power running out, causing them to disappear) though this outburst of anger is enough of a distraction for Crusadermon and Dynasmon to attack and kill Lucemon. The group then return to the present. Tales of the Little Goblin and Its Friend

When the Tamers are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. After Sandiramon answers the call it allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians

The Tamers are able to defeat Spiral Origin, which causes the Spiral Guardians to disappear alongside it. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers


  • Dragon's Roar: Fires energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Legendary Warriors.
  • Wyvern's Breath (Breath of Wyvern): Transforms its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern.

Digimon Masters[]


Gankoomon is Huckmon's master. The player character is sent to Versandi Terminal to recruit Gankoomon into DATS, and agrees to a series of tests of skill in order to win the knight's esteem. Upon completing the tests, Gankoomon awards them a Tekken, which unlocks Gankoomon as an evolution for SkullMeramon.


Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights.

Digimon New Century[]


Digimon Seekers[]

When Kosuke Kisakata and the other members of the future Sons of Chaos were hacking into an impenetrable firewall within the Wall Slums one of the Royal Knights shows up. Knowing full well they had no chance against a member of the Royal Knights Kosuke tells everyone to flee. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 3-1


Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights.

When the Mindlinked Eiji Nagasumi/Helloogarmon and Leon Alexander/Kazuchimon are fighting within the barrier created by Shido Ittetsu the barrier is ripped open by a vortex with both Tamers surprised to see that Omegamon had just arrived via the vortex. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-11

As it joins the battle, it freezes Helloogarmon in place with the freezing temperature of the ice enough to temporarily knock Eiji out. Helloogarmon was no longer a threat. Accepting that it was all over, and he and his partner were going to die, Eiji could only watch as Omegamon readied to pierce Helloogarmon's body with its Transcendent Sword. As Leon had just resolved to save his childhood friend, he refuses to let the Royal Knight kill him and has Kazuchimon tackle it. The tackle sends both of them into the vortex, away from Helloogarmon. As Eiji's screams become more and more faint, Leon apologizes to him even if he cant hear it, having simply wanted to save his childhood friend. As the two Digimon fall further into the vortex, Omegamon is able to break free from Kazuchimon's grasp but Leon reacts by having Kazuchimon use Shido Ittetsu which makes it so that Omegamon would be unable to escape. He had no desire to allow Omegamon to kill Eiji, even if it would cost him his own life. Leon's device sends constant alerts, telling him he had used up all his Mindlinking time. Kazuchimon continues to cling to Omegamon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-12 This causes Leon to go into DMIA, putting him into a coma due to having spent too long Mindlinking. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-Intermission

When Kosuke hacked into the Gateway to the Digital World a second time, Satsuki Tamahime of the DigiPolice showed up to try and stop him with Brigadramon. Dorumon, Loogamon, and Ryudamon were able to fight during the hacking — leaving the fighting to Chaosdramon. Just as Brigadramon was about to kill Chaosdramon, Eiji yells at them to stop fighting as "it" was here. Omegamon of the Royal Knights had arrived.

Omegamon attacks Kosuke, but Marvin Jackson is able to have Chaosdramon block the attack. As it falls to the powerful Royal Knight's attack, it is able to launch one final attack itself but Omegamon avoids it. Satsuki has Brigadramon attack Omegamon, though its attacks do little to it. Though she had no desire to help the SoC, she continues to have Brigadramon attack the Royal Knight as she didn't want Omegamon to kill Ryudamon/Shuu Yulin alongside the others. Brigadramon overheats, with it now unable to continue fighting. Omegamon comes out of the smoke unharmed, with there now being nothing to stop it killing Kosuke. The hacking was at 97%, and as Omegamon charged at Kosuke the mission seemed like it was going to fail. Kosuke however, reveals he had a trump card — and pulls out two Digimon Docks. He summons two Mega level Digimon and has them block Omegamon's attacks. With the hacking now at 99%, the gateway scans the three Prototype Digimon with its analysis bringing up holograms of their Ultimate forms. This confirmed they met the requirements, with the gateway giving Kosuke the key. The hacking was complete. Omegamon kills Kosuke's Mega Digimon but it is unable to reach the group in time as upon Kosuke activating the key — he, Eiji, and the Prototype Digimon vanish. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-5

Digimon Knuckles[]

Main article: Gankoomon (Knuckles)

Mini Digimon: The Story of the Royal Knights[]

Notes and references[]

  1. The Magnamon from Digimon Data Squad is listed as an Armor-level in the Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle, and as both an Armor and a Mega in the Digimon Reference Book, whilst various members are at the Ultra level in various video games.
  2. Digimon Reference Book: Alphamon
  3. 3.0 3.1 Digimon Reference Book: Examon
  4. Digimon Reference Book: Omekamon
  5. 5.0 5.1 Digimon Reference Book: UlforceVdramon
  6. Bo-660: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode: "The founder of the Royal Knights who guarded the ancient world, a second coming in the modern era!"
  7. Digimon Reference Book: Craniummon
  8. Digimon Reference Book: Dukemon
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Digimon Reference Book: Gankoomon
  10. 10.0 10.1 Digimon Reference Book: Jesmon
  11. 11.0 11.1 Premium Bandai: Digimon Adventure Digivice Ver.15th
  12. V Jump, 2004 issue.
  13. Digimon Reference Book: Sleipmon
  14. Digimon Reference Book: LordKnightmon
  15. Digimon Reference Book: Sistermon Noir
  16. Digimon Reference Book: Sistermon Blanc
  17. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory: Sistermon Ciel
  18. Digimon Reference Book: Duftmon
  19. Digimon Reference Book: Huckmon
  20. Digimon Reference Book: BaoHuckmon
  21. Digimon Reference Book: SaviorHuckmon
  22. 山木満雄 aka C.J. Konaka (@yamaki_nyx). "The setting of Royal Knights is made after Tamers making, so it has nothing to do with the story of Tamers with me. Toei's "setting" is written afterwards and it is a mistake as a character introduction of Tamers." Apr 14, 2018, 10:18 PM. Tweet.
  23. V Jump, December 2014 issue.
  24. Digimon ReArise, "Mon and Eiji's Unbeaten Path: Markers of Betrayal", Eiji Futami: "...The leader of the Royal Knights, and their strategist."
  25. While "Ernste" does translate to "Gravity", it refers to "gravity" as in the quality of being weighty or momentous, and not to the force as Bandai intended.

This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Royal Knights. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with DigimonWiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
