The Metropolitan Police Department, Community Safety Bureau, Cyber Crime Division, Investigation Unit 11, Digimon Crime Response Team (警視庁生活安全部サイバー犯罪課捜査第11係デジモン犯罪対策チーム Keishichō Seikatsu Anzenbu Saibā Hanzaika Sōsa Dai 11 Kakari Dejimon Hanzai Taisaku Chīmu?), usually referred to as the DigiPolice (デジモン犯対策チーム Dejimon-han Taisaku Chīmu?, lit. "Digimon Crime Response Team"), is a group of Digimon in Digimon Seekers who are related to the D-Brigade..
- Other members
- Mechanorimon: Piloted by the Commandramon, and sometimes Satsuki Tamahime's Numemon. They are able to turn invisible. They are also able to use their optical weapons to track other invisible Digimon.
Digimon Seekers[]
The Metropolitan Police Department, Community Safety Bureau, Cyber Crime Division, Investigation Unit 11, Digimon Crime Response Team, usually referred to as the DigiPolice or Digi-Tai (デジ対 Deji-tai?), are investigative unit 11 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Cybercrimes Division. Their mission is to stop Digimon crimes, and they work alongside the D-Brigade.
One day, Satsuki Tamahime and other members of the DigiPolice go to The Last Coast. Upon arrival, she is told by a colleague over her radio that they had sensed there were suspicious Digimon there. She borrows the eye of one of the Commandramon and is able to use it to find said Digimon, a group of Espimon. She comes to the conclusion they were working for code crackers and were there to steal Digi-Eggs, as The Last Coast was known for having a large amount of them. By using their police technology they are able to access the GriMM chat being used by the crackers and are surprised at how easily they had been able to do so — figuring they must be amateurs. Their chat confirms their plan to steal Digi-Eggs, with Satsuki and her fellow DigiPolice bringing out all their Commandramon. They have them charge at the four Espimon, and as the DigiPolice were in the Digital World, they would be able to see the actual battle whilst all the crackers would see is the Espimon on their devices due to being in the real world. She yells at the Espimon about her disgust at them trying to steal Digi-Eggs, which alerts them to the fact they were about to be attacked by a group of Commandramon. One of the Commandramon, due to its camouflage abilities, was able to retrieve the stolen Digi-Egg, whilst the others were able to surround and arrest the Espimon. The code crackers realize too late what had happened and express annoyance at having been stopped by the DigiPolice. Having intercepted their chat, she tells them there's no point to running away as they had already figured out their identities, including their names, what schools they went to, and that they were members of the Crack Team. The Crack Team members fire back, telling her that they had done nothing wrong and express confusion about the fact Japanese police were getting involved in their business as this was the Digital World, not Japan. Satsuki tells them she would not allow the Crack Team to do as they please in the Digital World, even if she couldn't officially arrest them due to them being minors. Satsuki's Numemon then comes out of the water, where it had been hiding, its appearance terrifying the Espimon even further.
As Satsuki yells at the Crack Team members, the distraction allows the Espimon to turn themselves invisible with their "Divanish" techniques. This causes the Commandramon to lose track of them, which pisses Satsuki off. The Commandramon spray bullets everywhere in the hopes of taking out the Espimon but are unable to hit a single one. Satsuki yells out for the Mechanorimon, piloted by even more Commandramon, who turn off their own invisibilities — revealing that the DigiPolice had brought more than just Commandramon and Numemon with them. Due to optical weapons they were able to locate the invisible Espimon and defeat one of them. Realizing they were screwed, the other three Espimon run away — with the Mechanorimon in hot pursuit. Before they could defeat the others though, they are suddenly defeated by Pulsemon.
The Commandramon, assuming it belonged to another code cracker, point their guns at it though Satsuki realizes it belonged to Judge (Leon Alexander), as he was the only one she was aware of that used a Pulsemon. Pulsemon mocks Satsuki for being soft, then runs away too fast for anyone to do anything about it. The Commandramon ask her what they should do next, though as they had the defeated bodies of the Espimon in front of them and had managed to retrieve the Digi-Egg they had stolen she chooses not to give them commands. One of the other DigiPolice members asks her about the Digi-Egg, which makes her realize that it wasn't there and that Pulsemon had most likely stolen it. Satsuki, upset that the evidence had been stolen, yells out for Pulsemon and Judge to give her the evidence back. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-5
When Eiji Nagasumi and Loogamon, via Mindlink, are trying to complete their mission for the Sons of Chaos to map the Digital World the Sons of Chaos member that had given them the mission decides to make the mission harder by anonymously contacting the DigiPolice to tell that them they were there. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-13
Satsuki, Numemon, and the Commandramon travel to Ninth Avenue on Cargodramon having received said report. The Commandramon get out of Cargodramon and surround the Castle, whilst Satsuki contacts Eiji asking to talk to him on GriMM. Turning down the request would be seen as going against the DigiPolice but Eiji had no choice in the matter as his means of communication during the mission was in the hands of the Sons of Chaos member running the mission. Thinking Eiji himself had turned down the request, Satsuki yells out in disgust at him supposedly ignoring it. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-14
Satsuki performs a Mindlink which alerts her to the fact that Eiji was a member of the Sons of Chaos with the fact he was able to Mindlink and Hololize making him even more dangerous. She gives him one last warning to come with her, though he turns it down claiming he was just on a walk so had no reason to go with her demands. This angers Satsuki, leading her to send the Commandramon to attack the duo — though their bullets intentionally miss them with Satsuki telling him they were merely a warning shots. This gave Satsuki time to get out of Cargodramon and approach Eiji directly, though she too was Hololized.
Eiji tries to flirt with her, though she angrily shuts him down and asks him what a member of the Sons of Chaos was doing there. She also has Cargodramon fire another warning shot since she was annoyed with his failed flirting attempts and tells him that he's lucky she didn't have Mechanorimon with her, since she would've had it kill him by now if it was here. Eiji once again protests and tells her that he was just walking around making a map of the Digial World with Cargodramon backing him up since he didn't have anything stolen on him. As Satsuki complains, still wanting to arrest him, Loogamon makes the situation worse when it suddenly attacks and defeats two of the Commandramon with it stating it had done so as they were invading its home. This infuriates Satuski, causing Numemon to jump out of Cargodramon to fight him — with this leading Eiji/Loogamon to realize she was Mindlinking as well. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-15
She tells them they're under arrest and accidentally tells them who she is causing her to panic since she wasn't meant to have done so. As she gets halfway into telling the remaining Commandramon to shoot them to death, Eiji cuts her off and asks her what Kanji she uses to spell her name and also tells her his name — hoping it would help to de-fuse the situation. After answering his question she becomes more annoyed at him seemingly flirting with her once again, with Eiji also realizing that telling her his name was a bad idea. He tries to back track and use his online handle of Fang instead, though it was too late since he'd already told her he was Eiji Nagasumi. Now knowing who he is, she ranks him as a A class hacker which causes Eiji to celebrate thinking it was a good thing — also thinking this meant Satsuki liked him since he was A rank. On the contrary, she informs him that A rank hackers are put onto the DigiPolice's blacklist and he would no longer be able to live a normal life.
Numemon finally attacks, though Loogamon is able to avoid its attacks. Loogamon comments that Numemon is gross, and that makes Satsuki gross too since she has one. Satsuki becomes even more angry since she loves Nuemon, with Eiji once again trying to de-fuse the situation by asking her why she likes Numemon so much. This actually works, with Satsuki going on a long tangent about why she loves slugs and snails and informs him that she owns some in real life as pets and asks him if he wants to see a video of similar creatures. He turns that idea down, though she ignores him. As she searches the internet for a video to show him he deactivates his Hololization though she notices Loogamon trying to flee and has the Commandramon launch an attack. Loogamon tries its best to deal with the Commandramon and Numemon but with so many of enemies, one of them being at the Champion level, its attacks begin to have less and less of an effect with both Eiji and Loogamon's desires causing it to digivolve to Loogarmon. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-16
Loogarmon easily defeats Numemon with one attack, causing Satsuki to call out for a retreat. The Commandramon rush to the wounded Numemon, help it up, then flee on Cargodramon. As they fly away from the battlefield, Satsuki declares she will one day arrest Eiji and Loogarmon in revenge for what they had done to Numemon. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-17
The DigiPolice later fight some code crackers during a patrol. After a Mindlinked Yulin/Hisyaryumon capture some of the Digimon, Hisyaryumon analyzes them and deduces they were foreigners after state secrets. Though warned by Hisyaryumon that interfering in foreign affairs was against the law, Yulin decided they would still deal with it since what happens to them wouldn't matter once they returned home. Unit 11: Digital Missing In Action Chapter 3-2
When the Sons of Chaos; other members of the Crack Team, and many Digimon from the Wall Slums begin the SoC's plan to hack into the depths of the Wall Slums the SoC live stream the hacking, which attracts the attention of the DigiPolice. During Yulin's meeting with Tomonori, Satsuki calls her and tells her to return. Unit 11: Digital Missing In Action Chapter 3-8
Yulin leaves Tomonori's office and returns to the DigiPolice station. As she gets back, she asks Satsuki what the issue was to which she explains about the hacking. Wanting to stop them, Yulin and Satski send the DigiPolice out to attack them. As they fight the Hacker Digimon, Yulin asks for an update but learns that no members of the Sons of Chaos were actually present and instead Digimon that live in the Wall Slums were taking part in the battle alongside the Crack Team. The DigiPolice are surprised, with Ryudamon stating it had learned said Digimon had agreed to join the uprising since it was the chance for them to return to the Digital World having been banned from returning due to being contaminated with data from the human world. Not wanting to let the Sons of Chaos win, Yulin sends in even more units to the battle. She also tells them that they are not allowed to fight Tartarus/Dorumon and that they should tell her immediately so that she could fight them herself. She then Mindlinks into Ryudamon.
As the battle continues, the Mindlinked Marvin Jackson and Kosuke Kisakata watch on as thousands of Digimon fight the gatekeepers. A member of the SoC contacts Kosuke and tells him that the DigiPolice had found the duo's location. As the Cargodramon arrive, Marvin and Kosuke prepare for battle, with Kosuke saying they have to win or else they will never see their partners again alongside the fact he would never see Saya Ryusenji again. This was just as Kosuke had wanted though, as he needed Yulin and Ryudamon for his plan and had actually set a trap for them. Dorumon begins to digivolve, with Kosuke declaring he would achieve his goal and find Saya's BlackAgumon so that he could save her. Unit 11: Digital Missing In Action Chapter 3-12
During the battle, the Mindlinked Satsuki asks the recon Sealsdramon if they had managed to find any of the SoC higher ups, though they relay that they had been unable to do so. As she tells them to keep looking, she is startled when Loogamon jumps on top of the Mekanorimon that Numemon had been riding. Satsuki, angrily recognizing Loogamon, yells out Eiji Nagasumi's name, with a Hololized Eiji surprised that someone knew his name. They quickly realize the voice belonged to Satsuki, and as such also realize that meant they had fallen into the laps of the DigiPolice. Eiji and Loogamon mock Satsuki, Numemon, and Mekanorimon, with this quickly leading to a battle. After Mekanorimon knocks Loogamon off itself, it and the Commandramon aim their weapons and Loogmaon and Eiji. If Eiji were to be attacked in his Hololized form, he would die in real life, and as such he quickly switches from Hololize to Mindlink. They all fire at Loogamon, though it is able to avoid all of the bullets by diving behind a boulder for cover. This didn't last long though, as this gave the Cargodramon time to close in. Loogamon was now pinned down, stay behind the boulder and it'd be killed by the Cargodramon. Come out, and it'd be killed by the rest of the DigiPolice. Just as Satsuki was about to order the Commandramon to throw their DCD Bombs over the boulder, she is contacted again by the Sealsdramon — who tell her they had located their target. She demands their location with it telling her they were right above her head. Satsuki has no time to react, as Airdramon — Mindlinked with Marvin — attacks the Cargodramon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-1 Satsuki is surprised and questions the two of them as to why they would try to take on the DigiPolice on their own, whilst Eiji gets Marvin up to speed on what was happening and that Satsuki was a much bigger threat than when he had defeated her in the past. Needing to keep the rest of the DigiPolice away from Kosuke and Yulin, Loogamon digivolves to Loogarmon and joins Airdramon in battle. They weren't alone for much longer however, with Marvin sending the other leaders of the SoC and a large group of Crack Team Espimon into battle. A three way battle ensues, with the DigiPolice, SoC, and Gatekeeper Digimon all fighting each other. Wanting to defeat Eiji specifically, Satsuki sends Tachibana and Sakurada to attack Loogarmon.
Eiji surveys the battlefield, spotting Dorugoramon and Ouryumon fighting above them. He considered attacking Ouryumon to help out Kosuke, but decides against doing so upon remembering Kosuke had said he wanted to defeat Yulin on his own. As they pondered this, as well as if they should digivolve to the Ultimate level, they are attacked by camouflaged Commandramon — with Eiji telling Loogarmon to use its Howling Burner in every direction so that they could flush out their enemy. This works, with the Commandramon coming out of camouflage to avoid the attack. Loogarmon, underestimating them due to them being Rookies, is taken by surprise when their attacks prove to be more powerful than a regular Commandramon's, and becomes even more shocked when they both digivolve to Hi-Commandramon. Now in a two on one battle against two Mindlinked Champions, Loogarmon was at a disadvantage and began losing the fight. They had even managed to split Eiji away from Marvin and the other members of the SoC. Not wanting to have Satsuki reach Kosuke, alongside wanting to win so they could save Leon Alexander and Pulsemon, Eiji and Loogarmon's feelings synch together perfectly with Loogarmon beginning to digivolve. Kosuke, despite being in the middle of a battle with Yulin, yells out from above for the duo to achieve their ultimate forms — with this motivating Eiji and Loogamon and having them decide they were now actually ready to handle Ultimate level power. This motivation allows Loogarmon to digivolve to Soloogarmon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-2 The newly gained digivolution restores more of its memories, with Soloogarmon now having the upper hand against Tachibana and Sakurada Digimon. It takes little damage from their attacks, and proceeds to defeat both of them with little effort. Eiji tells Soloogarmon not to take it too far though, as he didn't want to kill the two DigiPolice members. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-3
Satsuki, having seen Soloogarmon easily defeat Tachibana and Sakurada's Hi-Commandramon, angrily and confusingly questions the fact that Eiji Nagasumi was able to digivolve his partner to the Ultimate level. She had heard he had done so whilst fighting Leon Alexander, but also heard he had lost control of the Digimon and as such was confused why this wasn't the case right now. As she yelled out about this, one of the DigiPolice members tells her Shuu Yulin and Ouryumon had been defeated. Now in charge, with Yulin out of action, Satsuki tells the left flank to retreat and regroup with the remaining forces and the right flank to go center to take care of the attacking Gatekeepers. The remaining DigiPolice try to fight back against her commands, but she reminds them that as deputy leader — she was in charge upon times Yulin wasn't able to do so herself. She contacts Tachibana and Sakurada, tells them to retreat, and that she will take their place in the battle. They apologize for losing, though she tells them it wasn't their fault. Unable to reject their new orders, they — whilst still Mindlinked with their partners — escape the battle on the Cargodramon.
Satsuki looks around for Eiji, but is interrupted by the recon Sealsdramon. It tells her that Kosuke had Hololized and was talking to the other members of the SoC. She tells it to keep an eye on them, but to retreat if things get too hot to handle. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-4
As Kosuke continues hacking into the system, the Sons of Chaos are attacked by Gatekeeper Digimon. Chaosdramon and the SoC hackers Marvin brought with him are able to deal with them however, with Kosuke's hacking at 33% — which was 3% higher than when he had tried it in the past with only Dorumon.
Gatekeeper Digimon continue to arrive, but the SoC deal with them every time. As more and more fights happen, Kosuke hacks even more, now at 66%. Loogamon senses something, and tells the others that "it's coming". As Eiji worries about Loogamon's warning, Dorumon tells them there's nothing they can do about it, with the situation becoming worse as their SoC allies needed to log out due to their Mindlink times running out. This would leave Marvin as the last line of defence. Before they can log out, they are attacked by a Mekanorimon. Eiji was confused, since he thought the DigiPolice had retreated, and quickly learns that it was being piloted by a Mindlinked Satsuki/Numemon. The Mekanorimon collapses, being heavily damaged, but had still been able to do this last attack. Numemon gets out of the now fallen Digimon, with Marvin asking why she was here. She tells him she was here to recuse Yulin, with Marvin laughing as she only had a Numemon with her. This wasn't the case though, and she pulls out a Digimon Dock and tells the unconscious Yulin/Ryudamon that she had tendered her resignation as she had broken the rules of the DigiPolice by stealing their secret Digimon as well as disobeying by not retreating. She activates it, unleashing a Brigadramon.
Brigadramon aims its attacks at Eiji, Satsuki still wanting to kill him, but Marvin has Chaosdramon shield him. This was enough to pin Chaosdramon down, and with only Airdramon left — Numemon/Satsuki charge in to try and free Ryudamon. Eiji and Marvin are shocked to learn the DigiPolice had a Mega level Digimon the entire time, with Satsuki faking annoyance that Chaosdramon's Red Digizoid was able to withstand its attacks. With Brigadramon in range, Chaodramon grabs its arms but Satsuki reveals she wanted this to happen and had tricked him since it had missile launchers in its claws and as such would now be able to fire all of them at Chaosdramon at point blank range. Before it can do so, Eiji yells at them to stop fighting as "it" was here. Omegamon of the Royal Knights had arrived.
Omegamon attacks Kosuke, but Marvin is able to have Chaosdramon block the attack. As it falls to the powerful Royal Knight's attack, it is able to launch one final attack itself but Omegamon avoids it. Satsuki has Brigadramon attack Omegamon, though its attacks do little to it. Though she had no desire to help the SoC, she continues to have Brigadramon attack the Royal Knight as she didn't want Omegamon to kill Ryudamon/Yulin alongside the others. Brigadramon overheats, with it now unable to continue fighting. Omegamon comes out of the smoke unharmed, with there now being nothing to stop it killing Kosuke. The hacking was at 97%, and as Omegamon charged at Kosuke the mission seemed like it was going to fail. Kosuke however, reveals he had a trump card — and pulls out two Digimon Docks. He summons two Mega level Digimon and has them block Omegamon's attacks. With the hacking now at 99%, the gateway scans the three Prototype Digimon with its analysis bringing up holograms of their Ultimate forms. This confirmed they met the requirements, with the gateway giving Kosuke the key. The hacking was complete. Omegamon kills Kosuke's Mega Digimon but it is unable to reach the group in time as upon Kosuke activating the key — he, Eiji, and the Prototype Digimon vanish. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-5
Figuring this meant Kosuke had completed the hack, Marvin celebrates whilst Satsuki worryingly questions where Yulin and Ryudamon were. Omegamon, looking at its Transcendent Sword for blood — sighs upon seeing it had failed to stop Kosuke. The duo worry about the fact Omegamon was still there, since neither Chaosdramon nor Brigadramon were able to battle. They didn't have to worry for much longer however, as Omegamon ignored them and leapt into the gateway to follow Kosuke and the others. This signified the end of the battle, with the Crack Team Hackers/Digimon leaving alongside the remaining Wall Slum Digimon. Marvin thanks Satsuki for helping, though she instead demands to know where Yulin was. He tries to comfort her by telling her he lost friends during the battle, though Satsuki instead becomes further enraged at his comparing Hackers to Yulin. He returns Chaosdramon and the corpses of Kosuke's two Mega level partner Digimon to their Digimon Docks, and leaves Satsuki on her own — though not before telling her that if she contacts him in the future he would be more than happy to fix the Mekanorimon for her. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-6