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Now, watch me trap a spider in a web of my own--a web made of my new-found arms! Your strength is merely that of a spider, but mine is the energy of an atom, born of a nuclear accident! You dared to mock me before! Why aren't you mocking me now? Where are your brave words and taunts now, Spider-Man?
~ Doctor Octopus to Spider-Man.
Farewell, Peter Parker. Know this, I will carry on in your name. You may be leaving this world, but you are not leaving it to a villain. I swear. I will be Spider-Man. Better yet, with my unparalleled genius! and my boundless ambition...I'll be a better Spider-Man than you ever were. From this day forth, I shall become... The Superior Spider-Man!!
~ Otto Octavius after stealing Spider-Man's body.
Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius, better known as Doctor Octopus, is a major antagonist in the Marvel Universe, specifically serving as the secondary antagonist of the Spider-Man franchise.
He is a genius supervillain and former atomic scientist who can control four mechanical arms grafted onto his body. He is one of Spider-Man's iconic enemies as well as one of his earliest, first appearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #3.
Born in Schenectady, New York, Otto Octavius had something of an unhappy childhood. His father Torbert was abusive and violent towards both Otto and his mother Mary. Otto was determined not to become like his father and put all of his effort into his education, regularly scoring top marks.
Unfortunately, a combination of Otto's shyness and good school work got him labeled as a "teacher's pet" and he became a target of bullying. Otto eventually became a brilliant and respected nuclear physicist, atomic research consultant, inventor, and lecturer. One of his most iconic inventions was a set of highly advanced mechanical arms controlled via a mind-computer interface to assist him with his research into atomic physics.
Unfortunately, there was an accidental radiation leak that ended in an explosion and those "wonderful" mechanical arms became fused to Octavius' body. His tentacles were made of adamantium, and had the strength to crush materials stronger than a block of cement. They were telescopic and could stretch over 20 feet.
The arms could be used for walking, lifting or throwing heavy objects, or climbing. Octavius could telepathically control the arms, even when they were not connected to him. Said arms are also vastly stronger than the average human; sometimes bordering on a superhuman level.
The accident also seemed to have damaged his brain and the scientist turned to a life of crime. His very first criminal act was taking the hospital hostage and proclaiming himself Doctor Octopus, the derogatory nickname that his co-workers had originally given him.
In their first encounter, Octopus defeated Spider-Man by tossing him out of a window. Following this defeat Spider-Man considered giving up his heroic career but was inspired to continue his heroic career by the Human Torch and ultimately defeated Doctor Octopus. Since then, the Good (or Bad) Doctor has gone on to become one of the most identifiable members of Spider-Man's rogues' gallery. He was Spider-Man's first archenemy, especially during the early days before Norman Osborn began rising to prominence.
After his first few defeats at the hands of Spider-Man, Doc Ock contacted several other super-enemies of the web-slinger (Electro, Sandman, Vulture, Mysterio, and Kraven the Hunter) to form the Sinister Six, to trap and destroy Spider-Man. Even this plan failed, however, and Ock and his cohorts were once again imprisoned. Octavius continued to be a thorn to Spider-Man and concocted many schemes that often involved taking over the world and/or forming a different version of the Sinister Six. One of these schemes was his taking on the guise of the Master Planner, a mysterious crime lord. Doc Ock has mostly battled Spider-Man but has also had run-ins with other heroes such as Daredevil and Iron Man. Ock once even led a version of the Masters of Evil against the Avengers.
After years of fighting Spider-Man, his body began to succumb to the injuries he had sustained over the years. As a way to prevent his death, Otto switched bodies with Peter Parker. Before dying in Otto's body, Peter urged Otto to change for good and succeed the Spider-Man mantle with his last breaths. Otto complied, swearing to become better and a more superior hero, resulting in a more brutal, but still trying-to-be-heroic Spider-Man. Unfortunately, he found himself slowly slipping back into evil, starting with his attempted erasure of a fragment of Peter Parker's soul. He eventually had a realization that he was doing more harm than good by the time Peter's soul fragment came back from the dead, and relinquished control of Peter's body, erasing his consciousness as penance. As Otto died, he told Peter that Peter was a better Spider-Man and a better person than Otto (the self-proclaimed superior successor) could ever hope to be.
However, this would not be the end of Otto Octavius, as the doctor managed to create a digital copy of his consciousness before his death and stored it within one of the gauntlets of his Superior Spider-Man suit. Eventually, Otto's backup mind sprung to life and began its search for a new body to inhabit. Otto had planned to repossess Peter Parker’s body again, but fearing Peter’s mind would reject him, he decided to inhabit the Living Brain and wait for the right time to present itself. Otto was forced to act as Peter’s assistant at Parker Industries (a company founded by Otto during his time in Peter’s body) which he did until he learned that his original self-admitted Peter’s superiority over him at being Spider-Man. The news caused Otto to go berserk, sending the Living Brain on a rampage until it was destroyed by Spider-Man. Afterward, Otto escaped in an Octobot and believed Peter’s body must have done something to his consciousness to have him make such a claim. He then abandoned his plan to control Parker in favor of locating his original body instead.
Octavius soon learned that his body was taken by New U Technologies to be cloned alongside various other corpses. However, Otto used this to his advantage by allowing his body to be cloned so he can control the healthier copy. He eventually succeeded in gaining control of his clone and became Doctor Octopus once more. However, like all New U clones his new body suffered from the Carrion Virus; an illness that causes cellular breakdown, so he allied with the new Jackal (who was CEO of New U Technologies) to find a cure. When Spider-Man infiltrated the company's headquarters, Doc Ock ambushed him and revealed himself to his foe of having been a copy of the original Otto’s mind and his time as the Living Brain before easily defeating him. Ock was about to finish Spider-Man off but was stopped by the Jackal who told him to stand down.
While working at New U Technologies, Doctor Octopus decided to use the Jackal’s cloning equipment to try and create a new clone that was completely immune to the Carrion Virus. Otto constructed the clone by splicing Peter Parker’s DNA with his own, toying with the idea of transferring his consciousness into it upon completion and regaining all of Spider-Man’s powers with no presumable side effects to his mentality. He eventually succeeded at creating what was dubbed the Proto-Clone before his partnership with the Jackal suddenly went sour. Doc Ock betrayed him and sped up the effects of the Carrion Virus in all those infected with it, including Ock himself, but then managed to body-hop into the Proto-Clone and left his other clone body to crumble into dust.
Octavius later caught a ride to one of his old bases to find it already occupied by members of Hydra. He quickly dispatched the intruders only to be confronted by Arnim Zola who offered him an alliance to take down Parker Industries. Otto accepted due to his dislike over Peter Parker’s management of the company and to gain access to Hydra’s resources. He then designed himself a new costume and outfitted four new mechanical tentacles on his body before rebranding himself the Superior Octopus. Otto then met with Peter as the Superior Octopus to give him an ultimatum. Either Peter signs over ownership of Parker Industries over to him now or he will soon take it by force. Peter refused Ock’s offer and in response, Otto gives Hydra the go-ahead to destroy the company’s European branch.
True to his word, the Superior Octopus returns a couple of days later to gain control of the company and is inevitably faced with resistance from Spider-Man. However, Otto underestimated how far Peter was willing to go in stopping him and Hydra, as Parker gave his allies the signal to destroy all the company’s files, research, and assets, thus shutting Parker Industries down for good. Spider-Man had also gained the upper hand against the super-powered Ock by causing his mechanical arms to malfunction. Defeated, Otto made his retreat back to Hydra's base where he was praised by Arnim Zola for eliminating Parker Industries, much to Otto's annoyance. Later, the Superior Octopus became part of Hydra's Avengers and battled against resistance at Washington D.C. but was again defeated after one of their members betrayed the team.
After Hydra's downfall, Octavius abandoned his Superior Octopus alias and retook the name Doctor Octopus once more before soon learning that Carnage planned to harm Spider-Man's loved ones. Otto still retained some of Peter Parker's memories and felt compelled to stop the villain but was seemingly killed while doing so. However, Otto survived and used the opportunity to change his identity. Now operating as Dr. Elliot Tolliver, Octavius began preparations to make his comeback as the Superior Spider-Man.
Ultimate Universe[]
Ultimate Doctor Octopus is younger and more fit than his main universe counterpart. He wears sunglasses to disguise the wounds around his eyes that were created by the explosion that gave him his powers. They also protect his eyes, which are extremely sensitive to light, also a consequence of the accident.
Instead of the pincers on the end of the main universe's, Ultimate Doctor Octopus' tentacles are topped with nanobots, meaning they can transform into a variety of weapons at will.
He has a telepathic connection with his tentacles, and also a largely unexplored ability to manipulate metals. He worked for OsCorp and was involved in corporate espionage on behalf of Justin Hammer. After being involved in a laboratory accident that results in his metal tentacles being fused to his body, he sought revenge against Hammer but is defeated and captured by Spider-Man, who turns him over to SHIELD custody.
While in SHIELD custody, he forms the Ultimate Six, with whom he battles the Ultimates on the lawn of the White House. He is defeated by Wasp and returned to SHIELD custody. He is separated from his robotic arms and held in custody until he discovers the rights to his image have been sold, whereupon he summons the limbs and goes on a rampage. He is defeated and again returned to SHIELD, where his arms are melted by Nick Fury.
During the Ultimate Clone Saga, he was the impetus for the creation of the myriad clones, all of which were created while he was working for the FBI/CIA as part of a plan to create super soldiers. He creates new arms out of metal scraps and briefly battles Spider-Man before being defeated.
During the Death of Spider-Man arc, Doctor Octopus was broken out of the Triskelion alongside other Ultimate Six members by the Green Goblin, who attempts to incite them to kill Spider-Man. Doctor Octopus tries to leave the group, intending to return to being a normal scientist. He claims to be satisfied by having had a hand in creating Spider-Man. Enraged, Green Goblin beats him to death.
Doctor Octopus doesn't appear personally, but he is mentioned on the official tie-in Daily Bugle Tumblr. His tentacles can later be seen at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which hinted at his appearance in future films of The Amazing Spider-Man series. However, the future The Amazing Spider-Man films were cancelled, as Spider-Man was rebooted once again for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doc Ock is one of many Spider-Man villains who appear in the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon. He appeared in two episodes; "The Power of Dr. Octopus" and "The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus".
While Otto doesn't exactly make an appearance in the show per-se, Prof. Ock, a stand-in for him make a brief cameo fighting his version of Spider-Man, Agent Spider, in the Season 2 finale of Amazon's Invincible. This was done to adapt the events of Issue #33 of the Invincible comic and Issue #14 of Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3, where Spider-Man and Invincible teamed up to defeat Otto before the latter returns to fight Angstrom Levy.
Video Games[]
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin[]
Ock appears as the first boss in the game Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin. In the game, Kingpin frames Spider-Man for stealing and then planting a bomb in New York City that would kill millions of people when detonated, subsequently hiring six criminals, one of them being Ock, to keep one of the six keys that would deactivate the bomb and takedown Spidey if he tried to interfere. Spider-Man confronts Ock in his warehouse lair and defeats him, questioning him afterward, causing him to tell his archenemy about the five other keys. Later, along with the other bosses in the game, he reappears within Kingpin's lair during the final level, where Spider-Man defeats him a second time.
In the Sega CD port of the game, he is voiced by Cam Clarke.
Spider-Man (2000)[]
I need not control the Symbiotes Spider-Man. We will work as one. It is a new world. Humanity needs the skills that my technology will give them. Symbiosis is the only way. A perfect world order. Those who cannot share my vision, will be crushed by it!
~ Doctor Octopus explaining his plan to Spider-Man.
Doctor Octopus is the main antagonist of the 2000 PlayStation Spider-Man game with the late Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. reprising the voice role.
Doctor Octopus seemed to have reformed after several battles with Spider-Man and opens a demonstration of his new invention at a Science Expo.
Suddenly he sees Spider-Man on stage, stealing his machine. Spider-Man then destroyed Eddie Brock's camera before running away resulting in him having a nervous breakdown and transforming into the symbiote villain Venom.
It was later revealed to be all a ruse orchestrated by the doctor himself along with another symbiote villain named Carnage. Together they planned world domination by releasing a deadly fog over New York City that allowed symbiotes to adapt on Earth.
He also used Rhino to help steal another machine, but he was defeated by Spider-Man and Doc Ock knowing that Rhino had served his purpose helped with his arrest before capturing Spidey's friend Black Cat.
While on the run from the authorities and a battle with Venom who then decide to help him, Spider-Man caught on with the ruse and found the impostor who was really Mysterio in disguise and after defeating him, got information about where the symbiotes were coming from before handing him to the authorities.
Spidey went to Ock's hideout that was under Waterfront Warehouse 65, where he rescued Black Cat and shut off the power of the pipes controlling the fog.
He finally confronts Ock and Carnage. Ock reveals his plan and then fights the web-slinger while Venom is fighting Carnage. Ock uses a force field to protect himself, but Spider manages to drain its power and defeats him. Ock then falls to the ground unconscious.
After Spidey's battle with Carnage, the symbiote leaves its host and lands on the doctor, transforming him into a terrifying, monstrous Monster Ock. Spider-Man runs away while Ock's lab is beginning to explode and eludes the monster who is engulfed in a fiery explosion that separates Ock from the symbiote. Ock is then carried out by Spidey before the lab is destroyed and Octavius is sent to jail where he bangs his head on the bars in frustration. A year later, other villains wanted him to play Go-Fish.
He was created by the late Stan Lee and the late Steve Ditko.
Due to his popularity and influence over the series overall, Doctor Octopus is widely seen as one of Spider-Man's archenemies, alongside Norman Osborn/Green Goblin and Venom. However, those status depends on whether he does have an impact on Peter's life as some incarnations don't have him as Peter's idol. Since Dock Ock appeared in the third issue, this makes him the first of the three archenemies and is considered Spider-Man's secondary archenemy after Osborn.