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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
US Pokemon Logo
Gotta Catch 'Em All!
~ Series' catchphrase

For detailed information about this series, visit Bulbapedia or the Pokémon Wiki.


Pokémon is a video game franchise owned by Nintendo and developed by Game Freak that made its first release on the Game Boy and has turned into one of the most successful video-game media franchises ever made by Nintendo. The series involves creatures of different types and elements fighting each other in a rock-paper-scissors-like fashion, with the player trying to catch and train them. It became one of the world's most recognizable fads, and it was popular enough to spawn an anime, toys, many movies, and a manga. It's the second best-selling video game franchise, only surpassed by Mario Bros, and the highest-grossing media franchise of all time.

Note: This verse is under heavy construction due to recent changes deciding that the verse is not composite. You can see those discussions here and here.

Power of the Verse

This series has cosmic Legendaries such as Giratina who is a Multiverse level to Multiverse level+ anti-matter manipulator, along with Dialga and Palkia, who have control over time and space respectively, or even Arceus, who's Outerverse level, and has created the whole Pokémon multiverse. The series also has the Weather Trio, who are responsible for shaping the main planet setting of the series. It consists of Groudon, who creates continents, Kyogre, who expands the sea, and Rayquaza, who is superior to both and ends the conflict between the two Pokémon. The Legendaries in this verse in general are usually very powerful either in terms of raw power such as Regigigas being able to tow continents or hax such as Xerneas being able to grant and control life and Hoopa's manipulation of hyperspace. Quite a few Legendary Pokémon are Planet level as well, and some even reach a Galaxy level to High Universe level scale of power. Many Pokémon, both Legendary and non-Legendary, are capable of using hax techniques in forms of moves, frequently in the form of Ghost and Psychic Types, and abilities such as intensifying gravity (Gravity) and attacking with mirages (Night Shade).



  • All of our Pokémon species profiles assume the Pokémon is wild, Level 100 with perfect IVs, and know every possible move and skill without being trained. However, they can only have one of their abilities at a time.
  • The Pokémon Profile Standards page details how we treat several shared elements of our Pokémon profiles, such as typings, Stamina, Intelligence, Evolution and more. Please make sure to read this page in full before creating or making substantial edits to the profiles.
    • There is a page for New Pokémon Standards that should also be read before creating or modifying profiles, and should take precedent over the old in the case of a contradiction.
  • The Pokémon Called Gods blog has explanations regarding our interpretations of Arceus and the Creation Pokémon. Please make sure to read this before attempting to do any content revision threads regarding these profiles.

Knowledgeable Members







Pokémon Trainers






Unusual Monsters




Discussion threads involving Pokémon

General Discussion

General discussion thread for this verse