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VS Battles Wiki

808 Meltan
It dissolves and eats metal. Circulating liquid metal within its body is how it generates energy.
~ Pokémon Sword
They live as a group, but when the time comes, one strong Meltan will absorb all the others and evolve.
~ Pokémon Shield

809 Melmetal
At the end of its life-span, Melmetal will rust and fall apart. The small shards left behind will eventually be reborn as Meltan.
~ Pokémon Sword
Centrifugal force is behind the punches of Melmetal's heavy hex-nut arms. Melmetal is said to deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon.
~ Pokémon Shield

809 Gigantamax Melmetal
In a distant land, there are legends about a cyclopean giant. In fact, the giant was a Melmetal that was flooded with Gigantamax energy.
~ Pokémon Sword
It can send electric beams streaking out from the hole in its belly. The beams' tremendous energy can vaporize an opponent in one shot.
~ Pokémon Shield


Melmetal is the evolutionary form of Meltan.

Though it is yet to be officially announced, we do know that it is one of few Pokémon capable of Gigantamaxing.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C | At least 3-C, likely High 3-A | At least 3-C, likely High 3-A

Key: Meltan | Melmetal | Gigantamax Melmetal

Name: Melmetal

Origin: Pokémon

Gender: Genderless

Age: Varies

Classification: Mythical Pokémon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Small Size (Type 1), Inorganic Physiology (Type 1), Self-Sustenance (Type 3) (Can create it's own energy by circulating its liquid metal), Elasticity, Absorption (Can absorb metals in to his body. Can absorb all other Meltans to evolve), Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm non-corporeal Pokemon), Metal Manipulation, Light Manipulation (Via Flash Cannon), Limited Matter Manipulation and Shapeshifting (Can charge it's own molecular structure with Acid Armor), Electricity Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement (With Thunder Wave), Magnetism Manipulation (Can prevent Steel-type Pokémon from escaping using its magnetic force), Resistance to Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon and Fairy Type moves, Immunity to Poison Manipulation and Acid Manipulation | Same as before, plus Creation (Can create iron from nothing), Energy Projection (Via Hyper Beam), Natural Weaponry (His nuts are used as weapons), Resurrection (Somehow came back to life after 3000 years, Upon its death, Melmetal rusts and falls apart, creating small metal shards that will eventually be reborn as Meltan) | Same as before, plus Gigantamax, Superior Electricity Manipulation (Can shoot electric beams from its chest to vaporize opponents, Also via Max Lightning (Changes the ground to Electric Terrain)), Superior Metal Manipulation and Mind Manipulation via G-Max Meltdown (Prevents opponents from using the same move twice in a row), Explosion Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (opponent's speed) via Max Strike, Martial Arts, Explosion Manipulation, and Statistics Amplification (allies' attack) via Max Knuckle, Forcefield Creation via Max Guard

Attack Potency: Building level (Comparable to baby Pokémon such as Cleffa) | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level (Fought Silvally) | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level (Much stronger than base)

Speed: Transonic (Comparable to Pichu) | At least Massively FTL+, likely Infinite (Kept up with Silvally) | At least Massively FTL+, likely Infinite (Much faster than base)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman | At least Class Z, likely far higher (Fought Silvally) | At least Class Z, likely far higher (Much stronger than base)

Striking Strength: Building level | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level

Durability: Building level | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level | At least Galaxy level, likely High Universe level

Stamina: Superhuman (Far superior to the average Pokémon. Average Pokémon are hardwired for battle and can go on fighting for lots of time despite being injured. They are also capable of spending a day on foot while fighting hordes of enemies in mystery dungeons with little to no breaks)

Range: Standard Melee Range | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers with Flash Cannon or Hyper Beam | Tens of Meters via size, Tens of Kilometers with most attacks

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Below Average normally (Capable of coherent speech between other Pokémon, a degree of understanding of commands and social situations, and can solve minor puzzles, though still mostly driven by instinct), Above Average in battle as Meltan (Pokémon are hard-wired for battle and even in the wild can master many moves and fight the likes of Machop which train in all martial arts), Gifted in battle as Melmetal (Should be superior to 1st and 2nd stage Pokémon and are able to consistently fight the likes of Machamp which have mastered all martial arts, as well as Alakazam)

Weaknesses: Weak to fighting, ground, and fire attacks | Gigantamax can only be used in areas with Dynamax energy (i.e. dens and stadiums), Destroying their non-move forcefield through any means will harm them

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Melmetal moves list.

Meltan moves list.

Notable Matchups



