VS Battles Wiki

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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born.

Previously Darkanine/Dankanine/Darkannie/Darkanime...etc. You can call me whatever. Dark, Darkanine, Darky, Amelia, Ammi, Amiee, Ama, Amy, Ami, Mel, Millie, Millia, Melia, and Lia are names people typically call me. It's all good.

I'm an oldie, feel free to ask me anything you'd like. Or just send me random messages on my wall. It's all good.

Although The divine Impress claims she ruined me, she only made me better, much better. And stronger, much stronger.

Contact info[]

Pages I've made[]

Pages I'm working on[]

  • He-Man (Image Comics)
  • He-Man (Newspaper)
  • Doc Brown
  • Rick Hunter

Verses you can ask me on[]