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WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all. |
“ | I've put in the work and I've reaped the rewards... and now I have the full power and resources of the Wholesome Foods corporation to finally... run the Greens out of Big City! | „ |
~ Chip, now in power, explains his new goal. |
“ | One of these days, Cricket Green, I'm gonna run your family out of this town! Mark my words! Big City is no place for the Greens! | „ |
~ Chip vows to stop at nothing but to get Cricket and his family out of Big City. |
“ | The Greens. It was the Greens. And their troubles... are just beginning. | „ |
~ Chip at the end of Season 3, revealing himself to still be alive. |
Chip Whistler is the main antagonist of the Disney Channel animated series Big City Greens.
He is the former manager-turned-CEO of Wholesome Foods who carries a deeply spiteful grudge against the Greens and seeks to run them out of Big City as revenge for chipping his tooth. This makes him the arch-nemesis of Cricket Green and the Green family as a whole.
He is voiced by Paul Scheer, who also voiced Marty Muzzler in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
Chip is a tall and slender man with blond hair that has dark brown on sides shaven off. He has orange-colored skin. His most prominent physical feature is one of his teeth, which is missing as a result of being "chipped" every time Chip fails to defeat the Greens, he continually replaces this tooth with dentures until finally replacing it with one made of titanium. though eventually it too breaks, leaving Chip still without his tooth.
Chip first wore a light teal green shirt and khaki pants, with dark brown sandals and an anklet on the left calf of his leg, a single wireless earbud in his left ear, and sunglasses on the top of his head.
After becoming CEO, he first wore a grey suit with light green accents, and later a black suit with a dark blue inner shirt and a golden tie.
During his exile from Big City, Chip now wears a brown hoodie while still using his black CEO suit, although it became dark blue due to its wasting, black fingerless gloves, red pants and black shoes.
“ | It's me, the truth. Listen, Chip, being angry and vengeful is what makes you feel alive. But you haven't been alive. Trying to make "Norm Alguy" happy isn't gonna make the real Chip happy! | „ |
~ Chip’s inner self |
Chip is a cruel, malicious, egotistical and arrogant man whose only concern seems to be making money. However, he is also petty and takes everything personally and won't stop until he childishly one-ups anyone who has done him wrong like in "Feud Fight" where he sets up a Wholesome Foods stands at the food market just to get back at the Green family for ruining his teeth despite Cricket giving him a fair warning.
Chip is also shown to be immoral and he doesn't acknowledge the wrongness of his actions like in that same episode where when Cricket offered peace and cooperation, Chip hit him with tomatoes instead, which not only made him look bad but also costed him potential customers and half of his employees for harming Cricket, a child, when they realized what a jerk he was, despite Cricket giving up. However, he still blames the Greens, mostly Cricket, for his actions and continues acting immaturely while still suffering the ramifications of his actions.
Chip’s behavior eventually leads to his own downfall when he attempts to get rid of the Green family by destroying their house, which resulted in him being opposed by every other resident from the city and then him being banned from the city by the Mayor.
After being banned, it seems that Chip has descended into some sort of madness due to his obsession as he tries to murder the entire Green family using his helicopter while sadistically smiling and laughing, and months later after that he is still determined to plot against the Greens.
When he sees on the news that everyone believes he died when the helicopter crashes, Chip decides to literally become a ghost, and using a bedsheet, sneaks into the Greens’ house, intending to scare them away from the city. By this time however, the Greens are no longer in Big City, having moved to their old house in Smalton. This makes Chip fall into a depression, tormenting the Greens having been his goal for a long time.
After some reflection and a random encounter with a regular guy, Chip decides to become a normal person, adapting the name “Norm Alguy” and managing to get a job and a girlfriend, easily integrating himself into society under his new persona and even managing to be successful in life.
However, the monotony of his new life starts getting to him, and after a series of specific events, such as his girlfriend laughing at a terrible joke and his boss overworking him, Chip starts to realize he is not happy with this life. He has another breakdown when he encounters a family very similar to the Greens moving to Big City, mimicking when the Greens themselves moved there. The boy, who looks very similar to Cricket, becomes very rude to him and even kicks him, leaving Chip with a desire for revenge and remembering the very family he resents so much, especially Cricket.
After confronting his inner self in the bathroom, Chip realizes that being vengeful and petty is the only thing that makes him happy, and to fully embrace his old self, he chips his own tooth so that he’ll never forget who he is. Now back to his old self and with a reignited desire for revenge, Chip starts to spy on the Green family using his Norm Alguy personal so that they won’t recognize him.
Not only did Chip became more vengeful than ever, it’s shown that he got smarter too, since he came the closest to defeating the Greens when he trapped them all in an escape room he rigged during Halloween so that they’ll be trapped forever, only failing because Cricket didn’t succumb to Chip’s temptations of escaping alone and wasn’t as selfish as Chip had hoped, managing to escape on his own and rescuing his family in the process. It’s shown during this time that Chip has become more sadistic too, preferring to trap the Greens instead of murdering them like last time and tormenting them by exploiting their individual weaknesses, even managing to be successful in demoralizing them by making them believe Cricket ditched them all in order to escape the puzzle room alone, without the knowledge that the video was fake. His sadism is also shown when the red buttons he claimed would help at least one of them escape were rigged into releasing snakes into the room instead should they press them.
While Chip is more sadist and smarter than before, his impatience and anger remained, shown when he forcefully pulled away the monitor he was using to spy on Cricket when the boy didn’t acted the way he wanted to, breaking his other front teeth and creating a bigger gap, which angered him further. Despite his plan failing, Chip manages to sneak away from the room and leave the Greens still unaware that he’s still around. As they leave the escape room, Chip is heard laughing, clearly not done with the Greens and still intending to get revenge on them another day.
Nothing is known about Chip's past except that when he was little, he was more kind and gentle according to his father, but with all the privileges he had, he turned himself into an erect little narcissist that only mattered for himself.
At one point he became the store manager of the local Wholesome Foods from Big City.
Season 1[]

Chip Whistler makes a deal with Cricket Green.
In "Supermarket Scandal", Chip appears to be an unimposing figure when he approaches Bill Green of Green family farms. While Bill turns down his offer due to having only enough to fill half of it, which is to supply Chip's supermarket chain Wholesome Foods with new produce, his son, Cricket, decides to agree with the offer. He and Tilly create "produce" (actually inedible objects disguised as produce) and use them to make through on the offer.
The "produce" is eventually sold and stocked at Wholesome Foods, but Bill warns Cricket that people who eat it will turn against the Greens and ruin their reputation, much to Cricket's horror and chagrin. So he and his family decide to buy them all out. While losing the money he made from the deal, Cricket decides to resell the "produce" (now deemed as fake produce), one of them which Chip decides to taste. Cricket sees this and tries to warn Chip not to eat it and it's fake, but he ignores him, thinking he isn't taking a compliment from him, and takes a bite, chipping his tooth, so his name now fits his mouth. He then swears vengeance against the Greens, like Bill predicted would happen in the first place.

Chip loses his tooth for the first time.
Some time after getting his tooth chipped, Chip visits his private dentist who fills in the gab with composite resin. Later in "Feud Fight", Chip sets up a Wholesome Foods booth at the farmers' market only for the sole purpose of running the Greens' business down.
Throughout the episode, Chip tries different marketing tactics which failed (i.e. recruiting Tomato-san), though his "Protocol C" - giving coupons out to everyone - tactic worked, to Chip's delight. This causes Cricket and his farmer allies to declare a tomato war on Wholesome Foods, which ended when he himself surrendered. However, Chip was not going to take the surrender, instead relentlessly pelting Cricket with tomatoes and declaring victory (only to himself, as everyone else didn't). This results in the customers there to turn against him by refusing to come to Wholesome Foods ever again and most of his workers quitting in disgust.
Not wanting to accept the fact he lost, Chip starts eating all the Greens' tomatoes, but is confronted by Alice Green for the first time, who bought a bag of Sultan Peppers which she is immune to it. Not knowing they're strongly spicy, Chip spitefully swallows all the peppers resulting in him having massive throat burn and melting the resin in his tooth gap, causing him to flee the market in fright, vowing to revenge the Greens again soon, and when that time comes, they promise to be ready.

Chip relentlessly attacks Cricket with tomatoes after the latter has already surrendered.

Chip swears vengeance against Cricket Green.
In "Coffee Quest", Chip is one of many people who rushed to the Big City Docks to obtain the last bag of coffee. However, Cricket and Gloria Sato, workers of Big Coffee, thwart Chip's plan again with Cricket's speed and Gloria's cunning. At one point, Chip convinces Gloria to come to work with him at Wholesome Foods, but she refuses, declaring that she's not from the city, but the suburbs, and attacks him, breaking the polymer in his tooth. After Cricket and Gloria escape, Chip loudly threatens to run the Greens out of Big City someday, though he is unheard (reinforced by Wholesome Greg).
Season 2[]

Chip attempts to destroy the Green's house with his wrecking ball.
In "Reckoning Ball", it is revealed his business hasn't been getting enough customers due to Chip pelting Cricket in "Feud Fight", resulting in customers protesting and boycotting against him. He resolves to drive them out of the city himself, though Officer Keys stops him before he can demolish the house, causing him to lose control and destroy part of the roof instead and results in yet another tooth chipping. Chip is summoned to the Wholesome Foods headquarters and has a one-to-one with his father, who threatens to fire him if he does not apologize to the Greens and have them sign a forgiveness contract to prove they forgive him. When he tries to apologize at first, they are reluctant, so Bill asks Chip to repair the damage he made to the roof should he expect any forgiveness from them.
Throughout the episode, Chip decides to work off the damages he has inflicted to the house, slowly losing his sanity throughout. When he passes out, the Greens take care of him, showing their true nature as caring people. In addition, Bill reassures him he has to "put in the work" before he "reaps the rewards", which is exactly what his dad said, and if he does so, he can get anything he wants in life. Seeing this, Chip decides to apologize, and this is able to fully convince the Greens he really means it (except Alice who suspects something and is reluctant) and they sign his forgiveness contract.

Chip "apologizes" to the Greens for his behaviour.
With Mr. Whistler retiring and Chip taking his position as CEO (and filling his tooth gap with titanium), however, his new plans are set into motion. He reveals to Greg and Rose the apology was all but a fake, and he only used the Greens' kindness to get what he wants; now that he has full control of Wholesome Foods with no interference from his dad. And now that Chip has full power and resources of the Wholesome Foods corporation in his control, nothing will stop him in order to accomplish his ultimate goal, drive the Greens out of Big City.

Chip finally steps as CEO and decides to drive the Greens out of Big City.
There was only one brief downfall in his plan, however; despite becoming the new CEO, this did not yet erase Chip's bad reputation on the internet, and at the time of assuming the position, customers are still boycotting the stores.
Some time after assuming the position of CEO, in "Friend Con", Chip attends Farm Con, where Cricket (who's still suspicious of him) and Tilly set him up in a fast friendship with Bill, who's been growing lonely since he's lost many friends since the move to Big City. Chip sees this as an opportunity to ruin the Greens' reputation, and quickly accepts the friendship. He worms his way into Bill's trust as they enjoy the convention together, and the kids soon overhear his plan to ruin Bill's big speech behind his back. Realizing he's still evil, Cricket and Tilly angrily confront him, but Chip steals their passes and kicks them out.

Chip pretends to be Bill Green and insults all the people at the Farm Con.
Chip then gives Bill an oversized saltine and peanut butter sandwich, which causes him to become incoherent with his words and cannot present his speech properly. Chip then takes over for Bill and assumes his identity, and begins insulting all the farmers. Fortunately, Cricket and Tilly stop him just in time and Bill's childhood friend Good Ol' Joe recognizes him. Bill then realizes Chip's friendship was a fake and announces the end of their friendship, which Chip doesn't care and once again swears revenge on the Greens, but is hit with the bag of all the swag Gramma stole. This action does not break the titanium filling in his teeth due to being really strong, but it causes all the teeth in his upper jaw to fall out instead, and embarrassingly leaves Farm Con.
By the time of "Chipwrecked", Chip has begun spying on Cricket, who has recently stopped taking him seriously, and set up evidence boards all over the CEO office, angry that his plans to drive the Greens out of town are always thwarted, and will come up with a plan that will work soon. Unfortunately, through all this time, he has not done his job as CEO properly, as the vice present lets him know of the forms he didn't sign and he must be present at the next board meeting. Chip excuses himself and resumes his revenge.

Chip gets horrified after he loses all of his teeth except for the platinum one.
Pulling up outside Big Coffee in an oversized tank advertising "Wholesome Coffee", Chip announces to Cricket, who is using his family (minus Nancy) to do his job for him with a fake "Bring Your Family To Work Day", that he's going to run Big Coffee out of business by feeding everyone the coffee sprayed out so they're not thirsty anymore. Cricket is not the least bit surprised and mocks Chip, knowing that no matter what he does, something happens that thwarts his plan and his tooth gets chipped in return. Sure enough, Keys arrives to reveal Chip parked next to a fire hydrant and the tank is being towed, resulting in Chip experiencing an accident that chips one of his titanium teeth which Cricket keeps for himself.

Chip plans to shut down Big Coffee.
Feeling like he is a joke like Cricket said, Chip gets a call from Mr. Whistler on vacation at a faraway beach, who has heard of him skipping his duties. Chip tells him his problems, almost admitting his vengeance in the process, and Mr. Whistler gives advice to be the CEO he's supposed to be and "put the company to work for him." Not realizing what he really meant, Chip takes this advice too well and fires Greg and Rose, replacing them with a squad of bouncers, and shows up at the next meeting with an expansion plan for the workers.
Returning to Big Coffee next day, Chip has the bouncers ruin everything in the café to the Greens' and Gloria's shock; Cricket tries to stop him, but is immediately outmatched. Gloria threatens to call the police if he doesn't leave, but he thinks past her and bribes Ms. Cho into retiring and handing the cafe's ownership over to him, which she completely falls for. He then fires Cricket and Gloria, and kicks everyone out. To rub in Cricket's face a bit and as payback for treating him like a joke, he reveals if it weren't for he and his family falling for his supposed apology, none of this would've happened. To make things worse, Chip announces Wholesome Foods needs "a bit more space" and puts that idea to where the Greens' house is. With Cricket and Gloria out of a job, it is that moment Cricket realizes Chip is a true threat to the family as the Greens worry over the imminent destruction of their house, and Tilly points out Chip has indeed won.

Chip gets defeated once again.
Continuing in "Chipocalypse Now", with his Expansion Plan in effect, and with the Greens and Gloria out of the picture, Chip starts his expansion plan by announcing the new Wholesome Foods Mega-Store, which will not just be where the now-closed Big Coffee stands, but on both sides -- Chip has bought out the Elkins Apartment as well, and forces all the residents to be evicted. Chip then detonates the café and apartment complex, and the store is constructed in just a week. Gloria even gets a job at the mega-store, thus betraying Cricket, and she admits his feud with Chip is the reason why this is happening. In addition, Chip plots to destroy the Greens' house itself and replace it with a parking lot, but thanks to the law, he has to wait until next day for the demolition.

Chip decides to "change" things.
To ensure the Greens leave their house indeed, Chip issues a fake destruction petition with mocked-up signatures of all the townsfolk. Chip also encounters the Greens' mother Nancy for the first time when in City Hall, who tries to keep his tablet with the petition away from him long enough, but drops it and breaks it. When the mayor calls for security, Chip places the blame on Nancy and she is thrown back in jail; fortunately, she managed to forward the petition to Bill's phone.

Chip mockingly thanks Cricket for "helping him" to change.
Once the kids get the petition and see everyone they knew signed it, Cricket is led to assume everyone hates them. However, after consulting one of the signers, Remy, who claims he never signed any petition nor having heard of Chip, Cricket concludes the petition is fraud. Chip's plans also don't stop Bill from leaving Big City, as he looks up several cheap city apartments in the family's price range to move to should Chip win.

Chip shows up with his demolition team to destroy the Green's house.
Chip is unable to wait any longer and shows up just as Bill finishes packing, announcing the demolition will commence at midnight that night. Fortunately, the kids arrive with a plan to expose Chip, who starts the demolition earlier because "it's midnight somewhere"; while the boys sneak into the mega-store, Tilly and Gramma hold back Chip's goons by starting an epic war for the house.

Chip sadistically tries to kill the entire Green family.
Cricket and Remy access the petition on Chip's computer, discovering all the signatures are from the same IP address, meaning Chip faked them. Chip, however, found out they snuck in and confronts them, so Remy distracts him while Cricket escapes through the vents to the roof with the papers showing the evidence. Cricket manages to get everyone's attention, but before he could announce that Chip is fraud, Chip destroys the evidence with the rotor blades from his new chopper he got out of nowhere, making it all a wasted effort.

Chip Whistler gets defeated for good by Cricket Green.
When it seems that Chip has won and the Greens have to leave after all, everyone in Big City shows up, having taken a rousing speech from Tilly to heart, and stands up for the Greens to the mayor and demolition crews. Feeling pressured by their pleas and regaining confidence by Nancy's encouragement, the mayor cancels the expansion plan and insists Wholesome Foods to return the Elkins Street back to normal.
As if it weren't enough, the outraged mayor also announces to Chip because of his actions and fraudulent petitions that he hereby had permanently banned him from Big City. Furious that his plans are officially ruined and being banned from Big City forever, Chip's insanity finally pushes over the mark and he attempts to kill Cricket with the chopper, but Cricket quickly jumps off the roof just in time and Bill safely catches him. Chip then attempts to get rid of all the Greens at once, but Cricket immediately notices a big flaw in his plan: while diving the chopper straight down, the propellers get caught in some power lines and it stops just inches away from Cricket's face, causing him to slam into the panel and chipping his tooth once again.
Cricket then declares Chip that he's the one who doesn't belong in Big City after all, presumably as payback for his mistreatments and torments on him, his family and friends. With that, Chip accidentally lets go of the chopper throttle in fury where this causes the power lines which are holding the chopper back to release and launching Chip and the chopper out of Big City far away into the woods.
Chip manages to escape the helicopter before it crashes, and with that, finds civilization in a diner nearby. When Chip tries to get attention, the waitress ignores him and shows the news report showing the aftermath of the Elkins Street battle; Maria Media has found the remains of the helicopter crash with Chip nowhere in sight, presuming him to be dead, to the joy of the townsfolk, especially Cricket. Realizing all of Big City thinks he's gone and no one knows him, Chip vowed further revenge but felt a ghost of his former self.
Between Seasons 2 and 3[]
Chip decides to literally become a "ghost" of himself not long afterwards, and sneaks into Big City in disguise as a ghost. At the Greens' house one night, he comes upon Gloria watching a horror movie, which frightens her that she hides; when the ghost Chip asks where the Greens are, Gloria tells him they're not here because they left Big City and moved back to their old hometown Smalton. This causes Chip to sink into a depression and have an emotional crisis of what he should do with his life, now that the Greens are not in Big City anymore and there's nothing he can do about it.
While at the diner he took refuge in following the crash, the waitress tells Chip she understands how he feels and losing can feel like a fresh start to him, and he should reinvent himself and become a better person, by finding out what makes him happy. Although indecisive with his choices, he decides on becoming a normal person. Chip then sneaks back into Big City while adapting the persona of "Norm Alguy", and gets a successful job and a girlfriend, fitting right in with the public almost in an instant. At first his new life was content, but as time went on, Chip felt his life consists of the same things over an over, and begins suspecting everything is boring and is being made fun of, feeling Norm is all that's ever a part of him.
On one particular day, Chip encounters a family very similar to the Greens, and is disturbed by the Cricket lookalike insulting him and being obnoxious. When he tells the story to his girlfriend, he begins to lapse into his old self and begins wanting to track down Cricket despite his girlfriend's suggestions and that she has no idea what he was talking about. Chip goes into the bathroom where his inner self speaks to him mentally over what he did to conceal himself; trying to make "Norm" happy didn't make the real Chip happy at all, and he should do what truly makes him happy himself. Realizing he should accept himself for whom he truly is, Chip knocks out his own tooth and escapes into the sewers, where he gets soaked and fully reverts to his original vengeful self.
Season 3[]

Chip is revealed to still be alive.
Before long, Chip has reverted to his old self and began plotting further revenge on Cricket and his family. At the end of "Long Goodbye", the Greens have decided to move back in with Gramma while Nancy stays in Smalton, and they decide to go back and forth splitting their time whenever they want. Just after the Kludge leaves, a gravedigger is putting roses on people's graves, when he gets to Chip's grave. He refuses to put roses on the grave, and recalls what he had done. He also tries to remember the family he used to attack, getting their name slightly wrong, when a mysterious figure responds that "it was the Greens", and that "their troubles are just beginning", ending the episode, as well as the season, on a cliff hanger.
Season 4[]
The day the Greens moved back in with Gramma, Chip began spying on them in secret; he uses his Norm persona as a disguise for him to watch them above the surface, while he is busy plotting further revenge underground in the sewers. By then, not only does he want revenge on Cricket and the Greens, but all of Big City who supported them in the Elkins Street battle, and when the time comes, Cricket must be ready to defeat him once and for all.
Some time during the beginning of Season 4, Chip has an unknown incident with a sewer rat which resulted in a permanent scar across his right eye.
One day while the Greens went to the Big City Wax Museum, Chip's former partner Greg happened to be in the same location and pulls him down into the sewer, where he is shocked that Chip is still alive. After telling him what has happened since then, he forces Greg to rejoin him as his second-in-command to get revenge on all of Big City, especially Cricket, much to Greg's fears and concerns.
Some time later, the Greens enter an escape room to celebrate Halloween. Unbeknown to them, Chip Whistler is the one handling the room from behind the scenes, with a new plan to take revenge on them once and for all. With a now more willing Greg helping him, Chip spies on each of the members of the Greens family, analyzing their weaknesses and exploiting them. Once Cricket manages to solve the first room’s puzzle alone due to the family being distracted by Chip manipulating their surroundings, each member enter a set of doors, where they find inside a bizarre replica of their Big City house. Once trapped inside, Chip, using mechanical Croblin puppets to talk to the Greens, tells them that the only way to escape was for one of them to press a red button located in each room, but doing so would trap the remaining family members forever.
Each of the Greens refuse to betray one another, but then Chip shows them a video of Cricket escaping the room and leaving all of them stranded. The clip is shown to be fake, with Cricket watching the entire thing and seeing how his family believe he has betrayed them. Chip successfully manages to demoralize all the Greens, and using one of the puppets confronts Cricket himself, tempting him to press the red button for real since his family already believes he did so, telling him how he could be free from them and have all the adventures he wants. From the monitor room, a delighted Chip waits for Cricket to make his decision, believing him to be selfish enough to press the button, which Chip rigged to make it release snakes into the room instead. The family doesn’t know this, Chip intending to trap all of them forever, but Chip wanted Cricket to live with the guilt of betraying his family once he presses the button.
His plan fails however, when Cricket decides to take a third option. Using the hammock replica that is in the fake room, Cricket makes a rope which he uses to escape through the roof, destroying the Croblin puppet in the process. This angers Chip so much that he pulls away the monitor with such force that it hits him in the face, knocking another front tooth and creating a bigger chip. While Cricket helps the family escape, Chip and Wholesome Greg leave using an emergency door, leaving the Greens without knowing who trapped them when they enter the monitor room. While puzzled, the Greens are pleased they got the Halloween scare of their lives, failing to notice the loose tooth a few feet below them, along the broken monitor and remaining unaware that Chip is still alive, who laughs in the background.
- Wholesome Squad
- Mr. Whistler (father)
- The Chairwoman of Wholesome Foods
- Mrs. Cho
- Rose
- Mayor Hansock
- Anyone else who works at Wholesome Foods except the ones that have quit or got fired by him (all formerly)
- Greg
- The Green Family (archenemies):
- Cricket Green
- Tilly Green
- Bill Green (former “close friend”)
- Nancy Green
- Alice Green
- Gloria Sato (briefly his employee)
- Remy Remington
- Vasquez
- Mayor Hansock
- Officer Keys
- Rose (possibly)
- All of his former employees whom he fired or quit
- Everyone else in Big City who supports the Green Family
Season 2[]
“ | Who's the joke now? | „ |
~ Chip to the Green Family after buying Big Coffee and shutting it down. |
“ | Mayor Hansock: Chip, I'm sorry to say, but you are hereby banned from Big City. Chip: What?! You can't ban me! |
„ |
~ Chip to Mayor Hansock after the latter permanently bans him from Big City for his crimes against the Green Family. |
“ | Cricket Green! You've made a fool of me FOR THE LAST TIME! | „ |
~ Chip as he tries to murder Cricket with his helicopter when he is banned from Big City by the mayor, and his villainous breakdown. |
“ | Now... I can get rid of all the Greens AT ONCE!!! | „ |
~ Chip as he sadistically tries to kill the entire Green family. |
“ | Cricket Green: Well Chip, looks like you're the one who doesn't belong in Big City. Chip: Why You! Oh. |
„ |
~ Cricket and Chip's final conversation before the latter is flung out of Big City. Also Chip's final words in Season 2. |
Season 4[]
- Chip is thought to be the show's main antagonist due to his rivalry towards the Green family and making plans to take them out of Big City. While he does become the primary antagonist of Season 2, he only has four appearances in it.
- However it is later revealed in Season 3 that he will return to wreck even more havoc against the Greens.
- Chip can be seen as a dark parallel to Cricket as they are both raised by their respective fathers who are farmers and are both careless and immature at times. However, Cricket cares for the well beings of other people, especially his friends and family while Chip on the other hand, is more selfish and absorbed and only cares for himself than other people, even his own father. Chip serves as an example of what Cricket might have become if he didn't have the love of his friends and family by his side to teach him what's right and wrong.
- Chip can also be seen as a dark parallel to Gloria as they're both ambitious, determined by their careers, took their families for granted, and developed animosity toward Cricket. However, Gloria’s hatred for Cricket went away due to getting to know him better while Chip’s never went away due to his arrogance. Gloria cares about her parents and made up with them while Chip took advantage of his father's trust and when his father retired, he used his position as CEO to run Cricket and his family out of Big City. Gloria is a hard worker who uses her hard-working skills to achieve her goals but knows when to settle down and with the help of the Greens, she opens up her cafe while Chip uses all his time as CEO to focus on the Greens and not his usual CEO duties. Chip serves as an example of what Gloria might become if she didn't learn to accept Cricket and his family and put others first before her career.
- Despite being an archenemy of the Greens, he doesn't interact with or meet Nancy Green until "Chipocalypse Now", although he was aware of her existence as seen in his Green conspiracy board.
- Although he is childish and somewhat incompetent, Chip is by far the most sadistic and dangerous villain in the entire series.
- As a running gag everytime he gets defeated, one of his teeth gets "chipped", and the back of his chipped tooth is broken, and while he talks while it's broken, part of the whistling is heard, hence his name.
- Though not intended when designing the character, Chip has major similarities to Donald Trump. Both are businessmen who have unusual blonde hair and orange skin.[1]
- In fact, both of them can be known to get pretty crazy when it comes to things like plans backfiring on them, like for Chip, trying to run the greens out of the city but ends up getting banned, for Donald Trump, saying that the 2020 election was stolen when Joe Biden ends up winning the election.
- And both his voice actor, and Donald Trump where born in New York State.
- Ironically, while Chip’s main goal was to make the Greens leave Big City forever and he faked signatures to make seem like every other resident hated the Greens, it was Chip who ended up being hated by everyone and who left Big City forever as he was banned from it.
- Chip was partially successful in running the Greens out of Big City, the only difference is that they left on their own terms and still keep their Big City house. Due to Chip’s actions, Gloria lost her job and went to live with the Greens, and with Grandma’s help managed to get her own Cafe, her earnings, along with the Green’s own business, helped them make enough money to buy their old house in Smalton, and while they still visit Big City, they don’t live there anymore.
External Links[]
- Chip Whistler on the Disney Wiki
- Chip Whistler on the Big City Greens Wiki
Template:Big City Greens Villains