Alternate versions
FGO BeastDaji
FGO CasterTamamo-no-Mae
FGO AlteregoTamamo Nine

DajiWP (妲己, Dakki?, Pinyin: Dájǐ), Golden White Face (金色白面, Konjiki Hakumen?, Pinyin: Huángjīn Báimiàn, localized as Fair-faced Golden Fox), is a figure in Chinese mythology.



The favorite concubine of the ancient king of China, Zhou of ShangWP, who was also portrayed to be an evil fox in Investiture of the Gods, also known as Fengshen YanyiWP (封神演義, Hōshin-Engi?). She is China's thousand year old Huli jingWP (狐狸精, Kori-sei?, lit. "Fox Spirit") from the Shang Zhou Revolutionary PeriodWP.[1][2][3] Daji was assigned by Nüwa to facilitate the fall of the Shang Dynasty, but she was so evil that she unnecessarily prolonged the collapse she was meant to bring just to torment people more, which caused Kunlun to send Taigong after her. Daji was defeated by Taigong Wang in life.[4]

Daji is equated to the Golden White Face, the origin of one of Japan's Three Great Monsters, Tamamo-no-Mae. Despite being thought to be the same being, Tamamo declares that she and Daji are not the same person and are unrelated. However, Tamamo Cat declares that Tamamo went to Japan after having committed all the atrocities she could in China and India as Daji in the Shang Dynasty and as Bao SiWP in the Zhou DynastyWP, the evil goddess who demands 100 heads in Devala.[5] Her nation ruining accomplishments were even said to match those of Mo XiWP of the Xia DynastyWP. Yuanshi Tianzun and Xi Wangmu declared her a great evil that threatened peace and tranquility all over the world.[6]


She is described as incredibly beautiful, even by Taigong Wang. Taigong also claimed her to be a 1000-year-old Fox Spirit with nine tails, making her similar in appearance to Amaterasu despite both having different origins.[4][6]


She is described as a femme fatale and an unparalleled evil, one who would slaughter and torture thousands along with their families and friends, and having blood swallow the land, all the while laughing and declaring it to be "fun". She is also someone that would never be selfless and willingly protect someone other than herself from harm at the cost to herself, even if it were happenstance or an outcome of providence.[4]


Fate/Grand Order[]

S I N: The Land of Unified Knowledge[]

Having had enough of her deception, Qin Shi Huang claims to know Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya's real identity, and calls her Daji, which catches her off-guard, enough that she can't defend properly when immediately hit with a surprise attack from Li Shuwen.[7]

Tunguska Sanctuary - Non-Primate Biosphere[]

While she does not appear in Fate/Grand Order, Daji is mentionned and talked about by Tamamo Cat and Tamamo-no-Mae. While Cat readily admits when asked that she and Tamamo are Daji, Tamamo is offended and immediately refutes the Daji connection as slander, askings Cat to stop because if she goes around repeating it, everyone will believe it to be true. Tamamo states that even she wouldn’t go as far as Daji did, which Cat agrees with, saying that while Tamamo tends to go into more "harlot" territory when her "good wife" energies are capped out, she wouldn't usually make an entire country into her "husband".[5]

She also features in Taigong Wang's flashbacks, where, after defeating her to save China, she cursed him after he told her about becoming Xian for all of eternity, stating that she will always despise humanity.[8]

Koyanskaya was inspired by Daji and her legend, wanting to become a Beast in manner similar to her.


Daji is an Evil of Humanity, Taigong declaring her to have been a Beast from 3000 years ago,[5] embodying the trait of Collapse (傾国?).[4] She also held the title of "Golden White Face", a title shared by Amaterasu,[4] despite not being the same being.

Daji also possesses the Shapeshift skill and the ability to somehow identify with Tamamo-no-Mae.[1][2][3] Neither a Taoist, nor a sage nor even a virtuous Divine Xian could lower their guard around Daji.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fate/Grand Order - Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), Translation by Master of Chaos
  2. 2.0 2.1
    [v] Fate/EXTRA - Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster) Matrix [T]

    Class: Caster
    Master: Player
    True Name: Tamamo-no-Mae
    Noble Phantasm: The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    Keyword: Maleficum, Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    Strength: -, Defense: -, Agility: -, Magic: -, Luck: -
    Area Creation: C, Maleficium: EX, Transformation: A


    01 - The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    A mirror wielded by Tamamo-no-Mae. It is one of the sacred treasures brought down from the Heavens by the god Takehinateru-no-Mikoto and was oringally kept in the great shrine in the Izumo Province. According to passages in the Chronicles of Japan, the mirror was later moved to a site in the Kawachi district as the behest of the Imperial Court.

    The mirror is also known as Yata-no-Kagami and is frequently used in rites honoring the sun goddess Amaterasu. In addition to its importance in ritual observances, it is also thought to possess the power to bring the dead back from the afterlife. However, since Caster's rebirth as a Servant, this power is no longer accessible.

    02 - Maleficum
    The Witchcraft that Caster uses is all physical phenomena performed with her own body. While common Magecraft are programs that "recompose what exists around," Witchcraft are programs that "recompose the raw materials in one's own body."

    According to Caster's own word:

    "This time there is only one due to the constrains of the Moon Cell, but originally I could produce a million troops from my multiple tails!"

    That is really suspicious though.

    03 - Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    This skill involves the use of the infamous Killing Stone of Nasu. After her death, Tamamo-no-Mae's spirit began to haunt the area around this stone and also imbued it with a terrible curse that killed any creature that came near it.

    Originally located in the Nasu highlands of Tochigi Prefecture, the stone was shattered by a virtuous monk by the name of Gennou who then scattered the peces across three places in Japan.
    It is believed that the shards of the rock evolved into fox spirits known in Japanese as kitsune and inukami. The legends go on to say that these newly-born spirits were bound as familiars by wizards powerful enough to establish contracts with the divine.

    01 - 水天日光天照八野鎮石(すいてんにっこうあまてらすやのしずいし)




    02 - 呪術



    03 - 常世咲き裂く大殺界(ヒガンバナセッショウセキ)



    Territory Creation [C]
    This skill allows one to create a reality tailored specifically to their skills as a magus.
    Unfortunately for Tamamo-no-Mae, her personality is ill-suited for the task of manipulating reality and she has great difficulty even creating a small-scale crafting studio for creating minor amulets and other types of low-level talismans.

    Maleficium [EX]
    The sacred rituals of the Dakini goddesses. The rituals confer the abilities to perform such actions as foretell the time and place of one's death and manipulate the hearts and minds of both men and women. Due to a number of very harsh lessons impressed upon her in the past, Tamano-no-Mae no longer make use of her still formidable skills in these areas.

    Transformation [A]
    This refers to the abilities of either changing ones appearance or borrowing the physical form of another. As a kitsune, or fox spirit, Tamano-no-Mae is able to alter her appearance and even species at will. However, due to a traumatizing event in a past incarnation that resulted in her death and temporary damnation, she rarely, if ever, uses this ability.





    01 - Character Background
    In the final years of the Heian period, there was a beautiful courtesan in service to the Emperor Toba known as Tamamo-no-Mae. Born Misukume, she first entered the court as a servant at the age of 18, but quickly became a well-respected lady and a favorite of the emperor himself due to her incredible beauty and the depth of her intelligence.

    While the stories become somewhat murky on this point, the most widely excepted theory is that an itinerant fortune teller visiting Emperor Toba's court discovered Tamamo-no-Mae's true identity as a nine-tailed fox spirit. Tamamo-no-Mae was denounced as the cause of the emperor's lingering illness and was driven out of the palace and onto the plains of Nasu, where she was killed trying to defend herself against an army of 80,000 soldiers sent by the emperor. While no one knows exactly what happened to her afterwards, it is believed that she was transformed into the legendary killing stone.

    02 - "Dakini Deva"
    While Tamano-no-Mae is generally believed to be a nine-tailed fox spirit with many of the attributes associated with the tantric deities known as Dankini, she is frequently mistaken by many as one of the Inari or sometimes even a manifestation of Buddha.

    In the Fate/EXTRA universe, Tamamo-no-Mae is a soul that was created from the essence of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and as such is not merely a Earth spirit, but is actually a unique facet of the goddess from which she came. With this being said, it'd be a monumental mistake to classify her as one of the many human-spawned Legendary Souls.

    However, she was willingly embraced the role of a Legendary Soul so that she could, in her own words "become a good wife." By deliberately accepting the limits inherent in the role of Servant, many of her original powers have been sealed away.

    On a final note, as most deities are neither truly good nor evil, there are instances when Tamamo-no-Mae can be summoned as an evil spirit. Should this happen, she will transformed into a hideous monster capable of defeating a hundred heroes at once. In fact, when in this form, she is considered one of the Japan's Three Great Monsters.

    01 - 人物背景:


    02 - 『ダキニ天』




  3. 3.0 3.1 Fate/Grand Order material II - Tamamo-no-Mae, p.206-213, Translated by WaifuHunter at reddit
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Tunguska Sanctuary: Anti-Primate Ecosphere - Chapter 11: Second Coming of Cherishment
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Tunguska Sanctuary: Anti-Primate Ecosphere - Chapter 4: The Nikitich Solution
  6. 6.0 6.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Tunguska Sanctuary: Anti-Primate Ecosphere - Chapter 10: Planet Songs of the Primate II
  7. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - SIN: Land of Unified Knowledge - Section 6: The Demonic General Descends
  8. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Tunguska Sanctuary: Anti-Primate Ecosphere - Chapter 13: Love is The Plan, the Plan is...
Characters by series
Fate/stay night Main characters: Shirou EmiyaSaberRin TohsakaSakura MatouShinji MatouIllyasviel von EinzbernArcherKirei Kotomine
Secondary characters: AssassinBerserkerCasterGilgameshLancerRiderSouichirou KuzukiTrue AssassinZouken Matou
Minor characters: Atrum GalliastaAyako MitsuzuriBedivereClaudia HortensiaGai GotouIssei RyuudouKaede MakideraKane HimuroLeysrittJusteaze Lizrich von EinzbernOtoko HotaruzukaSellaTaiga FujimuraVivianYukika Saegusa
Fate/hollow ataraxia Main characters: Bazett Fraga McRemitzAvengerCaren Hortensia
Secondary characters: AssassinDiloEdelfelt sistersLuviagelita EdelfeltMinori Mitsuzuri Master of AssassinPerseusReikan RyuudouSaberScáthachSthenoEuryale
Fate/Zero Main characters: Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernSaberKirei KotomineWaver VelvetRiderTokiomi TohsakaArcher
Secondary characters: Aoi TohsakaAssassinBerserkerCasterKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldLancerMaiya HisauRisei KotomineRyuunosuke UryuuSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Minor characters: Byakuya MatouFionn mac CumhaillGlen and Martha MackenzieGrainneJubstacheit von EinzbernNatalia KaminskiNorikata EmiyaShirley
Fate/EXTRA Main characters: Hakuno KishinamiSaberArcherCasterGilgameshRin TohsakaRani VIIISakura MatouBB
Secondary characters: AliceArcherAssassinBerserkerBerserkerCasterCasterDan BlackmoreJinako CarigiriJulius B. HarweyLauncherKiara SessyoinLancerLancerLancerRun RuLeonardo B. HarweyMeltryllisMonji GatouPassionlipRiderSaberSaverShinji MatouTwice H. Pieceman
Minor characters: AmaterasuAoko Aozaki Chishiki MabiIkuyo YuutouIssei RyuudouKirei KotomineShiki RyougiSialim Eltnam Re-AtlasiaTaiga FujimuraTouko Aozaki
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction characters: Caules Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaGordes Musik YggdmillenniaReika RikudouRoche Flyn YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaArcher of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of BlackCaster of BlackLancer of BlackRider of BlackSaber of Black
Red Faction characters: Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenArcher of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of RedCaster of RedLancer of RedRider of RedSaber of Red
Other characters: SiegRuler
Minor characters: AiasAlma PetresiaAlzirBram Nuada-Re Sophia-RiFafnirHectorLord El-Melloi IIReines El-Melloi ArchisorteRocco BelfebanSergeTooleTouki SisigouTrimmauVictor Frankenstein
Fate/Prototype Main characters: Ayaka SajyouSaberMisaya ReiroukanLancerArcherRiderManaka Sajyou

Secondary characters: Archer's MasterAssassinBeast|BerserkerCasterAro IsemiHiroki SajyouSancraid Phahn

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Manaka SajyouSaberElza SaijoArcherNigel SawardLancerShizuri IsemiRiderMisaya's fatherCasterTatsumi KitanoBerserkerSeiji JingaAssassin
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowSaberArcherCasterAssassinGrayLord El-Melloi IIWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake False Masters and Servants: Flat EscardosFalse BerserkerTiné ChelcFalse ArcherSilver Wolf ChimeraFalse LancerTsubaki KuruokaFalse RiderOrlando ReeveFalse CasterJester KartureFalse Assassin
True Masters and Servants: Ayaka SajyouPlayerSaberSigmaWatcherBazdilot CordelionTrue ArcherFrancesca PrelatiTrue CasterHaruri BorzakTrue BerserkerFaldeus DiolandTrue AssassinDoris LusendraTrue Rider
Other characters: PhiliaJohn WingardVera LevittClan CalatinHansa CervantesLord El-Melloi IIYuukaku KuruokaCashuraGalvarosso ScladioLangalSaint GermainMaster of Archer (Fate/strange Fake)
Fate/Grand Order Main characters: Ritsuka FujimaruMash Kyrielight
Observer on Timeless Temple characters: Romani ArchamanLeonardo da VinciOlga Marie AnimusphereFouSherlock HolmesLev Lainur FlaurosBeast IIGoetia
Epic of Remnant characters: BaalPhenexZeparBeast III/RAshiya DoumanRaumRandolph Carter
Cosmos in the Lostbelt characters: Goredolf MusikJingle Abel MeuniereSion Eltnam SokarisCaptain NemoTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaGrigori RasputinKirei KotominePriestess of the Alien GodAlien GodKadoc ZemlupusOphelia PhamrsoloneHinako AkutaScandinavia PeperoncinoKirschtaria WodimeBeryl GutDaybit Sem VoidSenji MuramasaChaldeanDavid Bluebook
Other characters: Marisbury AnimusphereGalahadCharacters in Fate/Grand Order
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi Archisorte

Recurring characters: AddTrimmauHishiri AdashinoFlat EscardosSvin GlascheitLuviagelita EdelfeltHishiri AdashinoMelvin WeinsFakerDoctor Heartless
Secondary characters: FluegerHeine IstariJiroubou Seigen TokitouClownOrlocke CaesarmundRosalind IstariGeryon AshbornTouko AozakiInorai Valualeta AtroholmByron Valualeta IselmaDiadra Valualeta IselmaEstella Valualeta IselmaCarinaReginaMaio Brishisan ClynellesIslo SebunanMick GrazilierAtrum GalliastaCaules ForvedgeYvette L. LehrmanOlga Marie AnimusphereTrisha FellowsKarabo FramptonRodinLeandraJean-Mario SupinerraBersac BlackmoreMagdalenaZepia Eltnam AtlasiaFernando CrozeSister IlumiaCorpse KingMcDonell Trambellio ElrodRufleus Nuada-Re EulyphisAsheara MystrasCalugh Ithred

The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi ArchisorteErgo

Secondary characters: AddRin TohsakaLatio Crudelis HiramTangereWuzhiqiFlat EscardosLuviagelita Edelfelt
Other characters: Shirou EmiyaMikiya KokutouMana Ryougi

Garden of Avalon AgravainArtoriaGalahadGawainGuinevereKayLancelotMerlinMorgan le FayTristanVortigern
Fate/kaleid liner Main characters: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltChloe von EinzbernRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltMagical RubyMagical Sapphire

Secondary characters: Shirou EmiyaSella (Fate/kaleid)Leysritt (Fate/kaleid)Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernCaren HortensiaBazett Fraga McRemitzTanakaBeatrice FlowerchildAngelicaDarius AinsworthErika AinsworthShirou Emiya (Miyu's brother)Julian AinsworthKischur Zelretch SchweinorgLord El-Melloi IIMimi KatsuraTatsuko GakumazawaSuzuka KuriharaNanaki MoriyamaTaiga FujimuraShinji MatouSakura Matou

Fate/Requiem Main characters: Erice UtsumiVoyagerKarinBerserkerKoharu F RiedenflausSaberChitose ManazuruLancerNzambiAnubis
Secondary characters: Caren FujimuraMakkiKuchimeRurihime
Fate/type Redline Main characters: Kanata AkagiTsukumo FujimiyaSaber
Secondary characters: ArcherBerserkerMajor MagatsuKanameMajor ReiterAssassinCasterRider
Fate/Koha-Ace Main characters: Sakura SaberKohakuAkihaDemon ArcherArtoriaRiderOryuuCaren KotomineLancerMajor MatouBerserkerAssassinCasterMajor ReiterFuhrerLancer
Other characters: SaberDevil SaberSun Wukong
Others Association DirectorGazamyGrail-kunKischur Zelretch SchweinorgMagical AmberMagical CarenMoby DickNagato TohsakaNeco-ArcPhantas-MoonRaiga FujimuraSaber LionTyphonList of characters by statistics
Fate/stay night Shirou EmiyaRin TohsakaIllyasviel von EinzbernShinji MatouSouichirou KuzukiCasterKirei KotomineZouken MatouSakura MatouAtrum Galliasta
Ernest Gravehill
Fate/hollow ataraxia Bazett Fraga McRemitzCaren HortensiaEdelfelt sistersMaster of AssassinEinzbern Master
Fate/Zero Kiritsugu EmiyaKirei KotomineTokiomi TohsakaRyuunosuke UryuuWaver VelvetKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Fate/EXTRA Hakuno KishinamiRin TohsakaRani VIIILeonardo B. HarweyRun RuDan BlackmoreShinji MatouAliceJulius B. HarweyMonji GatouTwice H. PiecemanJinako CarigiriKiara SessyoinMeltryllisBBKazuhito SakagamiIzaya KiiLeila RaidouMisao AmariAtrum Galliasta
Fate/Apocrypha Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenGordes Musik YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaRoche Frain YggdmillenniaCaules Forvedge YggdmillenniaReika RikudouSagara HyoumaSieg
Fate/Prototype Ayaka SajyouMisaya ReiroukanManaka SajyouSancraid PhahnAro IsemiElza SaijoNigel SawardMisaya's fatherShizuri IsemiSeiji JingaTatsumi Kitano
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Doctor Heartless
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake PlayerTiné ChelcTsubaki KuruokaOrlando ReeveJester KartureFlat EscardosSilver Wolf ChimeraAyaka SajyouSigmaFaldeus DiolandCashuraFrancescaDoris LusendraHaruriBazdilot Cordelion
Fate/Grand Order Ritsuka FujimaruKirschtaria WodimeOphelia PhamrsoloneKadoc ZemlupusScandinavia PeperoncinoHinako AkutaBeryl GutDaybit Sem Void
Fate/Samurai Remnant Miyamoto IoriZheng ChenggongChiemonYui ShousetsuTsuchimikado YasuhiroDorothea CoyettTakao Dayu
Fate/Requiem Erice UtsumiKarinKoharu F RiedenflausChitose ManazuruMakkiKuchimeRurihimeAhasuerus
Fate/type Redline Kanata AkagiKaname AsamaReiji MagatsuMajor ReiterMaster of CasterMysterious OfficerLanlan Fang
Koha-Ace KohakuArtoriaMajor MatouCaren Kotomine
Fate/kaleid liner Class Card users: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltAngelica AinsworthBeatrice FlowerchildJulian AinsworthRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltShinji MatouKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldAtrum GalliastaZachary Ainsworth
Classes SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
RulerAvengerAlter EgoMoonCancerShielderBeastSaverGunnerGatekeeperFunny VampFakerForeignerWatcherPretenderVoyager
Grand ServantNon-classed Servants
Fate/stay night SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/hollow ataraxia AvengerSaberAssassin
Fate/Zero SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/EXTRA Playable Servants: SaberArcherCasterGilgameshSaberCasterSaberRuler
Party Servants: RiderRiderRulerSaberRiderLancerArcherBerserkerCasterBerserker
Non-Playable Servants: SaberLancerLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBerserkerSaverRiderAssassinLancerSaberLancerBerserkerBerserkerArmstrong
Non-Playable CCC Servants: SaberLancerCasterLauncherBB
Alter Ego: PassionlipMeltryllisVioletKingproteaKazuradrop
Others: Saber
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction: Saber of Black (Sieg) • Lancer of BlackArcher of BlackRider of BlackCaster of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of Black
Red Faction: Saber of RedLancer of RedArcher of RedRider of RedCaster of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of Red
Others: RulerRuler
Discarded designs: DavidMusashibou BenkeiGeorgiosSakata Kintoki
Fate/Prototype First Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Second Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBeast
Fate/strange fake False Servants: SaberFalse LancerFalse ArcherFalse RiderFalse CasterFalse AssassinFalse Berserker
True Servants: True ArcherTrue RiderTrue CasterTrue AssassinTrue BerserkerWatcher
Fate/Grand Order Saber: AstolfoAlteraArtoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)Artoria Pendragon LilyBarghestBedivereBenienmaCharlemagneChevalier d'EonDiarmuid Ua DuibhneDioscuriFergus mac RóichGaius Julius CaesarGilles de RaisIbuki-doujiJasonKarna (Santa)KurohimeLancelotMedusaMiyamoto MusashiMordredNero ClaudiusNero BridePrince of LanlingRamaRolandSaitou HajimeSenji MuramasaShiki RyougiSiegfriedSigurdSuzuka GozenTheseusTrưng sistersWatanabe-no-TsunaYagyuu MunenoriYamanami Keisuke
Lancer: Artoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)BhimaBiscioneBradamanteBritomartBrynhildrCaenisCú ChulainnCú Chulainn (Prototype)Diarmuid Ua DuibhneDon QuixoteElizabeth BathoryEnkiduEreshkigalErice UtsumiFionn mac CumhaillGarethHectorHouzouin InshunJaguar ManKarnaLeonidasMary AnningMedusaMelusineMusashibou BenkeiNezhaParvatiPercivalQin LiangyuRomulusRomulus-QuirinusScáthachSétantaSakamoto RyoumaValkyrieVan Gogh (Miner)Vritra
Archer: ArashArjunaBaobhan SithAtalantaBilly the KidCalamity JaneChild-GilChironChloe von EinzbernDavidDurgaEMIYAEMIYA AlterEuryaleFujino AsagamiGilgameshIshtarJames MoriartyKaliNapoleonOda NobukatsuOda NobunagaOrion (Artemis)ParisPtolemyRobin HoodSaika MagoichiSei ShounagonSugitani ZenjuubouSuper OrionTakasugi ShinsakuTawara ToutaTomoe GozenTristanTutankhamunZenobia
Rider: AchillesAlexanderAndromedaArtoria Pendragon (Santa Alter)AstolfoBartholomew RobertsBonny and ReadBoudicaCaptain NemoChristopher ColumbusConstantine XIDobrynya NikitichEdward TeachEuropaFrancis DrakeHabetrotHuang FeihuIvan the TerribleLeonardo da VinciMandricardoMarie AntoinetteMedbMedusaOzymandiasQuetzalcoatlRed HareGeorgiosMarthaSakamoto RyoumaSakata KintokiTaigong WangTakeda HarunobuUshiwakamaru
Caster: AescAlice KuonjiAnastasia Nikolaevna RomanovaArtoria AvalonAvicebronCharles BabbageChen GongCirceCú ChulainnDaikokutenGeronimoGilgameshGilles de RaisHans Christian AndersenHelena BlavatskyIllyasviel von EinzbernIrisviel (Dress of Heaven)Izumo-no-OkuniLeonardo da VinciMedeaMedea LilyMephistophelesMerlinMerlin (Prototype)Miss CraneMurasaki ShikibuNitocrisNursery RhymeOno no KomachiQueen of ShebaScáthach SkadiScheherazadeSiegSolomonTamamo-no-MaeThomas EdisonWilliam ShakespeareParacelsus von HohenheimWolfgang Amadeus MozartXuanzang SanzangZhang JueZhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Assassin: CarmillaCharles-Henri SansonCharlotte CordayCleopatraConsort YuDr. JekyllEMIYAFuuma KotarouHassan of the Cursed ArmHassan of the Hundred FacesHassan of the Shining StarHassan of SerenityHuyan ZhuoJack the RipperJing KeKamaKashin KojiKatō DanzōKiichi HougenKing HassanKoyanskaya of LightLocustaMata HariMochizuki ChiyomeMysterious Heroine XOkada IzouOsakabehimePhantom of the OperaSasaki KojirouSemiramisShiki RyougiShuten-doujiSthenoTezcatlipocaWu ZetianYan Qing
Berserker: AsteriosAtalanta AlterBeowulfCaligulaChachaCú Chulainn AlterDarius IIIDuryodhanaEric BloodaxeFlorence NightingaleFrankenstein's MonsterHeraclesHijikata ToshizoGalateaIbaraki-doujiKijyo KoyoKiyohimeKriemhildLancelotLouhiLu BuMinamoto-no-RaikouMorganMysterious Heroine X AlterNagakura ShinpachiPenthesileaPaul BunyanSakata KintokiSalomeSen no RikyuSoujuurou ShizukiSpartacusTamamo CatVlad IIIXiang Yu
Ruler: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAmourHimikoIyoJames MoriartyJeanne d'ArcJohannaQin Shi HuangSherlock HolmesUesugi Kenshin
Avenger: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAngra MainyuAntonio SalieriBlack IriComte de Monte CristoEdmond DantèsGorgonHessian LoboJeanne AlterMarie Antoinette AlterMysterious Ranmaru XNitocris AlterSpace IshtarTaira-no-Kagekiyo
Alter Ego: Ashiya DoumanAzumi-no-isoraKazuradropKiara SessyoinKingproteaLarva/TiamatManannán mac LirMecha Eli-chanMecha Eli-chan Mk.IIMeltryllisOkita Souji AlterPassionlipSitonaiSuper BunyanTaisui XingjunXu Fu
MoonCancer: Archetype: EarthBBGaneshaHakuno Kishinami (Male)Hakuno Kishinami (Female)Kiara SessyoinMysterious Executioner C.I.E.L
Foreigner: Abigail WilliamsAoko AozakiBB PeleJacques de MolayKatsushika HokusaiKoyanskaya of DarknessKukulkanMysterious Heroine XXMysterious Heroine XX AlterMysterious Idol X AlterVan GoghVoyagerWandjinaYang Guifei
Pretender: Abigail Williams (Santa)Alessandro di CagliostroDante AlighieriHephaestion MnemosyneLady AvalonNine-Tattoo Dragon ElizaOberonPhantasmoonTenochtitlan
Beast: Cath PalugE-Aqua MarieE-Flare MarieE-Grand MarieGoetiaKama/MaraKiara SessyoinSpace EreshkigalTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaTiamatU-Olga MarieWhore of Babylon
Fate/Requiem VoyagerBerserkerSaberLancerCasterAnubisUnnamed female ServantAssassinAvengerRiderHendrik van der DeckenBarbarossaCirceEdward TeachEl CidJacques de MolayHannibalMarcus Vipsanius AgrippaMinamoto Kurou YoshitsuneElizabeth BathoryMata HariForeignerAsclepiusOdysseus
Fate/type Redline SaberArcherBerserkerAssassinCasterRiderLancerFake Lancer
Fate:Lost Einherjar ArcherBerserker
Fate/Samurai Remnant Initial Servants: SaberArcherLancerRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Stray Servants: Stray SaberStray ArcherStray LancerStray RiderStray CasterStray AssassinStray BerserkerStray Ruler
Others: Ototachibana-hime
Fate/kaleid liner Fifth Holy Grail War Class Cards: Archer (Gilgamesh) • Assassin (AssassinAssassin) • SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterBerserker
Unknown Holy Grail War Class Cards: AssassinBerserkerBerserker
Koha-Ace Sakura SaberMusashiLancerDemon ArcherDevil SaberRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerSun WukongLancer
Others Saber LionFakerOthersServants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World