"Speaking of next year, you still got your eyes on Fairway University?"
"Yes, it's literally my dream."
"I'm just not sure if I have the grades to get in."
"Well, I think you've got the golf skills to get in."
Lori's reaction to hearing that Coach Niblick will be coming to her next match.
"I'll take that as a thumbs-up."
"Doesn't it look amazing? You know what the best part is? It's only a few miles outside the city so I'll be close to Bobby."
"Well, this calls for a celebration! I'll make a cake; no, wait, "Par"-faits."
"Can you imagine? My life is literally going to be perfect."
"First, I'll graduate Fairway University."
"Then, Bobby and I will get married..."
"...and he'll take care of our kids, all eleven of them..."
"...while I travel the world, on the professional golf tour!"
Lincoln offers to be Lori's caddy.
"Sure, why not? Just be careful with the clubs; they used to be Pop-Pop's."
"Lincoln, my driver please."
"I thought I was your caddie."
"Take a Mulligan, try again, we'll call that a warm up shot."
"Ah, don't worry about it, champ. Just keep a cool head."
"My whole future is riding on this huge tournament tomorrow and my game is falling apart!"
"I can help! [...] I'm used to dealing with pressure in sports."
"Lincoln, you're shouting."
"See? I can't even hold the club. My hands are too sweaty!"
"It was a tie game with one second to go, and it was all up to me."
"Talcum powder. Keeps your palms cool and dry."
"Too bad it doesn't do anything for my shakes."
"There was a whole lot of shaking going on, but I got it under control with a mantra."
"Now I just need to stop my heart from beating like crazy."
"My heart was going a mile a minute. But I was able to calm myself down by using 4-7-8 breathing."