"Luna, should I wear the pink or blue dress to your surprise party?"
"I pink you just blue the surprise!"
"Okay, guys, let me break it down for you. I'll do the cleaning."
"Lola and Lynn are on food."
"Lana and Lucy are on decoration."
"Luan and Luna will handle entertainment. Lisa will be in charge of the guest list."
"And Dad will get Mom out of the house."
"You have the most important job of all."
"Uh, can it be something cooler? Like serpent or quasar or-"
"Let's just keep it low-key."
"Lincoln, all fashion questions are urgent."
"Is it ever okay to wear jorts?"
"The heck was that word?"
"Keep it down, guys. Leni will hear."
"But it's for Mom, and she's totes worth it. Bye!"
"Nice thinking, big brother!"
"Dang it. I'm out of balloons."
"Mm...still not sweet enough."
"Eh, someone turn on the boob tube."
"Dr. Feinstein! Greetings."
"Hey, guys, I got some great jokes for the party."
"This party literally stinks."
"It's Leni! She may spoil all the surprises, but she's the only one who knows how to throw a good party."
"We need to call her and get her back here right now."
"Sorry, gentlemen. The soiree has concluded."
They really do make cards for everything
"Thank you so much, kids. This is the perfect party."
"In fact, from now on, how would you like to be our official party planner?"
"You hear that, Dad? I'm planning your surprise party next!"
"But don't worry. I'll send you an invitation."