Lincoln finds Ronnie Anne's note for him...
...along with the Sloppy Joe it was attached to.
"Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
"Guys, Ronnie Anne is not my girlfriend. She's rude and gross and totally annoying. I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo."
Lincoln realizes too late Ronnie Anne heard his insults...
...and she's not happy about it.
"C'mon, Clyde, Ronnie Anne is the toughest girl at school. She'll be fine."
"You...made Ronnie Anne CRY!"
"Bobby told me [about it]... RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!!"
"Because Bobby is literally Ronnie Anne's brother!"
"He said he could never date someone related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! Or something like that!"
"Ronnie Anne has a brother? I thought she was raised by trolls."
"You have to make things right with Ronnie Anne!"
"Okay! Okay! I'll call her right now and apologize!"
"Bobby has to see you being nice to her. That's the only way he'll get back together with me!"
"Clyde, I need your help."
"I have to go on a double date at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie Anne."
"Clyde and Lori sitting in a tree / Where there's no room for dumb Bobby!"
"Hi, babe. I mean, Lori."
"Hi, Ronnie Anne. You're looking lovely this evening."
"Yeah, we weirdos clean up nice. Let's just get this over with."
"Good evening, Monjour et Señoritas."
"Welcome to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet!"
Lori jumps into Bobby's arms when Clyde knocks over the counter.
Lincoln offers a seat to Ronnie.
"Wow, table blankets? Pretty romantic."
"I know. Isn't it?"
"Ooh, la la! Young amour! This calls for..."
"No, no! Please, no música."
"Uh, could I get a water? And maybe a chair?"
"So, how about that math test? I mean, 'show your work?' What is that?"
Clyde is dismayed when Lori and Bobby head off to the buffet.
"'It's like we're literally meant to be.'"
Lori and Bobby about to kiss.
"Hot raw tamales, comin' through!"
"'Don't get my bad side, Bobby!'"
"'You don't have a bad side, babe.'"
"Guess who's back together!"
"Babe and Bobby Boo-Boo Bear?"
Lori takes a reunion selfie.
Lincoln's classmates arrive at the restaurant.
"Lincoln, where are you going?!"
"Hello, Dr. Lopez? I know I'm not supposed to call you at home, but it's a Lori emergency."
"Clyde! You gotta get me out of here! I can't let those guys see me on a 'date' with Ronnie Anne."
"¡Adios! Au revoir! ¡Gracias! Merci!"
Ronnie Anne is heartbroken when she hears Lincoln insulting her again.
"We're broken up again, babe. I mean, Lori."
"I've said some pretty horrible things about a girl who deserves a lot better."
Ronnie Anne doesn't quite look convinced.
Lori smiling about Lincoln taking her advice.
"So, instead of telling you how I great I think you are, well..."
Lincoln embraces Ronnie Anne...
The next day, Lincoln's classmates are still teasing him.
"Lincoln Loud, how DARE you kiss me at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet!"
"You are rude and gross and totally annoying! I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss you!"
Lincoln is saddened about Ronnie Anne seemingly dumping him...
...until he sees her next note for him saying that the break up was fake to get the classmates to stop teasing him.
"Sorry about Ronnie Anne. I know how you feel. A broken heart is a story as old as time. But I think I have something that'll cheer you up!"