The following is a collection of images from the episode "Butterfly Effect".
The Yo-Yo incident[]
"Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! I shall now 'walk the dog'!" "Not you, Charles. I meant the yo-yo." "I shall now go 'AROUND THE WORLD'! ...Sorry, still talking about the yo-yo." "Yikes. I better go tell Lisa." "You've completely destroyed my life's work!" "I DESPISE YOU, AND YOU NO LONGER EXIST TO ME!" "Yeah, I'm not telling Lisa." Charles does not approve. "I'll just remove the evidence, and they'll be none the wiser."
Leni Becomes Smart[]
"I don't understand what went wrong. Science is a fickle mistress." "Hi, Lori! Have we always had a window in our closet?" "Leni, why is this picture of Bobby hidden on your side of the closet?" "I can't believe this! You're literally seeing Bobby behind my back! You are no longer my sister!" "Of course! Everyone knows that an object falling at a velocity of 9.8 meters per second squared will result in a temporary loss of consciousness." "I don't get it." "See? Same old Leni. Can't even understand simple English." "No, I don't get why you multiplied your "Z" polynomials before solving your non-negative integer exponents." "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to disprove Newtonian physics. Buh-bye!" "My world no longer makes sense."
Lynn loses her sports; Lola's nose job[]
"I just got kicked off all my sports teams because I'm failing school!" "Lisa used to tutor me, until she dropped out and got a job as a gas station attendant at Flip's Food & Fuel!" "UGH, WITHOUT SPORTS, MY LIFE IS MEANINGLESS!" "I am a" "MY PAGEANT CAREER IS OVER!"
Lisa the Ex-Scientist[]
"Why don't you ask Miss Smarty Pants to help her?" "I just won the Nobel Prize for inventing a car that runs on apple juice."
Lana's Bubble; Luna's Tour[]
"My beautiful, beautiful self." "Careful, Lincoln. You can get seriously injured." "I saw what happened to Lola."
Lori Dates Clyde; Luan the Activist[]
"Take Mr. Coconuts. He just reminds me of all the trees is being cut in the rainforest."
News Flash![]
"And now, for tonight's top stories. Former rising star Luna Loud was kicked off the Mick Swagger tour for destroying a hotel room." "ALL I WANTED WAS A BLEEDING PILLOW MINT!" "Hey-Hey Ho-Ho! Keep your hand off, let it grow!" "Tucker, I'm here at Flip's Food & Fuel, where two unknown bandits have just made off with a carload of beef jerky and a cotton candy machine!" "They're not unknown, they're my sisters. Their betrayal hurts more than this brain freeze." "WHERE DID IT ALL GO WRONG?!" "One has to wonder, where did it all go wrong for these girls?"And why is a four-year-old working at a gas station?" Wait, don't forget to come down to Flip's Food & Fuel...
Lucy the Vampire and Lily the Giant[]
"I was bitten by Lana's liberated vampire bat! Greatest, Day, EVER!" "DON'T EAT ME, LILY! AAAAAHHH!"
The truth[]
"So THAT'S the worst thing that could happen." "I'm saying thank you for being a clumsy doofus. And thanks for admitting what you did."
Behind the Scenes[]
"Hi, Lori! Have we always had a window in our closet?"