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"Did anyone really doubt us?
Shut up, Gary. I didn't ask you."

Gary is a terrazine harvesting bot built by Egon Stetmann, and enhanced by advanced technology to fight in combat and interact with his Mecha Swarm and Stetellites. Gary has some limited ability to function independently, though his voice is taken from clips Stetmann recorded into him, and he and Egon consider one another to be their best friends.[2]


"Systems online! I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I have no mouth with which to chew."

- Gary upon activation(src)


"And the race is on! Which bot will make it back to me first? My money's on Gary. He always gets the best oil."

When Egon Stetmann was assigned to mine terrazine on Bel'Shir, he created a series of harvesting bots to aid him, supposedly from a box of scraps. Among them was Gary, who he considered favored bot, and he always gave him the best oil he had. However, with the death of Arcturus Mengsk, and the ignition of the End War, the Dominion was unable to extract Stetmann from Bel'Shir, and use of terrazine wore down on his sanity.[3] As there was nobody to talk to on Bel'Shir, Stetmann recorded his own voice in order to converse with Gary.[4]

The End War[]

AlliedCommanders SC2-LotV Art1
This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.
"Don't let up or I will feed you to Gary!"

- Egon Stetmann threatens his Mecha Swarm(src)

In the timeline of Co-op Missions, Stetmann found Bel'Shir under siege by Amon's Forces, and the armies of the fallen xel'naga began to destroy his harvesting bots. Gary was assigned to harvest terrazine while two allied commanders protected him and his fellow bots. The mining operation was successful, and Amon's Forces were repelled.[3]

After his successful operation on Bel'Shir, Stetmann remained, exposing himself to the planet and worshiping it as a god. He created the Mecha Swarm, and enhanced them with his own upgrades, including having them run off of egonergy radiated from stetellites Gary himself was upgraded to have new abilities unbeknownst to Stetmann, including the ability to shoot e-gorbs, activate a semi-stable teleporter, and overcharge the stetellites to enhance their capabilities. He also gained the ability to become Super Gary, enhancing his combat capabilities and abilities.[5]

Gary led Stetmann's Mecha Swarm as he battled Amon's Forces and all enemies of Bel'Shir. Stetmann had at least ten iterations of Gary prepared in the case of his eventual destruction, and would revive him in Gary's Room.[2]

Some years later[4] for Gary's "birthday," Stetmann could occasionally return to Bel'Shir to harvest more terrazine, where Gary would command the operation. This partially served as a test of empathy for Gary, seeing if he would help his fellow harvesting bots and Bel'Shir gliders, and a means to show whether or not Stetmann would have to continue restraining Gary when he goes to sleep.[3] According to Stetmann, he made a hybrid named Sherman, but Gary became jealous and ate him.[2]

The Rescue[]

StetmannMechaSwarm SacredLand Comic1

Egon Stetmann and Gary create the Mecha Swarm

Sometime between 2506 and 2508, Stetmann was forced to contend with the return of a Tal'darim force under Fourth Ascendant Malain, who brutally harvested the planet for terrazine. Stetmann, enraged at their trespass, used scraps from his base to turn Gary into a fully combat ready bot. With Gary's help, Stetmann created a fully functional mechanical zerg army, the Mecha Swarm, to prevent Bel'Shir's oncoming destruction.

Gary discovered a crashed Terran Dominion rescue team sent to rescue Stetmann, and guided them to his best friend for judgement. There, Stetmann asked them why he should not execute them trespassing on sacred ground.[6] The ghost of the group convinced Stetmann that they would serve him and help them drive the Tal'darim off Bel'Shir, but Stetmann stated to prove his worth he would have to take a dose of terrazine.[7]

As the ghost had proved his worth, and Gary was given improvements to become Super Gary. The newly upgraded Gary and the Mecha Swarm were unleashed upon the Tal'darim position. As the ghost killed Fourth Ascendant Malain, Gary smashed through the Tal'darim defenses with his E-gorbs. The Tal'darim were utterly devastated in the assault. In the aftermath however, the ghost had vanished, and Stetmann accused Gary of having crushed him. The ghost reappeared and tranquillized Stetmann, telling Gary they had to take Stetmann away, and asking him whether he wanted to stay or go.

GaryTaldarim SacredLand Comic1

Gary takes the fight to the Tal'darim

Gary departed the world with a tranquillized Stetmann. The ghost, under the influence of terrazine and "Bel'Shir," stated that it was her will to bring Stetmann to countless worlds to spread her congregation.[8]

Game Unit[]

Gary is the hero unit for Egon Stetmann, and leads his armies. He can attack while moving. He serves a support role rather than traditional hero commanders, though he can deal serious damage if used correctly. He can shoot an E-Gorb to deal major damage, teleport his army to a stetellite, and overcharge a stetellite to give a bonus based on its current egonergy configuration. When in an egonergy field, Gary's E-Gorb ability shoots three orbs. Gary also serves to collect remnants on destroyed Mecha Zerg units even when they are beyond the range of a stetellite.

Gary himself benefits from egonergy fields, and greatly enhances Stetmann's army when fighting near stetellites. His overcharge ability grants a shield to nearby allied units in the HUGS configuration, an attack and movement speed boost in the FAST configuration, and a burst of energy regeneration in the JUICE configuration. This can effect both Stetmann's forces and his allies, and use of these abilities are key to playing Gary effectively.

When Stetmann builds a mecha hive, he can upgrade Gary into Super Gary. Super Gary gains increased stats and damage, and can store two charges of his abilities, allowing him to become much more effective in tight situations. Super Gary also gains an attack speed boost for 30 seconds for every Mecha Zerg remnant he collects, making him devastatingly effective when paired with mass expendable units such as mecha zerglings and mecha banelings.

In addition, Super Gary can generate his own egonergy field for a short time, allowing nearby allies to benefit even far away from the current spread of egonergy. Stetellites can be placed in these fields to both give a permanent outpost of egonergy, and to overcharge Stetmann's forces.

Though powerful, both Gary and Super Gary can be fragile if misused, and take some micromanagement to use effectively, but if used effectively, Gary and Super Gary can single handily turn the tide of most battles. Units that Gary needs to particularly watch out for include vikings and scourges; the latter in particular can take him out very quickly.[2]



EGORB Coop Game1

Unleashes a traveling electrical orb that deals 50 damage per second to all enemies along its path. If Gary is in a Stetzone, he unleashes three orbs instead.

Best Buddy: Increases the E-Gorb damage from 50 per second to 100 per second.

Hotkey T
Cooldown 30 seconds
Mastery: -0.3 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 21 seconds
v • e
StetelliteOvercharge Coop Game1
Stetellite Overcharge

Overcharges a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds.

  • F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
  • H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
  • J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
Hotkey C
Duration 30 (Overcharge) seconds
45 (Overload) seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Mastery: -0.45 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 31.5 seconds
v • e
MassTransportation Coop Game1
Semi-Stable Mass Transportation

Teleports Gary and all nearby units you control to a target Stetellite's location.

Hotkey R
Cooldown 180 seconds
Mastery: -1.8 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 126 seconds
v • e
RenmantRecycler Coop Game1
Remnant Recycler

When one of Stetmann's Mecha Zerg is destroyed and drops its Mecha Remnants near this unit, they are collected to be reconstructed at the corresponding tech building.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.
v • e


SuperGaryTransformation Coop Game1
Super Gary Transformation Sequence

Morphs into Super Gary. Increases the maximum charges of E-Gorb, Stetellite Overcharge, and Semi-Stable Mass Transportation. Can also use Gary-zone.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 5.
Purchased from Gary
Hotkey U
Cost 450 Minerals 300 Vespene gas 15seconds
Required Mecha hive
v • e

Super Gary[]


EGORB Coop Game1

Unleashes a traveling electrical orb that deals 50 damage per second to all enemies along its path. If Super Gary is in a Stetzone, he unleashes three orbs instead. Can store up to 2 charges.

Best Buddy: Increases the E-Gorb damage from 50 per second to 100 per second.

Hotkey T
Cooldown 30 seconds
Mastery: -0.3 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 21 seconds
v • e
StetelliteOvercharge Coop Game1
Stetellite Overcharge

Overcharges a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds. Can store up to 2 charges.

  • F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
  • H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
  • J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
Hotkey C
Duration 30 (Overcharge) seconds
45 (Overload) seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Mastery: -0.45 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 31.5 seconds
v • e
MassTransportation Coop Game1
Semi-Stable Mass Transportation

Teleports Super Gary and all nearby units you control to a target Stetellite's location. Can store up to 2 charges.

Hotkey R
Cooldown 180 seconds
Mastery: -1.8 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 126 seconds
v • e
GaryZone Coop Game1

Generates a Stetzone around Super Gary (radius 12) for 30 seconds.

Hotkey E
Duration 30 seconds
Cooldown 120 seconds
Mastery: -1.2 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 84 seconds
v • e
RenmantRecycler Coop Game1
Remnant Recycler

When one of Stetmann's Mecha Zerg is destroyed and drops its Mecha Remnants near this unit, they are collected to be reconstructed at the corresponding tech building.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.
v • e
TheBestOil Coop Game1
The Best Oil

When Super Gary absorbs a Mecha Remnant, he gains 10% increased attack speed and regenerates an additional 1 life per second for 30 seconds. Can stack up to 20 times.

Range 15
Duration 30 seconds

Up to a maximum 26 HP regeneration and 0.33 attack speed.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.
v • e

This unit or structure can detect cloaked, burrowed, duplicated and hallucination enemies.

v • e


See StarCraft II Gary Quotations


Initially, Gary did not benefit from the bonuses of stetellites, and only had a passive health regeneration that was increased as Super Gary. This was changed with Patch 4.9.1, and Gary now benefits from the current stetellite configuration.

GaryPowerCells Coop Game1
Gary's Self-Power Cells

Gary generates his own power and is not affected by passive Stetzones bonuses. He regenerates 3 life per second (6 life per second as Super Gary).

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
v • e

Personality and Traits[]

AlliedCommanders SC2-LotV Art1
This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.
"Thank you for deploying me Master Egon. You are a wise and kind creator."

- Gary upon deployment(src)

StetmannGary SC2-LotV Cine1

Stetmann and Gary, BFFs

Gary has some limited ability to function independently, though his voice is taken from clips Stetmann recorded into him, and he and Egon consider one another to be their best friends.[2] Gary's AI is apparently sophisticated enough to possess emotions, such as fear,[2] skepticism, anger, sadness, and joy. Emoticons are displayed by his "Gary cam" to correspond with said emotion.[5]

While Gary himself is an advanced harvesting bot, Stetmann has attributed certain attributes to him in his psychosis. He sees Gary as someone who is constantly doubting him and his plans, and never supports Stetmann in his mad schemes.[2] He also worries about Gary actually being a psycopath who will turn on him, and devises tests for his empathy.[3] Gary is programmed with pain receptors and a self destruct sequence, and has been programmed to not harm other friends (though he can seriously injure them). He is not programmed to take prisoners.[2]


  • Gary is based off of the ball "Wilson" in the 2000 film Cast Away, which was a volleyball with a face painted on it that the stranded protagonist Chuck Noland would converse with.[4]


  1. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Credits. (in English). 2010.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Egon Stetmann (in English). 2019.
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mist Opportunities (in English). 2018.
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 2019-05-22. Twitch Rivals: StarCraft II. Accessed 2019-06-01.
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Commander: Stetmann Accessed 5-29-2019.
  6. ↑ Robert Brooks (w), Carlos Rodríguez (i) and Andrew Dalhouse (c). (August 15, 2019). StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 1 Accessed 2019-08-15.
  7. ↑ Robert Brooks (w), Carlos Rodríguez (i) and Andrew Dalhouse (c). (September 12, 2019). StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 2 Accessed 2019-09-12.
  8. ↑ Robert Brooks (w), Carlos Rodríguez (i) and Andrew Dalhouse (c). (October 10, 2019). StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 3 Accessed 2019-10-10.