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FleetBeacon SC2 Rend2

The fleet beacon

The fleet beacon is an advanced protoss building.


Easily recognizable, the fleet beacon is built around a huge sphere carved from the largest and purest of khaydarin crystals. The beacon focuses psi through this sphere to strengthen and magnify the warp rift created by the stargate, allowing it to teleport the largest of protoss warships.[1]

Tal'darim fleet beacons course an irresponsible amount of psionic energy through their central sphere, enabling the teleportation of armored warships.[2]

Game Unit[]


The fleet beacon provides upgrades to most protoss air units and gives access to the carrier.

Researched Abilities[]

DisruptWeb Icon SC1
Disruption Web

The Corsair pilot can focus their psychic energy through the vessel's Neutron Emitter, which creates psionic static which disrupts neural impulses and renders computer-directed attacks inaccurate. The web is drawn towards the magnetic resonance found in ores and minerals. This static prevents all ground units and buildings (including base defenses such as bunkers and missile turrets) from attacking while they remain under it, but does not prevent attacks from outside. Affected units may still be attacked and damaged by units outside the web.

Hotkey D
Cost 125 Energy
Range 9
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey D
Cost 80seconds

Researched Upgrades[]

  • Increases Scout sight range by 2 (to 10).
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey A
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 133seconds
  • Increases Scout movement speed.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey G
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 166seconds
CarrierCapacity SC1 Upgrd1
Carrier Capacity
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 100seconds
ArgusJewel SC1 Upgrd1
Argus Jewel
  • Increases the Corsair's maximum energy by 50.
  • Increases corsair starting energy from 50 to 62.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey J
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 166seconds

Building Upgrades[]

  • +1 armor bonus to shields per level for all units and structures.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey S
Level 1
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 300 Minerals 300 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Cybernetics core
Level 3
Cost 400 Minerals 400 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Cybernetics core
v • e


During the StarCraft alpha, the fleet beacon was known as the "warp accelerator."[3]

StarCraft II[]

The fleet beacon plays a similar role in StarCraft II. It is a requirement for production of carriers, tempests and motherships.


Researched Upgrades[]
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey R
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 64seconds
v • e
FluxVanes SC2 Game1
Flux Vanes

Increases the void ray's movement speed to 4.65 and acceleration to 3.76.

Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey F
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 57seconds
v • e
DisruptionBlast LotVGame 1
Tectonic Destabilizers

Improves the Tempest's Resonance Coil to deal +40 damage vs structures.


This upgrade changes the color of the attack to show that it was researched.

Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey T
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 100seconds
v • e
Building Upgrades[]
  • +1 armor to shields per level.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey S
Level 1
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 121.6seconds
Level 2
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 144.6seconds
Required Twilight council
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 167.9seconds
Required Twilight council
v • e

Co-op Missions[]

Artanis, Vorazun, Karax and Fenix have additional upgrades for their starships available at the fleet beacon.

Artanis Upgrades[]
Anion Pulse Crystals
Anion Pulse-Crystals

Increases phoenix's attack range by 2.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey R
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
v • e
DoubleGraviton SC2-LotV Icon
Double Graviton Beam

When the phoenix uses Graviton Beam on a target, another nearby enemy unit is also levitated.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Artanis Level 12.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey G
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
Distintegration SC2LotV Icon

Deals 500 damage over 20 seconds to target enemy unit or structure.

Valorous Inspirator: Increases the Disintegration damage from 500 to 1000.

Hotkey D
Range 15
Duration 20 seconds
Cooldown 90seconds
Mastery: -1.35seconds per Energy Regeneration and Ability Cooldown reduction mastery point. Down to a minimum 49.5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Artanis Level 12.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey D
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3
v • e
Vorazun Upgrades[]
DisruptionWeb SC2-LotV Icon
Disruption Web

Enemy ground units in the area of effect cannot attack. Can be set to autocast.

Withering Siphon: Disruption Web affects Heroic units and causes enemy units to lose 20 hit points per second, up to a maximum of 200. This effect cannot kill.

Hotkey D
Duration 10 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey D
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
v • e
PrismaticRange SC2-LotV Icon
Prismatic Range

Void rays gain +1.5 increased attack range as their beams increase in strength, up to +3 range at max charge.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 12.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey R
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
StasisCalibration SC2-LotV Icon
Stasis Calibration

Enemies trapped in the oracle's Stasis Ward can now be attacked.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 12.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey A
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
StealthDrive SC2-LotV Icon
Stealth Drive

Corsairs and Oracles are now permanently cloaked.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 12.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey C
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3
v • e
Karax Upgrades[]
Anion Pulse Crystals
Anion Pulse-Crystals

Increases mirage's attack range by 2.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey R
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
v • e
PhasingArmor SC2-LotV Icon1
Phasing Armor

The mirage becomes temporarily immune to damage when attacked.

Cooldown 5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Karax Level 14
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey G
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
RepairDrones SC2-LotV Icon1
Repair Drones

Carriers are accompanied by two robotic drones that automatically repair nearby mechanical allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Karax Level 14
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey D
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e

Carriers can launch interceptors faster (launch one interceptor every 0.125 seconds). Increases the interceptors attack speed by 25%.

Purchased from Fleet beacon
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 80seconds
v • e
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3
v • e
Fenix Upgrades[]
CombatSensorArray SC2 Game1
Combat Sensor Array

Scouts and Mojo gain +3 range against air and +1 range against ground.

Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey R
Cost 50 Minerals 50 Vespene gas 60seconds
v • e

Carriers can launch interceptors faster (launch one interceptor every 0.125 seconds).

Purchased from Fleet beacon
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 80seconds
v • e
Interdictors SC2 Game1

In addition to his Interceptors, Clolarion deploys 2 Interdictors that automatically bomb enemy ground units for 12 area damage.

Hotkey B
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Fenix Level 14
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey A
Cost 75 Minerals 75 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required Download Clolarion A.I. Personality upgrade
v • e
SupressionProcedure SC2 Game1
Suppression Procedure

Fire six Anti-Matter Missiles on three targets, dealing 6 (12 vs Armored) area damage and stunning nearby enemy air units for 1 second (2 seconds, when all missiles launched on one target).

Tactical Data Web: Suppression Procedure does an additional 0.9 (1.8 vs Armored) damage for each networked Scout (up to 6 (12 vs Armored) damage, summary 12 (24 vs Armored)).

Network Administrator: Increases the Suppression Procedure damage per each networked Scout from 0.9 (1.8 vs Armored) to 2.7 (5.4 vs Armored) (up from 6 (12 vs Armored) damage to 18 (36 vs Armored) damage, summary from 12 (24 vs Armored) to 24 (48 vs Armored)).

Hotkey C
Range 5
Cooldown 5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Fenix Level 12
Purchased from Fleet beacon
Hotkey D
Cost 50 Minerals 50 Vespene gas 70seconds
Required Download Mojo A.I. Personality upgrade
v • e
OperationalEfficiency SC2 Button1
Operational Efficiency

Production and tech structures no longer have tech requirements, have their mineral costs reduced by 50%, and have their gas costs reduced by 100%.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Fenix Level 10
v • e
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3
v • e




  1. ↑ Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  2. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. Collections Tab: Skins. October 17, 2016
  3. ↑ Renders, accessed on 2011-07-20