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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

Hellbat/Hellion rangers are special forces employed by Nova in Co-op Missions. They replace the standard hellbat and hellion. They can transform into either hellions or hellbat rangers.

Game Unit[]

Hellbat rangers deploy in teams of two from Nova's factory for a cost of 500 minerals. Compared to normal hellbats they have increased HP and damage, and retain the ability to transform into hellions. Hellbat rangers are also the cheapest deployable unit after the Raven Type-II.


Hellbat Mode/Hellion Mode

Hellbat Mode: Transforms the Hellion Ranger into its hellbat form.

Hellion Mode: Transforms the Hellbat Ranger into its hellion form.

Hotkey Hellbat mode: D
Hellion mode: E
Cost 4 seconds
v • e
SC2 Nova AC - JumpJet
Jump Jet Assault

A Hellbat ranger leaps towards enemy ground units and stuns an enemy for 2 seconds. Grants the hellbat ranger +4 armor for 5 seconds. Can be set to autocast.

Hotkey J
Range 3
Cooldown 5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Nova Level 6
Purchased from Tech lab attached to factory
Hotkey H
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
With Research and Development
Cost 75 Minerals 75 Vespene gas 45seconds
v • e


InfernalPreigniter SC2 Game1
Infernal Pre-igniter

Hellbat rangers deal +15 damage in both modes.

Hotkey T
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
Purchased from Tech lab attached to factory
Hotkey I
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
With Research and Development
Cost 50 Minerals 50 Vespene gas 30seconds
v • e
SC2 TerrVehWeap
Terran Vehicle and Ship Weapons

Increases the attack damage of terran vehicles and spacecraft.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey E
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Damage in Hellion mode: 14 (+9 vs Light) (Basic)
14 (+24 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
Damage in Hellbat mode: 30 (+18 vs Light) (Basic)
30 (+33 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Effect Damage in Hellion mode: 16 (+9 vs Light) (Basic)
16 (+24 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
Damage in Hellbat mode: 33 (+18 vs Light) (Basic)
33 (+33 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Effect Damage in Hellion mode: 18 (+9 vs Light) (Basic)
15 (+24 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
Damage in Hellbat mode: 36 (+18 vs Light) (Basic)
36 (+33 vs Light) (With Infernal Pre-Igniter)
v • e
SC2 TerrVehArm
Terran Vehicle and Ship Plating

Increases the armor of terran vehicles and spacecraft.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey V
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Effect Armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Effect Armor: 3
v • e


In hellion mode, hellbat rangers have three wheels, while standard hellions have four.
