The tech lab is a terranadd-on in StarCraft II. It allows attached production structures to build advanced units, and provides some upgrades for those units.
A structure may not be attached to both a reactor and tech lab simultaneously.
Once combat buildings are established, small tech labs are built alongside them to undertake research and development work. Some of this work can be dangerous, but it is seen essential to the war effort.[1]
When medics are available, the tech lab provides the advanced facilities needed to store their medpacks. During the Second Great War, Remedius Medical Systems developed a medpack storage facility that could be placed within a barracks without the need for a tech lab. (With the use of a reactor, this enables medics to emerge twice as quickly from the barracks)[2]
At the midpoint of the Second Great War, the research of Redell Quinton at Project Blackstone did away with the latrine inside factories, allowing technology from the tech lab to be stored in the core factory structure, which gave siege tanks the ability to be manufactured with the ability to go into siege mode without further battlefield research.[3]
Increases the hit points of marines by 10. The marine model changes to have a shield attached to the left shoulderguard. The M98 combat shield is composed of 30 mm of bonded carbide.
Increases the hellion's attack damage by +5 (to +11) vs light units and the hellbat's attack damage by +12 vs light units. The flame changes to a blue color.
The flame color on the icon was changed to blue in patch 1.3.5.
Tech labs only serve to allow the player to build the more advanced units. Upgrades that are normally researched through the tech lab in melee games are instead researched in the armory on the Hyperion and some are already pre-researched (such as the banshee's cloak and the siege tank's siege mode).[2]
Protoss plasma shields have finally given us the ability to fit the tech lab and the reactor into a single structure add-on. This new add-on, known as the tech reactor, replaces the old tech lab and reactor add-ons, and allows us to train two of any unit type simultaneously.
All structures repair themselves to 50% life. All structure fires are automatically put out.
This all-in-one safety system automatically dispatches robotic drones to put out any fires and perform basic repairs on damaged structures. Although these drones are effective at doing basic repairs, they do not have a strong enough AI to perform the more delicate repairs needed to restore a structure past half life.[2]
The various Terran commanders have a number of unique upgrades available to them at the tech lab. Swann get tech labs upgraded to tech reactors after reaching level 10. Stukov is able to build infested tech labs for his production structures. Han and Horner have access to a special tech lab that is constructed at the start of the match, attached to the Dominion starport and giving upgrades to Horner's units. It will rebuild upon being destroyed.
While Raynor cannot build tech reactors, his production buildings can still benefit from tech reactirs if they are built by an allied Swann.
100 100 Mastery: -2 -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 40 40 60
Heal Effect: Restore 4 hit points per 0.83 Heal Cost: 2.5 per second Mastery: +0.04 hit points per Medics Heal Additional Target mastery point. Up to a maximum 3.6 hit points.
50 Mastery: -1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 20 50 Mastery: -1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 20 60
100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost: mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 60
150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 90
150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 90
100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 60
100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 60
150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 150 Mastery: -3 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 90
100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 100 Mastery: -2 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 60
A Hellbat ranger leaps towards enemy ground units and stuns an enemy for 2 seconds. Grants the hellbat ranger +4 armor for 5 seconds. Can be set to autocast.
Deimos Vikings in Fighter Mode can launch 5 rockets at an enemy. Each rocket deals 25 (+15 vs armored) damage to the target unit. Can be set to autocast.
Attacks from Deimos Vikings in Assault Mode pierce, dealing damage to enemy units behind the target (deals area damage within a length of 7 and a width of 3). Deimos Vikings transform time is reduced by 75%.
Replace default skin to Mira's Marauders variant Shredder Rounds deals 100% of weapon damage to additional targets and doubles weapon damage to primary target.
Asteria Wraiths, Deimos Vikings, and Theia Ravens can use Tactical Jump, warping them to any location, even if not visible. The aircraft is invulnerable while warping.
Theia Ravens Silent Mode don't prevent the use of this ability.