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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.
"I call them stetellites! Think of them as a cross between zerg creep tumors and protoss pylons. Except not as slimy. Or shiny."

Stetellites are a terran satellite created by Egon Stetmann during the End War. They produce a field of egonergy that powers Stetmann's Mecha Swarm and aids allies.

Stetmann created the stetellites after his successful terrazine harvesting operation on Bel'Shir. He created them as a cross between zerg creep tumors and protoss pylons. Gary could overcharge the stetellites in order to give greater buffs to his allied mecha zerg. Their fields could be modulated between three different modes: Fun Accelerator for Speedy Transportation Configuration, Health Uptick Generating System Configuration, and Just-in-time Uninterruptable Input for Charging Egonergy Configuration.[1]

Game Structure[]

Stetellites are the central mechanic for Egon Stetmann in Co-op Missions. They spread an area of egonergy which gives various buffs to Stetmann and his ally's armies. The spread of stetellites gives Stetmann's army an edge, and Gary's abilities interact with the stetellites. Stetellites are not destroyed when attacked, but instead go into a "deactivated" state for 30 seconds. Stetmann can only place stetellites in the power field of another stetellite or larva-producing structure. Stetmann's units that die in near stetellites are "recycled," and count toward respawning a free unit of that type.

Stetellites can be set on three configurations. FAST increases movement speed of units under it, HUGS provides massive healing to nearby units, and JUICE provides energy regeneration, and is the only way Stetmann's units can recharge energy. Gary can overcharge the stetellites, giving an attack and movement speed bonus in FAST, a shield to nearby units in HUGS, and a burst of energy regeneration in JUICE.

The rate of which Stetmann can spawn and store charges of stetellites depends on his highest tier hatchery structure. Mecha hatcheries allows Stetmann a total of 3 stetellite charges and a 25 second cooldown, mecha lairs allows a total of 5 stetellite charges and a 20 second cooldown, and a mecha hive allows a total of 7 stetellite charges and a 15 second cooldown. When the lair and hive are first spawned Stetmann will instantly be given two stetellite charges.

On top of overcharging, Gary's abilities interact with the stetellites. He can teleport himself and any surrounding allies to any active stetellite on the map. When in a stetellite field, his E-Gorb ability spawns three orbs instead of one. When in Super Gary form, Gary can generate his own egonergy field, allowing Stetmann to spawn stetellites within it far beyond the initial cluster of stetellites if needed.[1]


RenmantRecycler Coop Game1
Remnant Recycler

When one of Stetmann's Mecha Zerg is destroyed and drops its Mecha Remnants near this unit, they are collected to be reconstructed at the corresponding tech building.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.
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Stetellite Coop Game1
Deploy Stetellite

Deploys a Stetellite at the target location. Stetellites must be placed within a Stetzone.

Signal Savant: Once Stetellites are placed, they cannot be destroyed. Increases the Stetellites' Stetzone radius by 50%.

Hotkey CTRL+X
Cooldown Basic:

Level 1: 25 per charge seconds
Level 2: 20 per charge seconds
Level 3: 15 per charge seconds
Mastery: -0.16 seconds per Deploy Stetellite Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum:
Level 1: 20 per charge seconds
Level 2: 15 per charge seconds

Level 3: 10 per charge seconds

Level 1: 3 charges
Level 2: 5 charges
Level 3: 7 charges

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Level 1 – Initially available.
Level 2 and 3 – Reach Stetmann Level 7.
Level 1
Required Mecha hatchery
Level 2
Required Mecha lair
Level 3
Required Mecha hive
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FAST Config Icon
Fun Accelerator for Speedy Transportation (F.A.S.T.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 100% increased movement speed. Allied units gain 50% increased movement speed.

Hotkey CTRL + X
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +2% movement speed on Stetmann units and +1% movement speed on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 160% movement speed on Stetmann units and 80% movement speed on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
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HUGS Config Icon
Health Uptick Generating System (H.U.G.S.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 10 life regeneration per second. Allied units gain 5 life regeneration per second.

Hotkey CTRL + C
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +0.2 hp per second on Stetmann units and +0.1 hp per second on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 16 hp per second on Stetmann units and 8 hp per second on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
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JUICE Config Icon
Just-in-time Uninterruptable Input for Charging Egonergy (J.U.I.C.E.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 5 Egonergy regeneration per second. Allied units gain 2.5 energy regeneration per second.

Hotkey CTRL + V
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +0.1 Egonergy per second on Stetmann units and +0.05 energy per second on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 8 Egonergy per second on Stetmann units and 4 energy per second on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 2
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StetelliteOvercharge Coop Game1
Stetellite Overcharge

Overcharges a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds.

  • F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
  • H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
  • J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
Hotkey C
Duration 30 (Overcharge) seconds
45 (Overload) seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Mastery: -0.45 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 31.5 seconds
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The concept of how Stetmann would utilize energy fields was something established very early on in his development, and remained unchanged through his development. The Co-op Missions team experimented on whether stetellites would be invincible, cloaked, or destroyed when targeted by enemies, finally settling on having them be permanent but temporarily deactivated when attacked. Other proposed ideas were stetellites with more hitpoints, as ground units, or that functioned similar to sensor towers.[2]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Egon Stetmann (in English). 2019.
  2. ↑ 2019-05-22. Twitch Rivals: StarCraft II. Accessed 2019-06-01.