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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

The Gunslinger's hideout is a structure used by Heaven's Devils, allowing them to deploy and provide gear for their "Gun" outlaws.[1]

Game Structure[]

The Gunslinger's Hideout is a structure available to Tychus Findlay in Co-op Missions. It allows him the option to recruit Crooked Sam, and Sirius, his high damage "Gun" options, as well as upgrade them with gear. It also holds the upgrades for Tychus himself. It is likely based on the merc compound.


Tychus Upgrades[]

KD9aCharge Coop Game1
KD9a Implosion Core

Allows Shredder Grenade to pull affected units to the center of its area of effect, stunning them for 2 seconds.

Lone Wolf: Increases the KD9a Implosion Core cost by 25%.

Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey Q
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
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Tychus Vanadium Shell Upgrade
Vanadium Shell

Increases the damage of Tychus Shredder Grenade by 50 (summary 125).

Lone Wolf: Increases the Vanadium Shell cost by 25%.

Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey W
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
v • e
RipperRounds Coop Game1
Kel-Morian Ripper Rounds

Tychus attacks decrease the armor of their targets by 5 for 2 seconds.

Lone Wolf: Increases the Kel-Morian Ripper Rounds cost by 25%.

Duration 2 seconds
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey E
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
v • e
SureShotHelmet Coop Game1
SureShot Networked Helmet

Increases Tychus weapon damage by 20% for each Outlaw in a range of 15 of Tychus.

Lone Wolf: SureShot Networked Helmet is unavailable.

Range 15

Damage with 1 Outlaw
Basic: 21.6
Level 1: 24
Level 2: 26.4
Level 3: 28.8
Level 4: 31.2
Level 5: 33.6
Damage with 2 Outlaws
Basic: 25.2
Level 1: 28
Level 2: 30.8
Level 3: 33.6
Level 4: 36.4
Level 5: 39.2
Damage with 3 Outlaws
Basic: 28.8
Level 1: 32
Level 2: 35.2
Level 3: 38.4
Level 4: 41.6
Level 5: 44.8
Damage with 4 Outlaws
Basic: 32.4
Level 1: 36
Level 2: 39.6
Level 3: 43.2
Level 4: 46.8
Level 5: 50.4

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 12.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey R
Cost 1200 Minerals 400 Vespene gas
Required Buy all previous Gears for Tychus.
v • e

Crooked Sam Upgrades[]

G7Charges Coop Game1
LarsCorp G7 Charges

Increases the damage of Demolition Charge by 100% (for a total of 1000).

Lone Wolf: Increases the LarsCorp G7 Charges cost by 25%.

Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey A
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
v • e
RestraintMatrix Coop Game1
Moebius Restraint Matrix

Stuns and disables the detection of units hit by Demolition Charge.

Lone Wolf: Increases the Moebius Restraint Matrix cost by 25%.

Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey S
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
v • e
ProcyonShadeSuit Coop Game1
Procyon Shade Suit

Prevents Crooked Sam from taking any damage and increases his movement speed by 80% for 5 seconds after being attacked. Cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.

Technical Recruiter: Reduces the Procyon Shade Suit cooldown by 35%.

Lone Wolf: Increases the Procyon Shade Suit cost by 25%.

Hotkey z
Duration 5 seconds
Cooldown 15 seconds
10 (with Technical Recruiter) seconds
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey D
Cost 700 Minerals

875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1

312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
Cost 600 Minerals

750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1

187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Crooked Sam.
v • e
Reaper Enhanced Hostilities Kit Upgrade
Enhanced Hostilities Kit

Reduces the charge-up time of Demolition Charge by 3 seconds each time Crooked Sam attacks.

Lone Wolf: Enhanced Hostilities Kit is unavailable.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 12.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey F
Cost 1200 Minerals 400 Vespene gas
Required Buy all previous Gear for Crooked Sam.
v • e

Sirius Upgrades[]

SA-55ThunderboltMissiles Coop Game1
SA-55 Thunderbolt Missiles

Equips Sirius with missiles that deal 100 damage to 8 air targets (or 800 damage to 1 air target). Warhound turrets deal 100 damage to 2 air targets (or 200 damage to 1 air target). Can be set to autocast.

Technical Recruiter: Reduces the SA-55 Thunderbolt Missiles cooldown by 35%.

Lone Wolf: Increases the SA-55 Thunderbolt Missiles cost by 25%.

Hotkey Z
Cooldown Sirius: 15 seconds

10 (with Technical Recruiter) seconds
Warhound Turret: 30 seconds

20 (with Technical Recruiter) seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 6.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey Z
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
v • e
Warhound Moebius M34 Terror Rounds Upgrade
Moebius M34 Terror Rounds

Provides a 30% chance for Sirius to cast Fear in a small area with each attack. Enemy units in the area will run around in fear for 3 seconds. Warhound Turrets have a 3% chance to cast Fear with each attack.

Lone Wolf: Increases the Moebius M34 Terror Rounds cost by 25%.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 6.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey X
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
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D99Detonator Coop Game1
D99 Detonator

When Sirius is defeated, he triggers an explosion, dealing 300 damage to enemy units in an area around him. Warhound Turrets deal 50 damage on death.

Lone Wolf: Increases the D99 Detonator cost by 25%.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 6.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey C
Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Sirius.
v • e
UmojanFrame Coop Game1
Umojan Turret Frame

Increases the life and weapon damage of Sirius Warhound Turrets by 75%.

Lone Wolf: Umojan Turret Frame is unavailable.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 14.
Purchased from Gunslinger's hideout
Hotkey V
Cost 1200 Minerals 400 Vespene gas
Required Buy all previous Gear for Sirius.
v • e


  1. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Tychus Findlay (in English). 2018.