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Sonic Wiki Zone
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Sonic Wiki Zone

Allows you to use the "Gun Drive" custom action. Enables you to throw a Gem and teleport to that location.

— Description, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)[1]

The Sky Gem (スカイジェム Sukai Jemu?) is an optional Level Up Item for Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and is one of the seven customized Gems that can be obtained in the game.


Sonic 03 flv

The Sky Gem in action.

The Sky Gem is a cyan emerald cut gem, similar in appearance to a Sol Emerald, that can be equipped on Sonic's Custom Shoes. When used, it allows Sonic to perform the Gun Drive to fly across long distances.

While having set Sonic's Custom Shoes to utilize the Sky Gem's ability, the Sky Gem changes their appearance into a cyan pair of shoes resembling the Grind Shoes.


The Sky Gem becomes available at the local Shop, once the player clears Sonic's version of Kingdom Valley in the main story. It can then be bought for 10,000 Rings.


  • Interestingly, it is possible to use a Homing Attack on the Sky Gem after the player throws it.




  1. Official in-Game description.
