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Lord Regis is a resident of Soleanna in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). He is an elderly man who is in a position of power, above that of the Soleanna Royal Guards, as he is seen running the kingdom while Princess Elise is kidnapped by Dr. Eggman. Apparently, he was a scientist who worked on the Solaris Project, and was also a good friend of the Duke of Soleanna. At one point in the game, Regis stands up to Eggman and gets himself locked up, although he is later rescued. He has an arrogant daughter named Sabrina, who comprises his only known family.
Additionally, Lord Regis is involved in Shadow's fifteenth Town Mission. A large amount of Iblis and Mephiles creatures from Dusty Desert are terrorizing the civilians of Soleanna Castle Town, including Regis himself, and Shadow has to destroy them all before they kill anyone. As a reward for completing this mission, Regis tells the Dusty Desert gatekeeper to allow Shadow to visit the level at any time.
In Silver's story, Lord Regis gives Silver his eighth Town Mission. The hedgehog is after an entry pass to Dusty Desert, but Regis is occupied with a more serious issue: an inordinate amount of Badniks are trying to smash the Soleanna Castle Town gate, once again intending to wreck the town. In return for the desert pass, Silver must destroy all of the robots before they break down the gate.
Lord Regis thanking Shadow for saving the town.
Regis panicking about the robot incident.
Regis granting Silver the pass to Dusty Desert for his efforts.
In the game files for Silver's story, there is the suggestion that Lord Regis would have been kidnapped and Silver would need to rescue him. In the final game's town mission, he instead asks Silver to protect the gate to Soleanna Castle Town which is under attack from Badniks. Despite this, after completing this mission, some NPC's will thank Silver for saving the Mayor despite the fact he doesn't actually get kidnapped - a possible remnant of the old town mission.