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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Chill opponents' hearts by freezing up their controls.

— Description, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

The Ice Wave is an Item Box power-up that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a Projectile Item used primarily to attack rivals.


The Ice Wave takes the form of a wall of ice that moves forward, both as an icon and on the tracks.


Ice Wave SFSB Profile

Chaos launching an Ice Wave, from Sonic Forces: Speed Battle.

In gameplay, the Ice Wave can only be obtained at random from Item Boxes by Chaos and Jingle Belle Amy. As with most other Items, Metal Sonic can also use the Ice Wave if he uses the Steal Item, or Fortune Teller Amy if she uses Lucky Draw or Wall of Cards to steal it from the aforementioned users.

Once obtained, the player can utilize the Ice Wave by pressing its icon on the bottom of the HUD. When used, the user sets loose the Ice Wave which will travel down the lane it was deployed on in front of the user until it hits either a rival character, Badnik or obstacle, or it wears off. Rival characters that make contact with the Ice Wave will lose Rings and be frozen. To avoid the Ice Wave, the playable character has to step out of its lane.

The Ice Wave can also be upgraded by leveling the user up to level 6 and 12 respectively. When the user is upgraded to level 6, the Ice Wave's width is increased to three lanes, and when the user is upgraded to level 12, the Ice Wave will deal more damage.

Notably, Chaos can already deploy the first upgrade (also known as regular user's upgrade to level 6) when first unlocked. Furthermore, width-expanded Ice Waves are treated separately, so if an Ice Wave on one lane disappears, the others will continue their trajectory. Therefore, if Chaos upgraded to level 12 (third upgrade of the Ice Wave), the Ice Wave will deal more damage.

See also[]
