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â—„ Pygmoelian
Bart to the Future
Days of Wine and D'oh'ses â–º
Donut Homer This episode is considered non-canon, and the events featured are not part of the timeline of the series' continuity.

"As you know, we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump."
―President Lisa Simpson
"I am so sick of hearing about Lisa! Just because she's doing a little bit better than me-"
―Bart ranting about Lisa
"She's president of the United States!"
―Marge cutting off Bart

"Bart to the Future" is the seventeenth episode of Season 11.


The Simpsons visit an Indian casino after their camping trip to Larval Lake gets canceled due to an insect infestation (that has eaten the comment book and stolen the park ranger's class ring — followed by the skin, fat, and muscle off his hand), where Bart gets a vision of his future as a DeVry Institute dropout looking to hit the big time as a musician, while Lisa is the first female President of the United States, trying to get the country back on track after Donald Trump's disastrous stint as President**.

**Please note that the episode premiered in 2000, 16 years before Trump was actually elected U.S. President, was partially inspired by Trump's tentative third-party run in the 2000 election, and, that back when this episode premiered, the idea of Donald Trump as U.S. President was still considered a joke.

Full Story[]

The Simpsons are going to a park, but when they arrive, they find that mosquitoes have gone crazy and have taken over. While driving back, they find an Indian casino and stop by. Bart tries to sneak in, but is caught by the casino's manager. To teach Bart a lesson, he gives Bart a glimpse of himself thirty years in the future.


Ralph and Bart struggle to pay rent

In the year 2030, Bart (now at 40) is apparently going through an awkward period of his life. Having dropped out of DeVry University and with no stable job he is very much adrift. He lives with Ralph Wiggum, and they have an unsuccessful band, the Tequila Mockingbirds, although Ralph is less adrift, as he has sufficient money to pay the rent and bills, but grouses that he is getting sick of Bart's laziness. The two stick together through much tension, pondering the success of Nelson Muntz, who now owns a nightclub, as well as having his term "smell 'ya later" replace the word good-bye. When a band gig flops when Bart shamelessly plagiarizes a Jimmy Buffett song, Ralph has had enough of Bart's freeloading, telling Bart it is high time for him to start pulling his own weight. However, rather than taking the scolding as motivation to find his own source of income, namely a job, Bart sees Lisa's move to the White House as a chance to freeload off of Lisa (and by extension, the American taxpayers), instead of Ralph.


Milhouse reveals the consequences of Trump's presidency

Meanwhile, Lisa Simpson (Now at 38) has the honor of being the first straight female president of the United States, although it is presumed she is not married, as there is no mention of a First Gentleman. Milhouse is a Cabinet member and still in love with Lisa. Kearney works for the Secret Service, and is Lisa's bodyguard. Alan Greenspan is in Lisa's cabinet and Helen Thomas is still in the presidential press corps.

A previous administration made the catastrophic choice to invest in the nation's children. Thanks to them, America is in the midst of a massive crime wave. Well-balanced taxpayer-subsidized breakfast programs for children has created a generation of ultra-strong super-criminals; midnight basketball taught them how to function without sleep. The U.S. is also completely bankrupt - They have sold the "purple mountain majesties and amber waves of grain", among other properties that they do not even own, but still rely on foreign aid from Europe and China. Lisa and her advisers agree to impose a massive tax hike, agreeing to call it a "temporary refund adjustment" so the public doesn't catch on.


Bart invades a presidential meeting

After getting evicted from his home, Bart plans to go visit Lisa, intending to stay in the private quarters of the White House and mooch off the taxpayers. Bart makes a nuisance of himself by having Marine One fly in Ralph, and hitting Lisa with his Frisbee during a speech. When Lisa makes her presidential address introducing the "temporary refund adjustment", Bart crashes in, promoting his band. Bart inadvertently gets Lisa to admit the truth about the tax hike live to the nation, which causes her approval rating to plummet.

Lisa then tells Bart she has an important mission for him, asking him to spend some time at Camp David with his friends so they can work on a "coolness report". Bart takes this seriously until he is visited by the ghost of Billy Carter, who informs Bart that Lisa had sent him on a wild goose chase to be out of her hair. Bart finally realizes he has been nothing but an embarrassment to his family, and works to be a better man.


Homer looks for Lincoln's gold

Because of America's massive national debt, Lisa meets with the countries to whom money is owed. This does not go well, until Bart shows up and uses his skills at stalling debt collectors to save the day. In return, Lisa promises Bart she will "legalize it".

While all this was going on, Homer, with Marge in tow, has been searching for Lincoln's gold, tearing up the White House in doing so. He finally succeeds at finding a letter from Lincoln saying that his "gold" is the American people. While Marge finds it touching, Homer is enraged that it was not real gold.

The vision is over, and Bart apparently learned nothing from it. He is pleased by the fact that he has his own band and describes Lisa's position to her as "some government job". Bart is curious why it included Homer and Marge finding Lincoln's gold.

Behind the Laughter[]


Maggie (now 31) does not appear in this episode's future, although we see her baby daughter, named Maggie Junior. The DVD commentary mentions a deleted scene where we learn that she's an astronaut, which was shown on TV commercials advertising the episode, but not in the actual episode itself. It is included as an Easter egg.


This episode has decent reviews on IMDB, averaging a 7.1/10 (which is "above average to good") currently on IMDB. Entertainment Weekly, however, named it the worst Simpsons episode of all time, stating that, "...while Bart to the Future was likely better than anything else on TV the week it first aired, even Mojo the monkey could've banged out a more inventive script," and that, "We didn't know it was physically possible for something to both suck and blow."

Despite this, the episode has become notorious in the mid-2010s for allegedly predicting that real estate mogul, Donald Trump, would run for and be elected President of the United States (cf. Lisa's line about how her administration has inherited "...quite a budget crunch from President Trump" and Milhouse going over just how disastrous Trump's administration was). Dan Greaney told The Hollywood Reporter in a 2016 interview that the thought of a Trump presidency at the time "...just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom. It was pitched because it was consistent with the vision of America going insane." This episode aired shortly after the end of Trump's unsuccessful campaign for the Reform Party nomination in 2000. The chalkboard punishment phrase for the Season 28 episode "Havana Wild Weekend" ("Being right sucks!") is a reference to this.

While Donald Trump would eventually lose re-election to former Vice President Joe Biden in 2020, this episode still attracted further attention in 2021 after the inauguration of Joe Biden when the dress Vice President Kamala Harris wore for the event was compared to Lisa's outfit in the episode.


â—„ Season 10 Season 11 Episodes Season 12 â–º
Beyond Blunderdome • Brother's Little Helper • Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner? • Treehouse of Horror X • E-I-E-I-D'oh • Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder • Eight Misbehavin' • Take My Wife, Sleaze • Grift of the Magi • Little Big Mom • Faith Off • The Mansion Family • Saddlesore Galactica • Alone Again, Natura-Diddily • Missionary: Impossible • Pygmoelian • Bart to the Future • Days of Wine and D'oh'ses • Kill the Alligator and Run • Last Tap Dance in Springfield • It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge • Behind the Laughter